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  1. The time she asked for permission Its around 2am on a Friday night. I’m sitting on a bench on the main street having a bite to eat not expecting anything, then suddenly I get the biggest shock of my life! They’ve forgotten to put onion in my kebab. Damn, I was really looking forward to eating this. Regardless, I keep eating. Some minutes pass and I see a lady approaching. I’m not really in ‘sighting mode’ so I don’t think anything of it. She comes and sits on the bench next to me. I say hello and ask her about her evening. She says it’s been fun and she was heading home. She’s quite
    6 points
  2. I was stood leaning on the wall at the bottom of the church steps watching people coming along the street when my attention was drawn to a couple who had just walked along and stopped at the ATM. As the guy was using the machine I noticed the woman, a tall curvy blonde, looking a little squirmy as she stood waiting and after about 30 seconds of squirming she did a few bobs on the spot and then crossed her legs. When the guy finished up he put the money in his wallet and they set off back along the street. They walked on a little way when the woman stopped and again bobbed on the spot.
    4 points
  3. I finally got brave last night. I was a bit turned on, and needed to pee after holding it all day so decided to venture to the store. I let out several long sports while browsing different aisles. I even did one stood next to a shop attendant. It gave me a huge thrill and I want to try again soon!
    4 points
  4. So picture this: I step out of the shower squeaky clean ready to take on my evening and the moment my feet touch the mat I have to pee 😑 I thought about peeing in the toilet. I thought about peeing in the shower, but in the end I just decided to pee on the mat. It was a pretty healthy pee too. Fifteen seconds just about. I need to wash it tonight anyway. And it's yellow so I'm sure it'll be well hidden until I do 😁
    3 points
  5. It was a small local store and late at night so not too many people in there but the staff were all restocking the shelves. I let out one spurt stood about 1 foot away from one, she did give me a strange look but don’t think she knew haha. It was a late night run so I was in joggers and big hoodie so it filled my knickers and trousers with warmth and ran down my leg! I didn’t dare stop to see if it made a puddle hehe
    3 points
  6. I haven't had any experience of hot tub parties as such, but have plenty of experience of hot tubs. In public hot tubs, if other people are in there, both myself and my wife pee without question or announcement - just letting it go whenever the need arises. Normally people aren't in public hot tubs that long, so there isn't really a case of people questioning the fact that you stay there a long time without getting out for a pee. We have both peed in hot tubs in hotels, gyms, health clubs and on cruise ships. In public hot tubs if we are alone, we still pee in the water, but we t
    3 points
  7. I don't know if most women or men for that matter ,when you laugh when pissing, it temporarily increases the velocity and volume. very briefly unfortunately. The wife laughed when she heard me take a gulp, obviously unexpectedly.😁 https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6oc462v40n705s/rear edit.mp4?dl=0
    3 points
  8. Here is me and the wife in action, obviously she is the one providing the action, and the much needed refreshments. I am the extra.😁 I don’t mind her being the star ⭐️ 😁 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ys5tyy3z2le87dx/Drink 2.mp4?dl=0
    3 points
  9. I think this needs a, sorry, flow chart 🙂
    3 points
  10. I know exactly the feeling, kinda like naughty sex, nobody knows and you want to let just enough out but still be able to hold😅
    2 points
  11. I can’t believe I did it, it wasn’t enough to show through my trousers or leave a puddle but felt good. Although the last spurt I didn’t want to stop 🤣
    2 points
  12. I have started to do the same thing such a thrill!
    2 points
  13. My partner and I love making pee cocktails! There is a site that tells you how to make them and they taste great! We add more pee than recommended so you can really taste it. So kinky and refreshing!
    2 points
  14. Not at all. Everybody says that. And then pees their pants in the hot tub. :D
    2 points
  15. Colin the stepbrother comes to stay. Part 15 Wednesday was back to school for a Computer Science exam. Mum had decided to take another day off of work, so Erica and I got an extra dose of dad's morning pee on our school skirts. The sofa felt so wet and warm as dad's stream seemed to go on forever. We sat for an extra minute to let the excess pee soak away before we went to the dining room for breakfast. As before we peed just enough down our legs to feel the warmth before we crossed the road to go in to school. We went in to the exam hall, and then realised that ther
    2 points
  16. I think for me I’d just pee in the water and say nothing, but at a party with a hot tub I attended a while back people went into the house to pee until the drinks had been flowing at which point one of the guys peed up the side of the garage.
