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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2022 in Posts

  1. K did something new for me yesterday. She ‘nonchalantly’ wet the kitchen floor while washing up. I should say that it was planned, but it was perfect 😊 It was my turn to decide what sexy fun and games we should have during the evening and since I was knackered having done a long run in the morning, I’d already told her that she was going to please me with a visual treat or two – things I could watch and enjoy without expending any energy. Today wasn’t the day for trying out those exotic and strenuous Kama Sutra poses we’re working our way through 😊 So the evening was divided into two
    7 points
  2. This is a true account of my ex girlfriend. At the time this happened we were living together and we had a birthday party to go to and it was about 40 minutes from our house. At the party we were drinking and having a good time. When the party was over we left to go home and after about 10 minutes into driving home my girlfriend said to me I should have gone pee before we left I really have to pee bad now. We were on the highway and I said we have another half hour until we get home and she said yeah that’s a problem she said can you hurry. Another 10 minutes went by and I could see her legs g
    4 points
  3. I i am staying at a Air BnB right now. I got a nice bed with amost unused matrace in my room. About two days ago the landlord told me he will be out of town for a week. So i will take the opurtunity to have some naughty peeing fun while he is away. I already peed the bed multiple times in one night and the morning after like u can see on the picture. Now i am washing the sheets. I am gonna have some more fun with that bed the next days i guess. If anybody wants to see more of it feel free to send me a message(girls mainly)😉😉
    3 points
  4. OK, so some updates: 1. We were getting ready for sex, and the wife was half-drunk and horny. We were making out in the bathroom when she stopped to go pee. While she was sitting on the toilet, I walked over to her and put my penis close to her. She had just started peeing, and she grinned and took my dick into her mouth. The feeling of her hot tongue on the tip of my penis while she urinated was so exciting. I almost even considered cumming but held off (I've never never ejaculated into my wife's mouth - as she has already made it clear it would gross her out and she's not intere
    3 points
  5. Last week on my secret visits to the bathroom i did my normal routine, got undressed, stepped into the bath but this time i left my panties on and peed, it felt wonderful. Anymore ideas you might have will be much appreciated Hornyred x
    2 points
  6. A bit of a confession here,, im very into water sports and pee play but my husband hates it and refuses to participate so i dont get much pee play. So what ive started to do in the evenings is when i need the toilet at home i go upstairs, close the bathroom door, take my robe off and stand in the bath and just let it flow, ive even started to leave my panties on recently, a quick wash down with the shower head and im back down stairs and hubby is none the wiser. O reckon its only a matter of time before im doing this in the bath😁
    1 point
  7. If married to a woman who flatly is not into pee fetish. I’m an expert at it, been married for 24 years. I’m lucky though, as she is a beautiful woman even at 50 years old. Not overweight but curvy. Here are ways I cope: 1. I always stop and intently listen when she goes to the toilet. She has a natural hiss that drives me wild. I try to act casual, and she regularly goes even if I’m also in the bathroom brushing my teeth or shaving or such. I see her casually sitting on the pot and peeing very often. But not up close, or showing her stream. 2. I’ve told her how much
    1 point
  8. This is part 4 of a series. You can find the other parts here: [1] [2] [3] Contains naughty female peeing. The main character is a boy called Jonathan who is in his last year in highschool. He is very fortunate and gets in arousing situations very often. About two weaks after the last occasion I wrote about, there was a fair in our neighboring town, and Anna had asked if I wanted to go. Her best friend, Cece, was also going. While Anna was a very attractive young woman, Cece was the hottest girl in class by far and so I had no problem with us going as a group of three.
    1 point
  9. You're a blessed couple indeed ❤️
    1 point
  10. I'd love to see more pictures from this
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  11. Not really! I get that feeling of desperation pretty quickly. Sometimes I can put it off a little bit but usually my bladder's like "no more" 😂
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  12. Just a pic of my stream earlier 💦
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  13. The full video it comes from https://gifsauce.com/EzdTQX
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  14. @Alfresco if you want/need a buddy for all of those ventures during said time freezes, I’m available! 😂
    1 point
  15. My very first experience with this was when I was about 6 and I used to play with the neighbor girl she was the same age. Often times we would be playing and she would never stop and take time to go to the bathroom and would pee in her pants. Her mother used to get so mad at her. There were a couple times I was at her house and we would be playing and all of a sudden she would start squirming and holding herself and a couple times her mom would yell Janie go potty. One time we were sitting in there living room and they were hardwood floors and all of a sudden there was a puddle and her mother
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  16. Seems to be the quieter regular members with birthdays today. They're just as appreciated: @carman336 @DEF @Adrianr
    1 point
  17. my siblings and i acctually did this there is 8 of us and we did it in the hot tub on vaycation we were there for 1 month and most times we needed to go if we were home we would go in the hot tub not joking it was us youngerones who started doing it cause the only bathroom was upsairs and my parents did not want the drama and it was deffinetly more full and yellow
    1 point
  18. I think I would probably freeze time and just go about my day in town, nonchalantly peeing and wetting wherever I was, safe in the knowledge that I would not be sanctioned in any way. I wouldn't pee on people or damage property but that still leaves many, many options for experiencing the freedom to just let it go. So I could walk around a busy (if not dynamic) place with obvious pee-darkened jeans, knowing I'd not get any disapproving looks, and could restart time again when I was somewhere safe.
