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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2021 in Posts

  1. Just had a fun one totally in the spirit of encounter and enjoying hiking- hiking a famous mountain in NH, came across a trio of girls probably 20s- pretty and friendly. I was taking a drink break and they were too a few yards up but they had dog that saw me and had to say hello. So we sat and small talked for a bit and just eluded light heartedly that my water capacity was at its limit and laughed " don't worry ill turn away" so one of them joked "shut up I need to pee too" we all laughed one of them just said " both go and make it a race" so.....she was understably like hell no and I laughed
    3 points
  2. I took a nap today and woke up twice with a story like this on my mind. Got off to it twice and thought I had to share. It was a hot, hot July day and I had just met up with my friend Ariel. Being quite young (and broke) neither of us owned a car and had to make do with walking to the local movie theater from her house. I had walked from my home to hers with my handy pink water bottle, which I was going to need walking in this 90 degree heat. When I got to her house I refilled it with even more iced water and we set out. It was a Friday afternoon and neither of us had classes at co
    3 points
  3. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm an 18 year old student now who has just left home and moved into my own flat. This is me.... I had a slightly unconventional upbringing, since my parents used to attend fetish clubs and had a thing about peeing. They never took me obviously since it was adults only. But sometimes they'd host parties at home during which they and their adult guests would frequently pee on the kitchen floor for fun. Mum would mop it all up in the morning. A couple of times I walked in on mum squatting and peeing on the bathroom floor right in front of the toilet - apparently
    3 points
  4. Thank you!! I think I may have another story or two on here. I'm big on writing outside of the peefans website, and thus don't have a lot of time to write for here 😔 but I have some ideas and I'm hoping I'll get some time to make them a reality!
    3 points
  5. A widely syndicated article confirms what I have long hoped: that the gorgeous Gemma Atkinson is perfectly happy to pull her pants down and pee with a group on a mountainside. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/showbiz-news/wild-wees-gemma-atkinson-doctor-21621574 And let's just remind ourselves how gorgeous she is.
    3 points
  6. Dear Wet Carpet, Anna here to finally tell you about the club (for real this time). Once we got off the train, it was a short walk to what resembled a swanky apartment complex, but the windows were lit up with multi-colored rope lights, and there was music coming from inside. I thought I spotted the silhouettes of two people, a man and a woman, in one of the windows, embracing and kissing passionately. Shannon must have seen me looking because she took my arm and said, "There will be plenty more to see inside." Shannon led us to the door which had a keypad lock above the door knob.
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. The short version of this story is on my profile, under Hottest Pee Experience. While in college, I met this super cute girl in my SQL Database Systems class. I was immediately attracted to her, she was everything I had hoped. She was an introverted but beautiful Vietnamese immigrant the same age as me, and I was an introverted but decent-looking Filipino guy. She had a cute dark-brown bob cut, an adorable smile and a bubbly attitude to those who she was very comfortable with, though I preferred to keep to myself more than her. She was immediately into me as well, she didn't drop hints or
    2 points
  9. I promise you it slowly gets more natural, things that seem to take all your concentration become more natural to the point of being automatic. But until then, don't lose heart - stick with it. If it's a steep hill then perhaps just driving up that part of it at a moderate speed is an ok thing to do, until you get higher up and can change gear more easily. If you think about driving on the flat, when you put your clutch in to change gear then the car continues to roll forwards without you really noticing it slowing down. The difference on the hill is that gravity is pulling against
    2 points
  10. Actually one time I do remember having held it almost all day long one day I had asked to go before getting out of school because I had a long bus ride. I was really full and I went to the bathroom and was the only one in there and I sat of on the edge of the toilet seat kept my legs spread apart pants pulled away and I flooded the floor by the toilet. I had to go so bad. I dont remember what possessed me to do it, I remember getting out of there as fast as possible after tho so I wouldn't get caught.
    2 points
  11. Peeing in front of other family members is near daily occurrence for me as the apartment me and my parents live has NO TOILET provisions. Therefore we have a very open policy when it comes to relieving ourselves as we simply use our own home as a lavatory whenever we need to. As a result, all of us here (both male and female) have seen each other openly going toilet somewhere in the apartment like on the carpet, in the sink, in our clothes or similar and make no effort to conceal our pee stream or private parts!
