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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2022 in all areas

  1. I've been trying to remember the specific details of sightings towards the end of my college career, but so many of them are fuzzy as a result of my choices. One evening on the town I walked past almost a dozen girls from the neighboring school squatted against a stone wall bordering the property of the local YMCA, with more waiting to take their place as soon as they finished flooding the grass. I've never seen so much pee at once, I have to imagine it's what those European festivals must be like! I feel that it is time to finally recount stories from my most current, and hopefully if
    4 points
  2. Here’s something dedicated to all you Peefans out there…. It may be old, it may be a little cringey, but it’s dedicated to YOU!!!
    3 points
  3. I'll try do give some directions (to official sites when there is) to those : Naughty pissing MVP: Candie Cane - beautiful, brazen, prolific. Truly amazing. Natural hairy puss a bonus for me. https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/35642/candiecane-of- Runner up MVP: Devil Sophie - also gorgeous and prolific. It’s hard to think of something she hasn’t peed on. https://www.mydirtyhobby.com/profil/90747872-SteffiBlond Dirtiest Diva: MnMTastySweet - has peed into hundreds of hotel couch cushions, unzipped mattress cushions and many other places not easily cleaned and sure to
    3 points
  4. I have a telephone box near me on a small green. I like to wander down and squat to piss in there every so often. I like to leave a tissue in my puddle when I’ve done it just so nobody can be in any doubt that a girl has squatted and pissed in there. I have a pair of leggings where I’ve cut a hole into the crotch so I can piss without removing clothing (as long as I don’t wear knickers) and the phone box is one of my favourite places to go in these. I’m a bit hesitant if it comes to the need to pull leggings/knickers down as it’s glass on 3 sides and lit up at night so very visible. It’s defin
    3 points
  5. Im new and a little embarrassed about my new found kink. im into wetting, sexual or not, not so much anything else though. excited to meet like minded people
    2 points
  6. I was in a local pub today for a few drinks and something to eat, needed to use the facilities and discovered the entrance to the toilets has 2 doors, presumably for privacy. Both were solid doors and the floor between the 2 doors was carpeted! After a quick check noone was about and there were no cameras I unloaded onto that piece of carpet. It was black so hid it very well! Think ill be going back there in future!!
    2 points
  7. I was in a long online meeting this afternoon while I was working from home, and about an hour in I suddenly wished I hadn't had that pint of water at lunchtime and a mug of tea just before the meeting started. Fortunately the empty pint glass was still on my desk / dining table. I wasn't on camera, so I muted the microphone and just peed out half of what I'd drunk earlier ... and 20 minutes later, needed to go again and filled up the glass. Immense relief, and my colleagues were none the wiser. It felt lovely! No photos or videos this time - it was a spur-of-the-moment thing.
    2 points
  8. I think with just a regular pee I could fill a cup up within 20 seconds or so, but that depends entirely on how much I had been holding of course. Wanna say my average pee time is between 8 and 20 seconds and it varies with many factors coming into play. One of my 40 second pees tho, going back and listening to the audio I recorded, I'm sure I'd fill 9 oz within ten seconds or less 😣 I had another little holding contest just the other day but didn't think I got full enough to adequately test my little experiment lol. Next time hopefully; I just don't like filling up alone.
    2 points
  9. Only four days ago @Admin published the clarification on what is acceptable and not with respect to extreme actions affecting unwilling participants. Included within Admin's statement was the statement "The problem is when the focus is on extreme illegal activity / revenge towards unwilling participants. Asking: 'is this causing serious distress to an unwilling participant?' is perhaps the best test for whether it's allowed here or not. From now on, I will be asking moderators to delete posts that cross this line, and you can report posts that you feel are inappropriate. " Now I may
    2 points
  10. I’ve never received anything untoward either, maybe male/mod thing too. The only unexpected message received was a polite request for a video link, which I had no problem with. Looking at the poll results, it seem some people have had problems, please report any of these to the mod group. As stated, these will be dealt with.
    2 points
  11. The ones this time were innies. The girl stood by the gazebo was the only one that I got a really good look at rather than a passing glance. She had an incredibly cute and very neat and tidy innie.
    2 points
  12. Could have been a mild UTI or could have been an anxiety thing. Both fairly common. Glad it didn’t last too long for you though.
