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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2022 in all areas

  1. Have you ever wondered if you were the unwitting star of some bizarre reality show? And now the producers were just fucking with you? Well, this was the case in what was probably the easiest sighting I ever had. The music festival I was attending was contained at the farthest perimeter of the park by a concrete wall. One which countless men had used as a urinal after the sun went down (this was America after all, where day peeing is done at your own risk). And so it was sometime between sundown and midnight that I had decided to make my mark on it as well. After staking out a prime slice
    16 points
  2. I doubt I’m the only one to find this pretty relatable.. 😅😉
    5 points
  3. I wanted to say hi to everyone. I am new here, although I have been reading various threads from this forum for a long time, but due to my shyness, I did not create an account. I am happy to share my experiences. Don't laugh when I make linguistic mistakes. I don't know English well - I use an interpreter.
    4 points
  4. It’s friday and it was payday for me so I decided to treat myself. I decided to go to the mall and get some lingerie, perfume, and shoes. I started the day with a large mug of hot tea which was so delicious and fragrant. I made sure to fill my half gallon water bottle up for the day and wear a cute dress. The particular one I wore was very flowy and short which I love and no panties. (Easy Access) I walk downstairs from my apartment complex with my purse and full water bottle I get in the car already feeling that familiar twinge in my bladder. I’m drinking more water on the way to the mall to
    4 points
  5. I was honestly bored and my boss pissed me off this morning. (No pun intended) He left for lunch I watched him leave I closed the door behind him his office was now mines for the moment. I am still currently in the office with a small urge to pee. So I pulled my skirt up a bit and slid my panties to the side. I felt the air hit my slit and it was over I peed on his chair quite a bit. It pooled and fell onto the floor making a little puddle. I then went on top of his desk and rubbed my swollen clit until I came. 10/10 would do again.
    4 points
  6. Kind if bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet. I don't really need to do it - the stream shoots out cleanly and the female urethra is small enough not to retain liquid (usually). I like doing it, though. It feels rebellious; even if not strictly speaking necessary.
    4 points
  7. For every taste)
    4 points
  8. Have any women here ever peed in a taxi before? From talking to a few people it actually doesn't seem as uncommon as i'd have thought, especially when a lot of alcohol is involved after big nights out. If you have, was it to be naughty or just out of sheer desperation? Did you just pee your panties and keep it as quiet as possible, or try to get them down somehow to pee onto the floor/seat and keep yourself dry? I'd imagine it would be much easier to get caught that way! Or if anyone has been in a taxi with a girl who has peed i'd love to know too! 😄
    3 points
  9. Maybe - and we'll never know, so just wild speculation... Maybe her friends had all looked towards the row of guys at the wall and said 'Urgh, no way, we can't go over there, there's guys pissing' and her replying along the lines of 'well I'm not wetting myself which is a real possibility if I wait another minute' Or perhaps a slightly tipsy dare - 'Ten bucks if you pop a squat right next to that guy over there' Either way an amazing event. And I may be in the minority of thinking that moments like that are perhaps best just left as they are, without creeping her out by asking
    3 points
  10. I couldn't possibly choose when they are all so beautiful in their different ways, but I would happily stick around until all 19 of them had been satisfied.
    3 points
  11. If there's anything wrong with your family it's that we're not all part of it. Immense thanks for sharing an illustration of what openness can look like. I think a great many people, not just those here, would love to experience the freedom and honesty your family has achieved.
    3 points
  12. Thanks Takashi, that means a lot to me. i will write. if I feel it is good enough, I will contribute it to PF. you guys deserve the best of my words.
