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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2023 in Posts

  1. I’m housesitting this weekend and plan to take full advantage of the secluded, private backyard and use the toilet as little as possible (if at all). Enjoyed my first of many patio pees on the wicker patio chair. I’d been holding for about 6 hours and drank plenty of water.
    9 points
  2. Greetings! I'll start with some vulnerable context about myself: I'm only just coming around to accepting this fetish of mine and thinking about it in terms of my identity + my sexuality. Without getting too deep into the details, among other reasons for sexual dissociation from my body, I started a medication in my mid-teens that basically shut down my libido. I identified as asexual throughout high school because nothing interested me in that way. I didn't realize how seriously it had affected me until I stopped taking that medication in my early-20s and my libido noticeably unpaus
    6 points
  3. Tell him how it is, Goose! We *are* one big, international, accepting, open minded, imaginative, talented, horny, funny and loving wet family! 💚
    5 points
  4. I sat back and peed through it
    5 points
  5. A rare shot of me not pissing, wearing a condom, or wearing a jockstrap!
    4 points
  6. The second sighting was by far the best of the evening. There were a group of three adults and a young girl who went across the track to an area behind the market stalls and on the verge of the woods. After a while, one of the ladies, early 40s, dark curly hair, medium build walked along a narrow path into the woods. I thought I was going to have a missed opportunity as there was no chance of walking past the others and I assumed they would stay there as guards, but they walked off, and went between market stalls back into the festivities. I crossed the track and could see that the lady h
    4 points
  7. AUGUST 4 It was at night, I was in the same pool with huges wants to pee. I used a long sleeve jacket with a bikini. I was sitting in a deck chair enjoying the sensation of a full blader. I was with my cell phone and with my legs crossed, I really have to go to the bathroom but the sensation is fine. Then at 10 pm the pool started to close and I take my bag and put my sandals for go away. When I stood up I felt a rock inside my belly. I don't held it for a long time, but it was like If I endured it for hours. I tried to walk I my legs pressed, my thighs are contained my crotch. My pu
    3 points
  8. Welcome! I think you will love it here! You’ll be fine… there are people of all ages here if you need advice on anything. Yes, start small. No pressure! 💚
    3 points
  9. Hi Jacob, and a huge welcome to Peefans. I'm sure you've already discovered, you'll find a huge volume of stimulating material here. That includes photos, links to videos, fiction and true accounts from our members. You'll hopefully be getting to grips with how it's organised across the site, so you can find material that best stimulates your particular direction. It's worth noting we (or maybe just I) often describe us as a huge family. Not everyone is here for a 'sexual fetish' as such, many just enjoy the kink themselves, many don't link it directly to sexual arousal. There ar
    3 points
  10. Summer camp was the first place I ever went where peeing outside of a bathroom was accepted and expected. I was too shy to have taken advantage of the environment more back then, but that exposure to other campers learning how to pee outside was foundational to what turns me on as an adult. A definitive memory for me was being on an excursion in a remote corner of the camp, where each of us campers had brought along our sleeping bags + a night's worth of supplies so we could spent the night under the stars. It had seemed like we were all in agreement on it being a good idea to rough it fo
    3 points
  11. Butt avec balls.
    3 points
  12. At a pool or water park I’ll pee anywhere. If the area is already wet with water I’ll just go ahead and make it wetter haha. When I pee in the pool I do it a little at a time to be sure nobody notices. The padded beach lounger would be fun, lying out on it while coming out of the pool and my body and suit are still wet and relax. I could put a towel over me so I could flood into the padding through my swim suit without being seen, or not cover up and just let spurts out a little at a time. I’d get some drinks and lie there filling up my bladder and wetting the cushions for a while.
    3 points
  13. JULY 22. I't was in a pool. I was in a chair next to the pool wearing a bikini. The day was cloudy for that there no many people in the park. In a corner sitting on the chair I began to feel a bit of wants to pee, I decided to endure. Moments later I realized no many people is nearly to me, so I started to drink more. I continue enduring for a long time, in a moment I had to crossing the legs, I leaned back in the chair watching the fair skin of my legs and feet trying to concentrate myself to hold. In a moment I couldn't hold it more and I tried to pee. I put my buttocks in the edge of t
    2 points
  14. Decided to eat my lunch on the patio. I had been holding all morning and while sipping my lemonade and enjoying my lunch in the sun the need became too much. I emptied my bladder while relaxing back in my chair.
    2 points
  15. There is no need to share anything that you are still uncomfortable with, you can just start detailing your thoughts on here and find out what exactly your interestst are. No matter what, pee and general sexual content will find an audience here.
