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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2021 in all areas

  1. I love them on the small side, but with proportionally larger areolas and nipples. Not to get too analytical, but i like when the areola is about 1/3 to 1/2 of the diameter of the breast. If the breast is too big, that proportion looks a little odd. There's a sweet spot though. Like this:
    4 points
  2. It's brand new, so if you'd like to follow go to: https://www.reddit.com/r/Peefans/ 💛 💛 STAFF UPDATE: Not connected to peefans.com
    3 points
  3. Today I had to do a site visit to one of our suppliers. It was a different direction to where my normal work is, so my manager said I could finish early and take the short route home rather than having to come back up to my usual work place. I had spent the day going about the job, drinking plenty of tea when offered and a bottle of lemonade as it was quite humid and warm. This definitely didn't play into my hands on the journey home! Nope! What should have taken around 45 minutes, took nearly 2 hours instead! I got myself stuck on the motorway in heavy traffic, and spent the whole of the
    2 points
  4. You post a huge amount of stuff on here, all of it great content! 😄 At the end of the day, we all forget stuff, so you definitely don't need to appologise. 😄 Not to mention that new members might not have seen the older stuff anyway. 😄
    2 points
  5. Exactly the same for me. It's not even vandalism to do it to someone willing, it's just using a more interesting urinal.
    2 points
  6. For me knowing that I pissed on an unwilling victim's belongings and ruined their day really turns me on >:) The other option is still hot to me. I'd gladly piss on a willing person's things but the first option is so nasty and immoral that it turns me on more.
    2 points
  7. New to this site, Hello! 😊 I'm a spicy account with tons of premade content available and open to custom requests! I do keep my face blurred publicly.
    1 point
  8. So here’s one of my favourite semi-recent pee encounters although it gave me very mixed feelings. Also this is my first real story post so I hope I format everything okay and describe things well. I regularly go with my sister to the stables, she had 2 horses at the time and I was helping her muck them out. When we were finished she said to me “I’m just going to have a wee before we go” I said I’ll just wait here. I excepted her to go to the toilets since there were some at the yard but to my surprise she went back into one of her horses stable (this had wood planks on the lower
    1 point
  9. I’ve recently been talking to some people, also into watersports, and at some point, the conversation turned to whether our peeing habits differed in public toilets as compared to at home — apparently, most of the women I was talking to only wash their hands after a pee in public toilets, and only when others are around. Conversely, the men tended to forego washing their hands in public toilets, regardless of the presence of others, but would wash after a pee at home. When I asked why, most of the answers by the men indicated it was because most of them peed into the sink for convenience at ho
    1 point
  10. I was going to say this in the staff room area accessible only to mods and admin, but decided instead to say it more publicly to everyone. I have today been going through a number of my pic threads, which I rarely ever do. I mostly just post them and move on, perhaps storing only the very best on my storage device. But what I rather depressingly discovered was that many of the same pics, posted time after time by me, kept recurring. Sometimes during the course of an entire thread, admittedly covering many years with many pages, I came across the same pic posted by me maybe half a dozen ti
    1 point
  11. Sounds fantastic! 😄
    1 point
  12. Yep!!! Lost control again whilst undoing my trousers!
    1 point
  13. Scary but exciting sounding moment! 😄
    1 point
  14. Hehe definetely! Managed to Regain control but had to walk into a very crowded toilet clutching my cock like a 5 year old!! ( through my damp trousers that is!!) 😂😂
    1 point
  15. Luckily I haven't. I would love to, but with it being only a year or so old, I would be absolutely devistated if I did! Have you?
    1 point
  16. I have no idea! I can't imagine it would have been much longer at all though. Maybe 10/15 minutes at most I would think!
    1 point
  17. Nice desperation!!! Glad you made it..well just!! 😂
    1 point
  18. "Dud wtf, I just stepped in a puddle! Did you spill something?!" "Nah don't worry, I just took a piss on the front door." "Oh, that's all. I thought you spilled something nasty for a sec. ... actually, do you mind if I sit in it and play with it a little? My clothes are waaay too dry." "Sure thing bud."
