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  1. i kinda forgot i was wearing a thong. so it totally looked like my butt was bare while wearing this coat.
    10 points
  2. Good afternoon friends! Some of you that frequent the chat box might already know about this but I ask that you please not disclose any info about who this person is to me beyond what I've written here. I am paranoid and don't want to get them in trouble. #IYKYK So!!! This is the story of how I came to lust after someone close to me. Someone that I will probably never see again after today. I've been kinda flustered all day long. There is a person that maintains a professional relationship with me that I've been spending a lot of time with recently. In the beginning I really di
    9 points
  3. My name is Ashlyn, and one of the more defining traits is the ability to pee wherever I want to, whether people approve or not. Naughty peeing is my thing, it started real young when I used to pee in the hallways of my school when no one was looking, to peeing under a computer desk in the library in college, and finally to me today. Toilets are over rated, I just feel it's much more fun and thrilling to simply stand or squat in the middle of my living room and relieve myself. Sure, not everyone will agree with me, but really? Why should I care lol. Most of it happens on my own carpet, after be
    5 points
  4. My friend group consisted of myself, a male, 2 other males, and 3 females. All 6 of us were varsity athletes, so pretty fit. We decided that we wanted to have one last hoorah before we all went our separate ways to college, so we went on a cross country road trip to wherever our heart desired. About 12 hours into our trip, we decided that we should get a hotel since we were just outside of a big city that we wanted to explore the following day. We were able to find a mid range hotel, like one of the ones that has a gym and an indoor pool. We got 2 rooms, 1 for boys and 1 for girls. We got ever
    4 points
  5. Little update: Did our first round of errands and when we got home there was still no water. So when I got home I peed in the sink like I posted about earlier. We are going on 8 hrs no water still :/ but in more fun news: I very, very quickly had a third pee in the sink as fast as I could because my husband was on his way home. I recorded this pee for a special someone (and it was much more pleasant and louder than I thought 🥰) along with a picture that my phone then tried to show me in my live pictures along with some shitty inspirational quote etched on top 🤣🤣🤣 i was in such a rus
    4 points
  6. I seem to retain the most useless or random information and I am sure something really important has been pushed out of my ear as a result. For example, I can remember the barcode for a Creme Egg (50201600) I have never worked in retail and I don't even like Creme Eggs yet here we are. I can remember the door entry code for my school that I haven't been to since the early 2000's. The building was demolished years ago, the door doesn't even exist anymore, but I can still remember C2743Z
    3 points
  7. Did you just skip over the fact that I dropped out of chemistry twice? 🤣
    3 points
  8. So much useless information floating around my head. In a similar vein to the others… every phone number of friends from school pre-cellphones, my home numbers (all of them) through childhood, parents and my car registrations, door codes etc. However, can I remember the CURRENT padlock codes I use regularly - not a hope in hell. The mind is a weird thing.
    3 points
  9. Boring…..BORING?!? Hun, that post was far from boring.. reading I totally felt your desperation and can completely relate! That was such an ordinarily situation that if it was my N he wouldn’t have mentioned it but you’ve made it extraordinary! ❤️
    3 points
  10. I can only really speak for myself (although I suspect there may be other friends who also think the same way) that sometimes it's easy to overlook the simple pleasure in just 'having a wee'. We on the site here find ourselves taking everything to the next level of exciting pee action, and I at times feel like I'm the one missing out on all that action. Just enjoying the more daily weeing is a lovely thing to do.
    3 points
  11. - Michelle Obama didnt like Barack at first because "his nose was too big" - the income from the sparkling wine tax in germany is supposed to be used to fund the imperial navy... which doesnt exist anymore for over a hundred years, yet ppl are still paying it (especially useless knowledge since i have never touched a drop of alcohol in my life) - the "paradoxical frog" - "Pseudis Paradoxa" is called like that because their tadpoles are the worlds largest, yet the adult frog is just a third of that length and pretty average - some males of the "Argentinian rowing duck" can get er
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Thank you SO MUCH for the replies and feedback everyone. I was worried people would find a toilet wee story a little...boring? Mundane? but you have convinced me otherwise. I'll definitely post more in the future.
