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  1. Note to all: Over the last few weeks, Staff have removed a number of images from this particular thread where the subjects look like they may be under the age of 18. If they are under 18, this is a breach of Site Rule 2. And also for the future of this site is completely unacceptable. As staff we have no desire to go to prison. Please would all users ensure they have verified that subjects are legally adults over the age of 18 before posting.
    8 points
  2. Definitely. I have a friend and we used to frequently pee together outside when we were partying. There was one scene I vividly remember. We were drinking in the park with some other friends and both my bestie and I needed to pee. We went to our usual place between the dumpster and a wall and I squatted first and she then right in front of me. She started pissing first and when I peed our streams crossed quite literally. I told her to watch out as our merged puddle was pooling around her foot but she didn't budge. So, we literally made a tiny lake of pee abd she was happy our pees merged... Ap
    7 points
  3. 😍 Filling up lockers 😉 Hope nobody puts their stuff in anytime soon.....
    5 points
  4. Long overdue follow-up from 'First time peeing on a hotel bed' about a year ago. Some history to it, made some friends from school, influenced and convinced them to partake in different types of naughty peeing with me, had the boldest idea to try it on hotel bed. After the first time we tried pulling it off, we learned a lot on how to improvise from the flops. This time round we had it much better to our own but confined to peeing. As simple as it sounds but there had to have some level of planning, same typical 2x bed suite for us to go all out over. Feeling a lot more confiden
    4 points
  5. I do what you call nonchalant peeing in at least two of these situations : offering a drive and when out at night in the city. My work requires occasional traveling by car, and I frequently offer a drive to someone, either through carpooling arrangements or picking random hitchhikers on the road. I drink a lot of water when I am driving, to keep me awake and to help looking and feeling fit at destination. Therefore I have to make regular pee breaks, and this also happens when I am not alone in the car. When I feel I need a pit stop, I openly tell my passenger, and most of the time, I ju
    4 points
  6. Today I went to an appointment in a town about 30 minutes away. After the appointment I decided I wanted to pee somewhere more interesting than the car park, so I went for a little walk. I am glad I did. They are building some new shops (stores) with apartments above them. The buildings are finished but the shops are yet to be fitted out. As I walked along, I noticed that two of the doors to the new stores were open - not just unlocked, but open. I figured people were working in there, but there was no light which seemed weird. I carried on to the end of the quiet pedestrianised stree
    3 points
  7. I when to music festival with my friends a couple of months ago I reasonably got fucked up on cheap ass beer we were standing I had pee and porta potties where to far so lower my daisy duke shorts down a bit and begin pissing forward I tell my friend who I almost hit to watch out they ignore me but I noticed a couple of droplets on each of their calves
    3 points
  8. I love this website! You guys are amazing. Bunch of men, pissing everywhere. And on that note, How about pissing in food? This is probably more fucked up of anything I do to my friends. When at their places, all of whom live by themselves, I will open up the fridge and piss in their orange juice, or their left overs. Just a bit so it's not so very noticeable. I've then watched them unknowingly pour a drink of something I've pissed in for themself or others and watch them drink it. Not realizing anything One friend will watch me piss in another friend's food and laugh and watch
    2 points
  9. I am in college where bathrooms are very inconveniently placed. The women’s is a floor down. I have not once pissed in those toilets, as it’s so inconvenient. I always piss in either the sink, out the window, or while I’m taking a shower. Also, if I am taking out the trash, I piss in the trash before I take it out. If I use the sink, I just sit on the ledge and piss, then run the water. My suitemate has complained about the sink smelling like piss, but I just blamed it on a piping issue. However, when I use the window, I stand on my desk and piss out the window onto the picnic area b
    2 points
  10. Hello ^^ Last weekend was the LGBT+ parade in my city, a lot of people was in there, most of the time was just people walking, but at the afternoon there was a loot of drunk girls and, yes, a lot of them were peeing in the streets surrounding the main street, that was the center of the parade. I needed to go out to buy my dinner, so I put on my suit and started walking outside of my apartment, but as I was walking to the main door, I started hearing (I have very good ears) a group of girls outside talking about peeing, I was too much excited and also there was a lot of sounds out in
    2 points
  11. Sorry, I had forgotten I had posted this experience. It was several months before I had got to go back to that store. When I did return they said she had been fired. I asked why and they would only respond by saying "it was stupid". I asked around at other stores and the first real answer I got was "inappropriate behavior" After finding the right person to ask I was told that she was caught on camera pissing behind the neighboring store while two seasonal employees watched. Missed my chance but if she got fired at least it was doing something she loved.
