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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2024 in Posts

  1. I love small town issues. There is a train that reliably blocks traffic in my town at around 1 for about an hour. Locals know it and avoid it. Or if you're me and are in no hurry we just wait for it. It's usually just a few of us waiting but for the eclipse there were so many cars in line. To set the scene I'll tell you that there were two cars in the line between me and a Jeep. A few minutes into waiting those cars turned around and went to go find another way. (hint, there isn't. not a quick way anyhow) So now there's me in my truck and a gap up to the jeep. 15 minutes into waiting the lady
    5 points
  2. I have a pretty strange fetish, i get excited when something happens that embarrasses me. I don't know, maybe it was due to some humiliating incidents i had in adolescence. Obviously if something embarrassing happens to me, like having an accident, someone seeing me naked, etc... At the moment i feel very ashamed and mortified. But then afterwards i feel excited, i know it's a little strange 😳
    5 points
  3. Hiya just introducing myself, my name is LeatherGrrl but you can call me Lucy x I have been lurking here for some time but I thought I would join and say hey. You shall see me pop up and post from time to time and see my kinky side lol x feel free to ask me anything or ping me a message babes x
    3 points
  4. I thought I might regale you, my lovely friends, on my experiences staying at an island resort. It was a wonderful place, surrounded by a tropical, lush environment made up of clear blue, warm ocean, deep green rainforests, tall coconut palms, white sandy beaches and multi-coloured corals. A natural paradise, just as I imagined it would be. Once I landed at the airport and made my way to the resort, I wasted no time; changing into my bathers to jump in the pool. The pool was large, though fairly shallow, with sparkling, clear, warm water. There was a swim-up bar with s
    3 points
  5. Reminds me of the old Milton Jones joke: "To the guy in the wheelchair who stole my camouflage jacket: You can hide, but you can't run."
    3 points
  6. I found an open locker
    3 points
  7. That's exploitation of vulnerable people
    2 points
  8. God, I hate that they made him pee outside with people close by and her go to a closed bathroom. Way to go on being stereotypical. Would have loved it if they did it the other way around. So for me, that commercial made me want to avoid that product. Didn't want it before either, but now I will actively stay away from it if it shows up in my country/I stumble across it.
    2 points
  9. Describing the pandemic of 2020 to our grandkids’ generation be like : …
    2 points
  10. Sounds like a fun time and this is so well written, i would've loved to be one of the other women there as you did the naughty deeds. I think you should try the hot tub next, as the jets would be an interesting experiment!
    2 points
  11. Pretty sure I found the one you were talking about https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5QbRMjMCha/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    2 points
  12. Ruth here. When were on the boat going out , and hitting the waves my boobs bounce , but I'm not that big . A 34 C but I'm a small bodied person . Now being naked on this beautiful yacht give me a feeling of complete freedom . You can feel the ocean spray and wind on your body and face .It's magical o me . Never be ashamed of what you have , I'm sure you are very lovely 🌹
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Hello! This is my first story I’m posting in here, it’s about a few college girls who have drank too much at a party! I hope you enjoy! At this point Sarah was an experienced partygoer. As a senior in college and a member of a sorority, she’s been to countless parties. She knows which frats are cool and which ones are filled with weirdos, she knows how to mix jungle juice and how to tell if a drink is safe. She’s a hardened veteran of numerous ragers, dages, and theme nights. And if there’s one thing Sarah knows about, it’s breaking the seal. When one is drinking alcohol
    2 points
  15. Couldn’t see any toilets (didn’t look for any), so spraying a nice big piss marking all over the wall and flower bed it is.. 🌝
    2 points
  16. Concert parking lots, especially sprawling concert parking lots. Especially ones that involve hours of day drinking in the lot before the doors open. Especially when the acts cater to hard drinking party crowds.
