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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2023 in Posts

  1. Welcome to the future of workplace design with the Versatile Relief Area (VRA). This innovative device revolutionizes office spaces, providing workers with a dedicated and inclusive solution for attending to their needs without interrupting productivity. The VRA promotes productivity by eliminating the interruptions and restroom trips. Conveniently located within the office, it empowers workers to address their needs seamlessly, staying engaged in meetings and workflow. The VRA accommodates both standing and squatting postions, ensuring all employees feel supported and valued. Enviro
    6 points
  2. This story is since 7 years ago when I was camping with my classmates. The scenario inside a large farm that was used for camping and other activities, this farm has about 4 square miles (10.36 km2) and in it there were very few buildings, almost everything was forest with small moors. The end of the hacienda was delimited by a wire fence held together with cut logs. We decided to camp among some trees near the fence. There was a little lake in the farm. We spent the day playing and then in the night we made a bonfire. In the farm there was bathrooms, but it was 20 minutes walking.
    5 points
  3. If these are reposts, it's been a while. Forgiven...?
    5 points
  4. 4 points
  5. Who here is into or has content related to full on public pissing? See the linked videos for examples. I know I am not the only one who loves pulling their dick all the way out and pissing hard as fuck with people fully able to see. I know personally some of my most memorable and enjoyable pisses were the once where people were right next to me clearly able to see my dick. So let hear your stories and see videos/pics of shameless pissing cocks. https://es.thisvid.com/videos/hung-peeing-on-wall/ https://thisvid.com/videos/hung-stud-takes-a-piss-in-a-car-park/ Thread dedicated to
    3 points
  6. The person above can communicate with alligators through a combination of body movements and gutteral grunts
    3 points
  7. Fuck it ... how's this?
    3 points
  8. One of my favorite spots to piss, behind an abandoned building. It has recently been used by more guys too.
    3 points
  9. I can't say I regularly use it, however other people do for sure 🥴 It's at the very end of an alley, right before the seaside. There's that little protruding wall that provides perfect cover for anyone coming from the beach for a quick piss, and you can really tell. If you turned back the alley takes a 90° angle so no one can see from behind either. There's some other really good spots in the town, such as the train station/car park that doesn't have a toilet. So the surrounding bushes are always filled with used tissues in the summer. I'm super curious how those pissy st
    3 points
  10. really only intended to rub over my panties for a short time. but that escalated quickly. ☺️
    3 points
  11. In a fitting room, you can see if you look carefully, that one drop of cum had hit the dress hung behind her (from 8:35 cumming, you can see the droplet on the skirt at 8:45) : https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=64b620f2ab9f9
    3 points
  12. Just completely flooded this hotel staircase. I always do it when I stay at this hotel and it feels so good!
    3 points
  13. I always squat down and pee on the floor when the toilet is dirty. I don't think there's anything wrong with that because the toilet still needs cleaning.
    3 points
  14. I travel a lot for work, usually 5 jobs a day. Mostly in the same borough. I have a few regular spots to stop and pee. There are a couple of estates where the flats are almost empty. The stairwells make an excellent place to pee. I am certainly not the only one as there are puddles on most of the lower landings. I have also gone into one, and the puddle is still growing where the person had only just finished pissing. Yesterday I opened the door to the stairs, it opens quietly and as I walked into the landing I could hear the familiar sound of splashing. As I looked over the railing, the
    2 points
  15. Public Urination Declared “National Pastime” in Costa Rica https://news.co.cr/public-urination-declared-national-pastime-in-costa-rica/30500/
    2 points
  16. I don't know Liverpool, (have only been there twice and that was in the day for business meetings), but @gldenwetgoose's comments are very valid. From what I've seen in various towns and cities in the UK, people are much more willing to pee in areas with dark corners and run down back streets or car parks than they are in modern bright locations with clean shiny pavements. I have seen exceptions like a girl that peed in a shop doorway inside a covered shopping area which was brightly lit and had a CCTV camera right in front of her, or in several cases girls who have come out of fast food pla
    2 points
  17. The person above is, despite claims to the contrary, actually a hedgehog.
    2 points
  18. The person above me is not on an FBI watch list... ...The FBI is on their watch list!
    2 points
  19. Oh yes. Definitely 🙂
    2 points
  20. Basketball expression. Shooting a basket from the other end of the court - i.e., from as far away as possible, across the entire court.
