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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2023 in all areas

  1. I used to love going on camping and hiking holidays with 3 of my str8 mates back in my 20s when I was single... 2 of them were just as into public pissing as I am... They would piss anywhere once we'd all had a few 🍻 and sometimes before too... So I'd see them piss, and join in, in lots places... I can remember them pissing along the trails, off cliffs, off bridges, in pub beer gardens, under the table in a pub, in front gardens, in a country house garden, all around the campsites, onto disposable barbecues, onto other tents... Great times 💛
    4 points
  2. Was in a department store earlier today. Passing by the dressing rooms / fitting rooms in the women's department, I saw a completely unexpected sign: "restrooms are" with an arrow pointing to the right "please don't urinate in the dressing rooms". Can honestly say I've never seen such a sign before.
    4 points
  3. I've always been curious and had a fascination with peeing, being naked and doing both publicly and openly wherever and whenever. Whatever sort of desire this stems from who can say but its always made me curious and eager to try both and see its application in society. Imagine being able to go out to the mall shopping with some friends, completely nude, no shoes, no underwear and then service haha. On top of that being able to squat down on the floor and make a little puddle on the cheap carpet or cool stone? Incredible. Imagine bringing home your boyfriend to meet your parents, hes a
    3 points
  4. They quickly printed it when they saw you pull into the parking lot. 🤣
    3 points
  5. But a great deterrent for nearby predators, might be an okay security system to piss around the cave you live in.
    3 points
  6. Here is my butt
    3 points
  7. First pic was from a hold I did after chatting with someone on a different site. I stripped naked and showed my bare bottom while I had to clutch my penis as I was super desperate to pee. Last two are stills from a vid on my Erome of me unloading my full bladder from behind
    3 points
  8. I usually prefer thicker carpets, like the carpets you find in homes rather than hotels. I guess cause it's what I have the most experience peeing on, and when it comes to my porn I tend to like hotel videos less. I think a lot of it depends on who I talk with. If I'm by myself and watch/read some porn I usually don't feel like having a pee in the sink or floor or whatever. But I can think of two occasions where I was having really hot conversations with some friends on the forum and decided to have a pee somewhere different: once in a mug and once on the floor in the corner of my bed
    3 points
  9. Sometimes I have the overwhelming urge to pee right around the corner from two people having a conversation. The knowledge that I could be caught or even heard at any moment is very appealing to me. I'd probably pull up my skirt and stand as close to the wall, spreading my cunt so my stream didn't make as much noise, just a quiet hiss.
    3 points
  10. Does anyone else ever get these super random urges to piss right where you are along with other things? For example, today as soon as I got home, I took off my underwear and peed in the tub. Just felt like it 🤷‍♂️
    2 points
  11. Yesterday has been a summer-like kind of day , quite warm & sunny . As I often do in the late morning , one of the beaches was my destination . But then the seas were extremely rough and the tide was full when I arrived there , so I had to direct myself to the rocks nearby . There were already quite a few people lying on their towels & under multi-coloured sun-umbrellas . I noticed there were a few older guys alone , some standing , others seated , probably there to watch girls in bikinis to get a sexual kick ... So , as I usually do , I looked for a place next
    2 points
  12. Not so much the nudity, but I would love an alternate reality where people are free to pee wherever they feel the urge. I imagine that's how the earliest human or human like ancestors would do. I assume their primal instincts meant they wouldn't want urine on themselves, but didn't care where it went otherwise. Hunting for a deer but feeling distracted by your full bladder? Well you need both hands for the bow and arrow, but if you have a penis it does a good enough job of projecting the urine away from you, so you relax and let nature take care of the rest. Feeding your child a
    2 points
  13. It works. Just don't do too much so that it soaks all the way through, and drink plenty so there is no smell.
    2 points
  14. In the morning, when I went to take out the trash, I found these panties on the dumpster. I looked carefully so that no one saw me, I put them in my pocket and now I tried them on. Am I fine?
