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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2022 in Posts

  1. A/N: For my first post on this site, I'd like to do an exclusive version of my best story "I think my Boss Needs to Pee." It's going to take some different twists and turns than what is available on other sites. As always however, I enjoy feedback. So don't be afraid to critique and offer advice! I can't improve my work without it. Which also means that if you have an idea for the story, it might just make it's way in here. Enjoy! Mary-Ann laid still for a moment. Her morning alarm was blaring into her eardrums, but every muscle in her body wanted to stay in bed until she drifted back in
    6 points
  2. I was at a female friends friends house where we had a party. In the end of the party somebody said let’s play strip poker. So we sad there and we played for a while. A cute girl I wanted to see more of had finally called. I made her go all in… but I lost. So off my clothes went. So I sat there for a few minutes observing how they played. I said I had to piss. So I rose from the table and at that time the 5 in the group 3 females and 2 males could see my penis. They all shouted and pointed at it and giggled because it is big flaccid. I told them I really had to piss but they wer
    5 points
  3. Am I right to post this under 'Men Peeing?' https://thisvid.com/videos/hairy-gf-helps-uncut-bf-pee/
    5 points
  4. Welp, as the title suggests, I've officially done my first piss on my stairs. Specifically, it was the stairs to my bedroom. I was watching some anime on my computer, and thinking of ways I could relieve my bladder without having to go downstairs. This morning the damp spot from yesterday's escapade (cough cough, shameless plug) had finally dried so I wasn't really looking to clean another carpet right away. I tried making little spots on the carpet that would fade away on their own (most of them have already as I type this) but it was just making my bladder all the more urgent, I needed some
    5 points
  5. So, I have a fun story to tell, this happened 15 mins prior to me writing this. Let's start from the beginning. I had to run errands today while on a fairly tight schedule. I decided to start at the gym. Going to the gym meant I ended up drinking an absurd amount of water. After the gym, I went to my next stop. It ended up taking an hour longer than it was supposed to. I had gone pee once already and yet, I was ready to burst by the end of it. I had one more stop and I was already running late, which meant that I had NO time to slow down or stop to pee. With a 20 minute drive back ho
    4 points
  6. I met a guy with a pee fetish a week ago. It was very funny. Our first date was at a Japanese restaurant. We sat side by side on the sofa. I worn a leather skirt on purpose and let out yellow streams throughout the evening. He liked it very much. At the end of the evening, he poured soy sauce on the couch to hide the marks and smell. The tip was generous, so hardly anyone was against it. One of my ex-boyfriends even directly told the waiters that I don't like public toilets, so I peed here. They almost always just named a price and we dispersed. That evening we drank a lot of
    3 points
  7. Just took my first sink piss yesterday, it felt amazing
    3 points
  8. Probably the pee party I attended. There are two parts, sadly I lost motivation to document the remainder of the weekend, I'm sorry.
    3 points
  9. Just the one active contributing member with a birthday today... Happy Birthday to the forum legend that is @Alfresco - Have a great day.
    3 points
  10. Trans girl here, if someone's using the bathroom and I don't wanna wait I'll try and sneak off to the kitchen and stealth pee in the sink. For both sinks I have to stand on my tippy toes to be able to aim properly so I don't do it all that often (trying to sit or squat over them would probably break em' and the bathroom faucet's in an... uncomfortable location when I do) My shower/bathtub however, that's a different story. It's pm the only place I go to pee anymore, whether I'm actually taking a shower/bath or not lol
    3 points
  11. A lovely image, just after this diorama That is a great outfit for peeing in, just a skirt and bra, because as George Lucas famously said. "There are no panties in space"...
    3 points
  12. I could have written this in any one of several threads, but it spans several topics so I thought I'd give it a thread of its own. Around a month ago, I was fortunate to have a Spa Day at a high end hotel with my wife. This entailed arriving around 9:30, having a massage at 10:00, then use of the spa facilities for the rest of the day with lunch included. The Spa was amazing with multiple pools, Jacuzzis, heat and cool rooms, sensory showers and so on. After signing in, we were shown to the capacious changing areas and told where to report for our massages. We both got changed i
    2 points
  13. Whilst photographs of my pissing seem to be well received on this website on the whole, sometimes Mr E and I don't always get it right. Last night was one example. We had been at a gig and I had been hoping to get another piss shot for my thread. I made sure to drink plenty of the post-gig water that we had with us and not go to the loo so I could get a decent shot. When we arrived at the secure parking garage where our vehicle is permanently stored, Mr E went first because he was already twitchy. He pissed a long, splashy stream into a corner and then it was my turn. Before I cont
    2 points
  14. The thing about pee, is it's a natural function that we can enjoy while doing it. Before the invention of toilets, our buildings for that matter, what do we think people did back then. They probably walked somewhere away from people, squatted, spread their legs, or whipped it out and pissed. No one thought I'll of it, that's what it was. So I love being home by myself during the day to enjoy it however it comes to mind at that moment. I either go outside in the back yard, or on my front porch, go in my garage, or wear a diaper. Sometimes if I know I'm gonna mop the kitchen anyway, I'll do non-
    2 points
  15. Thanks @gldenwetgoose, Much appreciated. I'm afraid a fairly normal day at work for me today, but got a nice meal planned with Mrs A this evening.
