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  1. It would go right onto @Maclir's lap. Or maybe anyone else's who wanted it 😅
    6 points
  2. Hey, I've been away for a long time but found time for write an Update. Update on my Bedwetting: I reduced my bedwetting because my mattresses always got messed up quickly, my bed has always smelled of piss. So I dump my old mattress and bought a new one. Now I only pee about 4 times a month in my bed. When I'm at a hotel, I piss as often as possible in the bed. I always leave the bed open in the morning so that it dries but most of the time the bed cant dry completely, just too much piss. Strangely enough, the cleaning ladies have never complained Class meeting on W
    5 points
  3. Chemistry! I received a chemistry set from my grandmother on my 9th birthday and I was hooked. I was a little younger than the age rating on the box but my parents let me have it anyway. It came with little bottles of various chemicals, test tubes, all sorts. It even had a little spirit burner! I went through every single experiment in the book. I even made my own fire extinguisher! Just thinking about it now I can remember the smell when I first opened it, and I'm actually getting quite emotional. When I went to secondary school I immediately gravitated towards chemistry. I sat at t
    5 points
  4. Sometimes a sighting can just fall into your lap and it can be delicious! I have been working at a event in the south east this weekend. Part of my job is quite mobile and I cover a large area. This particular event gets people out in the villages to watch as the cars drive past. I was around halfway along the route and my need to piss was getting stronger, so I decided it was time to look for somewhere. 1 village had a large gathering, so I drove through it and noticed quite a long layby. Many people had parked there and walked up to stand on the village green and watch as the cars
    4 points
  5. She has beautiful eyes (among other things)
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. My usual state while looking at this site
    3 points
  8. Carol and I were going to one of the valley wineries a couple of years ago, it was called A Day on the Green for lunch and entertainment with live bands was on for about 5 hours. She was dressed nicely, pleated skirt just a bit above the knee. She asked “Do you think this looks good, because I’m not wearing anything underneath it, I am not queuing for the toilet either. I am going to have a bit to drink today, I think it is your turn to drive home Sitting there having lunch, individual tables well-spaced in the expensive area, just two of us at ours Carol had a soda or two, it w
    3 points
  9. In high school I used to have to wait a long time for my mom to get off of work to pick me up. I would have to leave the inside of school because I wasn’t doing anything like a club, and after a certain time if you left the building it would lock and you couldn’t go back in. I would have to end up needing to pee sooooo bad so I would find a place outside my school to pee. Usually I would go in the outside stairwell near some lockers as my favorite spot, but would also pee in grass areas or one time when I was feeling really risky, on the floormat on the outside of one of my teachers who i hate
    3 points
  10. Piss is like a territorial type of kink for me, so I piss each time I enter the pool. I always get the urge to do it the second my pussy hits the water. But sometimes I piss if I’m interacting with a guy, or intentionally piss near a hot guy. I really don’t understand why I have this kink. Growing up, pissing in the pool would always put me in an aroused state. One day after being horny after pissing near a boy at the pool, I got the idea of putting my pussy over the pool jet. I got my first orgasm this way. Now, whenever I’m in a hot tub, I sit directly over the jet on the seats so
    3 points
  11. It's mine... all mine...
    2 points
  12. A child in a drawing lesson. A little girl was in a drawing lesson. She was six and she was at the back, drawing, and the teacher noticed this little girl hardly ever paid attention, and in this drawing lesson she did. The teacher was fascinated and she went over to her and she said, "What are you drawing?" And the girl said, "I'm drawing a picture of God." And the teacher said, "But nobody knows what God looks like." And the girl said, "They will in a minute."
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. We both have, usually summertime in outdoor venues, Pub Beer Gardens are a favorite. Started when we were going out, we were in a large outdoor grassed area of a large pub. For some silly reason we bet that whoever got up and went to the toilet first, had to pay for the drinks for the rest of the afternoon. I thought that was a bit unfair, Curls is drinking 7oz vodka and orange and I am on 15oz beers, so after about 3 drinks, I unzip, flop it out and start pissing under the table, then lifted it a bit high and peed on her leg, she gave a small startled yelp, after I finished, Curls told
    2 points
  15. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=6542cd2bc2037
    2 points
  16. I would definitely use this ability when I'm stuck in traffic.......id project it into the bladder of the idiot who caused the problem in the first place lol
    2 points
  17. anything that can hold my pee haha. when I was younger and started my pee fascination I would take one of those red plastic cups and place it on the floor and squat over it and pee. first few times I didn’t try full bladder pees because I knew I would pee more … but one time I had to pee more than I thought and it ended up overflowing and I peed all over the floor because I couldn’t stop going! I had to clean up before I left the bathroom now one of my favorite things is soaking plush things, like pillows. I like to put my pussy right on it and piss, and then move it around to soak the e
    2 points
  18. I do it all the time. It is especially convenient in nasty places, where I don't want to touch anything. Just earlier, I pissed out the window to avoid interacting with my roommate.
    2 points
  19. Speaking of flights, I'd constantly use this in there no matter the turbulence status honestly, especially when in a window seat lol.
