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  1. Yes I got to do this not too long ago for the first time.. leading up to it, I sat there with my face right up to her vagina the whole time she was peeing in the toilet.. I also put my fingers and tongue under her stream. When I wiped her vagina she told me it “tickled”.. It was pretty cool moment to say the least..
    5 points
  2. I was working away and the then wife and kids came down to stay for a week. The weather was good so they went to the beach most days, kids were only 5 & 3. I would meet them back at the B&B or on the beach. The wife was a blond slim girl around 5’8”. She was wearing a summer dress and a pair of yellow panties, no bra. I gave her a hug and a kiss as I joined them and shouted to the kids who were busy digging for buried treasure or some such thing. The wife looked edgy so I asked if everything was ok, she said no not really I’ve been wanting a piss this last half hour and these won’t com
    4 points
  3. yes! its so fun. my most recent, after a short but none-the-less excruciating hold, ended up happening in the bushes behind a, i think, dentist office last night. 😇
    4 points
  4. Perfect start to the morning ... for everyone 😍. Thank you @puddyls!
    4 points
  5. I would quite happily wipe someone especially if I got to see the pee that preceded the need to wipe
    4 points
  6. i was already taking pix and stuff. lol. like i said i kinda meant to have a play, just didn't know it would all happen outdoors. 😇
    4 points
  7. During my wanderings I ended up back at the pedestrianised street with a handful of bars and it was quite busy so I spent some time wandering up and down and from that got two simple sightings courtesy of the long queues for the bars. The first one came from a gorgeous curvy blonde milf type in a figure hugging orange dress. She came with a group of friends down the street and they stopped outside one of the bars. They were looking up and down the street at the different bars and debating whether they wanted to go somewhere else or call it a night. As they were debating the blonde starte
    4 points
  8. Yes ! I do it almost every morning after my morning run in some desolate spot in the park
    3 points
  9. This is the next chapter in the Tales of a Furniture Wetter series. It contains female desperation, peeing, wetting, furniture wetting, and masturbation. As the work day ended, I stepped out of my office and debated stopping by the bathroom before making the long trek to my car. I would have considered another trip to the 6th floor, but so many of my coworkers were on the elevator, and I couldn't think of a proper response if they asked why I was getting off on the 5th floor. Instead, I rushed out of the building to the elevator and walked carefully to my car. I was feeling some pre
    2 points
  10. Hi, my biggest fantasy is somoeone wiping for me after i pee. Do yall have any experience or stories on either end of that?
    2 points
  11. Have you ever just whipped it out or popped a squat while other people are around? Lately I can't seem to get this off my mind, and I want to hear your experiences with it (either as the pee-er, or witnessing it). I'm especially enthralled by the thought of doing it in front of the opposite sex, and with friends or colleagues who you've no sexual connection with. Some examples of what I'm imagining are: - Walking in the city at night with a friend, and just peeing against the streetlight while you wait for the light to change. - Relieving yourself into a bottle while sitting bes
    2 points
  12. Sometimes when browsing pictures to post here, i caught myself wondering how babies pass trough such a tiny thing! Truly a wonder of the female body!
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Brad, thanks for the feedback. I had the two girls and others over for younger sister birthday party as she just turned 20. When all the folks left the most pee fun began. I will not get into details on my gf who is a power pisser on the porcelain but rather give you another glimpse on her racy sister. Young girl is 5 7 115 and wore three inch heels, black short sleeveless sequin dress with black bra and lacy black panties. I am lucky I can observe her bc my gf and her sister ar3 both into pee and voyeuristic behavior but with just me. Your girl of interest can hold up to 4 hours whi
    2 points
  15. my jill session this morning wasn't exactly impromptu, though i also didn't exactly plan to masturbate outside. it was just the longer i sat out casually caressing my muffin in between sips of coffee the harder it was to refrain. and before i knew it i'd given myself a mild orgasm. but what was even less planned was that it felt so good that i kept going despite maybe having an audience. 🤭
    2 points
  16. I’ve had my fair share of time in the ladies’ bathrooms. I’ll be happy to share my stories in detail to anyone interested through my personal messenger. In the meantime I will share one here, which happens to be my first time doing this. I was in a hotel and was bored and had time to kill, and clearly must’ve been feeling kinda horny. I went to the lobby and sat down somewhere I was facing the corridor to the bathrooms. After a few minutes without seeing any women walking in or out, I was sure enough the ladies room was vacant, so I walked straight in and went right into a stall. There w
    2 points
  17. As I mentioned in the post above I had two sightings in that Tesco spot. This one happened later in the night after a couple of other sightings but I will post about it first. I was wandering around a stretch of main road towards the centre of the city which had 5 big bars/clubs along it so there were concentrated crowds of people all along the road. I was wandering up and down the road checking out the bar queues and people milling around when I came across my next fun encounter of the evening. As I was wandering around there was a constant stream of taxis and Uber picking people up and
    2 points
  18. Around seven years ago I decided for the first time to try a more open area whilst being nonchalant. I was bursting since I had been looking for an area that seemed like a good spot to try out. I stopped at a busy rest stop and sat on a bench. I pulled my dress up a little, sans panties, scooted forward and watered the sidewalk. Three people were making a beeline to the bench next to me so I tried to stop but couldn’t so I just pushed it out faster and left. I’m pretty sure they figured it out but I was already halfway to my car.