    1 point
  19. In this bathroom, everyone can pee in the corner!
    1 point
  20. Perfect for re-cycling a pint or two. And remember: mirror - signal - manoeuvre. No pulling wee-lies.
    1 point
  21. Past the first of the month, past the 'alias' birthdays - which is fine, almost all of us have identity protection measures in place. And so back to normal levels of birthday-ness then, with all best wishes to @YoDiggity123
    1 point
  22. On days I’m doing laundry I will hold off on going until I’m ready to throw a load of wash into the machine and I’ll lay out a couple towels or a pile of clothes on the basement floor and have a good piss before tossing it all in the washer. Sometimes I’ll even change into a pair of dirty sweatpants and wet them standing over a towel before it all goes in the machine and then just put my clean pants back on before going back upstairs. A great way to have some fun when I am not home alone.
    1 point
  23. I would love the opportunity to pee openly with others, probably not my family but being able to pee wherever would be nice
    1 point
  24. That’s amazing - for such a ‘mainstream’ company. I wonder if anyone other than their web admin knows about that page lol. I’m pretty sure I’ve used them in the past when refitting our bathroom in the old house - I’ll definitely use them again now. Whatever the opposite of ‘boycotting’ is. They can have my trade anytime.
    1 point
  25. Aww I feel your pain! I am in the same situation with my husband. I hate waiting for him to be gone to play alone. Sometimes when I crave it so bad, I pee into my cupped hand on the toilet and then rub my pee on my pussy. I love the warmth of piss against my pussy, and the naughtiness of pulling my pants up to appear like nothing happened. I have wet my panties on occasion too, it is a short term relief.
    1 point
  26. Chapter 3: Duty Calls As the two watch the sun slowly crawl down the dimming sky Patty notices a distinctive carriage cross the cobblestone streets. “Ugh, aristocrats. Think they’re hot shit with the money they use to gussy themselves up instead of helping the needy.” Celeste hadn’t seen Patty filled with such principled disgust before. “They deny needs from others for their own gain?” Celeste asks, genuinely puzzled. “Pretty much, but their timing’s pretty good right now. Watch this!” Patty clamors onto the windowsill, this time adopting a squat facing towards the str
    1 point
  27. Ok so I’ll share some more stories of our pissing fun. So we get back home and we are hardly in the door a second and the passion was pumping through our bodies. As you came in the door our toilet was to the right, it was a big long bathroom with the usual toilet, sink, and bath, with shower above the bath. Anyway as we get through the door we were ripping our clothes off, my hand was down her undies and my fingers were playing with her clean shaved pussy, which was so fucking wet from an obvious mixture of piss and her natural juices. She’s always been a horny girl but this night sh
    1 point
  28. Thank you so much, Maggie. Mr E and I will be going back to the pool this week, so I will keep up the good work and report back.
    1 point
  29. i used to pee all over the pool area with my friend who i did swimming with, on our first ever swim meet we could not find the bathrooms and were to embarressed to ask then we both had an accident lucky we were both in our swimmers this stared a thing for us after our swim meets we would pee on the floor of the pool and tell each other we would do it together we also peed in the hot tub and steam room
    1 point
  30. Yes. I just stood over the drain in the floor and let go.
    1 point
  31. While I wouldn’t go out of my way to revenge piss or anything like that I have been known (semi-regularly) to use the doormat of a former boss who I hated with a passion as a toilet in the dead of night coming back from a night out. It’s a recessed doorway on a corner which isn’t overlooked directly by another house or cameras. The doormat silences any splashing and while it’s undoubtedly a convenient spot for a wee (and I know I’m not the only person as I’ve witnessed a random guy actually weeing up the front door) I do get satisfaction over the fact I’m using a really vile person’s doormat t
    1 point
  32. There was a time with my ex-wife, we were camping by a beach with another couple, and after dinner we went to the beach and took a few bottles of wine. Al four of us were fooling around (but that's another story), eventually my wife and I decided we should go back to our tent. We were walking back, and she was so horny, she pulled me to one side, and leant back against a tree, and said "fuck me right here", and pulled her bikini bottoms to one side. I didn't need a second invitation, also being incredibly horny. We had been fucking for a minute or two, and she said "wait a sec, I have to p
