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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2022 in Posts

  1. After talking to someone for a couple of hours last night (you know who you are 😉) I said goodnight feeling incredibly turned on and determined to do something about it. I went upstairs and took off my leggings and thong and returned to my husband semi naked and holding my little bullet vibrator. I immediately had his full attention! I kneeled on the floor in front of him and unfastened his jeans, gently pulling him out and smiling in delight at his member rapidly hardening in my hand. I planted kisses along the length of his shaft before taking him into my mouth, looking up at him and smiling
    5 points
  2. This goes back all the way to 2016 when I came up with an idea to pull this off with a bunch of friends. We definitely did more than just pee on the beds there but I'll stay to the topic. As it was our first time doing this we were quite unfamiliar with how far we can really do, we were thinking whether we should have taken the protector off or not, where else should we pee on and all over, how we were exactly going to make it look like as if nothing happened etc. It was an absolute sight to pee a few of us peeing onto the same part of the bed with a huge pool of pee soaking a large patch
    3 points
  3. 1st run since my half marathon and it didn't feel as bad as I thought it would. I'm glad I pushed myself to get out
    3 points
  4. I love manga and hentia and as all af you pee specifically in door peeing I finally found one that has all three elements and I NEED to find more if u guys find some post the links 10 points if it’s indoors, the girls idea and little sex 9 points if it’s indoors little sex and the woman’s idea 8 points if it’s indoors drunk pee 7 points if indoors and wet themselves 6 points if it’s in a car 5points is it’s in a elevator 4points if it’s inside the bathroom 3points if it’s outside 2 points if it’s on the toilet 1 point if no pee Exampl
    2 points
  5. I was mindlessly scrolling Facebook before bed when I stumble across this that my friend shared: Guys. I SS'd and RAN here lol. It sort of inspired me and I wanna see if we can bring the She/He's a ten game here. So, how you play is you write a phrase (She's a ten, but she pees in parking lots when she's drunk) and the person beneath you writes if her ranking has changed. In my case, she would become an 11 for peeing somewhere naughty 😍 So, I'll start. She's a 10, but she pees in fitting rooms whenever she feels like it.
    2 points
  6. This happened quite awhile ago. I think i had to have been 20, I really thought I had already shared with you guys to be fully honest. Upon talking to a friend and sharing it with them I realized I definitely had not. This is probably one of my naughtiest experiences I have had to date. I used to be a in home care giver, so I would travel to people's homes to take care of things they needed. Well sometimes this would have me traveling a good half hour or more from my home, I also on some days would have numerous clients through out the day and there was no point to waste the gas to go ho
    2 points
  7. A tee shirt and leggings and socks. Sometimes jumper if it is cold. Never a bra!
    2 points
  8. I think there are a lot worse things in the world than a pee kink. It is not a violent thing. It is shared between consenting partners. It is a loving act. If people have issues with something, lets face it, you are born with (like a sexual identity, or a nationality) then really, it is their problem, not yours. And yes, I deeply believe we are born with this kink. It is who we are. If we try and hide it, it will try and emerge somehow, so why not get to know it, seeing as it is part of who we are. You have the power to choose who you share it with. I have an A4 list of kinks. I am n
    2 points
  9. One time, I was in high school and this one popular girl got her hands on alcohol and had a party while her parents were on vacation. I didn’t really know my limit at the time so I ended up drinking a bit too much, getting tipsy, and more importantly, having to pee really bad. Unfortunately, there was only one bathroom in the house and it seemed like every girl there was in line for it. What’s even worse was that most girls weren’t peeing, they were going in to fix up their makeup or have sex. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I started leaking. I snuck off into a bedroom and squatted over a tra
    2 points
  10. Personally, I don't mind being the subject of others' sexual fantasies, even if I may not be interested in them sexually. Mostly because I've had an issue with feeling unattractive or out of shape. As for my fetish, I end up sharing it with all my friends and partners at some point mostly because I like talking about sexual experiences and I tend to attract and make friends with people who are cool with that kinda stuff. Obviously I use discretion on whether or not my friends would be okay with hearing about my fantasies but it's not like I try to pretend they don't exist. Could never tal
    2 points
  11. I'm not sure if this counts because it's circumstantial but I thought it's worth sharing. So I was at a sitdown restaurant, facing the 2 unisex single occupant restrooms. The restaurant was pretty busy so the bathrooms were consistently in use, sometimes with a line in front, other times not. One waitress kept going there, sometimes she'd turn away after seeing the line, other times she'd shake the handles of the 2 doors and see they're both locked. This happened a several times in the span of perhaps half an hour. I'm not sure if she wasn't allowed to wait in line or if that was a p
    2 points
  12. A more acceptable way would be to let it go where you shower.
    2 points
  13. I've always had a fetish for older ladies, and have had a lot of pee experiences with those of more senior years, 54, 75, 84, 93...... Does anyone else enjoy them as much as me???