    2 points
  16. Hi and welcome, Jacob. I think we're all individuals with our own unique stories. However we're a friendly bunch and I'm sure you'll fit in easily here.
    2 points
  17. Hi and welcome to this great community of pee friends.
    2 points
  18. I'm Numberten (full disclosure: Not my real name!), and I like piss. I'm a gay man who has only relatively recently found the idea of pissing (and all its implications) to be erotic. When I say relatively recently, I'm well into my 50s, so it's been 15 years or so that my interest in piss has developed. I love seeing images of guys pissing (I'd love to see it in real life too, but I tend to be shy). I'd love to have a partner who would piss for me, on me, and in me. But for now, there's the internet. So, I'll mostly be lurking in the Male Pictures thread, but also checking out o
    2 points
  19. I’ve been a lurker here for quite awhile and have been nervous to post anything here, but I just HAVE to share this with someone. Last week, I took my girlfriend to the movie theater for a special date. We’ve been talking about naughty peeing for a while and she really wanted to do it herself. And I can’t say no to her. I have also been wanting to but it makes me incredibly nervous. What if we get caught?? So I took some time to plan it out and take a lot of precautions (but that’s the boring part). I told her about what I was thinking and she was veryy excited. We went to a movie t
    2 points
  20. yeah, it’s the same for me. Whenever someone tells me they have to pee or that they just went to pee, I always am dying to be like “tell me everything about it and next time can you invite me?” Lol
    2 points
  21. Personally I have never done this, but my girlfriend has. Unfortunately some years before we met, but she told me the story. She, her sister and her sister's daughter were shopping. The sister's daughter was 3-4 years old at the time and being potty trained. She announced she had to pee, and obviously at that age you need to go immediately. They asked in the shop to use their toilet, but the staff replied in a really rude way "most certainly not!!". They immediately threw away the clothes they had chosen to buy, left the shop and went to another shop next door who were friendly and
    2 points
  22. I like that idea, but the couch is leather. Before I leave, I'm going to empty my bladder on the carpet under the bed in the guest room I'm sleeping in.
    2 points
  23. As I've said before I wee outside quite often, normally 2-3 times a week. Recently, I have been caught twice though! Here's the first of those experiences... The charm of the stalls, the bustling crowd, and my sun-kissed auburn hair dancing in the soft summer breeze made me feel alive. Wearing my favourite navy-blue sundress, cinched at the waist, sipping my chai latte, a creeping urgency began to make itself known. The glass of wine with brunch earlier and what I was now following it up with was putting quite a bit of strain on my bladder. 20 minutes after that chai, I needed to relieve
    2 points
  24. The following sketch is the general layout of the vicinity of the sightings. The rectangle marked as Portaloos represents a row of 30 portaloos. Each blue circle in the area marked urinals is one of those freestanding urinals which has four positions around it. There were another 20 portaloos to the left of the entrance to the urinals and another 5 urinal stations to the left of the entrance. The truck behind the portaloos was a service truck which was facing to the left (you will see why that is relevant in a short while. The numbers in square represents the position of each of the lad
    2 points
  25. This is probably the most public piss i’ve ever done. I went out tonight by myself to go see the Barbie movie (it is amazing btw). As much as I desperately want to piss in the movie theatre, there was no way I could get away with it on opening weekend with a packed house. I drank a pretty good amount of water before I left not intentionally for a piss but just trying to stay hydrated. When I got to the theatre I bought popcorn and a big fruit punch. I finished the drink about halfway into the movie and I could feel how full my bladder was. I didn’t even think about going to the
    2 points
  26. I am currently staying in someone else's house. It's not exactly a friend, just somebody I am dog sitting for. I will probably never see them again. I am tempted to pee on the carpet. It is already kind of dirty from the dogs. Should I pee on the carpet? Should I pee on the walls and let it run down into the carpet? Should I pee on the unprotected bed that I am sleeping in?
    1 point
  27. Today a made a year long dream come reality. I was completely by myself in carriage on a long train ride so I drank a lot of water and then walked to a seat in a hidden corner and emptied my full bladder onto the seat. It felt amazing!
    1 point
  28. So I woke up bursting, but others were up to. I quickly thought of a plan and when everyone seemed busy, I went on to the balcony and took a bottle of mine with me. I sat down with my pants pulled down a bit an tried to relax enough to pee into the small bottle opening. Eventually i got a good stream going and almost filled the 0,5 litre bottle. Only like 20 seconds after I jad pulled up my pants someone stepped outside. Not sure what to do with the bottle yet, but here is pic as proof 😉.