    2 points
  12. Wet and fuzzy and pissing.
    2 points
  13. One of the most erotic pee videos I've ever seen was one of those kind of hidden cameras in busy places clips. Several girls, I think eastern Europeans, were pissing in an alleyway or doorway. One of them had an extremely powerful stream, because she definitely started splattering and plashing the girl in front of her, who had to quickly get out of the way. What made it even hotter was the girl pissing on the other clearly didn't even care, as she made no attempt to reposition herself. I haven't been able to find the clip, which is sad. If anyone could pull it up and share it, it would be SO a
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I’ve done this too! Well in my own car - once on an 8 hr road-trip (I was alone; and have a post about it on here somewhere with pics). Brought multiple towels and sheets to sit on and whenever I felt like it I just decided to let it go! It felt so amazing it led to me driving naked and masturbating on the highway - both squirting and pissing 🤭 it was unfortunate my seats were material and I soaked the car so I got the interior detailed afterwards and it helped. Haven’t done it since but damn it’s hot!
    2 points
  17. Sometimes a sighting can just fall into your lap and it can be delicious! I have been working at a event in the south east this weekend. Part of my job is quite mobile and I cover a large area. This particular event gets people out in the villages to watch as the cars drive past. I was around halfway along the route and my need to piss was getting stronger, so I decided it was time to look for somewhere. 1 village had a large gathering, so I drove through it and noticed quite a long layby. Many people had parked there and walked up to stand on the village green and watch as the cars
    2 points
  18. Definitely always just step up on my desk and piss through the side of my underwear out the window. Nobody is ever out there at night and I don’t have to leave the privacy of my room.
    2 points
  19. Unfortunately, I think I am too shy to ever admit this fetish in real life. I would love to relieve myself in a man’s mouth while he sucks me, but I fear it would tarnish their image of me. There have been times I was so horned up that I couldn’t help it and did it without their consent. Like the aforementioned time above. Another time, I was riding a boy’s face and just couldn’t help but squirt some into his mouth while he sucked my clit. He was naive, though, and thought I squirted. I let him believe that to avoid the truth. Another time, I was in the shower with a boy an
    2 points
  20. I used to be heeeavily into WoW, back in the days of Lich King, and use to spend far too much of my free time doing raids and such. My boyfriend at the time was in the same guild as me and we would raid together sat at our dining table. On a few occasions where we were absolutely mired, we both either peed on the floor under the table, or just wet ourselves. In one raid where my boyf had died in game, he had fun taunting me by getting up and loudly peeing in the kitchen sink nearby, and then enjoyed watching as I peed onto the floor through my PJs from my seat, telling the entire ra
    2 points
  21. I have this secluded corner in my subway station that I piss in most days after I get off the train at night. Usually nobody is around. But when I’m there in the daytime, the place smells very strongly. I often see people standing exactly where I pissed while they wait for the train.
    2 points
  22. I usually game with my cock sticking out my fly (ie: I mostly wear a white T-shirt and tight low rise briefs. When I’m gaming for long periods of time and my bladder starts to get full my cock gets erect and my tips starts to drip piss. So I put my controller down, turn to my “piss wall” in my bedroom and shoot piss at it. The rugs at the base soak up my piss so no immediate cleaning. After I’m done with my piss I go back to playing my game with my cock out and drinking a shit ton of water, wine, and soda to get ready for my next gaming piss The below pic was taken after a recent
    2 points
  23. Oh yeah, lots of times. My friends go outside their places to smoke. We're usually drinking, and we're so comfortable with each other that I will literally just turn around the opposite direction and start pissing, while we're smoking and talking still. I say "watch your shoes boys" and they'd jump and hop out of harms way. But I must have pissed on their shoes dozens of times. But to be fair, their piss streams would get me too if I wasn't careful. One pair of my white sneaks got fricking stained yellow. Lol.
