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  3. I used to work in contruction for a couple years. I always been pissing on site. Some places I feel like i have taken part in every step of its creation. I pissed in the foundation, the frame, the drywall, everywhere. The place werent done until Tyler signed it, the guys used to say.
  4. Yesterday
  5. I'd have to say German gets my vote for favorite because it seems like they view pee activities as a normal part of one's sexuality. I've also noticed that on occasion a German girl will make her own video without anybody helping, she just does it by herself because she likes it. Of course there may be money involved, but the fact that she's solo without some creepy guy filming while making stupid comments is a refreshing change.
  6. I have known about FSF for a little while but just recently learned about the pee activities that go on there. Besides the popular pee pool, I have seen on some sites videos of impromptu gatherings at the event where people will randomly engage in pee play on the sidewalk or some alley. Let's just say that's all it took for me, so I made plans to go this year! I'll be sure to make my contribution at the pee pool just so I can say I did it, but I really hope to walk around (maybe with a boner😉) and pee mark things. Kind of hope I run into a like minded group and we can make a big pee puddle tog
  7. Welcome @QX7 and @yanke! I hope you'll enjoy the huge amount of content here and the friendly community.
  8. Girls, after peeing and wipe yourself, do you also lose a few drops of pee after you lift your underwear like us males? I've always had this curiosity and I couldn't find anything around the internet
  9. Hi to everyone, I'm a boy of 22 Years old and I live in Italy. I would try this page for fun 🙂
  10. Shows it’s still available on my account, give it another shot. Thisvid can be problematic
  11. Pissing on strangers cars is wrong, I’d never do it.. 😉
  12. I've done this with the old metal rubbish bins every house had in the UK before wheelie bins became a thing (and no, never tried a wheelie bin, I am too short, they are too top heavy. I would either fall in or fall over). My uni friends had one that I would sometimes wee in if I was stopping at their place for the night. It was in front of their flat and was handy if I was too drunk to squat without falling over. I hope the bin men didn't mind too much when they emptied it!!
  13. Yeah pissing on car is a classic, just stand there and use it as urinal. Funny how most of the time my stream en up on the handle even when I'm not really trying to aim that way. Some times when we're drunk me and my friends can jump on the roof of some dar and piss all over it.
  14. Fuck it's hot ! And yeah it would have been neat of be had just joined and pissed. I mean now was his chance to just relieve himself without being shouted at.
  15. I peed off my ex girlfriends balcony once. It was a summer night and I had her bent over the arm of her couch which was near the balcony door which was open. I had to piss so I unplugged from her, went out on the balcony and pissed with an erection off the 3rd floor balcony. I finished, shook, and plugged back up to her.
  16. This article about a streamer who ran someone over quotes a Redditor who says her streams involve peeing in alleys - from what I can tell from the Reddit thread, at 5:36:56 in this video she takes a pregnancy test in an alley. Unfortunately the video is currently blocked on YouTube, due to music copyright violation. If anyone knows of a mirror of this video, sees the peeing portion clipped elsewhere, or can access the YouTube video in your country, please share what you can! I found this clip: But it is heavily censored, not sure if there's better out there or if this is wh
  17. Another half marathon race in the bag this morning - the heat made it pretty hard going, but was glad to soldier on and get it done! Very much enjoying an afternoon with the feet up now 😅 Just the one sighting of a lady opting to bypass the portaloo queue and instead squat down beside a tree for a nice piss before the race began - still a lovely treat, no less!
  18. Not exactly a building but... As a kid my friends and I frequently played a game which was a cross between duck-duck-goose and truth-or-dare (dares involving peeing weren't unusual: generally one or two per game); I was dared to pee out of a treehouse. The floor was perhaps 8 feet above the ground: did it and never before or since got such distance.
  19. Washing machines and dishwashers are also good options.
  20. Of course if you wanna share pictures or videos please do. But pls only one involving messy or careless piss as voluntary piss trashing isn't really the subject here. Like if you found a mess someone else made with his careless pissing, or yours or a video on the internet pls share it so we all enjoy it. 😉
  21. I think I I'll lead the way. About one time I've done it, yeah I rarely take care to aim properly when not at home. One time I was in the toilet of the movie theatre and I had taken out my cock to piss. I was focused on my phone however, talking to some friend so I wasn't really paying attention to where I was pissing so by the time I was over there was piss all over the bowl. One other time I was waiting at the same toilet and there was this dude pissing with the door open. He was talking to his friend in the other stall, I could see his stream splashing on the bowl. As he was not v
  22. One thing I find incredibly hot is when dudes have bad aim when they piss and it doesn't bother them. Like, they're not trying to trash/mark he place with their piss, they're just careless and couldn't give two fuck about making a mess which they won't clean anyway. So if you're that kinda guy or if you've seen that kind of stuff please share this here it'd be so cool !
  23. Tongue pissing -- Cut and Uncut, for science!
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