    2 points
  16. And, would you prefer to be in this photo, or the photographer? Would your answer be different if she were bursting for a wee?
    2 points
  17. Update: Had another incident with my friend last week. She was driving on the highway and she was hit with the "omg i have to pee NOW" feeling. Since the last peeing moment we had together she's been very open about peeing and needing to pee, as have I. If it had been my car we were driving I would have told her just to piss the seat, but i don't think she would have gone for that in her car. So I suggested we pull over and go outside -- there weren't too many people on the road. She did pull over and then went around on the other side of the car where I was. I opened my door and got out too a
    2 points
  18. Wanted to hit the cabinets but stream was struggling to not go down my leg so I stood on the table and used that and then finished on the carpet this morning.
    2 points
  19. First of all thank-you all for the love you showed me in my first post, I'd thought I'd share the experince i had with a friend of mine at a new years party a few years ago. Myself and my friend (I'll call her B) were invited to our other friends new years party (I'll call him J), it was really just his family having a big get together but he wanted us there anyway, I think J had a crush on B but i never asked. We felt a bit strange going to a families new years party as 20 something year old adults but i had nothing better to do so i went anyway. I get dropped off as i know i will be drinking
    2 points
  20. My GF hosted a party at her apartment last night for mostly her friends. It went very late (early?) and there was heavy drinking - so much so, that several of her friends spent the night on couches, the floor, and even one on the bathroom floor next to the only toilet. As the party was ending, I retired to her bedroom and she handed out blankets and cleaned the last few bottles in the kitchen. I was laying in bed pretending to be sleeping as she came into the bedroom carrying a small white oval plastic pail with a lid (laundry detergent?) and closed the bedroom door and locked it and turned
    2 points
  21. I've been shopping around for one. Haven't seen one I like yet. 🤷🏾‍♀️
    1 point
  22. Got back home from work today with kind of a full bladder. My plan of course was to use the toilet but since I still had to walk the dog, I changed my goals and went to pee in the woods as the sun was setting. Enjoy a warm and sunny pee from yours truly! https://www.erome.com/a/zsKEuS5d
    1 point
  23. Very nicely written and I loved the fact that both ladies needed to pee but wouldn't admit it to the other. I guess that is something that happens a lot in real life where everyone is hoping that someone else will call for a break but nobody does because they don't want to be the first to admit their need. The fact that Mary-Ann peed in the toilet before going in the shower rather than in the shower and even wiped before going in the shower where she would be washed anyway, together with having a shower BEFORE going to the gym implies that she is generally a very clean living individual
    1 point
  24. Hi and big welcome...enjoy the site xx
    1 point
  25. I fully support it. Though I kind of prefer the ones that look like penises. Those are primarily for trans men, but I don't see why cis women can't use them, aside from inadvertently hurting transmascs by taking something gender-affirming to them and neutering it.
    1 point
  26. Hi and welcome. It's good to see the West Midlands represented. I'm from the East. I hope you have a fantastic time here.
    1 point
  27. Very, very nice. Your beautiful body, beautiful cock, beautiful stream. The only way it could be even more perfect is to see the beautiful puddle too. 🙏💚 Thank you, wonderful Kupar. ⭐️
    1 point
  28. Most peeing opportunities are not conducive with photography, especially when it might need a flash, and then very few of the photographs actually taken are publishable. I feel your pain. I took my camera out yesterday with me, and came home with precisely nothing. At least you enjoyed yourself and that is some consolation I hope.
    1 point
  29. OK, sorry that option is not available to you. I'm with you on keeping phones and technology until it dies. I have an iPhone, but I tend to keep them until the software is no longer supported before I upgrade. The last one I had, I purchased second hand and then ran it until it died. The one I've got now was new last year, but I'll keep it for years.