    2 points
  17. Great replies so far! These pretty much confirm some of what I'd suspected. Does anyone's real life experiences confirm (or refute) any of these scenarios? For example, have you been in a hot tub in mixed company when someone said "I have to pee!"? And if so, how did they do it? How about when you and your spouse / significant other are the only ones in the tub? Does that change the etiquette? My wife and I have a small (inflatable) hot tub that we use about once/week. A few times when I've had to pee, I just stand up, pee out of the hot tub (into the grass/mulch beside th
    2 points
  18. I'm very much of the opinion that if you are in water (pool, ocean, lake, hot tub, etc) you pee in the water.
    2 points
  19. I had a quick piss up the wall at the back of the house this afternoon
    1 point
  20. My wife delighted me on Saturday evening by peeing outside for me twice. Story as to how it came about is below. We were away for the weekend, staying in our caravan, which was on private land. We had been doing various activities during they day and were a bit sweaty and grimy so we returned to the caravan to get cleaned up and changed before eating. Well, two people in close confines getting changed always means you are in close contact so inevitably we playfully touched each other as we got changed and one thing led to another and we were enjoying some great sex. However, before we
    1 point
  21. Moderator's note: @beergut64 - Your recent video clip posts and the comments related to them are now located at: https://peefans.com/topic/12108-men-drinking-women’s-pee/page/3/
    1 point
  22. Some good points @Kupar. Yes - it was a few years ago now. I have actually had three encounters - maybe I need to be more careful. The first one I have previously mentioned here was when I was peeing in a corner or a street in London in the middle of the afternoon and when I finished I turned round to find a policeman stood there! He told me that it wasn't an appropriate place but I pleaded that the public toilets were locked (they were) and I didn't know the are and was caught short. He let me go on my way. The second one was the one mentioned above and the third one was a very
    1 point
  23. Some people do huge puddles and it dries, but I’d personally avoid any pooling as that’s take longer to dry. Depends how well it absorbs I guess, test under a chair or bed maybe. Also depends on the climate, the warmer it is the quicker it’s dry. Experiment and have fun 😉
    1 point
  24. Interesting. I didn't know you'd had that encounter with the law @Alfresco. I reckon there are three (possibly five) criteria in play here (I think we can discount here any external, absolute morality / sense of natural justice): The law The moral compass / feelings of the person peeing The moral compass of the person watching The fourth is pragmatism / expediency: while the person being seen might not mind, you are comfortable with what you've done, and it's not illegal, the consequences of all your colleagues, friends and neighbours knowing what you just did mi
    1 point
  25. I have a sis that's on a naughty peeing spree as well and it gets crazy enough that I'll have to defend my bedroom from her sometimes, its free real estate in her bedroom with her pee antics 😬
    1 point
  26. "Had to" is not the issue. If I'm outside at night and I have to pee, I pee. I will sometimes do it during the day but I never hesitate at night. Usually somewhat discreet about it (like leaning against the hood of my car and peeing in the tire well). But, when I leave a stripper bar and have to pee, I just stand parallel to my car and let go a nice long stream. Guess I don't feel a need for discretion around all that nudity. :)
    1 point
  27. I’m going to look really odd when I remind people there’s a rule of peeing in a toilet and not the hot tub when people come over 🤣
    1 point
  28. So after sucking on my pussy for a while we took it upstairs where I lubed up and fingered my boyfriends little asshole for the first time whilst wanking his cock with my other. Safe to say he actually enjoyed it and coming from the moans he was trying not to blurt his load everywhere finally fucked my cunt and filled me up with his baby making stuff. What a nice afternoon
    1 point
  29. Hmm, I wouldn't call it strict, just wanted to raise proper children, I guess... But they were unfair in certain situations. I remember one time I was around 5, my younger brother had his "girlfriend" (let's call her Natalie) over and her older sister was my best friend. Ok so well, our mom was watching over us we were in the kiddie pool in our yard. It was about lunch time so it was time to get out of the pool. We all exited the pool at the same time and my mom was drying us off with a towel. Natalie said she needed to pee so my mom said let me dry you up so you can go pee (presumably me
    1 point
