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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2021 in all areas

  1. I don't know about cool, after all these urinals are pretty basic really - but the signage amused me and struck me as a little clever... Background is they're in a restaurant I photographed about a month ago, and last night enjoyed dining at. It's a music themed place a little like a Hard Rock Cafe, but independently owned rather than being a big chain. To explain the humour for anyone not British - Cockney Rhyming Slang is where certain words are replaced with a phrase: So I walked down the 'apples and pears' (ie stairs) to reach the toilets. The picture of Hendrix is well pla
    6 points
  2. I was on my way home from some outdoor event, felt that my bladder is rather full, and suddenly I thought that this is the perfect opportunity to try to realize an idea for a pee video that I had already for quite some time (actually I will soon upload another video where I "practiced" for this at home). I tried to write "PEEFANS" with my pee puddle. I have no idea why I was breathing that heavily during the video, I guess it was because I was really focusing on where I have to aim my pee.. 😅 Apart from that, I am pretty happy with the result, it turned out much better and much more reada
    5 points
  3. Whilst babysitting I was feeling a little cheeky and wanted to pee somewhere. So got on my knees by their pool and took a piss hoping some would go in the water. Unfortunately most ran down my leg before dripping into the pool. Wish I could upload the video
    5 points
  4. So, if @Big Bear drops the hints and then ever sees a woman peeing standing in the church yard, he will be wondering if it was @Eliminature. If @Eliminature goes there to pee and sees someone sat on the bench, she will be wondering whether that is @Big Bear and maybe put on a better show deliberately making sure he gets a good view. It will only be a few days later when both post their stories here that they will know the truth…
    5 points
  5. Here are some more. I love the naked handsfree pees. Just letting it flow. As before, look away straight men... You can look back now! *frigging self*
    4 points
  6. Florence Pugh anyone? I can imagine pee running down her legs here.
    4 points
  7. I have referred to her and her sister (my great aunt) helping and encouraging me to pee in unusual places on this website before. I'll recall some of my own childhood memories on your other thread detailing your mum's encouragement of naughty peeing if you would like. My own experiences weren't exactly the same, but you might find them interesting.
    4 points
  8. Contains nonchalant peeing and wetting I started writing this a few months ago when there were a lot of stories in the news about drivers and warehouse staff for a major e-commerce provider not being given time for bathroom breaks and having to pee in bottles. I began wondering, how could the company fix this problem? Laura parked at the side of the road and got out of the truck. Glancing at her watch she saw she was only just on time; she quickly went to the back of the truck and took out the package for this address. She walked briskly up the path to the front door of the ho
    3 points
  9. Due to unfortunate circumstances I was in the hospital for 3 weeks. I discovered that pee is thought of as a natural function and was not embarrassing or something to hide. Many nurses saw me naked, pissing way nd didn't bat an eye.. Unfortunately I didn't get to watch them! It was the only place I was ever in that thought nothing of peeing. I pissed the bed, the toilet, the floor and they cleaned me and everything I wet with no comment.. Sturdy lot those nurses! ] 1 ! \ a all
    3 points
  10. Is this Roskilde? You know she picked this spot to pee because she was eye level to a bunch of pissing dicks:
    3 points
  11. Yes, it's sensitive to touch. The clitoris is not simply the external tiny point that you see. The internal structure goes right around the opening of the vagina and urethra. Look at some 3D models of the clitoris. Many people would be surprised! Mr Eliminature has licked my urethra when he has given me cunnilingus. I find it highly pleasurable!
    3 points
  12. A close childhood friend had an in ground pool, making him an even better friend. No peeing in the pool but rather he had a ritual of peeing against the brick wall of the house near the hose faucet when the need arose and male friends followed suit. There was a yellow pyramid stain on that wall from all the piss it took in the same place with lighter column going up the center where the streams hit. The impact point got higher as we aged so the lighter area was probably a foot high. This friend had an older sister that often had female friends over too, I never caught them but sti
    3 points
  13. Don't feel bad. I was in a similar situation myself thanks to winter and Covid regulations. Yes, my grandmother encouraged a lot of free peeing in various places and praising me when I had peed. I think it could be where my fetish stems from.