    1 point
  30. Deliciously erotic. He's a lucky guy.
    1 point
  31. A couple of my friends and I decided that we would organize a fighting game tournament on campus. We figured it would be a good way to get to know some people at the start of the semester. Apparently we were right, we got folks from all corners of the campus joining. Among those was a woman who was cleaning house all the way to the semi-finals, where I finally got to meet her: Jasmine. She was a small scrawny and very tired-looking indigenous gal with clothes and black hair styled as if she'd rolled out of bed just to come here. Going into the first match I could clearly tell despite appe
    1 point
  32. It’s been too long since I’ve been able to have any pee fun, and I was hoping to go for a walk in the park today with the express purpose of peeing somewhere outside, but it started raining and I don’t feel like braving the mud on the trail! So I figured I’d share another throwback experience while I make a plan to go out later tonight and pee somewhere naughty. 🙂 This is a story from fall of 2014. I was a junior in college and had been invited to a house party with some new friends. I was also living in my first apartment (at my undergrad institution you were required to live in dorms f
    1 point
  33. I have just had a quick piss in the woods I was bursting to go on my way home and just pulled my pants and panties down and pissed then had a orgasam
    1 point
  34. I hope this is ok! It’s an excerpt from something I’m writing. What came next was almost expected after the scene of self pleasure. Lucien took her piss-soaked rag, wrapped it around the head of his shrinking cock and relaxed. A golden stream erupted from the tip as he continued to stroke himself, savoring the last bit of his post orgasmic wave. The sound of the forming puddle and splash rang through Alibel's ears as she felt her arousal increase. Was she attracted to watching him piss, or was it the fact that he thought her own urine was a turn on enough to cause him to lose control
    1 point
  35. Hi and welcome, Zelda. We're a friendly bunch and I hope you have a good time here.
    1 point
  36. It's dangerous to go alone, take this: 💛 And welcome!
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. “Just go pee while you’re showering”
    1 point
  39. The library was deserted. I followed Zhan into the stacks. Zhan stopped and faced me."Richard, do you think Daniel is making a mistake going for Jen?" She unfastened her belt. "I don't know.." My heart pounded hard as Zhan unzipped her jeans. "Should we worry about other people's approval?" I sighed as Zhan yanked her jeans and panties down together and squatted "It does matter to a certain degree.." "Am I just a passing novalty to you?" Zhan sounded nervous, but her expression was a little giddy as a thick stream of pee jetted from her raw hairy pussy and splashed loudly on
    1 point
  40. I was on a long car ride with someone and we were in a really long gap between rest areas. I was too embarrassed to say I needed to pee badly enough for us to pull off the road in between, I could only say we needed to stop at the next rest area. I was using all of my willpower to not squirm too much. And then once we got there all the toilets were full in the women’s room! I waited in line for a little bit and then quickly figured fuck it, since he’s still in the men’s room, I’m going to “take a walk” to the more woodsy area of the rest stop and pee there. I was starting to leak a bit before
    1 point
  41. Thank you for doing this Goose and sticking with it. It's a wonderful idea!
    1 point
  42. Thanks for this initiative Goose. It's been really lovely to see the names of all the active members each day 😊
    1 point
  43. Trans man here - I’ve had top surgery but not bottom surgery (and if this needs to be moved to men peeing, no problem). I’m on vacation with my husband and parents. All of them are asleep, and I’m on the balcony of the resort facing the ocean, so no one can see me. I have ben wa balls inside of me and my bladder is so fucking full. I can’t decide if I want to keep holding or just let it all go now, but either way, I’m going on this deck. It feels so good holding it with my front hole stuffed. I feel like I could come just from having my bladder so swollen.
    1 point
  44. Male, I pee in shower so much that showering makes me need to go lol. as for the sink I just peed in the sink recently and took pics.
    1 point
  45. This may initially sound a little controversial, but I'd still like pee to be slightly taboo. What I mean is, if it was just a thing like sneezing or yawning, and everyone just did it everywhere - surely it would lose its magic and fascination. It'd be amazing for a few days, weeks or even a month or so - but then would be the norm. Instead I'd like to just take away the 'ewww' factor that so many people have about pee and relax attitudes to public nudity just a little bit - but not too much. That way we'd still see pee-dancing from time to time, there'd still be a knowing that a g
    1 point
  46. Difficult to beat the ideas already expressed (meeting up with PF friends; free / nonchalant peeing accepted everywhere, plus nudity and sex if you want ... something like the Pisuaria and Kymala worlds created by fiction-writing members here). I think in my parallel universe, I would be 20 years younger but know what I know now and the people I know now. I would be a better, more experienced lover, and a better person. Oh - and I would not have a tendency towards thinning hair.
    1 point
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