    1 point
  17. I'll tell you about an episode of desperation from yesterday: practically in the afternoon I went shopping with my sister. While we were at the mall i felt the urge to pee, even though it wasn't that big, but I still wanted to pee to avoid complications later. Unfortunately, with my usual luck, they were cleaning the women's bathrooms and so i went back to my sister, i said to myself "if I really have to go, I'll go to the station or on the train when we get back". To my bitter surprise, however, the train we were supposed to take was replaced by a replacement bus because they were doing so
    1 point
  18. Same happened with me except mine came back positive lol 😂
    1 point
  19. Peeing in naughty places. Always.
    1 point
  20. I am vacationing right now with friends and the air bnb we are staying in has a big and beautiful balcony facing the sea. Last night one of my friends and I were drinking and chatting at night on that balcony. At one point both of us had to pee and apparently she was more desperate to pee than me. Not wanting to walk all over to the toilet downstairs, we decided to pee into the several flower pots on the balcony. I pulled my shirt up and stood over a medium sized pot while she squated low over a small pot and almost immediately let out a noisy stream of pee accompanied with a sigh.
    1 point
  21. One of my more memorable pisses also involved a police officer. It was late at night in a suburban area, there was a park nearby but no open toilets. I figured I’d just piss on a tree on my way home but as I walked a bit off the path and approached it a cop pulled by and asked what I was doing at this time of night. He wasn’t super well spoken, quite the country fellow. I just explained to him I really needed to piss and there were no bathrooms around. He laughed a bit and said he could use a piss too, it didn’t matter. So I stepped up and pissed on the tree while he pissed on the grass next t
    1 point
  22. Bathroom door was locked at the park. Oh well...
    1 point
  23. I like the way he opens her up, so we see right inside her delightful pussy...
    1 point
  24. Another yellow morning piss on my bedroom carpet.
    1 point
  25. I was holding all night to do a little wet cleaning of the public elevator at the next train station 😂💦
    1 point
  26. All, This past weekend I took my wife out to a nightclub after a late dinner. We were out about 6 hours before attempting to leave the establishment. My wife said "I can't hold my pee anymore. I need to find the bathroom". She had probably 4 beers and 3 glasses of water since we were out. I was amazed she could hold her piss this along but she hates public toilets. She usually waits till we get home to unleash her torrent of piss. While wearing a low cut short black slinky dress and 3 inch heels along with her barely "B" bra cup, wavy blonde hair and her 5.9 stature she rushed to the
    1 point
  27. Alone for once, so I stopped between a house and a hedge to pee on the wall. Felt amazing and a bit tingly in case someone would catch me. Here is the aftermath and I'm well on my way for my ride who's waiting to pick me up.
    1 point
  28. Story 2 This happened Easter Sunday 2022 I spent the week away from my wife and I was extremely horny from no contact/ sex in over a week. I stayed in and shared a hotel room so I couldn’t even masturbate. We sexted all week and I was excited to be going home. I just landed in Albany airport and took the shuttle to get my truck. As I was leaving the lot I drove by the pull off where people park to watch planes take off and I noticed a car with its 2 right side doors open. The car was parked at an angle and one guy was trying to block for the girl that was peeing between the doors. I
    1 point
  29. A bit of a historical classic for us... Field of Dreams.
    1 point
  30. I watched Oppenheimer last night, had to see what the noise was about. It’s the 3rd iteration of basically ‘The Manhattan Project’ I’ve seen, Fatman and Little Boy, Shadow Makers were the other two.
    1 point
  31. I recently watched the movie Oppenheimer. It's a great movie.
    1 point
  32. Sometimes I get a bit aroused when I let it go 😉
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Some years ago my man and I made a nice trip to a sea place. In our tour of several days it was planned also to reach an area where these is a famous panoramic walk on the coast. So, that day we took the car and drove to the coast. The trip was pretty long and once we reached there it was extremely difficult to find a parking, so we ended up to park pretty far from the nice walkway. After such long driving we were both in the need of taking a big pee, so we thought that the first step would have been to take a pee and than to enjoy our walk. My man solved the problem immediately after getting
    1 point
  35. I left work yesterday morning with a nice full bladder ready to burst, once again. I headed to the store again. This time I had brought a change of clothes, but pissing my pants in front of the Walmart greeter had piqued my interest, and I went to the store purely with the intention of pissing my leggings in an aisle and leaving a puddle. It was sooo easy. I just started pissing while I was looking at a rack of clothes, then walked away and left the puddle. You couldn't even tell my black leggings were wet. I wanted to keep walking around the store and leaving more puddles, I had to get
    1 point
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