    1 point
  29. tl:dr? I did it already (wip) and you can see it here: https://thepml.net/ It's been live for a few weeks now and I'm slowly getting more data in. I've been posting updates on omo.org but just now found this site in my bookmarks and realized that it would likely be of interest here too. The full story? I've been around since the early days. I remember when Patches' Place was a brand new website and I remember the original Pee Movie List well. I loved to browse through it and discover interesting new films to watch. Some I would have never even considered otherwise, but that little ad
    1 point
  30. Apologies - I think this is a repost!
    1 point
  31. Eye for detail there lol, way @puddyls is, could probably be true, then the clerk then would not now if he smile from the sight, or cry for having to clean up the mess lol
    1 point
  32. I turn up my mid-western charm and usually make the same jokes at work when one of the ladies in our store mentions going pee or needing to go. My go to used to be "have fun in there!" But more recently I've been saying "smile for the camera!" (There's no cameras in there obviously) or to really confuse them I'll ask "bring me something back when you do" . It's funny to me and I only think it works because of the weird mid-west sense of humor we all share.
    1 point
  33. I drank lots of water and I had some cold tea. All that tea and water hit me hard and made me need to pee bad. https://www.omorashi.org/topic/91162-male-super-desperation-very-long-pee/
    1 point
  34. Many moons ago we went camping with family friends. There were 3 families on the trip. One of the moms was a kind of a milf, maybe 35 and blonde. I remember having a bit of a crush on her. Anyway, one afternoon I was exploring the woods near our tents. I was crouched down near some bushes examining rocks when I saw the milf approaching. She didn't see me through the bushes and appeared to be looking around. I was wondering what she was up to so I decided to keep quiet and find out. Lo and behold she was looking for a spot to pee! As luck would have it, she chose to pee right between the b
    1 point
  35. Here's a little tale of desperation I wrote up for a pal that I thought deserved to be shared with you all... I used to work on a pick-your-own fruits and veggies farm out on the West coast - not in the actual fields, but manning the little farm stand. When people came in, I would check their wrist bands and hand them plastic buckets (like this: https://products.blains.com/600/14/140431.jpg) to put their harvest in. My little building contained nothing by a cash register, piles of those buckets and a sink to wash the dirt off your hands. There was a main building where guests could buy s
    1 point
  36. Felt like getting my cock out on the couch, didn’t think I needed an excuse
    1 point
  37. Haha, you just made me smile, Kasslyn 😊. That reminds me of a “real game” that my gf once played with me. She was in a hotel for a business trip already one night before I joined her for the weekend… The challenge was l had to be desperate upon arrival and find in total the seven places where she had enjoyed sneaky pees during the hours before. I got 15 minutes to completely empty my bladder (peeing in total for at least 60 seconds) while adding my juice to ALL of her secret patches. I managed the obvious ones on the carpet under one nightstand or under the couch as well as the puddle in
    1 point
  38. "If you pee now, you pee on the floor", she said. We didn't get out of our beds until eight this morning, so our bladders were filled up. We went to the bathroom, and I sat down on the wc seat, near the front edge. As usual, she was wearing a pajama shirt, the pink one with teddy bears, and no pants. I pulled her towards me and hugged her. That's when she said it, standing with her knees touching the wc seat between my legs. So I just responded: "If you pee now, you pee on the floor too" And so we did, getting quite wet ourselves as well. Strong, hot morning pee.
    1 point
  39. For me I kinda eased it into a conversation. We were talking about fetishes with each other and what types we had. I slipped in that I "once" had a piss fetish and she was quickly intrigued by that. I told her my experiences in it and she wanted to try for herself. At first she only really pissed in the bath tub, easy clean up, not the toilet, it was a good start for her. Then I was slowly able to ease her into going other places Eventually she worked up the courage to spice it up a little. One night we were hanging out and she drank a lot of water that day. She eventually had
    1 point
  40. Have you ever been in a situation where you could've pissed but didn't and now regret that decision? *My story* When my bf was moving apartments, we joked about leaving a "gift" for his landlord. Piss on the very old and dirty carpet. I was hesitant at first but said sure if he was gonna do it. When the moving day came I made sure to dribk plenty of water to reeeaaally fill my bladder. By the time we arrived there I was bursting to piss. I told him and he just pressured my bladder more and told me to go to toilet. I didn't want that. He was pretty anxious about moving to a new
    1 point
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