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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2023 in Posts

  1. This happened some years ago now and somehow the details about everything else than the piss are very hazy. It was summertime and I was in Central Europe. I had taken a regional train, so it was a simple one with soft seats but no carpet on the floor. I was probably sitting in the very last carriage and was alone for most of the journey. Though it wasn't a long journey, I had probably been drinking quite a lot of water, since it was warm and important to keep hydrated. In any case, I was starting to feel the need to go. I genuinely cannot remember if the train had toilets.
    10 points
  2. This is the aftermath of my girlfriend not being able to hold it while her daughter was in the bathroom.
    8 points
  3. I have an overactive bladder at night, so I often need to pee 2-3x while I’m sleeping. At home I can just stumble to the bathroom 10 feet away, however when camping it’s often a 2-3 min walk each way to the nearest washroom. There’s lots of different small critters around (racoons and such) and they can be a little vicious if you surprise them, so the walk is always a bit worrisome. instead, a few years ago I started peeing against a tree whenever I had to go at night. Depending on what I’m wearing (and the weather) I sometimes stand, spread my legs and use my fingers to spread my li
    6 points
  4. After the sighting of the desperate blonde peeing it put me in the mood for sightings, however the town didn’t seem overly busy so I figured I would go check it out and if it was dead I would head home. As I walked along the main road the queue for the club was minimal and when I headed down to the churchyard the main street was quiet too. I headed up and sat on the bench at the top of the main steps to eat my food and whilst I was I checked out the people going by. There were a couple of moments I thought something might develop but ultimately nothing happened. Once I had finished my fo
    5 points
  5. My boyfriend went into the shower so I decided to check out the balcony. Our balcony is small and has a light grey concrete floor. I was thinking of just squatting and going on the floor, but it would definitely show if anyone were to take a look. We do have a wooden storage bench on the balcony, that is used to store some balcony items like flower pots, lanterns and earth. While I don't want to pee on my own stuff, this is again stuff that will be exposed to the elements anyways. So I lifted off the lid of the box, pulled down my trousers and underpants and sat on the box with my
    5 points
  6. We're back from the cottage, but I am still on holiday, so normal rules don't apply, right? It is a lovely morning and I felt like I could take a pee. We live in a flat/apartment, so we share the yard with plenty of other people. However, not many people seemed to be out and about yet. So I put on my trusty summer dress and a sweater over it, no panties, and went outside. I looked around for a suitable place. While the yard is quite big, it has very few places that are not overlooked by any apartments. So standing over a bench and lifting my hem was not an option. I need
    5 points
  7. Myself and Kate decided to go off for the day for a picnic on a heritage railway near us. We decided to get off at one of the stations and have our picnic there and maybe some fun. We were in luck once the train had gone that it was just us two and some station staff in the cafe, so it was peaceful. Kate said she was going to the ladies, I stayed with our things. She was not gone long and came back looking excited. What has got you excited? I asked. It's the toilets in the old van body, it reminds me of school Kate said, where we had the old victoriana style one with the long pull down chain a
    4 points
  8. The other day I was with my fairly new girlfriend and she is 42 and divorced but has a teenage daughter. We were out for drinks one night and when we left to come home we had about a 20 minute ride. Halfway home my girlfriend was really squirming and I ask what was wrong she said that she really needed the bathroom really bad and she said it came on all of a sudden. I said we were almost to her house are you going to be alright she just said I sure hope so. We did get home and in her house but her daughter was in the bathroom and we waited in the bedroom and she kept saying I hope she hurries
    3 points
  9. Thought this was a perfect fit here so i just had to share. Hope you like it as much as i did. 😊 So about a month ago i was hurt really bad in a work accident, needed surgery and now im bound to a wheelchair for a while. Luckily nothing permanent and im going to make a full recovery with time. Last week when i went for my checkup the doctor said that excercise will speed up the recovery a lot and make the physical recovery a lot easier too, so he suggested i take up water aerobics since its a great way to get excercise without putting too much strain on the body. I agreed and signed
    3 points
  10. That is ALWAYS my question when I happen to be in a fun mood and happen to be working at home (or am working at home because I'm in a fun mood to start with). Just like yourself, my fun is kept hidden from all including those close to me.
    3 points
  11. I read somewhere that NASA 'train' astronauts to pee and poo separately, so the pee can be recycled into drinking water. To be honest it doesn't seem too difficult to do (not sure how extensive their training is) - to pee first and then start to push once the bladder is empty.
