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  1. going out in public in my panties is exciting, but it felt absolutely seductive giving my camera to the clerk and then posing for him.
    10 points
  2. Have you had one of those days where all the water that you drink goes straight to your bladder in a matter of minutes? Yes? Well thats what happened to me last Friday. -> Woke up early for my morning run. Peed before leaving the house. Took occasional sips of water during my run and after 45 mins, felt like I'll pee myself if I dont find a spot soon. So I found myself a curb to sit on, pushed my shorts aside and let out a torrent of pee with a loud hiss, idk how. Fortunately there werent anyone around since it was quite early in the morning. -> Came back home. Got r
    7 points
  3. I thought you guys might enjoy this cup I found in a local store… I of course bought it 😆
    6 points
  4. A few weeks ago I had to stay in a hotel in Manchester for a work thing, pretty cheap chain place, not my fave, anyway, my boyfriend couldn't go too so I took a guy who I have had the odd dalliance with previously. Yes, my boyfriend is happy with that, we are not exclusive, before anyone asks. Anyway, we went out for a few drinks, had some fun peeing in alleys on the walk back etc etc. Got back and got into bed, I thought he was a bit too drunk for sex so settled down to sleep but then felt him start wanking so I joined in and helped get him hard. It took a little while due to the all th
    6 points
  5. Sitting in the chair on the beach and leaving a nice puddle underneath… back into the water so no one gets suspicious!
    6 points
  6. Yesterday afternoon K held my cock as I peed outside, and she drew a heart! She did a pretty good job I think though of course as she didn’t know what the flow rate would be like, or how long the stream would continue, it was quite tricky to do. She was very gentle – she didn’t clamp off the flow at any point for instance – and there was enough in the tank for the heart to be ‘coloured in’ as it were. It was the first time we’d done anything like this – just one of those ideas that came to me on a Friday afternoon. In fact, K had said a little earlier “I should have asked you if you
    5 points
  7. I mean I dont want to sit on a wet car seat :") Sink pisses are always fun haha. But yeah when you feel like you have pee a gallon but end up peeing barely anything, it feels so weird 😂😭
    5 points
  8. Hi. So as you may be aware, I am studying around now. Still haven't finished yet, which is annoying, but I did find time to have some fun, and there are stories from before I returned to uni. It will start with men, but the last two are about women (yes, I am a little queer). #1 June fifth 2022 So I went to a kink party for the first time. I couldn't find the place, so I arrived way too late. There was also a pee play scene that was open, involving the humiliation of a man. I wish I'd known before going to the actual toilet. #2 A few months later Same party, but just a
    4 points
  9. Another instance of opting to piss mark the wall as opposed to waiting to get home.. and all the more fun for it 😈💦
    4 points
  10. Inspired by @Yellowfan I would like to continue his awesome story, because he left our forum, and I'm sure there are people who would like to hear a sequel. Contains: car pissing, naughty sister and female pissing Part 2: It's been a while since the last trip, but It happened the same summer. Emily had some free days, so I decided to bring her to Florida for some holidays. It was the easiest choice 'cause she really likes to lie on the sunbed, tan her beautiful young body and drink some cocktails with an umbrella. Our parents let us do this kind of trip, because they alwa
    3 points
  11. So I had to drive home it was a long drive around 4 hours or so, started to need to go and was going to stop at service station when I was really desperate. Unfortunately before that I hit traffic and I wasn’t in a position to stop anywhere so I had an accident.