    1 point
  33. This one was very nonchalant but I really had to go.
    1 point
  34. Today i got some free time to enjoy myself for a while and i ended up to cumming in my boxers..
    1 point
  35. when the outfit you’ve been out running errands in all day is litterally half underwear, and well the other half might as well been, it can be a little difficult not to feel incredibly sexy- especially when you know it attracted lustful glances from random people. i finally couldn’t put off pleasuring myself too, and the 1st time leaned longingly into the corner of a marquee letting it massage my muffin. but it didn’t quite quell the tingles i felt, and despite being right next to a pretty busy street, my hand found it’s way into my shorts as it helped rub my clit hoping to relieve the tension
    1 point
  36. So this probably isn't exactly what people are looking for in this thread, but I think you all might find it interesting. As I've stated elsewhere, I'm female to male transgender. I've been on testosterone for 4 years now. Over time, I've developed the ability to squirt, which I've never had before. It's always when I climax, never any other time. At first it was intermittent and small amounts. Now it's progressed to the point where it happens to some degree just about every time I orgasm. It varies from a tiny spurt all the way to volcanic eruption. People don't really realize just
    1 point
  37. Loving that you included a trans guy. There isn't nearly enough content of trans guys pissing, especially naughty pissing. I don't know why, there's something especially hot to me about seeing other trans guys who aren't afraid to be a bit bold with their pissing habits. But regardless of genital configuration, I love seeing men piss outside. This thread is great.
    1 point
  38. I’ve finally learned not to stop pissing when someone else enters.
    1 point
  39. and that wasn’t my only jill that day. after stopping at the store, i wanted to play still. and before going home, sat on the curb in the parking lot next to my car, got my toy out, and brought myself to orgasm. i really enjoyed how it felt cyclicle. like, being horny made me feel naughty, and being naughty jilling in the open, made me more excited, and becoming more excited made me want to play more. eventually the feelings got so intense i shuddered and scrunched up as the tingles overtook my whole body. lol 💕🤫😇
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. maybe it was becuase i was my natural cycle, or because i’d been outside basically with my muffin on display. or perhaps it was from sharing too many of my shenanigans with y’all. but, i was feeling sexy, and horny. after quite a few false starts, and teasing myself. i couldn’t help it. and had to take a break from the chores i was doing and let my fingers have their way with me. 😳😇
    1 point
  42. this champaign bottle didn’t make it to the recycle bin when it went to curb. oops. so i was planning on running it out just before the trash truck showed up. had my coffee while i waited, but i kinda felt horny too. what to do, what to do? 😇🤔 oh my. i ended up sitting on it. ☺️😳 and kinda just meant to let the tip slide into my muffin while i keigled it. but, it felt too good, and i ended up bouncing and rocking my hips as i let as much of it as i could enter and pleasured myself til i came. i totally missed the recycle guy too, as i couldn’t bring myself to stop when he showed up. 🤪😬🤩
    1 point
  43. Wish granted @Lutab. This is the next letter from Elaine. It contains desperation, peeing, wetting, pee vandalism, and sex. Dear Wet Carpet, I had hoped to have more stories to share with you, and of course I do. First I want to share that I replied to that party invitation, and Sharon and I will be guests at this woman's party next Friday (unless I chicken out; it's an overnight kind of thing, and I'm having butterflies about spending the night in a strange house with people I don't know). Sharon, however, has already informed her husband and sons that she will be away that w
    1 point
  44. This is the second part of the story, if you want to read the first part here it is. Part One. I hope you enjoy the story. Last time I told you about the the first peeing experience with my girlfriend Elizabeth. I mentioned we had plenty more experiences. Well, after pissing on my favourite stuffed animal, the next time really spiced things up. We decided to do something about Elizabeth’s fetish, the one she had told me about. Exhibitionism. We took a bus down the highway to a city a few hours away from where we lived. We didn’t want anyone to recognize us. Elizabeth was wearing a tr
    1 point
  45. so i kinda really needed it, and my toys weren’t in the bathroom. so, i called on a hairbrush to sub in.
    1 point
  46. haha. so i was watching moana and then wreck it ralph on tv last night. there were a few times during the day when i felt that horny wetness down there, but never had the urge to jill. until laying the sofa, that desire came out of nowhere. i spent most of the 2nd movie with my pants unzipped and my fingers gently massaging my clit and poking around inside my muffin. i never got ferverously into it to cum, but just giving in to the feeling of needing to be touched and stimulated.
    1 point
  47. Oh I love that description "the teachings"!! 😃 Of course, as Spectacle says, it's best for parents not to get into unnecessary family battles. When my kids were young I encouraged them to pee in pools, as my parents did with me, and they've always been happy to do it. With a little encouragement they'd hold before a swim, then peeing discreetly into the water after getting into the pool. Similarly I encouraged them to try to pee again, discreetly, before getting out at the end of a swim. Of course it did pollute the pool water a little, but it was easier than using toilet facilities and th
    1 point
  48. You're certainly not alone, many of my friends as well as myself walk over to the pool and relieve ourselves while sitting on the edge. I myself rarely swim when I take the boys to the pool, yet I always relieve myself there. Ironically, my boys spend the whole day in the water, but get out and run into the dressing area as they won't pass up an opportunity to relieve themselves indiscriminately.
    1 point
  49. I once knew lady who told me she pissed in her boss's tea one time because he pissed her off once too often, lol.
    1 point
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