    2 points
  12. I have a few so I will probably post more later but... People who put on their seatbelt while driving. Spend 10-15 minutes in a busy car park and you will see it so many times. Just put it on before you move off, it's not going to cost you much time!
    2 points
  13. My partner and I use plastic sheets to cover the mattress then put a fitted sheet over the top. Garbage bags on pillows with cases over the top of them. Great fun to relax and pee freely over each other and the cleanup is Minimal.
    2 points
  14. I want to visit Deutschland again (if Frau Merkel will let me in!) and find a nice German urophile to piss in front of. This reminds me, I must post about an experience that I had in Köln...
    2 points
  15. I virtually have to live in my own toilet as my apartment has NO lavatory because somehow one was never fitted in my bathroom! So here I am in my usual attire urinating on the side of the bookcase when I needed a pee this evening. https://www.erome.com/a/c4FkvABY
    2 points
  16. Sorry for giving this topic a little bit of a kick, but I am delighted to let you guys know I finally managed to piss in a pool today, for the first time in my life! I am currently on vacation with my girlfriend in a holiday park with a very large pool with all kinds of slides, water rapids etc. As you guys know, I have never pissed in a swimming pool before, but my girlfriend is very relaxed about it. She is used to peeing in water when she is in it. She hates having to take off her bathing suit (she doesn't wear bikini's) in order to pee and also doesn't like all the wetness on the flo
    2 points
  17. As youngsters both I and my brother were encouraged to pee in pools by our parents. We'd be guided away from toilets if we needed to pee before getting in, for instance, then being told "Just do it into the water" once we were in. When I did I'd be praised, "Good girl!" and told "In the pool is the right place." Well at first anyway, as we soon realised it was actually naughty and didn't need any encouragement! 🙂 In turn I also encouraged my own kids to pee in pools while they were young, and I'll never forget the looks of delight on their faces when they'd also realised it was naught
    1 point
  18. People in the South East of UK may be interested in knowing that the new trains on the Crossrail network which serves a route from Reading into London and out to Essex plus Heathrow do not have any toilets on them. This is a 70 mile route taking an hour and 40 minutes from end to end. The operators took the decision not to include toilets because they took up too much space on the train. They seem to be thinking that most people wouldn't be using the train for the whole length of the line as it would be more likely that people would go from one end into London and back rather than cross
    1 point
  19. I was away for a wedding Saturday and as the venue was near the sea tried to spot the sea on the way home. Alas I couldn't get close enough as the roads never got nearer than all the chalet and mobile home parks that this area contains. As I drove across a set of crossroads there was no sign of this young woman, but by the time I realised I was in a dead end road and did a 3 point turn back up to the crossroads, timed at under a minute from my dashcam playback she was in a high squat position alongside a closed burger van with her naked rear clear for me to see. She then proceeded
    1 point
  20. Yes. And could save your own or someone else's life.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Obscure (it was an unidentified song for a while), but hauntingly beautiful and timeless lyrics.
    1 point
  23. Somewhat amusing reading some of the extreme views. Sorry, unhelpful comment from me there. One thing that would be good is now that every digital camera or even phone records full HD quality, if not 4K - shame producers haven’t got their heads around audio quality. I’m a big fan of first person speaking to camera clips, where dialogue is important- but so often muffled, lost in background noise, wind noise and generally rubbish. The same goes for the actual sound of peeing - how often could that be so much better? All it would take is a directional mix or maybe a lapel mic de
    1 point
  24. Loads more practise is required; which I'm sure is no bad thing. To K: Running down the thigh happens occasionally. It usually happens to me first thing in the morning when I'm still a bit woozy from sleep. It's an occupational hazard - don't worry about it. Spread the labia forward and tilt the hips forward. Then your urethra is at right angles to your body. Don't worry about aim just yet. That can be worked on at a later stage. Practising in the garden in a skirt or dress might help too. Above all: practice, practice, practice. Looking forward to hearing about your progress
    1 point
  25. I'm all in favor of fully enjoying the outdoors. The fuller, the better. One of my favorite experiences was a time I was kayaking with a partner. We'd been onn the water a couple hours and found ourselves in need of a nature call. Hurriedly paddling ashore, we walked a few steps into the woods. In the process of shedding some clothes, she suddenly insists on having her way with me. Who was I to complain? In seconds, I'm laying down and she's on top of me. Something about the sunshine and fresh air had us very quickly ready with me inside. While the session may not have lasted long, o