    3 points
  12. Such a fun idea but these syllable-based formats are pretty hard. Still, I wanted to give it a try. ----- There once was a girl from Limerick Who wished she could pee like from a dick So she got Pee funnel Went into the tunnel Peed hard, took it off and had a lick.
    3 points
  13. [Desperation and wetting from two perspectives] Su: Right now I wish I was an only child. Being half of a twin really sucks, especially when she's the favourite. Course, our parents only see her as sweetness and light, not the manipulative cow she is. Fiona: Why does my sister hate me so much? Oh yes, because I can outsmart and humiliate her every time, and usually come up smelling of roses. It's such fun. I think I've excelled myself this time. Su: Take yesterday as an example. If darling princess Fiona had a little accident she'd have mom running round
    3 points
  14. I think he just didn’t see enough to be able to comment. He and I are pretty open and tease each other when we catch one another. Then again, sometimes he’s very tactful. A few months ago he got off of work a few hours early. I had been extremely horny for days but unable to cum and the few times I did weren’t satisfying it for me. I was in the shower with the detachable shower head on the hard stream setting watching videos of men pissing and imagining it was their piss on my clit instead of the shower. It took a while but I squeezed muscles to feel any little drop of my own piss and make the
    3 points
  15. Wow, when I first saw this I thought I had been seen for a moment there by someone on this forum! I then double checked and realised the days don't match up and I wasn't wearing a full suit, and finally I went back into my car rather than going in. Here is my story though! One I wasn't going to write up but since wanted to share. Tuesday started off with the usual frenetic pace of a day with a client, with me driving out of town early in the morning to meet a client further afield. As it was quite a distance, I had to leave ahead of what my satnav suggested to account for any potenti
    3 points
  16. Start off with this fun encounter from a few weeks ago. A few of us from work met up and went out for a few drinks as we weren’t working. Later in the evening a couple of those who had been at work joined us and we went round a few bars before deciding we had had enough. It was just after half 1 when a couple of our friends went and got a taxi leaving me and my mate to head to get our own taxis. As we were walking up through town he said he wanted a domino’s to take home with him so we walked on past the train station to where domino’s is. We went in, ordered what we wanted and then
    3 points
  17. It is nice to pee on the train. I prefer to just sit and let my pee soak through my skirt in to the seat which feels really nice and warm, and you can be discreet. Little and often is best because if I make a puddle on the floor it tends to travel up and down the train as it starts and stops!
    3 points
  18. 2 points
  19. I am back indoors and could pee again. My boyfriend should get up in a bit and go into the shower. I am wondering if I could pee on the balcony while he is showering. I could squat and not be seen, but I am not sure if neighbours could hear it.
    2 points
  20. I WET THE BED 😃 Woke during the night needing to pee but managed to get back to sleep. Ended up with a dream that I was masturbating using a sleeve, but instead of ejaculating I peed and woke up towards the end with a very wet bed. First time ever as an adult I've wet the bed. <very happy!>
    2 points
  21. Gorgeous. Pee can make the garden chores way more fun. 💚💚💚
    2 points
  22. "They gave me a free drink...I don't know why "
    2 points
  23. I personally prefer wide shots to close ups, I’d rather see more of the person's body and where the pee is going, vs. a closeup of their genitals and pee just shooting off screen. For requests: casually peeing while walking around, casually peeing while trying on clothes (you said she’s getting more sexy clothes today right?) and a pissing contest between you two! Go for distance, or volume, or who can make the biggest mess. Have her spread her lips to expose her urethra more, the stream will be clean and go so much farther! Love hearing you guys talk in your videos, it’s super hot!
    2 points
  24. I did install one in my garden for the purpose of collecting the by-products for use in composting - and very effective it was too for making the plants grow. Most people when presented with the urine separator find it baffling. It is just a funnel arangement at the front of the 'hole' in the toilet seat, the idea being that when seated No2 goes straight down and No1 goes forward in to the funnel. Pee has to be kept out of the No2 because it must be kept dry, and that is the main reason for seperating the urine. To aid drying of the No2 after each use a sprinkling of sawdust gets layered
    2 points
  25. A lovely solo piss off the side of the bed for you guys! And a pic standing over her impressive puddle afterwards https://drive.proton.me/urls/GRDYFNRFKR#jg2ILocNE2Vm Password is the same as our username on this website.
    2 points
  26. definitely didn't factor in how lacy these ones are when i put them on. 🥺 j/k. 😇 of course i totally picked them out knowing my muffin would be quite obvious. oh. i forgot. not only are they lacy, but 🤭 also a thong.
