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About F0rester

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    Straight male

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  1. I've been curious for a few years why small hydro turbines can't be installed in urinals and other plumbing expected to only handle liquids.
  2. For a long time I had the thought that trees are nature's urinals but our own Malika convinced me having a leafy cover as a splash guard was an advantage.
  3. Damn, get a bucket and measure that beast of a bladder!
  4. I've gotten the occasional compliment on the duration of my piss from a girlfriend. I took it to mean I was doing well for a guy as she can blast full force for a minute and think nothing of it.
  5. My experience in Japan is the toilet fixtures just continued the sexism. Minimalist squat toilets for the women and excessively bulky urinals for the men.
  6. Has your friend wondered why you never need the toilet for a morning piss? What got you started watering this plant?
  7. Slightly better than weekly, about half the meetups with my FWB I get to hear her blasting.
  8. I greatly enjoy the Japanese product, less the blurring. I haven't seen anything new in a while though.
  9. Any bugs I catch in my home leave via toilet. If I am flushing it for that reason might as well take care of other needs as well. Outdoors, I'm not going to go out of my way to avoid anything. I may opt to aim toward annoying flying insects though.
  10. I like the dentist idea. You can get the perspectives of the patient, the friend, the dentist, and the assistant. I'm guessing at least one of them gets turned on by it and there's part two.
  11. For impressive pissing purposes I prefer alcohol, for everything else I much prefer THC. Though I generally have one really large piss a few hours after consuming THC due to dehydration effects.
  12. Is the bush likely to get another visit to check on its condition or offer another gifting?
  13. Have you ever measured your bladder capacity? When not using a toilet, do you aim at anything in particular beyond not on your shoes?
  14. I am under the impression because they stay so busy they develop huge bladders out of necessity. I had a brief fling with a nurse that decidedly did not but she made up for it in other ways.
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