    2 points
  21. I have never been able to pee while driving. In fact even if my bladder is screaming in pain, pee rarely feels like it is going to come out until I am almost home. I have had to hold myself to keep from wetting my pants on the road to my house , but nothing actually came out until I got out of the car and then it came gushing out. In fact one time, on a long drive, everything from my bulging, distended bladder to the tip of my penis throbbed in agony. It had hurt for a couple of hours. As we rolled into our town I told my then wife how badly I needed to pee and how much it hurt. I told he
    2 points
  22. When sitting in shorts I quite often manage to raise some leg material, allowing my cock to sit on the office chair base and release little jets of piss. Love to return and feel the dampness and smell the aroma.
    2 points
  23. The person above was born in a leather cat suit
    2 points
  24. A final story (for now) - one time, fairly recently (maybe a year ago?), my wife slightly wet herself on her way home from work. I wasn't right there, but I heard the car park, and knew she made a mad dash for the bathroom. Later I saw that she'd wet a little before getting home - she had to wash her clothes, and allow the car seat to dry out - there was a small (3") wet spot. This happens somewhat often, as she doesn't like using the restroom at work, and will often hold it until she gets home. It's often a race to the finish. Her car has plastic/rubber floor liners that are cupped
    2 points
  25. There was a last showing of "A Hard Days Night" at a cinema that was closing down in Liverpool which I think was featured in the film. I did not realise it was happening until it was too late unfortunately. While I always wet myself peeing on the seat when I go to the cinema I always do it discreetly, but this being a Beatles film I would have dressed in a nice 1960s outfit with a white skirt and proudly wet myself like the girls in the '60s who went to see the Beatles.
    2 points
  26. Decided to add mine to this thread. This was shortly after I woke up.
    2 points
  27. Wonder if anyone will add to it
    2 points
  28. Love these types of vids! Nothing hotter than a guy pissing proudly in public. Both guys have great cocks 🥵
    1 point
  29. A very hot experience @Wetling. As for him not running away, his initial reaction was positive - When you said you peed through them, he didn't recoil with disgust, but asked a genuine question about whether it was uncomfortable. Beyond that, he not only was OK with it, but was happy to engage in a sexual contact almost immediately after he saw your wet knickers, so he is probably turned on by it, although he might not really know why if he hasn't been in the fetish before. He may see it as strange, but he certainly doesn't see it as an issue. I think you have plenty further to explore w
    1 point
  30. I have no idea how my experiences became arousing. If anyone remembers what I wrote when I was a member here before, my mother bore 7 children and must have had a weak bladder or pelvic floor. One night I woke up to hear her pissing in the basin of my potty chair. I guess that's where I got the idea of "naughty peeing" and wanted to do it myself. I see it as a passive-aggressive response to what I perceived my mother had done to me. Aside from an old crib mattress in our attic loft, I never really got to try it. I was the last child born, so I don't know why it had been kept. But I did piss on
    1 point
  31. Life hack: have huge dick, drive small car to compensate
    1 point
  32. One of my regrets in life is not pissing in the lounge/common areas of my college more. Peeing all over public stuff is incredible and I cannot recommend it enough. If you had a bag or backpack you could squat down and pretend to rummage through it while pissing almost anywhere. I'm honestly jealous of skirts, such a practical garment.
    1 point
  33. Bin sheds. An excellent example of a good pee spot
    1 point
  34. I don't know if the regular 'nighttime spectators' of the site would agree... it seems that the general condition of a location will act to encourage or discourage public peeing... My most recent and amazing sighting was here... In the early hours, a group of girls heading to a nightclub just around the corner to the right, and she shouted to her friends she needed a piss, before half squatting next to that red post office box in full view of the world. But it is an area with many back streets, crossing streets and the like. In comparison, sitting having a late McDonalds at t
    1 point
  35. These days my only regular spot is the garden or on longer car journeys one or two lay-bys I always stop in. However, going back to uni days, I used to walk a fair distance from the bus or train home and there was this one derelict abandoned building I always stopped for a pee break in.
    1 point
  36. I’ll always pee on the floor if the toilet isn’t in the state where you’d want to sit on it.
    1 point
  37. I've had to have ~5 uterine ultrasounds for various reasons over the past 3 years... the need to pee is torture! I have a pretty strong bladder (I often go 8-12 hours without peeing without even thinking about it) and thought I would be okay. I've never had issues with stress incontinence or any spurts coming out because of an overfull bladder. They told me to drink 1L of water 1 hour before the appointment. Within 20 minutes, I needed to pee pretty good. I still had 40 minutes until I would even be seen! I was pacing the waiting room and sitting in a chair bouncing my leg. A few other wo
    1 point
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