    2 points
  27. I only had fucked one time and during the one I was bored and needed to pee so I faked a squirt and started pee on my ex boyfriend
    2 points
  28. Warning story includes harm to public transport and potential discomfort to others. Not something I approve of but still fantasise about. This short story was inspired by the sensation of accidentally sitting my dry butt on a hot, piss wet, towel. I had just soaked it earlier sitting at my computer but had been called away and had to get changed into dry pants to go see someone. On returning I resumed my seat still wearing my dry clothes. It is pure fiction. Enjoy, Rikki I sometimes work a day in London coming home by train in the 'rush hour'. This usually involves standing for
    1 point
  29. I’m somewhere in the nonbinary area of the whole Gender … thing. I know there is at least one trans woman here, but I’m sure she would prefer to introduce herself rather than be tagged.
    1 point
  30. Ooooh! I like this one very much! The video quality and clarity is fantastic too! I can practically feel your cute, wet shorts. Good when the English sun does have a bit of strength in it, to light up what you do. And what you do, lovely Kupar, is write the rulebook on what a stylish, sexy wetting should look like. Denim is just amazing too, with how it changes colour. I shall be saving this in my favourites! You had a fabulous me-time type day, didn’t you. 😘💚
    1 point
  31. It's great to hear you back, BB. Take care.
    1 point
  32. I love to spend a lazy weekend morning edging. So if I masturbate for hours... I need to pee several times during, so I just let it go mid stroke all over the carpet and bed and keep on masturbating!
    1 point
  33. The last little "spurt" got a bit out of hand and I let a load go when squatting down to pick some weeds out of the garden bed. I decided not to stop and basically peed my shorts for about 15 seconds making the grass nice and wet beneath me.
    1 point
  34. And a little follow up to yesterday's earlier post, later the same day 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/AolXQY0S
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Carol and I were going to one of the valley wineries a couple of years ag, it was called A Day on the Green for lunch and entertainment with live bands was on for about 5 hours. She was dressed nicely, pleated skirt just a bit above the knee. She asked “Do you think this looks good, because I’m not wearing anything underneath it, I am not queuing for the toilet either. I am going to have a bit to drink today, I think it is your turn to drive home Sitting there having lunch, individual tables well-spaced in the expensive area, just two of us at ours Carol had a soda or two, it wa
    1 point
  37. Favourite is wetting myself out walking. The rest are "controlled" situations, just wetting myself with no protection and in a public place (although no-one around) adds to the excitement and a risk of being caught.
    1 point
  38. Well I suppose it's time for me to contribute here as well As you can tell, I really needed to go xD
    1 point
  39. Not sure this would work in real life, but in fiction perhaps. "Hi, I saw you the other day, I would recognise that smile anywhere. Would you like to sit on my lap - I'm going to East Croydon."
    1 point
  40. Once I stood right next to her quite drunk. I said I gotta piss. Then just started pissing. She just looked at it quite paralyzed and shocked. As she was looking I got an erection splashing everywhere. She wanked my cock after. She was mad the next day 🙂
    1 point
  41. I can relate to everything you guys have said. I’m in a very similar situation with my wife and would love to hear and exchange details !
    1 point
  42. Love peeing during masturbation. Not always possible (depending on where I'm doing it) but try to do it as much as I can. My favourite is to get desperate, lie down somewhere (outdoors is best, or on the bed with a lot of protection) and spray myself all over whilst stroking. If I'm not able to do the really messy stuff, wetting is next best, allowing it to run over my cock and balls. Just love the warm feeling and something naughty about wetting yourself.
    1 point
  43. Dear Wet Carpet. I got off with this girl in her mid twenties in one of the local nightclubs and ended up going back to her place, where we were having sex on her bed. After a seriously hot fuck she announced that she needed to pee and rolled off the side of the bed. To my astonishment she just popped a squat right there beside the bed saying something like "fuck it! I'm just going to piss here." And seconds later she was doing it, pissing on her own bedroom carpet with a big grin on her face. She seemed amused at my surprise and giggled something about it just being more convenient,
    1 point
  44. Nice one @gldenwetgoose, You were lucky to spot that in passing. Geordie Shore has shown girls peeing in other situations as well. Chloe Ferry seems to be one who doesn't care too much about where she pees. Here she peed outside the house when returning from town she got out of the car and peed outside before going into the house: Seems that it was not the only time. This time whilst eating Pizza: Video here: https://pissrip.net/other/15986-chloe-from-geordie-shore-pees-2.html Chloe also peed in an outside barrel: https://www.thescottishsun.co.
    1 point
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