  30. A couple of years ago I had a discussion with a very attractive (European) girl, about women's toilets in Japan. Her statement was "it is much easier if you wear high heels". I found this statement super interesting, but there were lots of other people around, so I could not really start a detailed discussion about her peeing habits. I replied "ah, so then you get a better angle?", and while asking I indicated with my finger a slightly downward trajectory and then a slightly upward overshooting trajectory. She laughed and replied "haha, yes". Probably she just meant that it was "easier" to pee
    1 point
  31. Well, I guess every case would be different - and if there's rules explained up front then great - like if the host tells everyone not to walk through the house wet, but suggests just going behind the garage for example. But if nothing is declared then I guess there are three possible scenarios when you're in the tub with others - depending how well you all know each other and maybe how much drink has been flowing... 1) As you're sitting there desperate, and maybe you've already wee'd in the water. Then someone else declares they need to pee, gets out and goes into the house. It bec
    1 point
  32. Having tasted my wife’s pee quite a few times, I can confirm that there are lots of factors in play that affect the taste and her pee - even direct from the source can vary significantly in taste. Examples below, worst first and getting better so read through if you want advice on how to get a taste you might just love. If she hasn’t been drinking much then it is very strong and acrid. I don’t like that and we have learned this, so we avoid it. If she has been drinking loads of water, then it is much more dilute, still has a bitter taste, but nowhere near so strong. NB if she hasn
    1 point
  33. I've peed in a hot tub before with people in it 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'd expect everyone else to do the same if I was in it with them too lol. I've never been shy about peeing in pools. Especially since you're more relaxed in a hot tub it's easier to just pee.
    1 point
  34. I like how this one turned out This story contains naughty peeing as well as lesbian sex. Crystal was walking down the hall with Verona holding her hand and leading her to the college lounge. “This is going to be so fun!” squealed Verona. “ I always keep my promises” Replied Crystal kissing Verona. They had made plans to vandalize the lounge right after they were done with the library and now those plans were coming to fruition. After drinking lots of water to prepare for their special moment as well as picking a time at night when they knew no one would be up to interr
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  35. This story contains naughty peeing as well as sex and masturbation When Crystal came home that night her friend Verona, her 6,5 amazon roommate asked where she had been. “ I got revenge on that bitch Tamara,” She said. Verona was excited at this and asked “ what did you do to her?” in an excited voice. When Crystal told her she was initially shocked but then found her nipples getting hard and her pussy moist at the thought of what Crystal did. “That's amazing,'' she gasped. The next day at the library Crystal was studying for her next big exam and thou
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  36. This was my first attempt at writing a story about naughty pissing so please go easy on me. Also sorry if anything is strange in the story, its a copy and paste from a google doc. This story contains naughty peeing as well as masturbation As Crystal walked through the dorms she felt anger and frustration run through her. Not just at the bitch Tamara but also at her boyfriend Thomas (Or she guessed Ex boyfriend now). She didn't like either of them that much. Thomas had so many double standards that she should have left him as soon as his first words left his mout
    1 point
  37. (It's finally here! The 7th Chapter of the somehow miraculously acclaimed Pisuaria series! Slight warning that there is a little hardcore BDSM in the background. Nothing too much, just a collar and spanking. After a year of procrastination and a week of development, hopefully it's worth the wait.) Chapter 7: Foreign Intimate Relations As a small, reclusive socialist island nation, much of the international community ignores Pisuaria, so most of it's trading is done with Cuba and China, however Russia, Belarus, and even the unrecognized breakaway Pridnestrovie Moldovan Republi
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  38. Chapter 6.5: Katarina Katarina was an entry level government official. An office secretary, with almost no sway over political dealings within the Communist Party of Pisuaria. She was happy, however. She lived a quiet, simple life in her one-bedroom apartment, spending her days running numbers and occasionally fooling around with anyone who needed release in the office. That would soon change, as her superiors would give her a promotion. "You're sending me to America?! But, why?" She asked over the phone with shock. "We need your help setting up an embassy in the United State
    1 point