    1 point
  14. Hi! I’m new to this forum but I’m loving the content on here. I just wanted to share a few of my fantasies to see if anyone else feels the same way as me. I’ve always liked the idea of voyeurism. I’m yet to have an experience where I’ve pissed in plain view in public but it’s definitely on my list. I think that it would be so hot to be watched while shooting out a big stream. Another thing I’d love to do is get pissed inside by someone, preferably in my pussy. The feeling of the warm liquid inside me sounds like a dream. I wanna try public wetting and golden showers too! But yes I hope that we
    1 point
  15. Both of us have had instances of this ‘non acceptance’ of our kink, if you want to call it that. M was married previously, her husband unexpectedly came home while she was having a little solo fun in her bath, wallowing in her pee, of course. He was not at all sympathetic to her needs, called her dirty and disgusting, basically packed and left the same day. He also took her 3 year old boy and told the relevant authorities that she was an unfit mother. Due to complications at birth, or some incompetent butchery, she was unable to have any more children. My experience was a little
    1 point
  16. Firstly - you need to be in front of the right photographer - but that hasn't happened yet for you 😉 The right photographer will understand, and will put you at ease - firstly be being an understanding person and being a person you can trust. So often photographers aren't confident with people. They may know exactly what buttons to press, but only on their camera and not in the slightest how to overcome your fears. Some of those fears will be based on your preconception you're not going to like the result, your personal qualms over what you consider your least photogenic features a
    1 point
  17. Ive been wanting to do this so bad! I would like to watch a movie laying down in bed with a group of friends and we need to pee just relax and pee on the bed together.
    1 point
  18. @Sophie Safe call, the horse sized duck 🤣 nobody said it wouldn't be a rubber duck
    1 point
  19. If we take all of our enlightened selves out of the equation, and we instead think of the pool of people we interact with, and those we hope to have some 'adult' fun with, then I guess there are two general groups - - Those who consider pee as a gross, dirty and potentially harmful human waste product, and - Those who consider pee as just a natural bodily function that happens. People need to wee, they wee and sometimes not in the toilet. Now of course we can also group people into those who are open to relationships and those who aren't, those who would engage in adult fun b
    1 point
  20. Thanks for reading my experience and for making comments. I always answer gladly to questions if I can. Yes, usually I leave the tissue right where I peed, unless there was a bin right close. After all, the tissue is made of very light biodegradable paper. I don't think I contribute to littering with a simple tissue. Your remarks are all correct. I don't like holding pee , it is a nuisance for me. If I can, I relieve myself. And yes, I knew in advance that I would have damaged the plant with my urine, but I also knew that this plant would have done a good job for my needs.
    1 point
  21. 15. Makes me wanna hug them and rub their shoulders and say "Its okay, it's just us, let it all out." They're a 10 but they have tons of pee stories and won't hesitate to tell you any of them.
    1 point
  22. I don't mind either. I undressed for money many years ago. I suspect there might be more and less acceptable variations of this fetish. For example, "I like being peed on" is probably more acceptable than "I want watch you pee." And funny you should bring up job interviews. Because that's one of those things where if it got spread around maybe an insular community, could be damaging. I want a job at such and such business, but the woman doing the interview casually knows my vindictive ex. And maybe my ex likes to get drunk and complain to her friends, and anyone else who will listen
    1 point
  23. Guy is doing the world a service, knocking out one toilet at a time until we go back to the days of pissing anywhere and everywhere 😂
    1 point
  24. Uhhh... hey B, wanna come to my house party? 👀❤️ Yeah, I've got the same fantasies more or less. I've yet to act on any of them tho. It's probably for the best since most of my friends know about my fetish anyway 😂
    1 point
  25. Maybe I have just been around long enough to have a vague idea of what some people like to read. Oh, and I've been married a long time.
