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  1. This will be a series if it is well-received but it is my first attempt at fictional story writing so please leave comments. Contains: lesbian sex, piss drinking, public sex, desperation A Wet Sports Trip I was a senior in high school and my girlfriend, Genevieve, and I both turned 18 in the summer before school started. Both of us were avid volleyball players. We had been together for 2 years but it wasn't known we were together. Everyone thought we were just close friends. It was our first volleyball trip of the year and it was out of state. It was going to be a tourname
    6 points
  2. I only had one once for an IUD I had inserted. I have never been pregnant. Was asked to drink 1L of water before the appointment, and they ran 45 minutes behind. I was livid. The kicker was when I got there, the tech said "You didn't need to drink all that water- you're slim enough we could have gotten a good enough image." Or, something to that effect. This was 5 years ago. The part I did remember was when the tech said "You can go, you are way overfull." and RAN to the washroom to take a 90 second gushing pee. Best/worst hold of my life considering it was in public and I just wanted to
    5 points
  3. A few years ago I hooked up with a girl I met out in a bar in London. I liked her a lot, genuinely nice, no pretence or messing around. Pretty, glasses, cute body (exceptionally pointy nipples!), red/brown hair and looked after herself. She was witty and super smart. Generally great fun to talk to and be around. We'd been seeing eachother for a little while when she invited me to her new place. It was a house share with two other girls. They had their boyfriends over for some drinking as a low-key house-warming. We had a few drinks and I stayed the night. In the morning I turned over
    5 points
  4. i never really considered myself a voyeur but experiencing so many stories here about it kinda made me more aware of that aspect of peeing- whether its to notice someone else, or being caught myself. and so with that in mind, i have always had a penchant for being embarrassed in some situations. not that i'd actively seek those moments out, but that when it happened, they always seemed to make the naughtiness of peeing feel more intense. so like i guess it was just a natural progression when you get caught with your pants down, like literally- or even in a misplaced skirt, too many
    5 points
  5. So after lurking around here for for a couple of months now I thought that it was about time to contribute something. So in this topic I'll take you on my pee adventures. I hope you like them! 🤗 (And I hope I manage to stay within the rules 😇😆) So Here we go: Recently I was traveling by train, I enjoyed some beers that were delivered from the dining car at my seat and at some point I felt that they had to go out once again. But when I checked the toilets both of them in my car were out of service (or someone needed really really long) And as the next car was the
    4 points
  6. A story about desperation, both sexes peeing and relief! Josephine was a smart lady, she hated camping and travel in general was nerve wracking. Joe was her spouse, he liked uncomfortable situations and living life to the fullest. One day Joe suggested they go camping in the woods, Josephine thought it was a fine idea as long as they packed wisely and planned out every detail, as she knew he loved to camp. So they arrive at the campsite in the woods, Joe sets up camp putting up the tent and making fire. He has no troubles starting it and getting it warm for them.
    4 points
  7. I've loved the idea of peeing in the pool for as long as I can remember, just was never able to force out more than a tiny dribble when in the water. I've peed in lakes and rivers countless times while growing up though, so I wasn't sure why I couldn't go. Recently though while at a hotel visiting my girlfriend I finally did it. She knows about my fetish and tells me everytime she pees while swimming, though shes also never gone in a pool. We were goofing around by ourselves in the pool around 9pm, and I got the urge to pee. The water was quite cold so gf and I were snuggled up together to kee
    4 points
  8. I'm a nurse and my 12 hour shifts often go a lot longer than 12 hours. I was working with EMS and we got a call 3 minutes before shift change. It had been a busy shift and I hadn't peed for 12 hours. The call didn't sound good (car accident with 5 kids on icy roads in the mountains). My partner and I climbed into the ambulance and rushed to the scene that was 30 minutes away. Another ambulance met us there. My partner took various kids into the back of the ambulance to assess them and I just waited on the side of the road for him to finish. But the cold air was getting to me. I had to pee so b
    4 points
  9. Last Saturday we were out in a northern UK city where our son is at University. It was a lovely sunny day, with clear blue skies although less than 10C outdoors. He moved into a new apartment for this academic year, so we parked nearby and went to his flat. From there into the city, sat and had a coffee with lunch and then a walk around. A couple of hours later and we'd done some shopping, walked through the historic university campus, around a local park and then back towards his flat. The air was chilly and as we walked in the park I felt the first pangs of my bladder being full -
    4 points
  10. haha. i kinda almost thought it was normal. 🤫 like not in the way that you'd go into the pool just to pee. but in that if you're already there, why not? 😇 like even normal folks do it. personally, its been a habit for as long as i can remember... even before i was interested in pee stuff. sometimes in i go in the pool. and sometimes i'll hop out and sit on the edge while feeling bottom of my swimsuit become warm with my wee. but congratulations on your newfound confidence. i enjoyed your tale of barely making it to release your morning piss at the pool. your excitement of the experi