    2 points
  19. I love the idea of nonchalant peeing. I find it really hot when someone is just completely unbothered about what others might think. I wish I was that open myself! There have only been a few times I've been around nonchalant peeing. Once was during college when I was walking with a group of friends to a party. We were cutting through a lawn between two apartment complexes and as we passed by a particularly shadowy part near a tree, one of the guys in the group just said "give me a minute," turned around, and started peeing on the tree. He must have really had to go, because it ended up be
    2 points
  20. Like many of you on this site I too have a pee fetish and I really like many things about girls peeing. I also am going through many kinds of issues right now from personal to health ones. And they are pretty difficult to go through. And I think people on this site do care for each which is a good thing. It feels good when you can get sympathy and motivation from people that you can relate with. It's also really awesome that people with a pee fetish can openly and proudly talk about our fetish here without feeling guilt and shame. Many people in the real world will call us freaks and weirdos.
    1 point
  21. @Remi Yeah some girls definitely try to completely hide their pee sounds or at least make their pee sounds less audible. But other girls are exact opposite and don't care about exactly who hears them pee even when they get those really sexy gushing and hissing sounds while peeing. And some girls will try to be discreet sometimes but other times the same girls won't try to be discreet with their pee sounds. Human females are such fascinating creatures. And their behavior regarding many things can be very fascinating too, especially when their peeing is involved. But I say girls are truly doing
    1 point
  22. Hello, I found this site through another, just wanted to see what it's about. I've started exploring how much pee play turns me on. Holding and getting desperate seems to have a pretty high effect on me, as does watching others. I recently started posting on another site anonymously, and it felt good seeing people like my posts. I like talking to other like minded pee play people and what it is about that turns them on, and how they play too 😊
    1 point
  23. I'm an old man, but I'm not rich....
    1 point
  24. I'm just amazed you still have the presence of mind to record the event. Amazed and delighted you share with us.
    1 point
  25. I get what you mean. But its often depending on the person and how they decide to pee. Some girls tinkle peacefully to be as discreet as possible. While others create a waterfall! Pee is the neutral form in my opinion. And let me tell you, on certain occasions i can definitely PISS 😅
    1 point
  26. A couple of sightings from this evening came from the same place. A few times whilst I was scoping out the crowds and heard people moaning about their need to pee they suggested going to Tesco’s. After a few times of hearing this I was intrigued and whilst wandering around between the different hotspots I found what people were talking about. Along one of the main roads between two of the nightlife spots on the corner of a crossroads was a Tesco’s convenience store and just inside the main entrance was a customer toilet. After checking it out for a while it seemed a lot of people knew about it
    1 point
  27. I am fascinated by the lactation (not nursing, but leaking and spraying milk) videos - Not sure it is a true fetish, but it is something so rare for a guy to see.
    1 point
  28. I managed to have a cheeky wee on a night out some time ago while remaining in a conversation with a bystander. I had been stood near a wall by a pub which was part of the beer garden on his side and an alley way on mine, although there was no exit from the pub to the alley. I was on my way home and had nipped into the alley to pee and he was collecting glasses from the now closed pub. We knew each other from nights out in that pub and he sidled over and we chatted for a bit over the wall, which was just high enough to cover my chest. There was a flower bed on his side so he couldnt come
    1 point
  29. Silence wasn’t always common in the Freeland household, even less so around the dinner table. But for the moment, the two sisters and their mother sat without a word between them. The clinking of silverware and plates had taken over, and each of the present family members enjoyed, or at least tried to enjoy their mothers spaghetti. Rather than sit in silence, the girls mother spoke up “Have you decided what you’re going to do for senior skip day, Jessica?” Jessica finished chewing before answering “No. Not really. I might just hang around here.” “Well that’s not really fun. What
    1 point
  30. Sure thing. I was walking with my gf and her friend we had had some drinks and were coming up to a pedestrian bridge. They said they needed to pee so they stopped and pissed in a driveway. I continued up the bridge and stopped at the top to wait for them after a minute I got bored and figured I might as well piss while the pissing is good plus the bridge landing is wide open. So I take my dick out and start flooding out the landing I really had to go and the drinks helped so I had a good loud 6 ft arching stream going. When I'm about half way done they caught up to me. I could feel her friends
    1 point
  31. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a married woman with kids, blonde, buxom and blue eyed, in my late 30s and still looking good. My best friend is a divorcee in her early 40s, brunette with hazel eyes and long brown hair. And she still has curves in all the right places and looks good herself. Her only child has grown up and left home and her ex has moved out leaving her the house. Sometimes I go around there for a few drinks, during which we look at entertaining or amusing things on the internet which is connected up to her widescreen TV. Last night was just the same. My husband was at hom
    1 point
  32. contains: pissing, sister, siblings, pool, swimming pool, naughty, public, sauna, locker room, changing room, shower, shy My sister Emily was asking me to do something different as usuall, so I decided to bring her to new indoor swimming pool in our city. I had to test a new place to know if it was worth considering, and I didn't want to go there alone because I'm shy and I don't like being on my own in new places. On holiday Monday, when my sister had a day off, we decided to go there. Mondays are supposedly the least busy there, which appealed to me because I didn't want to be re
    1 point
  33. Hello again, sorry for the long wait, but I finally finalized the third chapter. I hope you enjoy it! 3. The naughty brunette Contains female peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Harry and Monique arrived at the back of the hotel and entered the hotel stairwell. Here they met a horny couple, and the girl was not shy to relieve herself in front of them at the expense of the hotel. ________________________ We walked from where we were dropped off to the hotel and approached it from the back. We were about to walk around the building when I noticed the fire exit wa
    1 point
  34. I have wiped several close g.f.'s with paper. or my tongue, or both. Like Takashi96, I have asked, rather than being asked, but it's always a very intimate, extremely erotic experience. One of my g.f.'s kept her legs pressed close together, while she peed, to prevent me from seeing it come out, but then spread them very willingly, when she had finished, to let me wipe her, allowing me to see all the parts of her which got wet, which was what I wanted to see, anyway! I love those golden drops, on a woman's lips, thighs, and bum! The sexiest thing in my world!
