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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2022 in all areas

  1. Two stories! The first, I was not so brave, and in the second, I was more brave. First: I was at an unnamed national grocery chain, and had to pee. The toilets were way out of the way, and when I finally found them, quite gross. Let's just say that a little pee on the floor would not have been the worst thing in that bathroom. So I thought what the hell, and decided to try marking up the bathroom just a little. Well as soon as I got ready to go up against a wall in a stall, a person started trying to get into the main room, which required a key code. I could have just sprinkled a lit
    9 points
  2. The door seem to open in slow motion and yet faster than normal at the same time. I knew I had no time to put on my pajama bottoms to cover the throbbing erection I had just been eagerly stroking a few seconds before. I also didn’t have time to turn off the porn I was watching. So acting as fast as I could as the door opened, I pulled my blanket and sheets up while simultaneously hitting the power button on the monitor so the screen went dark on my desktop. I thanked the porn gods that I had put in my ear buds instead of listening through the mini speakers I had hooked up to the computer since
    7 points
  3. I have a frequent piss spot at the back of a small industrial estate on my way home. I’ve been using the spot for a while and only just noticed a camera above a gateway. So the most recent time I went there to piss I made a point of removing my thong and lifting my dress to squat and piss with my legs wide open, facing the camera. I was feeling really naughty. I would imagine the footage will only ever be watched if there was an incident but I felt so naughty and really enjoyed putting on a show deliberately.
    6 points
  4. Not a lady, but I do have labia, so I'll weigh in. My hypothesis is that it depends on your anatomy (size and position of labia, whether your pee stream tends to go forward or straight down) and how you pee (if you hover, or sit on the toilet, or if you are not using a toilet at all). For instance I have inner labia that are larger than the barely-there labia popular in porn. So they tend to get wet if I don't part them. It's usually not something I worry about unless I'm about to have sex, in which case I don't want my bits to have gotten soaked with pee (at least not yet anyway 😅)
    5 points
  5. I only told my current partner. And I didn't mean to tell it, but I accidentally blurted it out. We were in the sea, she was sitting in my lap (facing me) and we were cuddling. Suddenly I felt it getting very warm, obviously she was peeing. I blurted out "damn that was sexy" and my girlfriend replied "sorry, I suddenly had to pee badly, wait, WHAT?!?!". I explained that I get aroused by watching a girl pee, she asked if my kink went that far that I wanted to include pee in our sexlife. I replied that my link is quite mild and I just like to watch girls, but nothing more (which is the tru
    4 points
  6. I do part my labia, but I stand to pee so I have to. I'd just spray everywhere otherwise.
    4 points
  7. Congrats! I am quite shy myself and know the feeling. Every drop outside of the toilet is a victory in my eyes 😄 Keep up the good work!
    4 points
  8. As always, puddyls, thank you for sharing your most intimate moments with us. I'm not turned on by periods, I'm also not turned off by them, they're just there, and something we have to deal with occasionally. I have absolutely no issues with period sex, all you need is a towel. As for period oral sex, I just change my technique a little. I really don't know why some guys get so freaked out by periods.
    4 points
  9. Not so much me because I am rocking my mom bod 😎 but it's cool. That's why I have a team ready to come feel out my bladder for me!
    4 points
  10. My husband has several times. It's honestly easier to do it myself, though. Only I know the specific angle required.
    3 points
  11. I suspect you feel the same as me, that your other half wouldn't accept your kink. Although I have seen my wife pee outside when we were out walking and she really needed to go. I'm convinced she wouldn't be happy with my liking for naughty pissing.
    3 points
  12. Technology does make me think. Even if I think I am alone and unobserved I will still misdirect attention while I am peeing so that no one would suspect that it was me that did it if I happened to be seen on camera, either CCTV or covert observation. Clearly when I wet myself in the pub I am almost certainly doing it under the gaze of a CCTV camera, but there is nothing untoward that would grab anyone's attention, and even if the CCTV was watched back because a damp patch was found they would not suspect me of making it any more that the other people who were there. Apart from the od
    3 points
  13. Ah - so it's you !!! I'm kidding of course, I have no idea where your route takes you. I kind of hope your show didn't go too unappreciated though. Be a shame if there wasn't a CCTV operator getting as much of a kick out of it as you did. Awesome though, thanks for sharing.