    3 points
  11. Freeing. Not usually arousing unless it's "less acceptable" (parking garage, alleyway) or I'm being watched.
    3 points
  12. While your story may be a work of fiction, it doesn't stray far from a few of my true experiences. I've led several dozen mixed-gender dayhikes. My charges were all adults, post-college age to active seniors, and usually there were more women than men. Now, I considered a very good leader. Before we set off, I gave them a description of the trail ahead, along with basic safety instruction. I also stressed to them the importance of good hydration, but also told them we'd be taking rest stops at least every couple hours. Usually, that was frequent enough for most hikers. And, the
    3 points
  13. For me it wasn't as frequent as with pools, but when we went to the seaside my parents definitely encouraged me to just go in the water and go through my trunks if I needed to pee. Sometimes if nobody was around I'd even take it out hehe. When we hit the pool, my parents didn't really encourage me to use the bathroom prior so... I guess it was a sort of grey zone for them, though I'm sure they did it themselves too. In any case, when I knew we were going to the pool or the sea, I deliberately avoided the toilets before just so I could go in the water 😁 It's been a real while since I last
    3 points
  14. Includes desperation, peeing, relief. Tina was a interesting person, she loved nature and the serenity of tranquillity of being at peace a singer at heart. Rob was the guy next door, he loved sports, nature and fun/games. Tina thought it would be a great idea if her and Rob went on a picnic, at the local park by the lake. So they packed up a lunch including many goodies and drinks, then set out. Once there they set up everything and relaxed enjoying the serenity of nature around them, walking on the path enjoying the lake. Until Rob had to pee, he just took his cork
    2 points
  15. Hear is a question for you all. Have you ever experienced a pee encounter where a woman was at the end of her pee and you just heard the last bit or saw her walk of the bathroom with a total miss? On the opposite end if the spectrum have you heard a woman start her pee but you could no longer listen to the rest of her flow because you were called into a meeting or some other engagement. Luckily I never experienced a near miss. However I did have one notable experience where I only heard the first 10 seconds or so. I was really pissed no pun intended Back in 1991 I suffered a ham
    2 points
  16. I like to have the variety - so sometimes pee in the pool but also enjoy peeing whilst outside the pool - e.g. peeing in my shorts and allowing it to run down my legs whilst drinking water at the water cooler. Leaves a puddle on the poolside floor and no doubt someone may stand in it, but there are wet patches all round the pool so it is not likely to be considered an issue. I have been lucky enough to spot a woman who walked up to the pool and sat on a dry area on the side with her legs in the water, then a wet area extended around her bottom and then she slipped into the pool. I went
    2 points
  17. I just think it is nicer to feel the warm pee running down my legs when I am out of the pool. It feels such a waste to do it in the pool.
    2 points
  18. Just one desperation, pee fan to others. Hoping to find some like minded people, possible friends.. 38yr old female here from edmonton alberta canada. Loves singing and baking.
    2 points
  19. Congratulations! Any activity you decide will be great im sure!
    2 points
  20. Absolutely can be correct. I think we both can be right about women pissing. Learned something new about women spreading their lips. Never knew they did this or saw it. Interesting though.
    2 points
  21. Piss drinking -- his own, and someone else's. Both are good options.
    2 points
  22. @Great Horned Owl Well you are in several things but a girl can also stop the hiss of her piss by spreading the lips, spreading the lips may either stop the hiss completely or at least make it somewhat less erotic and less noisy. And girls that try to hide their pee sounds hse naby tricks to hide them or at least make their pee sounds less hot and noisy. Actually quite a out of girls that hiss during pissing will suddenly try to hide their pee sounds after it starts to hiss. Some girls may hiss and instantly they may do something to stop the hissing completely or at least make it less ho
    2 points
  23. Thanks for posting this @Bertsmall, as I was also encouraged to use a swimming pool as a toilet when I was a kid. Just like you, my first few times were at the seaside when I was taken into the sea by my mum or dad when I needed to pee. My next experiences were at a local lido, which had toilets but my mum or dad would always tell me to go into the water and to stand waist deep when I needed to pee. I can remember the warm feeling between my legs as I went to toilet in the water, and afterwards I'd be told "Good girl". Another time I remember being in caves with a small river flowing th
    2 points
  24. So It's already some years ago that I was on holiday and that I was able to actually capture one of my sightings. I was doing some Urbex when I spotted a couple from which the woman somehow gave me the idea that she had to go. And as soon as she separated from her partner and walked into some path I was pretty sure, So I grabbed my phone 😁 I unfortunately I was not quick enough to capture the whole process, so soon after I started filming and had focus the girl was done, pulled up her pants and went back to her partner But it was my first capture ever, So although the quali
    2 points
  25. Hi again all - and sorry about the delay. Obviously mobile phone coverage hasn't got as far as the wilds of Scotland yet. Thanks for your suggestions @wetwulf @Lutab and @Sophie - I've only seen them now, after getting home but hopefully great minds were thinking alike. Let me tell you about our weekend. Firstly remember my last message - Mike was driving through Scotland and me sort of needing a wee. That worked out pretty well... About half an hour had passed since I'd posted that and I was literally wondering about asking Mike to stop the car when he said to me "I'm just going
    2 points
  26. I'll sometimes see this when I lead hiking groups., where often there are at least as many women as there are men. Out on the trail for much of a day, most all of us will need to pee at least once. I try to plan stops about every two hours. I suppose more often if I'm the one feeling the need. On these breaks, I'll notice the behaviour of the women, though I try not to obvious. Most walk at least several steps into the woods, some even venturing out of sight of the trail. Then, there's always a few who never take advantage of relief when it's offered. I'm sure some possess a bladder
