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  1. As some of you might know by now I was raised far too strictly when it came to peeing. Going outside for example was out of the question, no matter what. I love peeing where I shouldn’t now and I’ve peed in public many times before. On the balcony, when spending a whole day or an afternoon in nature, sitting on the edge of a private jacuzzi on holiday, and many more places. I still have a residual fear of getting desperate in a situation where I can’t go though (a traffic jam, train with toilet out of order, etc.). Also; I always pee before I leave the house. Even when I just g
    10 points
  2. A few weeks ago I stayed at a clothing optional, lifestyle-friendly resort in Palm Springs. It was late afternoon and there were 7-8 people drinking and hanging out naked in the pool trying to stay cool. I was chatting with a late-40s couple from Virginia when the lady announced that she was going to go back to their room to pee. She was blonde, curvy but not too heavy, with nice legs and beautiful breasts, so the thought of her peeing was quite arousing. One of the other people in the pool casually said "Why don't you just squat in the grass near the pool? I don't think here anyone would mind
    6 points
  3. I was out shopping the other day, and went in to the dressing rooms and came across this huge puddle from someone who clearly had an accident! Has anyone ever see evidence of peeing in fitting rooms of clothing stores?
    3 points
  4. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/mellowassuredokapi I mean maybe
    3 points
  5. This is why I wish I knew of any Parking Garage Stairwells, since they'd already be be a prime target with puddles and because it'd be indoors, unless they're physically cleaned you could make a huge mess over time 🥴 Though carpets are indeed incredibly hot as well! Same with alleys, when I went to Spoons on Saturday I noticed two really smelly spots when I was heading to the train station near midnight, likely caused by the drunk patrons.
    3 points
  6. So is sneaking a piss before getting into the club called pre-unloading?
    3 points
  7. It depends with my girlfriend, but we do struggle with comfortable penetration quite a bit-she's tight and I'm quite big with a very upwards curving cock, which when we can hit it right is a g spot destroyer but it has to be just right! She gets drenched as soon as I eat her out usually which means she can be ready to try in 5 minutes, although I don't want to stop going down on her after just that long I absolutely love giving oral and making her cum is my favourite thing when we have sex, so we still have fun especially when she squirts buckets
    3 points
  8. Welcome! I've had to hide my fetish too, including from my husband because I've just had no interest in sharing. My ex made me feel like a freak 😪 so coming here and being surrounded by so much love and understanding was so great. I've embraced myself and my fetish so much more after joining, and I hope you can do the same! See ya around!
    3 points
  9. Jay ! Glad to be back. I got a new job and was way to stressed to think about this forum. But i missed you guys :3 Back on topic: Super cool. Thanks for the answer. Kinda crazy that it wasn't a bigger deal :D. I mean back in my childhood we basically huddled around anyone who was exploring relationships, because we wanted to listen to their tales xD. We were basically all shy kids which were super curious. So if anyone dared to kiss someone on the cheek they would be followed like a celebrity xD. I mean at least at school (around age 12-14) you would have had your fans for being the co
    3 points
  10. My current style! Loving having a strip 🤭🤭
    3 points
  11. Female, all natural This is 2 months of not shaving or trimming...someone help me grow a bush. I want one so bad 😞
    3 points
  12. I was listening to tips on staying cool during hot nights, one of the suggestions was to dampen your sheets before going to bed and having a fan pointed at you. I can confirm after last night that it works a treat, had a lovely nights sleep 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/AgO5aSg7
    2 points
  13. Update: Saturday we both got naked in the camper. I pissed on the floor and he wanted me to piss on the open first aid kit again because he thought it was funny. I sat on the couch and he soaked me and we fucked so good. He would pull out and I'd squirt piss on him. The best was when he stood in front of me and I just kept spraying him. Watching it drop down his body... I can't wait to do it again. Oh also I have let his piss touch my tongue..he's thankfully pretty hydrated. I don't want to drink it but it's still pretty hot.
    2 points
  14. Thanks 😊 And hah.. yeah, who knows what the other girl was doing 😏 I was wayyyy too preoccupied with my own situation to notice anything other than her gender, that the book had her full attention and that she was a safe enough distance away.. lol.
    2 points
  15. Probably the best real account I’ve read in ages - so real. Love your honesty in the fears you normally face and love even more the way you forced yourself to overcome them. Huge thanks for sharing. And did anyone else wonder… a single other girl sitting in a field reading… or was she there for another reason too?
    2 points
  16. I have not, but WOW is that picture a huge turn on. Peeing in a fitting room is like my top tier fantasy. Have always wanted to try but I don't think I'm ever going to have the guts to leave even the smallest bit lol.
    2 points
  17. @embruh Did you contribute to those wet spots?
    2 points
  18. Sex Bizarre Twenty. The last issue of 1977, is printed with the usual dust cover absent from some of the scans available on the internet. For me the dust cover is an integral part of the mystique, as I am told that here in the UK, it was still illegal to distribute, sell and consume hard-core pornography. The dust cover offered a metaphorical barrier for the censors, but also a form of excitement and anticipation for the contents within. The story, called ‘Piss Champion’ is a return to a heterosexual romp as the participants are laid semi-naked in their undies from the off. There’s
    2 points
  19. Piss inside her, my wife and I do this often and she says it feels amazing! Take turns wetting your pants while sitting on each other. This is also something we do quiet a bit. It feels so nice to realise and feel the warmth spread to both yourself and your partner.