    2 points
  13. It's really addicting I started about 1 year ago when I pissed in bed once a month but now I empty my bladder in the mattress 3 times a week. My mattress also has no protection because I find that uncomfortable. Fortunately, my parents don't forbid me to do it. I don't know if I can ever stop doing it. It's so practical, comfortable and awesome to feel. If you watch a series in the evening but don't want to get up and just piss in bed. You could also piss off the bed on the carpet, which I do occasionally, but it's such a nice feeling in bed, warm and moist. If I peed in bed
    2 points
  14. The Underground =============== It was just another hot summer morning and the usual morning squeeze on the central line. The train filled at Stratford, and with Lottie packed in to her normal place she found herself pressed up against the end of the car reading her Metro resting on the bulkhead. The train had barely started off when Lottie felt liqid trickling on her ankle. She was unable to turn round but just accepted that in the crush someone had split their water bottle and it was leaking its already warm contents on to her feet. Warm as the water was, it was still quite
    2 points
  15. I have a few more with Rose. The dorms we were housed in during our time together were at the far end of campus, nestled up against the woods and up into the hills that looked down upon the city. I spent my four years of college laughing, drinking, and running around with my friends through the trails and fields. We'd routinely have bonfire parties up in the hills, but there was only one instance where any of our female compatriots peed outdoors obviously. We were drinking the night away, and our prudish, awkward friend Sara announced to the group that she had to pee, and told us "Everyb
    2 points
  16. Im dying to talk to people who are into wetting. i want to be able to share stories/videos/fantasies. eventually i want to do things in person with people, but thats down the road. is there anyone interested in doing something like this?
    1 point
  17. Best of good luck to all our members for the new year. May your lives in 2022 be filled with good health, love, happiness and prosperity, and may all your dearest wishes come true. 🎇🎈🎉🍰🍭🍷🍸🍺🍻🥂
    1 point
  18. I pee where I pee because it is convenient for me. If I pee on something it is for convenience, not to disrespect.
    1 point
  19. I have been on the receiving end of random dick pics and very crude messages and have just chosen to ignore them because I thought it just came with the fetish forum life. Fortunately it has not happened recently and it's been very pleasant! Thank you mods and admin for keeping peefans wonderful!
    1 point
  20. So, well, obviously: they’re about to piss on that tree, but haven’t started yet (no streams or wet patches). They’re all intending to aim, with at least one hand between their legs to make sure everything’s pointing the right way, and some lucky photographer gets to admire their cute asses and hear the splashing and sighs once they let loose. There’s one big mystery: they’re counting, but there’s three of them and they’re counting like nothing, one and two. There’s two obvious explanations: firstly, they’re computer scientists or mathematicians, and are counting from zero. Alternatively, the
    1 point
  21. I had an ex gf that worked as a nurse. I'm not sure the amount of pee she had, but I know when she got home from her 12hr shift she would almost bust the door down. Once she hit the bathroom it sounded like she turned a faucet on.
    1 point
  22. I too have never recieved any PMs that have disturbed me. No unsolicited pics, no offensive content, no personal insults, no crticisms of my interests. But again, like @Sophie, that is probably because until very recently I was a mod. There is also the fact that I am male and I have a sneaking suspicion that sadly this sort of thing is more likely to happen to females. I am also a well established member and it is more likely I suspect for relative newbies to have their posts criticised via PM or whatever. All I will say is that sending unsolicited pics via PM, or being negative and
    1 point
  23. I came home from a walk needing to pee, it wasn't urgent but I'd definitely want to go sooner rather than later. I took my time taking off my coat and shoes, put something away and then went upstairs to the bathroom. I was in no rush. I closed the door behind me, walked over to the toilet and that's when everything changed. As I was unfastening my jeans (buttons instead of a zip) I felt a really strong urge and squeezed my legs together. The main button popped open easily and two lower buttons but the third was stuck, probably because I was fidgeting. It only took a few seconds but by the time
    1 point
  24. Money Baby by KCamp 😋 a little bit of a high school throw back.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Hi Just a quick anecdote from the past weekend. I went to small town nearby the city i live to go the xmas market and see xmas light switch on. I was needing the toilets so I went to the public loo in the town centre. I however did not realise they were redesigning. The toilets are in a gap between and behind two shops so they are not full visible from the main square. It is in it own mini square behind two shops. I realised they had redesigned the front and the entrances to both mens and women had changed and been relocated. However the insides have yet to be actually refurbished
    1 point
  27. Oh memories, i would bet my whole months salary on that every guy who is born before 1990 s have eyeballing those post sell catalogues and those women nickers pages specially in their teens. Nowadays internet has took that joy out of us.haha😅
    1 point
  28. This happened the other night, Easter Monday, after a day at football. I love the intensity we can get from this, and I'm still amazed that we can do this so well, 7 years in. Enjoy, hopefully as much as we did. Sweet and Sour We had arrived home at about 7.00 pm, and fussed about making something to eat, and got some drinks together. I was on beer, girls were into the Rekorderlig cider, so something tasty was going to happen. This cider is in half litre bottles, and they have glasses that hold 250ml, so one bottle does them both, and that quite nicely. After about 10 of these, and 3 hou
    1 point
  29. My girlfriend is quite accepting of my fetish, she will sometimes pee on me in the shower and on occasion I will sneak out the PVC sheet and the towel we use for this express purpose then lay them out on the bed. She will come in the room, roll her eyes, grin, and let the wet time begin. Today was not like that. Sunday morning, drank a large mug of coffee, watched an episode of Columbo as we do on a Sunday morning while playing with each other so by the time he’s said ‘and one more thing’, and the protagonist is finally busted, we are well horned up. Love making began as normal. A