    2 points
  20. My brother and i had lessons every week, he waited while i practiced and i him, it was often annoying waiting. This story Includes pee desperation, and relief in unusual places. Jill was tired waiting for her brother to finish his practice, it was annoying. Jack was anything but speedy. She had went 1st and was now impatiently waiting for him, she had her grade 4 piano while him being mr goody too shoes had his grade 6. Its not that she hated the piano but practicing was a chore and often took time away when Jill had other things to do. Jack thrived at it, always got stick
    2 points
  21. Very hot and naughty!
    1 point
  22. I did this again today. Haven't done it in a while. I had a can of Perrier before the movie and a large drink. I wasn't alone in the theatre, there was a couple behind me but nobody in my row. Part way through the movie I started to prepare myself, unbuttoning my pants, pulling my boxers down, I had already taken my sweater off so I slid it over my lap. I gently rested my cock over the lip of the empty cup, waiting for a louder moment, and I let it out. It wasn't a gush, not a lot of piss and I let it out in quick bursts but it was fun. I slowly reset myself and took a few drinks but it
    1 point
  23. You can look this technique up somewhere else, but you can pee standing up rather neatly by spreading your labia. The inner pussy lip. That way, nothing blocks the stream from coming out splattering everywhere. It takes a bit of practice. I love pissing on things standing up when I am wearing shorts, as I can just do it through the pant leg.
    1 point
  24. I love pissing in sinks, especially when it's the perfect height. Much more convenient than a toilet hehehehe
    1 point
  25. Since a long time, my biggest fantasy involves the combination of two activities that I love most : naughty peeing and erotic massage. I have booked an erotic oil massage, preferably outside, for example on a naturist beach. I am lying on my belly, fully naked, legs slightly spread, and I enjoy being exposed to the eyes of the masseur. He has been taking care of my back and legs for some time. I feel totally relaxed, but a bit excited also because his hands have already spent some good time between my legs, and he has already played with my pussy from behind. I feel that I am getting more
    1 point
  26. Have peed in theaters quite a bit over the years. Yes, I've done it from my seat; aiming for either the floor or the back of the seat in front of me. To avoid suspicion, I will generally only pee during particularly loud parts / scenes of movies (Jurassic Park was great for peeing), and try to time visiting theaters to coincide with rainy weather (so wetness on the floor is largely ignored).
    1 point
  27. I used to game for long sessions as a kid and teen (I longer do that I get bored now I focus on soccer and keeping my body in check.) I would usually piss on the floor below me or use an abandoned table as my toilet since the basement double as my Game Center and storage room
    1 point
  28. This is the second story with Ashley, this first one is Introducing Ashley to Peeing behind the House (college). Promise there will be more hot moments with Ashley, Enjoy! Ashley's Naked Run To The Bathroom Ashley and I woke up at my place as the sun poured into the room after a night of, shall we say …a bit of fun 💋. So lying in bed naked we both got a little playful with each other. Pressed body to body my weight must have pushed against Ashley's bladder, she interjected in between smooches by whispering to me in a playful voice "Wait, wait, I need to peeeeee." It was the mo
    1 point
  29. Well lets see I hope I wont get a bill.. that was a few days ago 😉
    1 point
  30. I like to pee in the tub when I take a bath. it's very relaxing. do you do the same?
    1 point
  31. The Male Dick for today is busy making a special blend of coffee ...
    1 point
  32. Before my ex-wife and I had sex she would indicate that she wanted to pee before engaging in coitus. On numerous occasions I would convince her to pee in an empty gallon size, plastic coffee container. Since watching her pee would give me an instant hard-on which would cause me unable to piss, I would go first. She as mention by another individual earlier would often hold the plastic container while I released a golden torrent of piss into it. She would then set the plastic container now one-eight of the way filled with warm male piss on the hard wood floor and squat down over it. I would get
    1 point
  33. Well, one day she admitted to me that she'd watched some porn online involving 2 girls playing together. In some of the clips the girls the took turns at pissing and she commented "you could have loved it! We should watch some together". (Lucky me!), So, a few nights later we planned to watch some of this stuff online. An hour or so before, my g/f (with cheeky look on her face) started drinking quite a few glasses or water. The time came to watch the videos. We were in the living room with the laptop. The videos were good, the usual stuff. We both enjoying some mutual masturbation and my g/f
    1 point
  34. Reminds me of a quote by my sister-in-law, who I've known since being a child. This was when she was probably 18 or so. We'd been out and about on a really cold winter day, she popped into some public toilets and when she rejoined us she announced loudly to the whole family and the world in general "I don't mind going for a wee when it's cold, 'cos it warms your bum up". Guess that answers the question for her then.
    1 point
  35. I always pee in the auditorium when I go to the cinema, so I am sure that you will be able to give it a try. I dress to wet in a black skirt mostly so that I can just sit and pee through my skirt and enjoy sitting in a warm and wet seat. It is quite a luxurious feeling and I love the freedom of not having to go to the ladies to pee. I go to the last house so my seat should dry before anyone else sits there, and I drink a lot before I go and while I am watching the film so my pee is nice and dilute. I find that peeing in the cinema really enhances my film-watching experience, and I am
    1 point
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