    3 points
  12. Story contains piss marking, trashing, nonchalant peeing, and more! This is my first store I’ve wrote, let me know what you think!! I was out of state on vacation, by myself! I was so excited to go by myself so I can really get naughty with me peeing. It was nearing dinner time when I saw this big light up sign “Adult Wet Restaurant!” I turned around and pulled in the lot. The small words under it said “must be 18+ to enter. The wetter the better!” I got out of my car and headed to the door, on the door has stickers of women and men pissing! I wondered if I was able to get one for my
    3 points
  13. I find this so wholesome idk why 😭😂 See now I want to draw a heart as well
    3 points
  14. The way the lake front is set up makes it almost impossible to walk along the shore 😂 but if they did manage to do so in the middle of the night, I would welcome them to the show 😂
    3 points
  15. I had a lot of fluids and my bladder refilled very quickly. I revisited the concrete platform only to find my puddle had completely dried up! That wouldn’t do, I had to replace it again. https://www.erome.com/a/OsdOh0W0
    3 points
  16. I returned to the concrete platform tonight for a desperate pee around midnight. I had a large water bottle full of water over the previous hour and had been holding it in for a little bit. I was so desperate that once my body/bladder realized I was about to release my pee, I actually let out a small spurt of pee by accident, dampening my pajama bottoms. Luckily, I was able to just pull the leg of my loose pajama shorts aside to pee. I squatted down and released my bladder on the platform, and a torrent of pee came gushing out. I really had to go and my stream certainly shows it. I e
    3 points
  17. https://thisvid.com/albums/ass-pics5/ Thought it would be nice to organize all my posts into a photo album, enjoy the best 26 pics of my butt, I am hoping to add to it too!
    3 points
  18. So I was down by the lake and a bunch of other people arrived to visit, so I was kind of thwarted in my further attempts to do various naughty pees. I had drank a lot of water and ciders so I had to go really bad, so I headed up “to the bathroom” to go pee, instead walking around the side of the cabin to the front porch. There’s a step down from the porch that leads to a small grassy area beside the cabin. No one ever goes to that area unless they’re going to the washroom for our cabin, so I knew I would be safe for 5 minutes or so. I sat down on the step with my pussy hanging over
    3 points
  19. So I did as I said above and it was so relieving. I wanted to relax in the water afterward and just enjoy myself, so I relaxed my bladder muscles and just let it trickle whenever I felt the tiniest urge. Of course being as well hydrated as I am, my bladder refilled quite quickly so I’ve been trickling a lot. I went up to the cabin to grab another drink and also let out a spurt through my swimsuit as I walked across the beach. I’m back down on the beach sitting in a chair, and I’ve been relaxing my bladder still and have been forming quite the puddle underneath my chair. I’m going to
    3 points
  20. If the restroom is secluded, then thats all the more reason to pee on the floor haha. And if its crowded then maybe I'll "try" not to miss the toilet, but no promises tho. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    3 points
  21. Has anyone ever been to a piss party? I would love to buy a large house or perhaps an old church and have it designated for frequent piss parties where guess can piss anywhere they want. Open fucking and bdsm play would be allowed and obviously consent would be strictly enforced but the main premise of the event would be piss related. We could play games to see who could shoot their piss the furthest, who could produced the yellowest stains of on walls and furniture, who could put out candles with stream accuracy, and who could fill random containers with the most piss. There could als
    2 points
  22. Is it just me here? Talking to anyone, or around people and you hear those few words? I have to pee I gotta pee I have to pee so bad I'm bursting Am I the only one that can't help being triggered?
    2 points
  23. I was on a walk through the forest and felt some need to pee. I sneaked into the bushes and found this nice spot to empty my bladder. I tried to use the other cam to record a pov of my piss, but I forgot to start the recording.. 😅 (I was a bit distracted because it was quite "busy" in that forest and I was hearing voices from other people in the distance, so I was not 100% sure if my pee spot was private enough..). I hope you like the video! Link to video: https://www.erome.com/a/ucSZ0XdP
    2 points
  24. Album on EP https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/album/Huge-Giant-Clits
    2 points
  25. I dont understand how its a skill to pee out of the car? Like you literally sit at the edge of the seat facing the outdoors tho. And I get what youre thinking but a bystander (there werent that many cars around) would have just seen a car stop, a door opening and someone sitting by facing the outdoors. I am sneaky af, so. 😌
    2 points
  26. Probably my last naughty pee of the night as my friends will be up in a few hours. I remembered the little step and rock I used last year to practice some distance. This year I had to go bad enough I wouldn’t be able to hold it and do some more target practice or long distance practice. I pulled my shorts down and squatted, letting out a forceful piss onto the rock below. I honestly wasn’t expecting this much force and it ended up splashing back all over my shoes and ankles. I left a great big puddle on the rock. I managed to record it here: https://www.erome.com/a/j1EXeVfi
    2 points
  27. Don't wear anything the shows wetness. Tge splashback is horredous
    2 points
  28. Today I finally managed to get out on my bike and turn the pedals. It may not seem much to some but to me it made my day. Only a short ride, it I did it 😊😊
    2 points
  29. The "where is this coming from" always gets me lmaoo. Like, I understand I keep myself hydrated but this is too much haha
    2 points
  30. Yesterday I tried to pee standing up in the street. When I was desesperate I go to looking for a calmy street to piss. When I found one I stood in front of a brick wall and seeing that nobody be close I pulled down my jeans until my calfs, then I took off my panties and tried to pee in the wall. I pushed my crotch to can pee, I flexed my knee a bit and support my belly in the bricks. After some seconds doing nothing I started to evacuate, when the tap of my bladder was open, my urine first came out as a profuse drip that created a vertical river over the bricks and then as a spray. I woul
    2 points
  31. Love it @puddyls - guessing there’s more of a back story to the clerk there. Probably definitely made his night. Great sign placement too.
