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  1. Past hour
  2. Sounds so awesome. I love to do the same thing when I am home alone or late at night, the release of a full bladder feels amazing.
  3. People have tried for years, both here and on other forums to bring in a dating aspect to the site. The reality is that our love for anything warm and wet is largely male dominated so if anything like that was incorporated in to this site it would most likely push the few amazing women we have here away. They already get bombarded with enough messages. It’s extremely important to respect everyone here. As Goose said, we’re a close community that is growing every day with amazing members. My advice is be part of it, you’ll be amazed at the bonds you build with people and the expe
  4. Heyo it’s me again. So this story contains some toilet play and quite a bit of piss drinking and face sitting (Although it takes a bit getting there) It’s pretty… gross I guess? A lot of mentions of smell and whatnot. It’s a female on female story that also contains some furry elements but that’s mostly because it is a kind of unique take on pissing through underwear. It’s also a story containing some prostitution and some hints of abuse but it’s not too bad (just thought I would let people know) Anyway I have a few more ideas that I’m going to write but would love to hear what you guys have t
  5. Today
  6. Part II Bonjour, my name is Emmanuelle. I work as a vendor on the market, when I don’t work on the farm. Before the sun rises, I back our truck and head to the village. As I arrive, I set up my vegetable stall at the market. My parents grow the vegetables on our farm. I secretly hate it to be the one selling on the market, but what can I do. I stay at the market the whole morning. It is busy and noisy. People come and go, buying and selling. But I am always alone at my stall. There is one girl I see every day. Her name is Claire. She is about my age. When Clair
  7. I used to piss off the balcony of my old apartment. Except I could only do it on rainy nights. I didn't want to risk eviction by pissing off (or pissing on) the downstairs neighbor.
  8. That sounds frustrating. Does that mean you squat in public even though you're capable of peeing standing up?
  9. It's Friday, the weekend is looming. But first we get to celebrate some H-U-G-E Birthdays. Could life get any better ? Have a great day @kalle2020 @peeweesee @Ghostpiss @prsrs @Ingalill @Qwed @Klimperkasten2 @Porsche-944
  10. I am now... three hours later. Timezones !
  11. What a lucky find in that fitting room! Did you add to the puddle?
  12. Yesterday
  13. That creator is indeed, very cute! Not every job location has toliet facilities, so you've got to do, what you have got to do. Farmers, delivery drivers, etc. all have this problem. BTW, I had to look up "plant equipment operator," because I wasn't sure of whether that was an indoor or outdoor job. Different dialect of English language. We would normally say (formally) "Operating Engineer" or (commonly) "Heavy equipment operator".
  14. Well you know where to spend your next vacations
  15. Dear Wet Carpet. My name is Mike and for a few weeks now I have been dating the 39 year old barmaid who works down my local. She has stopped over at mine a few times and I have stopped over at hers. She is a real goer and the sex is great. Well last night at hers we were laying in bed together and she had to get up and go for a pee as she often seems to do before we sleep. I said something about it being a bummer that we were both snug in the bed and she had to go to the bathroom. She switched on the light and climbed out of bed then just matter of factly said, "I don't think I'll bother!
  16. Bill Bryson pee shy in Paris (from 'Neither Here nor There: Travels in Europe', 1992).
  17. That, Maggie, is precisely what I did! No intention of actually swimming in there at all - just slipping in to enjoy the experience of relieving myself into the pool water, and then getting back out again. On a couple of occasions I didn’t actually even properly get in at all; merely sitting on the side with my legs in the water and enjoying just pissing through my swim shorts into the pool water that way - lovely and naughty! 🤫
  18. That’s so good, you must have been really desperate to piss.
  19. Hairy is sex, seeing wet hair is delicious
  20. I met my girlfriend on Tinder. I decided to use it because i am a very introverted and shy person. But it's probably easier for a girl to find partners on these sites, for me even more so being a bisex girl. It's probably more difficult for a boy. As for themed sites, i think there is a meeting site for ABDL, but i've never used it so i can't say what it's like.
  21. Yeah I understand that, I had a friend in high school who was incontinent. He was constantly looking for toilets or places to pee. Always sounded like he'd had an orgasm when he came back lol.
  22. Hi @Bigzack and welcome to this lovely website. I can promise you that I never pee before taking a swim! In the sea, or in a lake or river, I'll always hold-on so I can do it in the water. Pools and hot tubs are my favourites though.
  23. Yes, being an incontinent girl, i tend to have a lot of urgencies 😅
  24. That was super hot to read and I can imagine you had fun with this alone time! Drinking lots of water and getting desperate are my favorite and I love doing that too. There's no sensation like relaxing your bladder when you really need to go. I guess you have that a lot during the day 😁
  25. I understand you, due to incontinence i have often had to pee improvisedly in makeshift places and i have had to deal with wet trousers many times. ❤️
  26. my bladder is very small, it is slow in growing compared to the rest of my body, which is why i am incontinent and have accidents, it just can't keep up with the urine my adult kidneys produce. Basically my bladder goes beyond its maximum capacity suddenly if i don't go to the bathroom at least every two hours. If i delay my visit to the bathroom too long i get suddenly unbearable desperation and I have very few minutes to release the pee otherwise i have an accident because i am unable to resist. When i pee at these times, i have a very strong urge and the jet is very powerful even if my pees
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