    3 points
  14. Hey guys! Have you ever taken some artistic photos of yourself peeing? I tried to be artistic when I shoot these photos. These photos were taken with an iPhone, but I also have an system camera and photography is my hobby. I would like to try taking some pee pictures with a photo model sometime, but I don't think it will happen. I get to be both a photographer and a model. 😂 It would be nice to see if anyone else has taken pictures like this. Put your own pictures in this thread if you want, because I would like to see them. You can also suggest new ideas for photos to me. Here
    2 points
  15. Yesterday I woke up with this brilliant idea popping in my head about attempting to pee either on the carpet again or someplace new at work. At work, I started off the day by drinking a tall glass of water and kept myself fairly hydrated. At one point I even forgot that I had to pee real bad because of how busy I got. However, around 2 pm, the desperation hit me like a truck and all I could think of was going then and there. As I got up from my seat I felt this massive wave pass right through me almost making me lose it. Anyway I got up from my seat and decided to make my way to the chose
    2 points
  16. Morning friends! My day started off kinda rough. Someone knocked on my door to tell me there was a leak into the laundry room downstairs (right beneath my unit), and they needed to check my water to make sure it wasn't us. I let them in and they checked everything and gave me the greenlight, and I didn't think anything else about it. Just got up to get ready as the kids were off school and we have a bunch of stuff to get done. But then one of the Littles came running, telling me the toilet wasn't flushing. I went to check it out and sure enough it wasn't working, and before I could f
    2 points
  17. I needed a wee earlier, not jiggling about desperate, but I was pretty full so I went upstairs to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, walked over to the toilet and pulled down my skinny jeans and red thong to my knees as I descended onto the cold seat. After a brief pause a gentle tinkling filled the room as I started peeing. Much to my surprise, after about five seconds my stream slowed to a halt. I usually go for much longer than that. I felt empty so I figured I just didn't need to go as badly as I thought. I reached to my side, wrapped some toilet paper twice around an open hand and
    2 points
  18. Totally agree with others that this was far from boring. You always have such an excellent way of describing the situation @Sophie and that makes every scene special. The interaction with your neighbour was also special. I am left wondering what would have happened if you had chosen the other cubicle? When you realised that there was no tissue would you have also asked your neighbour for tissue or would you have drip dried to avoid asking? Definitely don’t stop posting things like this as they are always great to read and help those of us who can’t experience it first hand to und
    2 points
  19. No idea of Planck’s constant but speed of light is 3x10^8 m/s 🤣
    2 points
  20. By far the biggest thing for me has been incorporating pee into my sex life with my wife. I've told most of the details in another thread, but I'll provide a recap here. My wife (14 years) is (was?) 100% anti-pee, anti-fetish, full-on kink shaming, etc. She didn't want to talk about it, wouldn't let me watch her, etc. But over the course of 2022, things got progressively better in that regard. We talked about it more, I was able to better explain why it was a turn-on for me, and eventually she let me try it (peeing during sex). By the end of 2022 and into 2023, it has become
    2 points
  21. Mole= 6.02x10^23 I dropped out of chemistry like twice so idk how I remember it, but I can't believe that I do lol.
    2 points
  22. I guess there’s a whole load of formulae and conversion factors locked in my brain that are redundant now we just Google everything… Also redundant is the family home phone number - I left home at 17 and soon after it was just a case of dialling from my phone’s memory. But a couple of years ago I suddenly found myself at my parents house in Spain, just after my dad’s death. They’d sold the family home a decade earlier, and staring at his combination locked document safe was the first time I’d typed in that number for maybe nearly thirty years. At that precise moment, remembering m
    2 points
  23. "Someone" is in the mood for some morning sex!
    2 points
  24. To boldly pee where no-one has peed before! I haven't peed in any of those places yet, but the cinema is high on my Wishlist! Before Covid I used to travel a lot and during my road trips I always piss-trashed the bathrooms along the way. I would say it's time for another trip!!
    2 points
  25. This is so beautiful and sexy @puddyls! Thank you. Hope you weren't too cold at the gas station lol
    2 points
  26. FINALLY TAKING A PEE IN A PRIVATE MEN'S URINAL Public restrooms during the pandemic were mostly closed, so when transit riders were faced with needing to pee, it meant either trying to find facilities close by, or if you were a man, you found a nearby alley, or used a wall or bush nearby. I always opted for an alley. Or if you were a really desperate or brave guy, there was a small space between a building and a brick wall, about 1-1/2 feet wide, maybe 15 feet from the main transit building entrance. I watched men disappear for a minute or two, and then reappear. It was obvious they went
    2 points
  27. Thinking on it... I'm amazed at the number of phone numbers that I haven't called in many decades I can still remember! And how much I love cream eggs.