  39. Nice report BB, in my experience the girls today don't really try to hide or cover but what they do is find the best spot relatively and relieve themselves. Those who wait looking for spot or hold it till they reach their destination usually end up desperate and then throw their inhibition and release their pee wherever they can or end up all wet. Most nowadays do it in parking lots next to their vehicles or behind it. Its become a normal affair for them to come up to their vehicles and before they drive off empty their bladders. They are not really concerned about their privacy or cover, some
    1 point
  40. CHAPTER 5: Lyudmila The sun began to set as Lyudmila and her girlfriend Lana waited for the train to arrive. They are heading to see a concert by f.U.T.a. in Blovyob. "Lyudmila, I'm bored! When is the train arriving?" Lana asks, impatiently. "Soon, love," Lyudmila replied. Lana groped her girlfriend's boobs from behind and asks "Why don't you entertain me?" Lyudmila blushes and pushes her away "N-not here, please..." Lyudmila is very self-conscious about her trans body. and is only comfortable with showing her girlfriend. Lana sometimes forgets that her girlfriend isn't as comfortable wi
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  41. CHAPTER 3: Lyudmila "Lyudmila, wake up, or we'll miss breakfast!" Lyudmila woke up, groggy from sleep. As she opened her eyes, she was greeted by Lana's breasts. Lyudmila and Lana have been dating for almost a year now. Tonight, they were going to see a concert by an all-girl punk band, called f.U.T.a. "Alright, give me a minute, let me get dressed," Lyudmila slurred. "Ah, дебил, you forget what country you're in? We don't need clothes!" Amused by her lover's retort, she laughed and said "I suppose, though I do need a wee." "Fine, but make it quick. I'm going to go water my plant,"
    1 point
  42. CHAPTER 2: Alice After Alice finally got through customs, she headed toward the bus station. As she looked around while waiting for the bus, she noticed a lack of women's restrooms. Or men's restrooms. There were just a few rooms labeled "restrooms." All bathrooms in the country have been made gender-neutral starting in 2003 due to increased understanding and recognition of people who fall outside the traditional gender binary. Before that, non-binary people could choose to use either men's or women's rooms. But Alice noticed something even stranger. Despite it being the middle of June, a
    1 point
  43. I have peed outside many times over the years.Everywhere from doorways, to alleys,to in the woods to by the road and many other places.There have been a few times where I was almost caught and others where people knew what I was doing.
    1 point
  44. It was around the summertime at night, at one of those attempts at a park smack dab in the middle of a (usually) bustling urban area. It was more like a garden. Point is I really had to go and didn't feel like holding it to wait for a train, and I considered the coverage to be adequate. Went down. The trail a bit and whipped it out. Pushed a little hard because I didn't want to get caught but still was there for a good minute.
    1 point
  45. I peed outside this evening. Went to collect a takeaway for dinner and deliberately didn’t use the toilet before I set out. I parked the car and nipped down a little alley to the side of the takeaway place, peed against the wall, then went in to collect my food. yesterday I went to a friends house. When I left, I walked straight past my car and over the road to a field entrance. I went just into the field, pulled out my dick and watered the grass whilst looking off into the distance across the field. I then zipped up, returned to the car and drove home.
    1 point
  46. there's too many time to think of a specific time or place ....im always out doors in the summer at the park or walking around I normally just find a secluded spot or somewhere I'll not been seen as well but I've done this many time many places I'm sure ppl have seen me a few times someone would come and talk to me while I was peeing...i could never tell if they enjoyed watching or it just didn't bother or do anything for them
    1 point
  47. I regularly pee outside. Hence the name Alfresco (Outdoors or in the open air). I have been seen by many people; male and female, sometimes intentionally on my part, sometimes I have been caught. I mostly pee on my own, but when I've been walking or kayaking, I have peed with other males that I'm with. I've also peed outside in front of my wife on numerous occasions.
    1 point
  48. Years ago I was on a boat drinking beers and water needing to pee bad. The caption pulled the boat to the side and we got off this sand pit area. Me and other men and women got off the boat too. Women saying on the the boat they needed to pee bad so we had to stop. I got off the boat and I pee in the sand.
    1 point
  49. I pee outside as often as I can. Every morning I pee off of my deck. Even now in December when its -15 to -20c lol
    1 point
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