    1 point
  26. Hope u enjoy https://www.erome.com/i/SBhSbEEN
    1 point
  27. This is the next letter from Anna. It contains public wetting, naughty pissing, public masturbation, and public sex. Dear Wet Carpet, Anna again. As promised, I will be telling you about our experience at the club, but first I need to tell you what happened after our very interesting experience with our waitress Shannon. As you would expect, Mom and I ate our meal and tried to be casual about what just transpired between us and our waitress. We were mostly quiet and didn't discuss it at all, but there were some nonverbal cues, some smiles and glances that said, Are we really
    1 point
  28. Obviously contains public pissing, exhibitionism, destruction of property, and more themes revolving around those three. Revised and edited version (kind of). Now featuring a beautiful thing called ✨plot✨ although admittedly a puny one. There will be more parts, whenever they should come along. __________ It would've been a Thursday in June. My friend group had saved enough for a trip to a water park to cool down in the unforgiving summer heat, and we were on our way to paradise. If not for my previous discovery of a new fetish, I would've been just as
    1 point
  29. I recently this past summer peed on an empty beach at night with my sister and her friends. It made me happy because the boys went to one side and the girls went to another and I got to go with the girls. Gender affirming happinessssss.
    1 point
  30. I get annoyed when the guy just does short bursts of pee instead of a stream and plays with himself for a good minute or so between bursts. I like seeing guys playing with themselves, but when the stream is interrupted by masturbation I get annoyed. I like post piss masturbation, but stopping the stream to masturbate kind of annoys me, especially when it is dragged out. Other than that my annoyances are just sub-genres of pee that I’m not into or getting disappointed by a video or picture because it wasn’t what I expected.
    1 point
  31. Nice photos! Always love a good carpet puddle
    1 point
  32. I want to do this do bad. Someday...
    1 point
  33. Love the pitures in sequence
    1 point
  34. One more thing: Doctors and nurses who don't look or act like doctors or nurses. The thing that turns me on about a medical fetish milieu is when everything else is plausible, but there is some sexual element to it. E.g. a nurse collecting a urine sample or giving a very thorough sponge bath. A female doctor examining the penis. Et cetera. Also, no real doctor puts a stethoscope on your penis. I've been fortunate to have a couple of very attractive female doctors in my life, and I like to keep that kind of fantasy pretty realistic.
    1 point
  35. Sorry to hear that, and glad you’re feeling better.
    1 point
  36. Agree totally with the last few of those. People who know me well will know I'm a bit 'sensitive' when it comes to how we label people, and one of the things that niggles me is the juvenile way some of the site hosts feel it necessary to label clips, like the worst case of sensationalist branding. I was triggered earlier today, seeing someone had posted a link containing the beautifully sexy TamTam - a video obviously ripped to a third party site who felt it necessary to label it as a 'mature mom' or something close. I've picked up before now on videos labelling the subjects as 'slu
    1 point
  37. Searching for specific things can be pain for sure, especially since there are so many different aspects to this fetish. Similar terms don't help either. I enjoy nonchalant beach peeing, like what you'd do to pee if you yourself were at the beach and didn't necessarily want to be seen/caught, like swimsuit wettings. So many searches for either either leads to a completely deserted beach and the model just brazening peeing out in the open (not a bad thing mind you) or for swimsuits it'll be in the shower or the "wetting" never happens and they were in a swimsuit for the first 5 seconds of
    1 point
  38. I live in a rather beautiful mountain area and every year, mostly during summer, we have some stupid tourists that stop the car right in the middle of the road to take pictures of the landscape with their phone. Most of the time they don't even warn the other drivers and just stop the car abruptly because they felt this sudden urge to take a photo of a mountain nearby RIGHT IN THAT MOMENT! Once I even encountered a german tourist who "parked" his car in the middle of my lane while he thought it was also a good idea to step out of the vehicle and move around the whole road so that he can
    1 point
  39. My biggest pet peeve I deal with in California, people who SIT at a green light until it turns yellow. Now I can’t go and I was right behind you! GET OFF SNAPCHAT PEOPLE! You are driving a 2.5 ton truck near the beach!
    1 point
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