    3 points
  14. So I'd been out all Saturday, socially drinking and having a great time! I left the bar late but forgot to pee, figured I'd take a quick leak at the public toilets in the bus station. Except they were closed for the night. Shrugged to myself and decided it wasn't a long bus ride back home and I could probably make it. About 15 minutes waiting for the bus I realised I was way more full than I thought (far too many gins..) and had to start consciously squeezing my muscles to keep holding.. Managed to get onto the bus and by that point it was probably very obvious I was
    3 points
  15. These photographs have been giving me some inspiration to frig lately. Now, if you are a straight male, I don't recommend you look at these. If you are attracted by or don't mind seeing guys pissing, then proceed. This chap is, to me, an absolute stunner. I love his long hair and the fact that he isn't afraid to try popping a squat. That stream travelling from his cock. He really looks like he's enjoying watering that grass. I know it's traditionally frowned upon, but there's something so daring when a gent lowers his trousers and underwear to take a leak. He's not
    2 points
  16. I love the "mixed company" ones
    2 points
  17. Yes. it is nice to go out and just wet yourself every time you need to pee.
    2 points
  18. I do a lot of rewetting and don't have any problem. The new fresh pee washes out the old, and as long as everything gets to dry the bacteria cannot thrive. I will often re-wet my skirts, stockings and shoes throughout the day without washing either me or my clothes. When I get home I will often just hang my clothes up to dry rather than wash them before wearing them again. This can be a problem if I leave them too long without wetting them again, if I hang my polyester suit skirt up to dry for a whole weekend white crystals will start to form showing where I have been wetting my skirt. Th
    2 points
  19. I don't suppose you could drop a hint or two as to the location of this town/city so opportunist exhibitionist piss artists like me could make a pilgrimage? Both to see others peeing and to pee there myself.
    2 points
  20. That's interesting. I stand up to pee and I notice that I don't make that hissing sound because my labia are retracted out of the way. I've touched my own peehole with my fingers, the inner structure of the clitoris runs around the hole and vaginal opening. Hence it is sensitive and pleasant to touch.
    2 points
  21. Hi Wet Carpet I work part-time as a bartender to make some extra money while I'm in college and I've read through some letters here and noticed some of you girls talking about peeing inside clubs and bars when there's a long line to the bathroom - in dark corners and such or even just under a table - so I thought I would give you a perspective from someone actually working at these places. And don't worry, I'm not mad or anything of that sorts, I understand... I go clubbing in my free time too and the toilets are always a mess and have massive lines! So I understand that sometimes you
    2 points
  22. I could not agree more with this topic. The major issue ive got is that sadly, my wife is not into it. She does permit though so if i get her in the right mood, she let's me listen, watch, touch and if I am lucky she will pee on me when we shower. The latter is quite rare because she finds peeing in the shower disgusting. The top thing on the bucket list is to get her to go for a wee outside but she cant bring herself to do it through fear of being caught. Shes that paranoid about it that even when we were on holiday in Iceland, watching for Northern lights in the back end of nowh
    2 points
  23. It is unusual for me to report things here that are not related to peeing, but there is a vision in my mind from last Sunday which isn't leaving me and which I feel I should share. I was sat at home Sunday evening, waiting for our food shopping delivery. Normally not a particularly exciting event as we mainly get a mixture of various blokes as the delivery drivers, although there are a few ladies that deliver as well. However, last Sunday I heard the door knock and I opened the door to find a petite young lady with dark hair who I hadn't had the pleasure of seeing before. She was s
    1 point
  24. sometimes i get too focused on my painting for my own good. last night, i just ended up letting go bit by bit in my athletic shorts. & then eventually got desperate & let go on my makeshift paint palette. here’s some footage of it: painting fun (disregard the watermark for my reddit. i don’t want people stealing the content that i post online)
    1 point
  25. I am sure that you will be fine. Tell us how you get on! I am sure that others will be inspired.
    1 point
  26. I've been wetting & rewetting for years: never had a problem.
    1 point
  27. I didn't see you this morning @harry_jones_1975 when I was attempting another short run to test my recovering knee and my post-Covid heart and lungs. (I only know that because I didn't see *any* other runners, though plenty of cyclists.) Very slow and steady, but (fingers crossed) no further damage to the knee, and I got back without collapsing, so I'll do it again on Tuesday, but a bit further and faster.
    1 point
  28. It's all about keeping your lips out of the way. ALL women have the same stream as men, on the inside. Once past the lips, there's nothing else in the way of a perfect stream!
    1 point
  29. Patches place - we are talking in the early days of the World Wide Web, around 1995 or there abouts. There was another one - Sprinklesgold? I recall posting one of my first short stories - "A Wet Sail" there in 2004 - and a bit later I was contacted by a pee fan from near Portsmouth, in the UK - she read my story, and it turned her on so much that she deliberately wet her jeans, and emailed me to tell me about it.