    3 points
  13. Absolutely. Couldn't agree more 🙂
    3 points
  14. Thanks for the reply @Alfresco! In this case, I don't think she was looking for a way to attract me. The girl was really desperate. The place is not a common place for prostitutes. I wasn't even sure she wore prostitutes, but they looked just like that. When I saw them I noticed that they were intensively looking around and anxiously discussing something. I only looked at them because they both looked very sexy. As I was passing by them, I heard one say to the other "Run there, run there, run...". The way she told her to run there gave off a kind of urgency. Probably the other prostitute knew
    3 points
  15. I did this in the early hours of a Sunday morning a few weeks ago. I’d got into a taxi home following a night out. Having been caught at two sets of temporary traffic lights I asked the driver to pull over at the side of the road about halfway into the 20 minute journey as I needed the toilet, but he refused. With the logic of a few drinks I thought “fuck it” and pissed through my thong and short black dress into the seat. I had to keep stopping the stream to avoid hissing or splashing while I waited for it to soak into the seat. I arrived home much relieved and as my dress was black and it wa
    3 points
  16. I generally haven't been big into writing multi-part stories but I intend to write at least one follow-up to this one. This story features female urination. *** This story takes place a few years back when I was working as a camp leader at a small summer camp located on one of the San Juan islands in Puget Sound. I had picked up the job after coming across an employment ad posted onto a bulletin board in my university’s student union and figuring that I could handle managing some twelve-to-fourteen-year-olds for a couple of months. Being a camp leader didn’t pay a whole lot of money
    2 points
  17. @Eliminature and @Contra standing by a tree p-i-s-s-i-n-g 😉
    2 points
  18. That’s right, Kupar. You leave me, and others, here buzzing, wanting for more! 😆💖✨ I have a MILLION ideas a minute, as you know, so let me know if you ever want me to co-author these stories to progress them to even higher places. My dirty mind has no boundaries. I fall in love with the characters, and can visualise these scenes perfectly. I can give you my raw ideas and you can add in all your beautiful descriptions to make them into the pieces of art that they end up as.
    2 points
  19. My stories, like Goose's, are very restrained compared with some on the site. Each to his own of course.
    2 points
  20. I was worried about my daughter's safety when I heard they were switching to a half zenra for girls only. The administration swears it is better and prevents the boys from being predatory, since they can see everything down there. Fortunately that was a year ago and everything has gone fine. They have announced that girls will be free to urinate openly on the school grounds as long as it does not interrupt classes. I am surprised a small country town was so quick to adopt the city rules after all these years. I picked my daughter up the other day and I purposefully waited to relieve myself. I
    2 points
  21. Hi Takashi san.🙋‍♀️ I think a lot of us just do it to get fantasies out of our heads and into writing so they can be made into some kind of reality in the dimension of our very vivid, and very dirty imaginations. 🔥We can play with ideas and see how they make us, and others feel. My imagination and inner world is fucking huge, and it has no boundaries…..I can do whatever the hell I want there with zero consequences. It is where I can feel completely free.✨ I have only written one story so far for PF (below). I have also written some customised stories for a couple of my PF friends, because then
    2 points
  22. It also really depends on what you consider to be "into" pee. My girlfriend has a lot of fun peeing in places which aren't a toilet. She thinks it's a liberating feeling and just finds it fun to pee in naughty places. But it's fun for her in the same way that playing a board game or watching Netflix is fun, she doesn't get any sexual arousal out of it. Given the amount of pee content on YouTube and other social media by "normal" girls and how they act in that content, I think a lot of women feel the same way. That might give a completely wrong view if you want to make an estimation of wo
    2 points
  23. The initial intention was to review those published from c.1970 to 1980, a decade in which I believe the magazine was at its most innovative and of course the use of relatively 'natural' looking models.
    2 points
  24. Next video to share—I came home quite well-watered after a walk somewhere that wasn’t convenient for outdoor peeing. So I decided to test the absorbency of my new towels and set up a spot to mark my territory. I struggled through dinner and housework with increasing desperation and still forced myself to keep hydrating. Finally I couldn’t take any more and hurried to the bathroom just in the nick of time. https://redgifs.com/watch/insignificantunawarebubblefish But that wasn’t all… Since I’d kept drinking, it wasn’t long before I needed to pee a second time. I decided to ho
    2 points
  25. @wetwulf (Here it is). Jess was first to begin her work. She sat slowly threading her sewing machine, watching closely as the builders carried the last toilets out from the bathrooms. Abbie slowly walked back in and settled at the machine next to Jess. She leaned over and whispered to her friend. "Jess, I don't know how I'm going to do this! There's no way I'll be able to hold all day. I already need to pee quite a bit" "Me neither." Replied Jess, while threading her needle. "I'll either have to pee on the floor or in my panties at this rate!" "How can Tina expect us to be
    2 points
  26. Oh yeah that was a wonderful pee, and i totally soaked through the towel and the carpet below it! One of the best feelings ever!