    1 point
  19. You'll have to live vicariously through people like me when it comes to ruining people's shit haha
    1 point
  20. I ended up having to drive a long distance late last night with a growing need to pee. Coming off the motorway I looked for somewhere discreet to pull over but it was all residential and busy so I kept going. I knew I was coming to a layby screened off with trees which is usually a good spot for relief but when I got there, there was a lorry driver already parked up there for the night. I went a bit further along and turned into an industrial estate, driving right to the bottom where it was quiet and unlit. By this point if I hadn't found somewhere I'd have probably wet myself. I pulled over o
    1 point
  21. Moonlight penetrated the forest. The large gnarled deciduous trees looked to be hundreds of years old. I felt a vague sense of foreboding evil. I wanted to run but.. I really needed to pee! I made my way around the mammoth truck of an ancient maple and found myself between two bookcases in the near dark University library. I anxiously unzipped my jeans. The library was dark, only a few lights were on, and it seemed to be empty. I was struggling to hold it, but I really didn't want to get caught. I aimed at the carpet in front of me. Giggles greeted me from all directions.
    1 point
  22. I would piss on the dashboard and glove box...I would not have pee the day before on purpose
    1 point
  23. I like that idea. (Or you could write a chapter from their perspective. Hearing Anna and her mother then deciding to be naughty too.) 😜
    1 point
  24. Such a hot story @Bobby Acacia! I hope we see these girls again soon!
    1 point
  25. Thanks for share. You did very well for your first story. Please keep writing.
    1 point
  26. I recall a time while hiking at a state park called Enchanted Rock. It's basically a large natural granite formation. The girls said they needed a piss and wandered off from the group. They were all in bathing suits with gym shorts over them. When they were walking back they were giggling about having to "drip dry" a couple of them had visible wet patches as it was clear they hadn't removed their swimsuits to pee. It was incredibly hot to me, but being in mixed company I had to keep it to myself.
    1 point
  27. Selling dope is a felony in Texas, with the exception of small quantities of herb. Texas law allows use of deadly force in stopping felonies, e.g. rape/robbery/murder. Some dumbasses take it too far and end up spending their life savings on legal expenses. Sadly in this situation the urinator displayed a firearm. Have to say if I were standing in that street, dude pissing or not, he wouldn't have survived the ordeal for displaying a firearm in my direction. Also, to be honest he could have been more discreet about finding a place to piss.
    1 point
  28. After the young couple had gone I walked around to the top of the church steps and sat down on the bench. There were a few people coming along the street from the bars at the bottom of town and they would be closing up in ten minutes time so I decided I would hang around and see if there was anything to see before heading home. Sure enough just after 4 am groups of people started coming up the side street and walking along the street. Some heading straight through and up the main road, some heading to the ATM and some heading to the takeaway. I kept an eye on the groups stopping off at t
    1 point
  29. My plan to have a “couple” of drinks in the bar fell through and we ended up staying there for quite a while until my work friends said they were going to head off and get a taxi. The birthday girl and her remaining friends also decided to head off and called for a taxi. We all went and stood outside the bar and waited for the taxi to arrive. Once my friend and her group had left we walked up to the main street and headed for the taxi office. My two work friends ordered their taxis and they asked if I was ordering one. I told them I would go to the taxi office by the station as they are the on
    1 point
  30. Tonight I ended up using a spot again that I've used before. I woke up in real need of a pee. I wanted a naughty pee but I didn't want a time consuming clean up of my own carpets in the early hours of the morning, nor to leave it and wake to a smell. I debated going outside in the car park or by the bin area but with the amount of windows open due to the hot weather, I thought the loud splashing of piss onto concrete would get me spotted. So I stepped outside of my flat and down a few steps of the carpeted stairway. I stopped in a corner which is shielded from immediate view (you co
    1 point
  31. When they wear outfits like in those outdoor wedding voyeur videos that make it that extra struggle to squat and pee.