    2 points
  32. No need to worry. I did enough rubbing for two. 😝
    2 points
  33. A few weeks I went to a primarily gay sex club. Think dimly lit but exposed alcoves with lots of soft padded surfaces, plus a hot tub and sauna. Kind of bad dance remixes playing (Scientists have discovered there IS a time when Take on Me is not appropriate and it's in a sex club). There's an area right as you come in that has showers on one end, and sinks and urinals cross from each other. Surprisingly, the urinals were not frequently used, or at lesst I didn't see them get used except by two guys. There's a bed right next to that sink and urinal (same thing lmao) alcove. I had sex with
    2 points
  34. It happens sometimes that I pee in the public shower with others around. They can’t see it because the water is running down my cock. Suddenly the water stops and I have to stop it like on this pic 😅
    2 points
  35. Down at the beach for the day and ready for some secret naughty peeing while my friends don’t notice! I’ve been holding for 5 hours now and I’ve had two big glasses of water, one big glass of orange juice, a cider, and a large double rum and coke. I have another cider with me and I’m squirming trying not to alert my friend to how desperate I am. I think I’m going to go for a dip and then sit on the dock and let it go. The dripping from me being wet will help disguise me releasing a very full bladder through the boards into the water.
    2 points
  36. Some time ago I recorded this video. Image quality is really bad, but at least it is quite a lot of pee (my bladder was pretty full) and a nice arc (if you can see it). I hope you like it! 🙂 Link: https://www.erome.com/a/GYj0mdWm
    2 points
  37. Idk if this counts but I always dream of a peefans meet up at a massive hotel or something. I personally wouldn't be into the BDSM aspect of your fantasy but other pee activities would be a lot of fun for me to engage in and observe. Then get up to some other fun stuff in a private hotel room with my friends would be ideal 😋 of course this is assuming the hotel in my fantasies would he 100 percent okay with literal pissing competitions in their meeting rooms and whatever else 🤣 not realistic, but I can still dream right?
    2 points
  38. Jess "We had fun too! Chloe asked me to film her washing her car, then suddenly decided to piss through her sexy shorts! 😍 Casual as anything, zero warning, jet let it flow!" Ellie "I've got to see these pics!" Jess "Here you go! We were like 2 hours from getting to my place as well, so she just sat there next to me for the next 2 hours in the same shorts. They were dry by the time we got home to mine!" Charlotte "Well you just can't beat having a pissy pussy on a long drive! I don't blame her. 😛" Jess "She didn't even stop jet washing, just literal
    2 points
  39. I tend to hover only if I’m not desperate and I’m wearing a skirt/dress. If I’m wearing pants, I’m worried if I hover my stream will clear the front of the toilet (it’s happened before!) and rain down on my pants. If I’m desperate and that happened, there’s no chance of me being able to stop it. So if I’m desperate I’m sitting fully on the seat so I can completely relax my bladder, it feels amazing.
    2 points
  40. Tonight’s pre-bed pee: https://www.erome.com/a/nWdewTES I couldn’t get the angle right and I couldn’t hold it anymore!
    2 points
  41. Oh it is just the best feeling ever. As soon as my butt hits the seat I just relax and let it all out. Because I am sitting i don't have to worry about anything. I don't have to aim, I don't have to worry about being caught, I don't even have to worry about what my stream is doing. If it is hitting my thigh or running off my backside that's perfectly fine, it's all going in the toilet and I will clean up afterwards. The only thing that matters at that moment is emptying my poor aching bladder.
    2 points
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