    3 points
  14. Decided to pee in the shed tonight 😁 https://www.erome.com/a/ioDghL5d
    3 points
  15. Soaked the corner real good this time! https://imgur.com/a/mH5QcNx
    3 points
  16. Here's my slit 🤤🤤
    3 points
  17. For my first three years in Colorado, we lived in a small 2 bedroom condo. While it was small, we loved the amenities, especially the pool and hot tub! Now, our community consisted of a combination of retired, old folks who didn't want to deal with a big house and yard anymore AND young couples who just got out of college and couldn't afford a house yet. The pool area was directly in front of our building and every unit had a balcony, so the units facing the pool could pretty much see everything that happened down there. The pool technically closed at 10p, but with the number of younger cou
    2 points
  18. My first (and last, jeeezzzzzzz, that was a mistake) gf peed in front of me regularly for years, so I tried mentioning my attraction to such to her, yet she never responded positively to it. I tried both trying to convince her to pee in public places and trying to get her to show affection to my dick while peeing, but she always seemed weirded out. Eventually I stopped trying to make any advances in that regard and we broke up shortly after, because she had found a 'better guy'.... It didn't exactly deter me from cautiously mentioning it to my next two partners (both guys), but only the s
    2 points
  19. It's not something I could discuss with my partner, but occasionally when being given a hand job, a few times I have released a small amount of piss out to see if it's a problem. It just gets ignored while for me the sight is a turn on. Trying to break the ice. I do have a cycling buddy who has noticed I always piss in the same location followed by the comment of, "do you enjoy getting your cock out here or something", my simple answer is always, "just needed that".
    2 points
  20. The whole day my pussy has been throbbing, but i havent gotten the chance to satisfy myself until now. I decided to drink a few bottles of water to fill my bladdet and treat myself with a naughty pee somewhere in my room. I laid in my bed, pantiless, as a waited for my bladder to fill. 2 hours later and i needed to piss so badly, it was starting to drip out of my pussy and onto my bed. I looked around my room and decided the best place to pee right then was in the back of my closet. My closet is carpeted so i had hoped that my pee wouldnt be too yellow and leave a stain. I pushed my
    2 points
  21. I originally wrote this up for another forum, but thought y'all might enjoy it too! I finally got to try a long-time wetting fantasy of mine Saturday! And man, was it worth the wait. After a truly hellish Christmas with family, my husband (29, kinda looks like David Tennant) and I (27, blonde, slim, AFAB nonbinary) ended up returning to our home Friday instead of Sunday as originally planned. We decided to spend Saturday aggressively relaxing. To help achieve that goal, we each took a weed gummy. I'm very much a weed lightweight — didn't try it til last year, when we moved to
    2 points
  22. That was a long but lovely story
    2 points
  23. The only people who know are on here, don't have a partner and have never told anyone about my interest 😃
    2 points
  24. I don't think I've hit the seat much, like less than 5 times ever, and I've only had splashback when I've been pissing hard, forcing it out which is very deliberate and avoidable.
    2 points
  25. Another wetting! https://imgur.com/a/mCzVAPS
    2 points
  26. Having to watch security footage is usually boring, it's very kind of you to help make it more interesting. Even if the viewer isn't a pee fan, he/she will appreciate likely any surprises like this.
    2 points
  27. It's really obvious on me! My abdomen really bulges and then when i pee the bulge goes and you can see my stomach deflate! haha
    2 points
  28. @DoctorDoctor @gldenwetgoose Yes. That does sound awesome for me! I am not normally a touchy/feely kind of person because I am ticklish, but I dunno. The thought of someone running their hands over my full bladder gently at first and then pressing sort of....excites me 😛
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. Bailey is spending a weekend in Miami Florida with her friends. Bailey is a young adult from South Carolina. She has armpit length natural blonde curly hair, normal weight and medium height. Bailey went down to the hotel pool for a swim. While swimming, Bailey begins to feel a full bladder and exits the pool to the nearby bathrooms to urinate only to find out that they are out of order. Bailey heads up to the bathroom door "Fuck! I really need to pee! I can not make it all the way up to my hotel room." Bailey walks around the pool hoping to find a secret place where she can pop a squat but can
    2 points
  31. Wetting myself for the first time! https://imgur.com/a/1pcO6s5
    2 points
  32. I once witnessed something like this on an autobahn stop with a dutch female sports team. I had just finished going myself and was back in the car having some water, when a dutch buss parked in front of me. Then maybe 2 dozen girls in uniform get off the bus. They also seemed to be drinking. I assume celebrating post match. Paying little attention to me they squatted next to the bus on the sidewalk and grass. Some had their backs to the bus on the sidewalk, others were across from them on the grass. The continued talking and drinking the whole time. I got out of the car to get a closer look a
    2 points
  33. I don't, but I do like what I call 'The Pee V'... If I'm not using the toilet, I will place my hand around the pubic area, not on the vagina, and pull backwards. I often do this using an upside down V shape like the picture (which also shows the right place, but maybe a bit close). Combined with being a 'forward pee'er', it just means that the pee clears me and I rarely have splashback. Sometimes I just do it with my whole hand. On the toilet there's no reason to do any of this. At least for me as I don't have big lips.