    1 point
  30. My first was Patches Place all the way back in 1996. It's always going to hold a special place in my heart. I grew up in a pretty conservative area and always thought I was alone in my kinks. I was very surprised when the internet became a thing.
    1 point
  31. If I pee on the toilet I sure do! Every so often I can pee in some odd location like the bathtub or sink and I usually don't. No rhyme or reason behind it.
    1 point
  32. I have perfected the art of the standing female pee, so no. I don't need to wipe. With my labia held out of the way, my stream goes straight forward and my vulva doesn't get wet.
    1 point
  33. Not often and usually when it's raining, being a landscape garderener and wearing waterproof trousers doesn't mean I stay dry 😊
    1 point
  34. Pissing is pissing, I don't really have a preference for male or female pissers. I enjoy thrm both. I must say, I wasn't specifically looking for a trans gent, but the image aroused me when I saw it. Female sexuality can be very fluid! Hehe!
    1 point
  35. Best example I have - I was probably 16, and our family would take out annual summer holidays to a small village on the north coast of New South Wales, in Australia (Red Rock, for anyone interested). My father was a keep fisherman, and he and I would go fishing off the main beach there, usually first thing in the morning. So there I was, standing thigh deep in the ocean, casting out trying to catch some fish - not all that successfully. Of course, this is an ocean beach, and waves are rolling in and breaking on the beach; I am standing maybe 15 metres from the shore, on a small sandbank - t
    1 point
  36. I’ve had a couple of cases but the funniest one was four years ago? Atleast around that time, anyway long story short i was outside near a park looking for a place to piss as i was about to wet myself ’cause beer goes straight thru. I finally found a great bush at the end of the park and walked there, as i got close to the bush and am about take out my dick a woman yells in a really loud voice ”what the hell!!!” And the sheer volume scared the piss out of me literally. It scared me so bad i pissed in my shorts not like fully fully but more than a few drops like half i guess? Turned out there w
    1 point
  37. Excited to share with you all.... Had a fantastic night with my beautiful soul mate last night. She decided to slip into some very tight, light grey cycling shorts, drink a large bottle of wine and sit on the kitchen side and release her bladder in her shorts. She made me drink her pee from the kitchen side while she showed off her wet patch with her lips showing through the material. Then we made our way into the living room where she demanded that I clean her up with my mouth including sucking the pee residue from her shorts (she even slapped me when I pretended that I didn't want to).
    1 point
  38. "You and your daughters are not allowed to pee here Miss." "Well why not? I saw a lady with three other women peeing just over there!" "Correct, that spot has the proper lighting and camera to project to screens in the stadium. Going here captures nothing." "Oh, well, I guess I understand that. Girls clench those muscles and get over there ASAPee!"
    1 point
  39. Sounds amazing - I know what you mean about not wanting to leak of the bus and have everyone see a wet patch as you walked to the front at your stop. Glad you made it off the bus ok, and I can only imagine how amazing the flood gates opening must have felt - well done on getting pants down in time. And is it just me, or is there no better feeling than fresh night air wafting around your parts whilst you do it...? Thanks for sharing - bottoms up!
    1 point
  40. I finally did it 🙂 the classic "stairwell pee" that so many here (of any gender) have done, and I finally did mine! Feels almost like a rite of passage, in a way. Was going to pick up dinner for the family and the restaurant was on an elevated plateau that held a number of restaurants. Well underneath that plateau was a parking deck, which had signs mentioning surveillance, and I did see one near the elevators, but upon going into the stairwell and looking it up and down and up and down, I saw naught a single one in the stairwell itself. A little detail (or maybe not so little to those like us
    1 point
  41. Whilst away at the weekend at a lovely log cabin with outdoor hot tub, I got to experience some more outdoor peeing. My husband was inside watching the football whilst I braved the rain and went in the hot tub once again. It was middle of the afternoon, busy road nearby with cars going past, people in the lodge infront and sat in their tubs. I was desperate for a pee as I'd had a couple of glasses of wine. I sat on the edge of the tub, let my ass hang over. I pulled my swimsuit to one side and after the feeling of the cold air hit my pussy, I let go. The hot, steaming piss fell and
    1 point
  42. I'm guessing that most of us guys here would be respectful clients, fully understanding the boundaries and valuing you as a person. Sadly though I imagine we'd be the exception compared to those just seeing you as a piece of meat. Maybe difficult to differentiate until too late?
    1 point
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