    2 points
  24. I drive a truck delivering to a chain of retail stores. Some people I see every week, others, not as much. A few days ago I went to a store I haven't been to in a while and the store manager unloaded the truck. Now this particular young lady once pushed me against a wall with her ass and grinded on my cock like I had just paid her for a table dance and walked away without a word or anything, so I never know what to expect from her. We were talking and I was telling her about sitting in traffic for 4 hours behind an accident. She asked what I did to occupy myself for that long. I told her
    1 point
  25. Well, this was in Buenos Aires near Avenida de Mayo, just in case you are someone who travel to other countries and you were planning to come to Argentina some day. Anyway, probably there's events like this in any country and any place with lots of drunken people and a festivity that lasts all day. And... yes, I would take any night without dinner if it were like that one jajaja
    1 point
  26. Two relevant stories to share: 1.) My wife is a daily shower peer. It's part of her normal routine. One time I asked her where/when the habit began for her. She said "I guess I don't know exactly, but probably in college. The toilets were all the way on the other side of the bathroom. I think I just got up, and went to get in the shower line rather than making a separate stop for the toilet and losing my place in the shower line. I think this is what most people probably did." 2.) When I was in college, in my second year I shared an on-campus apartment with three male roommates. I do
    1 point
  27. I was watching last night and saw an interesting scene. Nothing visually graphic, due to angles and positions, but it was clear what was happening. A lady and guy were there and there was a blow job and both of them peed. Summary as follows: They both arrived on the scene a bit before 11pm local time. They both went behind the buoy to the right. She disappeared beyond it and he turned and peed towards the wall. Was she peeing as well? Can't be sure, but when he finished he came out alone and turned back and look towards her. She came out maybe 30 seconds later. After a bit of
    1 point
  28. She has beautiful eyes (among other things)
    1 point
  29. I haven’t but my friend pissed in his landlord’s pineapple soda. My friend and his girlfriend were renting a room in the house and the landlord John lived there as well. My friends girlfriend told him he should do it. He did too! 🤣 It was one of those large 3 liter soda bottles or store brand soda. He said he started pissing in the soda, and when he got full stream, his girlfriend told him to stop. He said he couldn’t stop once he got going. He finishes in the bottle, shakes it up and places the bottle back in the refrigerator. Landlord comes in some time after, all hot and
    1 point
  30. What a fun day you had. 💖 My favourite parts were the peeing on the change room floor…love the casual nature of it. And very nice to think about you peeing while swimming in the pool. And your fountain in the steam room…peeing over your chest must have been beautiful. Laying in pee is a nice feeling. And peeing on walls is always wonderful. Thanks for sharing your day.
    1 point
  31. That reminds me of a time when I peed in a display tent. I had stopped at a large camping shop on my way to somewhere. I needed to buy something camping related. It was about an hour into my journey and I needed to pee. There were no obvious toilets, so I thought I would go to the outside display area and pee between the tents. When I walked down there, I realised that nobody was about, but that the display area was very visible from the shop and car park, so if I peed between tents, I would likely be spotted. However, I thought that if I went inside a tent, nobody would see what
    1 point
  32. I’ve never asked anyone to mind my stream but I was once out partying with girls in Hollywood and had to tell one to essentially mind the others stream. We’re were transitioning from one club to another and the girls stopped to pee in a parking lot between cars. One of them set her purse on the ground behind her and started to squat between cars. The other one started peeing in front of the car but the slope of the ground took her pee under the car and straight towards the purse. I saw it and called it out. I also gave me the perfect excuse to approach a bit close to try to help her with the p
    1 point
  33. Guess it could be that your internet provider has put those particular sites on a block list, or maybe even a national government restriction. If so there may not be much logic as to why those sites and not the thousands of other NSFW sites too. Odd things do happen - my mobile (on UK Vodafone network and Chrome browser incognito) recently doesn't show Peefans in any search results, but will show references on other porn sites to it. And if I search 'images' it will show pictures from the site - fortunately. And that is the same whether I'm on a wifi network or mobile data, so presuma
    1 point
  34. Sex Drive - 2008 - unknown time stamp High school graduate who goes on a road trip to have sex with a girl he met online. The car breaks because there is not enough liquid in the radiator and needs to be filled.
    1 point
  35. There are a couple of amazing ones here of girls peeing in a building lobby for convenience, to avoid being seen peeing outside I imagine! I think they are spanish - can anyone translate either of them? https://cdn10.bunkr.ru/s4wxdv9p5qpy---Trim-rY4hDgW6.mp4 https://cdn10.bunkr.ru/0z17zyny807t---Trim-DKnuQlZK.mp4 If anyone has any more like this would love to see them!
    1 point
  36. Challenge? Since my last post, I've had my bedwetting reduced. Although it's such a nice feeling of freedom, laziness and cheekiness. Actually I only pee in bed once a weeks. At evening, while watching Netflix, before go to sleep. As a result i gush in the evening in the bed, I pee in it again at night while I sleep. I have to leave the bed completely open the next day that it is dry in the evening. How do you solve the problem with such wet beds? Or do you not care if it no longer dries properly? If my bed isn't dry in the night, I would automatically gush in it again at night an
    1 point
  37. So... I finally had chance to watch this... oh my goodness! I really enjoyed the episode but I will be honest, i was distracted all the way through. First of all, Rachel Riley looked GORGEOUS. After the lie detector I could not stop thinking about her weeing in the shower, just letting it go wherever she was stood without even reacting to it as it darts to one side, hitting her thigh and running down her leg. Then I couldn't stop thinking about her having sex, mostly on top of Pasha, really letting her hair down, or on all fours with her back arched, her gorgeous backside high in the air.
    1 point
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