    1 point
  35. Before I start this story, I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for the wonderful stories I've read on here about catching others desperate to pee, and getting to see them relieve themselves outside. I'm not into wettings, humiliation, diapers, pee drinking, and so on. I just love a good tale about a hot woman needing to pee badly, who either barely makes it to the bathroom or has to squat outside somewhere, and hope no one sees her. Of course, getting to see it in action is an entirely different endeavor, and I'd like to share such a story with you all. A few weeks ago, there w
    1 point
  36. Sometime I pee in the bush or planted are in the park even if there is a proper bathroom. Does this count?
    1 point
  37. I don't pee in the pool or tub but I always pee in the water when I'm on the beach or river. I even tell my friends "I'll pee in the ocean"...
    1 point
  38. Same for me lol Actually I don't care whether the park has a proper bathroom or the flowerbed is abandoned. Now I feel like I have a personal toilet in public place haha But when I have to pee, I usually say "I have to water the plants." and pee in the flowerbed so it could be called "Rosie's garden" too lol
    1 point
  39. I love how you pee in the park naturally, well done! I also think "parks are mean for peeing" especially when I'm in the park without proper bathroom. When we have to pee in such a park, we can use the park it self as our toilet ! Now my friends call the abandoned flowerbed in the park "Rosie's toilet" cuz I've peed there so many times lol
    1 point
  40. I pee in my backyard all the time and sometimes I pee in my friends backyard too lol
    1 point
  41. A female friend of mine was house sitting for her boss this summer while her boss was away on vacation. Her boss has a gorgeous house with a big pool and a cabana in the back yard. The cabana has a bathroom built in so there's no need to go into the house which I thought was very smart. My friend invited me over for a swim one day when she was looking after this place. She has young 2 daughter's who had a couple friends over swimming too. We basicly just laid by the pool and drank while the kids swam. At one point she mentioned that she needed to pee so I told her I could watch
    1 point
  42. I was stood on the corner outside the shop when four girls came down the street. They reached by where I was standing and two of them went into the shop. The other two remained outside and I couldn’t help checking them out. One of them was blonde and had a low cut top and tight white jeans which showed off her lovely curves and the other was brunette and had on a tight black spandex one piece suit that definitely showed off her figure. It was whilst I was checking out the girl in the one piece that I noticed she was fidgety. They had been stood there for about 30 seconds when the girl in
    1 point
  43. As you can probably guess by the title, this is not only my first experience, but also my first attempt at writing. I hope you enjoy. I grew up in London, although a child of the 60’s, it was the 70’s when I started understanding what makes people tick. Especially sexually. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I blossomed and somehow became some sort of sex guru or anything like that, because, believe me, I didn’t! What I mean is that as I grew up and developed I started to understand what I was thinking about and wanting, sometimes continuously! A deep seated yearning I suppose. I ho
    1 point
  44. This is a story by Alfresco01, originally printed in the Wet Carpet magazine thread on Peesearch.net. As just one post in an entire thread it had no title so I have had to take the liberty of inventing a title for it...... Last week I went shopping in Reading, having travelled there by train. The train was a three coach set with a toilet in the middle carriage. The trip there was uneventful and I arrived in Reading to hit the shops. I picked up a coffee which I drank whilst walking to the shops. At lunch time, I grabbed a sandwich and a large drink and then I finished my shopping. I headed b
    1 point
  45. A Leaky_One story.... Five Drunken College Girls Sandy had almost been caught trying to have a pee on the back seat of the bus. She had suspended her auburn haired muff posed over the metal floor and had just about been ready to start letting her golden squirt come flowing out. Suddenly the bus had come to an abrupt stop. She had only just managed to get her panties and pants back up her legs before an angry bus driver appeared to throw the drunken girls off the bus. Now they were wandering down the street looking for a place to relieve their bursting bladders. A fit of giggling from the b
    1 point
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