    2 points
  27. Probably 4 to 5 more minutes.
    2 points
  28. Cocks are good, but a nice set of balls improves them!
    2 points
  29. This is actually my first post here! My last pee was on the bathroom floor, making a video to send to my best friend 😉 he loves it.
    2 points
  30. Hey this is nice to read! Thank you @Justasailor,as some guys here can be hostile to other guys who like to pee in pools. On at least 2 occasions new guys have posted that they love to do this (which excites me) but they've been told "I don't want to swim in your piss." On the 'yellowness in the water' thing I've posted before about being seen by a lifeguard when I peed in a pool as a teenager, I was standing hip deep and peeing through my swimsuit when I saw the lifeguard gazing at my crotch!
    2 points
  31. Perhaps they were turned on as well and that’s why they were looking. Whenever I’ve noticed someone peeing in the pool, I always try to watch until they’re finished. I think if they had been annoyed or disgusted, they likely would have moved away from you or at least went back to their conversation and ignored you.
    2 points
  32. All, Can you share your disappointing experiences where women either try to "hide" their pee sounds by either running the faucet or peeing on the porcelain or some other "trick" they use? Also, share any stories where women might have headed to the bathroom but then turned around when they saw you lurking nearby. Luckily in all the years of my pee observation I only had one woman do the turn around trick. She actually did it twice, 2 hours apart! However, I did hear her nice choppy steady 25 second flow two times prior so I "won" that one. Anyone, experience anger or hear commen
    1 point
  33. In my case, the answer is merely hypothetical, since I avoid any public toilet, unless no other option is available! But -let's say- if if saw such a type of box, half full of popcorns, abandoned in a place where I could easily undress and pee, I guess that's something I'd carefully consider... hehe
    1 point
  34. I agree it does feel liberating, I do enjoy pissing outside and I do occasionally piss in public when I’m desperate and can’t hold it any longer
    1 point
  35. Yes I have. But generally manage to pull over at a secluded spot in time, though that is probably easier for us guys who need only unzip, whip out, and pee. For you girls it is a much more exposing situation involving pulling down jeans and panties, or hoisting skirts and dresses, but in either case leaving your naked asses exposed to anyone who comes around. When it comes to being desperate in cars I like the notion of a female passenger being desperate and possibly having to pee in my car. I have in fact been in situations where female passengers have been desperate to pee and
    1 point
  36. I love the idea of nonchalant peeing. I find it really hot when someone is just completely unbothered about what others might think. I wish I was that open myself! There have only been a few times I've been around nonchalant peeing. Once was during college when I was walking with a group of friends to a party. We were cutting through a lawn between two apartment complexes and as we passed by a particularly shadowy part near a tree, one of the guys in the group just said "give me a minute," turned around, and started peeing on the tree. He must have really had to go, because it ended up be
    1 point
  37. Hello and welcome. You don't have to feel isolated here. Everyone here is accepting to all.
    1 point
  38. I hope these are OK here as they are on topic. It's me having a pee break next to my truck
    1 point
  39. Here's mine, hope you all like
    1 point
  40. The judgement directed at those women is appalling. What were they expected to do? Wet themselves? The headlines should read "shitty company treats adult woman as child, forcing her to make undignified choice." As much as I love watching women pee outside, toilets are a basic human right. I loathe people who deny restroom privileges to those in need.
    1 point
  41. I've been into pee for a while now, I like peeing on things and I also like using diapers. It's nice seeing others indulge in something I've kept secret.
    1 point
  42. I like many things that are not considered the norm. Everything related to vandalism. Pee on someone else's things, sometimes poop, dirty them with something, or just destroy it if I want. I like to see someone watching me doing it or imagine it in the future. Like being lazy. Do not wash my pussy during few days, pee anywhere (not in bathroom), don’t wipe after using a toilet. I like my dirty panties’ smell after a week of wearing and peeing. Also I like to dominate men and humiliate a little I wanna write some stories about it connected with pee fetish
    1 point
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