    1 point
  26. WOW, that's so hot. Thank you for sharing. You're much braver than me
    1 point
  27. Daring... Which makes it hotter. 😉
    1 point
  28. In the locker room I’m naked so I just piss whenever I need to right on the floor
    1 point
  29. My ex-wife was the oldest of seven children, and because of the large family she was accustomed to seeing everyone in her family naked and using the toilet with the door open, including her mother and even her father. When her sister who was nearly eighteen years younger than her was married my ex was her maid of honor. With so many people getting ready for the wedding and access to only one bathroom it was a crazy day. I entered the bridal dressing room with my ex where the bride and the two other bride's maids were dressing. My ex had on her dress, an azure blue with petticoats and low-cut
    1 point
  30. Maybe they gradually change colour when pissed on?
    1 point
  31. Most of my fetish stems from cartoons, books, and fictional media, but I guess I could say that, being trans, worrying about where I can pee has been a big factor in my life, and I sometimes pee outside not just for enjoyment, but also necessity. Aside from the obvious "I need to pee I can't hold it" thing, it's a worry, especially outside the Northeast, that I might get clocked and then hate crimed for using the women's restroom. I'd feel safer in the woods where I'd maybe get mauled by a bear (which is super unlikely) than have to deal with a transphobic Karen screaming in my face that I'm "
    1 point
  32. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. That question of how to discuss with people is definitely a common problem and I'm not sure has an easy answer. My suggestion is to be a little economical with the truth - so telling someone you enjoy bed-wetting may get a negative reaction, whereas telling them you like peeing in unusual places may be more of an acceptable confession. Anyway, no need for such worries here - you're amongst friends with extreme tastes and proud of them.
    1 point
  33. Working on a bathroom today, I had removed the toilet first thing this morning, and the customer keeps making me tea. So I had just been on lunch and needed to pee pretty bad before I had a large bottle of water, on top of all the tea. I went back to the job now bursting to go forgetting about the toilet being out. As I announced I was back to the customer, she said "ohh great, any chance you could get the loo in, Im close to going in the sink!" It then dawned on me as I watched her cross her legs and bob down a little. Flustered I said "uhh yeah sure, Im bursting too" she replied, "ohh
    1 point
  34. She's a ten, but she goes out of her way to pee into gutters if she needs to. (Ps: I am staring at a gutter wishing I could pee in it and get away with it right now lol)
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. She’s a ten, but never closes the bathroom door.
    1 point
  37. She's a ten, but everytime she sees a wet floor sign...she wets the floor!
    1 point
  38. love how you can't help but get hard when you piss 😚
    1 point
  39. Another vote for Hayley Williams of Paramore. Preferably immediately after this photo was taken
    1 point
  40. That happens to me many times when I go party. One or two toilet is not enough for drunk girls anyway. Under such circumstances I have to pee somewhere else like sink, cats litter box, potted plants, garden and so on. Sometimes I even say like "Is there a potted plant or something?" when I have to pee lol Now I'm notorious for giving someone's plants extra watering haha
    1 point
  41. This is so beautiful. 😍🥰 I wish you were around when I was pregnant! Particularly the 2nd time… I had such trouble with my hips towards the last month that I could barely walk, which made it terrifyingly tricky to get to the toilet in time! Pregnant ladies really should be given a hall pass to pee wherever the heck they stand! Anyone who disagrees… get them to strap a bowling ball to their front for 9 months and deal with a full bladder in public where there are NEVER enough toilets! Or worse, toilets at train stations etc that are locked after a certain time of day! 😳 … Definitely time for so
    1 point
  42. I do it most of the times after gym. It’s easy and I’ve had a few witnesses as well. I walk around completely naked so why not just do it if you have to. I took a pic of it some time ago.
    1 point
  43. That definitely sounds like you had a very nice walk 😉 I love your description of you reaching into your boxers to grab your penis that was already powerfully spraying piss, even though wetting yourself was clearly not the plan 😚
    1 point
  44. I am officially a bedwetter. I have been in my new apartment for almost 2 weeks now and after a few more unprotected mattress soakings, I put my mattress protector back on and have not used the toilet to piss in in that time. Every time I have to piss, I do it in my bed and sleep in it. I have started to become constantly very aroused with the piss smell. I also piss the bed in the morning and it dries by the time I get home. I accidentally dried my plastic sheet which got ruined. I am waiting for a replacement to arrive, so I can really enjoy my puddles again I never realized how much fun
    1 point
  45. After the fun we'd had pissing all around that asshole guy's house, the floodgates were well and truly opened for Barbara and I. And I do mean that kind of almost literally as well as metaphorically, lol. Next time we went out to the pub we decided it would be fun to just pee wherever we could get away with. But we have never been caught for a reason. We are careful. So we don't piss on our own doorstep! We never did it in our local pub where everyone knew us, but drank further afield when we wanted to have fun. Over the years pissing in pubs on the floors or whatever has been a frequen
    1 point
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