    2 points
  27. Practice makes perfect @Contra! (Or so @Eliminature told me once 🙂 )
    2 points
  28. Totally agree @Alfresco - those situations where a member shares exactly what they want to share, an experience they've had, something they've done the way they wanted to and they share with us. Possibly with some nerves and worry about how much they can reveal. Often being cautious about being found out in real life. And my biggest pet hate right now is the comment where the first words are 'You should have done....' or 'Why didn't you do....' No, just no. And then a bit more NO. We are here to celebrate, and to encourage just as you have done here @Alfresco - to uplift and praise
    2 points
  29. My mom came over for dinner tonight with me, my husband, and our daughter. My husband decided to remain nude for dinner with us, which was exciting because he almost always wears clothes around my mom. He says it is a respect thing, but I think it is because he cannot help but get hard seeing the two of us nude. When she got to our house, she was already nude. After everyone hugged, my mom put the wine she brought on the kitchen table and went to the living room to play with my daughter while I finished setting up the kitchen. I was really horny, but I didn't know how she would react to
    2 points
  30. Only once has this happened to me, i was out drinking with 2 of my friends A and K we went out often when we were younger and on this particular night A decided to pass out. We were about 15Km from our place so no choice but to take a taxi, i carried passed out A to the taxi and we were sitting so i sat in the middle and kept A upright so if she gets sick both door and window are close and K sat on the otherside. Around midway to our destination i started feeling something wet and warn under my ass and soon started to hear a very faint hissing sound it had become quite clear that A was pissing
    2 points
  31. My vote goes to Budapest. That's because it is where things like this were filmed... Imagine being out for a stroll and seeing something like that!
    2 points
  32. Someone once asked me to piss on my feet. Can’t remember who. You folks have some weird fetishes 🤣 . Anyway here’s me in the backyard. https://www.erome.com/a/R6d20H3B I walked in the puddle and made some cool piss footprints too.
    1 point
  33. Similar vibe to @Albionis’s girl peeing in the pool
    1 point
  34. So much unfinished business I leave behind. So many stories waiting for the next part. I don't know what happens. I just dry up, then forget 😟
    1 point
  35. Ah. It was a sort of commission 😉
    1 point
  36. Thanks @Adyguy6970. I'm hoping @Admin will reply soon and let us know what's going on 🙂
    1 point
  37. How did it go after you left? Also have you had any wild adventures since then?
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Hiking adventures (Contains female and male peeing, naughty peeing and voyeurism) Chapter 4: Two orgasms later I’m still horny but I know I really have to do some chores around the house today. I did my laundry this morning when I was cleaning up the pissy clothes from my bedroom floor but other than that my new obsession has seriously distracted me from housekeeping lately. I decide to compromise and get to work, drinking almost an entire soda bottle filled with water while I vacuum clean the house. Once I’m done with that I have to pee pretty bad. I still have t
    1 point
  40. I prefer standing up, I do get a kick out of pissing like that, aiming forward in an arc. I’ve been practicing and getting the hang of it now, it does feel naughtier and sexier than peeing while squatting or sitting. Also the way I have to hold my lips open to do it feels quite good in itself, particularly if it’s outside and I can feel the fresh air on my pussy.
    1 point
  41. Have you ever accidentally (or intentionally) peed on each other?
    1 point
  42. I love it when women pee in the car. Do you have more stories like this? Has your mother ever wet in her car?
    1 point
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