    2 points
  34. My first piss of the weekend. Flooded the bathroom floor! https://imgur.com/a/0eJm2t4
    2 points
  35. This is part of two of the story. If you want to get to know the characters, read part one first. Contains females peeing in naughty places and Seinfeld references. My second day in college, the day after we had partied until way to late, I didn't do anything useful at all. When I woke up around noon I had missed the campus tour. But I lost little to no thought on college matters, my mind was occupied by the events of the past evening. More then once I recalled the image Aisha squatting in the alley, her gorgeous body illuminated by the gentle moonlight. In my head I could see her cr
    2 points
  36. Another sighting as I walked home from work today. I took a different bus home that took me through an area with more office buildings, which were all closed when I passed by around 9pm. On the same side of the street as me, in the well-lit entryway to a like bank or something, I saw a person unzip their pants, fish around, and pull something out. I did not have a clear view of what they were holding, but a second later I saw a stream hit the wall in front of them and heard a loud splashing sound, followed by a big sigh of relief. It was very loud! I could hear their piss splashing f
    2 points
  37. @Broccoli another great instalment. Love the way that you have developed it. I like the way that @Lutab is thinking for the next instalment, but I can see it developing slightly differently. First of all, if the bathroom really is closed off due to the storms, then there are going to be a lot of desperate people in the morning and they are surely going to be looking for options without soiling their rooms. I can imagine the three girls hearing a commotion in the morning and coming out of their room to be met with scenes of desperate girls at the dorm toilet door. One of those girls
    2 points
  38. I didn’t make this but I Stumbled upon this masterpiece hopefully it’s not breaking the rules 😂 https://manganato.com/manga-vu972529
    2 points
  39. Hi everyone! Im sorry that i havent been online in a month, just havent had the time. Im currently holding, and have been for over 2 hours now! I want to let my piss out somewhere in my bathroom, but dont know where yet. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great! After posting this, i will be offline for about an hour before returning to have my piss, which i will write about here. While we wait, here is an experience i had last week. My girlfriends and i all wanted to go to the movies, so we planned to go last friday. I wore a skirt and lacy panties, the kind th
    1 point
  40. Like the title says, when was your first time opening up to someone about your pee kink? I've only told one person who I don't see anymore nowadays. It really never occurred to me to tell it to my previous girlfriends as I always felt like that would be way weird for them. The girl I did open up to was a short time friend with benefits and we were both quite tipsy by the time I told her. If anything it did make it easier to say and she didn't really seem to be bothered by it like I thought she would. Do you tell your partners about your kink(s) or is it more of a secret for y
    1 point
  41. We have an open relationship and my wife is a hotwife. She occasionally dates with other men. She has one big fetish: pee. She loves being peed over her breasts, over or in her pussy, peeing over a hard cock and fucking with a way to full bladder. Being peed upon and fucked in the woods is one of her favorites.
    1 point
  42. In another topic, I mentioned having my best sighting ever in a big highway reststop. I didn't tell anything about it, as the topic was about something completely different but @The99Club asked for some details, so here goes! It happened a couple of years ago on a Thursday night. I was driving home from work late. I always pass a big reststop with a big petrol station, restaurant, Starbucks etc. As it was late, I decided to pull into the rest stop and get some food there as I didn't feel like cooking anymore. Ofcourse after such a long day at work I didn't think at all about pee sightin
    1 point
  43. Quick pee in the carpet before heading out. https://imgur.com/a/qdqgkEM
    1 point
  44. In a public park near my house
    1 point
  45. Decided to take some bedroom pics 😊 😘
    1 point
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