    1 point
  32. Greetings all, So the scene is like this, it is quite often I have friends over and we just casually drink in the garage or yard and hang out for the day. All various mix of male/female, If we are outside the men pretty much exclusively are peeing outside, and lately my female friends have joined in that practice. It has been a lot of fun and on more than one occasion when its mostly me and the girls, one of them has recorded me on Snapchat and sent it to me later. She claims it is purely comical to her, but I wonder... Another friend in this same group who I am closer with and know
    1 point
  33. My window faces a kind of open alleyway and there used to be a nightclub at the bottom around the corner, the alleyway would be filled with random people at the weekend running of for a sneaky pee/poop, to roll their joints or snort their powders, sex, blowjobs, m/m, f/f, m/f etc, point is their is nothing I haven't seen. Anyway one weekend a group of 3 girls were in my alleyway drinking there own booze before hiding the bottle in the bushes and heading to the club, twice more they came back and forth within two hours, not an uncommon thing as many others done this as well but these girls
    1 point
  34. My neighbor was a mean old cuss who would never return any ball that fell into his yard. He raised prize roses and I used to sneak in at night and piss on his roses.
    1 point
  35. I was like 10 years old and my friends and I were having a water gun fight. When I ran out of water I had to pee. I ran and hid and pissed in my water gun and shot my friends with it. They were like “why was it warm”? They were “pissed” to say the least
    1 point
  36. I have once peed in one girls boots. The story behind it is much more crazy than the peeing fact itself. This particular , and actually good looking girl in her early twenties was renting an apartment from me end for several month in a row failed to pay the rent. I entered the apartment to check what is going on, and fund it totally demolished. Dog poo was all around the floors, as well as rotten food remains, mixed with dirty panties and different other garbage. Sinks were blocked by a huge piles of unwashed dishes, and rotten food stuffs. I needed to pee, but the toilet was bl
    1 point
  37. A group of us had gone to an outdoor concert. We had lawn seating and everyone was standing, dancing, jumping around, very crowded. Of course we had alot of beer to drink and made plenty of trips to the restroom. During the second band a short rain shower passed through so everyone in the place was soaked. Coincidentally the line for the restroom got much shorter so I'm sure I wasn't the only one pissing myself. There was this girl in front of us sitting and puking, obviously too much to drink. I didn't have on underware because it was extremely hot that day. Towards the end of the concert I
    1 point
  38. Who would be interested in a pee group chat on Snapchat? Can all then send videos ask questions ect
    1 point
  39. I get out of the water and use the regular restrooms, where I pee on the floor.
    1 point
  40. So a few days ago my best friend dumped her boyfriend and told me she had thought about pissing right inside his acoustic guitar just to be petty. Naturally I convinced her to go through with it. I wasn’t there to see her do the deed, but from the way she described it I missed a good one. I couldn’t stop imagining it... until finally a bold idea hit me. That night I met her at her house after work, and I had my own Martin guitar with me. I never play it much, partly because it’s a really nice guitar and is still like new. Well, lol, it was 48 hours ago anyway. She kept asked if I was ab
    1 point
  41. I randomly came across a chart like this and thought I would share them xD I dont super like how they depict smaller breasts in relation to being younger because I have smaller breasts but🤷‍♀️
    1 point
  42. Big boobs, small boobs I like them all. As long as they are natural. I've mentioned earlier I prefer bigger noobs because thats what my wife has lol. They are natural as well
    1 point
  43. Oh No. I don’t handle getting scolded very well. But yes agreed, athletic girls with small boobs (honestly any girl with small boobs) are hot as fuck.
    1 point
  44. I was talking with a guy who runs a bed-n-breakfast. We talked about a number of things, and I asked him what's the craziest thing he's seen one of his guests do. Without hesitation, he said it was the night some woman ruined his pool table. He had a pool table in a common area room for his guests. Well, he had a camera on that room as part of his web of security cameras. When he discovered one day that the green felt of the pool table had this huge stain and had formed wrinkles in an area the size of a beach ball, he went back and checked the camera recording. He said it was like 1 AM i
    1 point
  45. I was once given my notice to quit by a landlord because he was taking sexual favours from a female tenant I'd fallen out with. She was one of those neighbour from hell types but enjoyed the landlord's protection. Private tenants have virtually no rights in the UK so I had no choice but to get out, basically, even though I was not the one at fault. And he openly stated he was not going to return my deposit just to piss me off. So I decided to get my revenge on the landlord by spending my last couple of days there pissing all over his carpets, bed and furniture, lol.
    1 point
  46. I suppose not terribly mean, but the rudest thing I ever did was pee on a girlfriend's bikini panties while she was still in them.
    1 point
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