    2 points
  15. I love being out on a walk, needing to pee and just going where I happen to be. Same with swimming - need to pee, just let it go. Also on the rare occasions when I visit a health spa, the various places are wet and I just drink plenty and pee freely. Water parks are another good one, I just pee wherever I am - even whilst walking or stood in a queue. At home I often pee in the sink whilst making a mug of tea or cleaning my teeth or pee on laundry before I wash it. I would love to be able to apply this freedom in daily life when out and about but it is not quite so easy.
    2 points
  16. I don’t think of any of my peeing as deliberate vandalism and wouldn’t want my exploits to have significant negative impact on others. However, I have peed in various hotel rooms and the one when I felt I went too far was when I soaked a mattress to the extent that I felt I had to go out and buy a hair dryer to dry it before checking out. It stared off as just a few spurts in bed before I went to sleep but then a few more spurts and then I let my bladder go fully. Then when I woke up and added to it. When I got up I realised there was no way it would dry before I checked out (even though
    2 points
  17. It seems my stream missed the toilet completely.. we can blame the motion of the train, right? 🤫
    2 points
  18. decided my dick needed some fresh spring air today......
    2 points
  19. Releasing your torrent on nature? Another of man's triumphs over mother nature 😘 Not pictured: two women trying to have a nice picnic 😂🤣
    2 points
  20. What is wrong with Warren, he should be delighted to be be spotting and peeing with two great girls. I'm sure it won't put them off though.😉
    2 points
  21. Today was laundry day and while in the basement putting my dirty laundry in the washer I realized I had to pee pretty badly. My roommate was upstairs watching TV so I had to be discrete, I couldn’t leave a mess behind. Sometimes I’ll lay towels or blankets out before putting them in the washer but today I was just washing my clothes. I decided to piss into my dirty clothes before putting them in the machine. I pulled my pants down and shoved a balled up shirt in between my legs and slowly released my piss into it while standing up. It was so relaxing and felt so good. I cut my stream off and t
    2 points
  22. it's fun just about anywhere i think i can get away with it. but if i had to pick a favorite, i feel like that would be inside elevators.
    2 points
  23. Part one to this story can be found here. Like the first part, this story centres around two female train spotters and contains outdoor peeing (mainly female but this part contains a bit of male peeing). Thank you for the positive reactions and feedback to part one and I hope you all enjoy the second instalment! It was a warm and humid summer’s day and Stephanie, Dani and a fellow train enthusiast called Warren were trekking across a remote but scenic area of Wales. Warren had known Stephanie for a number of years as they had bumped into each other a number of times whilst they were out s
    1 point
  24. I'm all ears, if you want to start it
    1 point
  25. I loved it! We all encouraged each other... they obviously got off on it too
    1 point
  26. also in Portugal if you want to talk a little send me a message
    1 point
  27. I like to pee in the tub when I take a bath. it's very relaxing. do you do the same?
    1 point
  28. Abandoned buildings! A little urban-exploration and pissing at the same time. Old abandoned furniture or restooms are fun!
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I went to my mom's house yesterday to help in her garden...she planted 5 rows of potatoes, and the weeds have become a little overwhelming. Of course, on my drive there, I wore nothing. I brought clothes just in case on the off-chance I was pulled over or something, but that rarely happens. As usual, I got a lot of looks from people as I passed their cars or they passed mine or we stopped next to each other at a red light. I never try to obscure my titties or the fact that I am nude...I love when people look at me with nothing but shock or awe 😉 I peed before I left since it is only a 2
    1 point
  31. I like her attractive small titties
    1 point
  32. I suggest just using the regular dating sites. I'm on them now and haven't met anyone I want to be in a relationship with, but have gone on first dates with guys that I thought had a similar interest. Basically early on, after numbers are exchanged and we're texting, I'll bring up something involving pee. I've said things like "I've drank so much water today and now I can't stop peeing lol" or "I was out walking my dog tonight. OMG I had to run back to the house fast. I thought I was going to pee my pants!". Just innocent little comments like that. And then I can tell from their reaction
    1 point
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