    2 points
  28. TAKING A PISS ON MY DAILY WALK ... So today for my daily walk I decided to take a route I haven't done in a while, past an old unused bank building. There is still an ATM in use, and cars still park on the parking lot. Walking in front of the building I decided that I needed to take a pee. On the parking lot, I found 2 larger vans/SUVs, and positioned myself between them, whipped out my dick, and let the piss flow. There was a faint odor of stale pee there, so I felt at home going there.
    2 points
  29. Contains Pee Vandalism. A fairly short story compared to my usual. Last weekend I had an unforgettable experience. It started out like any other day. I was bringing the last of my belongings from my parent's house to the apartment I would be staying at while I attended university. I had a few boxes in the trunk and one box of comic books in the back seat which I didn’t want to take my eyes off. It was a cold, snowy day, but I was making good progress. Then I saw two young women on the side of the road. One of them saw me coming and started waving my car down. I’m not immune to the ch
    1 point
  30. None that I know of 😞 can't pee in the laundry cause my washing machine isn't functional lol.
    1 point
  31. Maybe pee with Captain Janeway, or 7 of 9? I would love to piss with that gorgeous voluptuous Borg!
    1 point
  32. Theme tunes to cartoons I used to watch as a kid but can't remember the lyrics to my favourite songs
    1 point
  33. First song of the day: *shuffle* ….and it’s this belter from Ireland’s finest Yes! What a tune! ”HELLO HELLO (HOLA!). I’M AT A PLACE CALLED VERTIGO!”
    1 point
  34. Hope she knows what to do with what he's showing her...
    1 point
  35. She could use a couple of extra pounds on her, otherwise she is beautiful.
    1 point
  36. I know this is an old thread, but I've only recently joined the forum and wanted to show my cock off to you all!
    1 point
  37. I was in traffic and had a really need to piss, but I couldn't get out of the car. I was already thinking about peeing my pants, but I remembered that I have an empty thermos bottle in my backpack. I took the bottle out of my backpack and quickly opened the cap. I put my penis in the bottle and the piss came out with a very strong flow. Peeing had never felt so good before. The thermos bottle filled up quickly and pee dripped onto the floor of the car. I couldn't empty my bladder completely, but I made it all the way home where I went to the bathroom.
    1 point
  38. Just to continue on the original subject matter, the polls I pointed to at the top of this thread were mostly the thoughts of today's mothers or parents in general. I always thought that there is a strong correlation between what mothers teach or allow and what young men are comfortable doing. Men are rarely concerned about what others might say or think, but many, especially teenage and young men living at home are terrified of what their mom might say. When guys understand their mom to be okay with it, they don't seem to be concerned about it. I recently came across this poll https://www.
    1 point
  39. I posted this "Water feature" one some time back but think perhaps it fits here better?
    1 point
  40. I used to fly small aeroplanes as a hobby, but haven't done that for a few years. It really burns through the money. @Sophie we do seem to be interested in many of the same things. I took piano lessons as an adult at one time, but I never seemed to find the time to practice. I'd still love to play, but arthritis is beginning to creep into my hands now, so probably it won't happen. I did get as far as hooking up a MIDI keyboard to a laptop running Synthesia, but still haven't done much with it. Have played with electronics in the past - built a personal computer when I wa
    1 point
  41. when i was young my family was very open, also i was not dry through the day or night so i was still in dipers and pull ups, one morning my mum had taken off pull up and had realsed there were none left so my dad went to the store to get some in the mean time i was running around naked my older siblings were on the trampoline so i went and joined them my mum came down to watch us all then i had to pee bad (i was 6 at the time) my mum knew i would not make it back to the house as we had a big backyard so she told me to go pee in the pool as that was close. i ran to the pool and stood on the fir
    1 point
  42. Oh those are sweet memories Alfresco. I love you and your sister's "pretend" toilets that were sometimes actually used for peeing! Also love your biscuit tin "toilet" which rusted and released its contents into the carpet. Fond memories of naughty things many of us did as kids - and got away with! Something you've reminded me of was a 2-week holiday when my brother and I were given permission to play all day in an unoccupied basement below the guest house our parents had rented. The weather often wasn't good so our dad said we could play in there. There was no toilet, but of course t
    1 point
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