    1 point
  30. The picture corresponding to the previous message !
    1 point
  31. I work at your typical grocery store and end up stretching my bladder during my whole shift. The longest I've gone is 15 or 16 hours with no pee break 🥴 when you're constantly understaffed and always running behind there's never any time to do anything, let alone pee!
    1 point
  32. So, last night I was on a drunken video call with a load of old friends (that can't meet up due to Covid). Anyway, the conversations turned into some stupid truth or dare style convos which, fueled by plenty of alcohol, got quite lairy and in depth. The story that was told, was probably one of the most amazing things I've ever heard with regards to this fetish, and I feel like it was pure luck that I was there to hear about it! One of the girls I've known for around 8 years or so, opted for a truth question rather than a dare. Another of her friends piped up and said "Is it true you
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. The trick is to go to the last house, then the seat will be dry by the time anyone notices. It is hard to have cameras positioned to be able to see wet seats, especially when they tip up! Some cinemas have a lot of cameras in the back row, so probably best to avoid the back row...
    1 point
  35. My old college campus was a hotbed for peeing. It was small, but built up a hill so the elevation, greenery, and of course, copious amounts of alcohol had young men and women peeing outside in countless numbers. A few acquaintances of mine, a couple, would regularly piss in the low bushes outside our student union walking too or from their dorms to the bars. Well out of our wits together one evening, he confessed to me that while she would be squatted down and peeing, he would always try and piss on her ass, and she either didn't notice or didn't mind. I always felt they shared proclivities si
    1 point
  36. This is great! Personally, for me, I have realized that I often cannot handle discussions like that one because I get blinded by my excitement and am unable to see when I may be crossing a line. So unless the connection is so distant that it won't impact my inner circle I just steer clear of those sorts of discussions. But I admire your ability to have them and that quick back-and-forth was hot.
    1 point
  37. Oh! Oh! This is wonderful! Great stuff @Paulypeeps ❤️ A great idea for a thread, which I haven't seen before. Definitely one to inspire some writing 🙂
    1 point
  38. This is my greatest fantasy. To just be able to pee wherever. I've been cooking up a story about a woman who does just this, and honestly it'd be everything I've always wanted. Imagine how awesome it would be to wake up first thing in the morning and squat in a corner and release 😫😫😫 I need to move to an alternate universe or something.
    1 point
  39. I 100% agree ladyredsbush makes some hot vids and as a reddit user also that's a good sub aswell ! It's one of my #1 also
    1 point
  40. I run one, it's called MarkYourTerritory #TERRITORIAL
    1 point
  41. My memories with Rose are becoming hazier as time in my mind goes by, later in our relatit I took a personal decline and my habits and proclivities clearly had an affect on my recollection, as well as my relationship with her. Such is life. One time, again on a break, she hasn't arrived at my parents house when I expect her. I texted her wondering if she was all right and she got back to me a few minutes later and told me yes, she had stopped to pee "at the spot" and hit a bit of traffic but she'd be there in 30 minutes or so. This made me tremendously excited; second only to seeing a wo
    1 point
  42. In the beginning it wasn't exceedingly funny They forbid those girls to play with me because they innocently told their mom some of the games I played with them… which included frenchkisses between Princesses while our brave knights were away doing who-the-fuck-cares-what, or "playing tickling" in special places… where "you feel it more" if you see what I mean HAHAHAHAHAHA
    1 point
  43. I remember another factor that came into being when I was much younger. My sister and I used to set up dens in our house and play "house". We used to allocate areas for different things like bed area, cooking area (pretending to cook but using real food that could be eaten cold), and you've guessed it, we sometimes had a toilet area. A couple of times, we had a den in my sister's room and the "toilet" was the area between the foot of the bed and the wall, which was a small space that was partially hidden. We generally pretended to use the "toilet", but a couple of times we both really
    1 point
  44. I love to pee (and #2) in abandoned buildings, there is something extra rude about it! Anyway to answer the original question, my naughty pee fetish started at an early age. I lived on a small close with 2 girls on one side and a girl on the other side, and a couple of boys in the end house. When we were playing out, we would go behind the garage of the boys house to pee, and the boys would pee but the girls only watched. There was a grass field next to the houses and when the grass was cut we would make a house of sorts with the grass cuttings, and the house always had a toilet, and
    1 point
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