    2 points
  20. Fully agree with this and in UK cities I've seen many girls (and guys) get off buses that bring them into the city and they either go straight into a park or alley to pee or they go to join the queue for a nightclub and then realise it is going to take too long so they leave the queue, find a convenient pee spot and then re-join the queue. I'm sure that if there wasn't a queue then they would go inside to pee but they see the queue and know that they are in for a wait so the pressure in their bladder from drinks they have had at home followed by the journey in on the bus means they have litt
    2 points
  21. When one loves the 'world of peeing' as much as I do, it's inevitable that "pressing a full bladder" has happened. Many, many times I'd say. Both giving-, as well as receiving. Never experienced anyone peeing themselves as a direct result though. In my view it's more or less a form of really arousing foreplay..
    2 points
  22. Ooh I have lots: against a wall or a tree to leave a mark, especially if there’s concrete or something for the piss to accumulate, but, really, anywhere I can be slightly discreet. Under water, like in the sea or pool, letting it flow in complete silence. Into water, like a river or a lake.
    2 points
  23. Well, thank you for posting anonymous poster. You have turned to the right place. I suspect that you might be trying the wrong tack. I think that your daughter is just having a delayed teenage rebellion. The last thing she wants anyone to think is that she is just a good girl doing as she is told and how society expects her to behave. You have done your best to bring your daughter up as a good girl. You have toilet trained her and like all good parents sent her to bed without a nappy in the expectation that she would soon wet her bed either by accident, or perhaps during some teenage
    2 points
  24. It is so much fun! Bathroom floor pees are probably the highest yield for the level of risk...these particular bathrooms had concrete floors and a large drain behind the toilets that ran the length of the bathroom, so I did not feel bad since it is so easy to clean. I think my favorite though is movie theater bathrooms...they're already gross, but there are always lots of people in there. So much fun!
    2 points
  25. Went for a walk in the park this morning...it was too crowded to pull my yoga pants down without being caught, so I ducked into the bathroom and used the floor 🙂
    2 points
  26. In the past it's usually been bushes and the occasional flowerbed depending on how busy it is. Once when it was empty, but still broad daylight, there was a bin on the walking path, so I just unzipped my jeans, whipped it out and peed directly into the bin. Steam was rising out of it. I quickly had to finish up so I just pushed my pee stream out hard and I could hear my pee splashing against some cans and the binbag. Quickly zipped back up and a few seconds later someone started walking down the path, so that was lucky! It was like one of these shapes but made of metal I think
    2 points
  27. Sometimes my facial expressions change as I find it so pleasurable. And one time it leaked over my chair so I pretended I knocked a drink over...let me know if you try it.
    2 points
  28. Dear wet carpet. I don't know who else to turn to because I feel like a complete failure of a parent. You see my Daughter is 25 years old already, and she has not once wet the bed. I tried explaining to her how good girls always wet the bed, and that a dry bed is a terrible wicked thing, but she won't have it. She called me "some kind of gross pervert", and is threatening to leave. How do I convince her to wet the bed like a good girl?
    2 points
  29. Does anyone else get turned on by knowing you're allowed to openly pee in front of someone? My mom and I openly pee outside and in sinks in front of one another. I also have a friend whom I allow to pee in my house (hard surfaces only), and she allows me to do the same. Something about having permission and mutual understanding that freely peeing is okay is sooooo nice.
    2 points
  30. Hi everyone, just joined today after finding you guys on google 🙂 Been a pee fanatic for a very long time. Love seeing women pee, but have no problem with men as well. Love naughty pee, just trying to explore crazy places myself recently. Well, we'll be seeing each other around 🙂
    1 point
  31. Pre-loading is popular. Get some drinks in from the supermarket, and start the evening with those and your mates (much less expensive than going to a pub). Then arrive in town when the pubs are closing, to go straight to a late-night bar or club. And as a result, they're often bursting to pee, with inhibitions lowered through alcohol, as soon as they get off the bus.
    1 point
  32. 1) pissing contest. Both of you try to spray your piss as far as possible, at the same time. Whoever sprays the farthest and makes the biggest mess is the winner and gets a golden shower as a reward. 2) walking while pissing. Pretty self-explanatory, you two walk through the house while pissing on the floor. Makes a mess and it's a lot of fun! these are the only two ideas I can come up with right now but hopefully you like them 🙂
    1 point
  33. We were thinking of going to a hotel for some fun to be honest
    1 point
  34. You could, though. I mean, it’s a concrete floor, they’ll just have to hose it down. They’ll have to do that anyway, you could just unzip and whip out your beautiful big cock and spray it all over, nobody’s going to know it was you
    1 point
  35. I do both. Majority of the time I pee standing, but sometimes at night I pee sat down because I can do so in the dark without missing the toilet and also it doesn't make any noise to disturb my wife. Additionally, sometimes when out and about I pee sitting because it is discrete as other people don't realise what I'm doing. If I stand facing a wall or tree then they will guess (correctly) that I'm peeing. If I sit on a rock or a step, they won't notice what I'm doing. This is also handy for peeing at the beach or on a slope in the park and pee out of the leg of my shorts.
    1 point
  36. Maybe what we enjoy most is what we aren't supposed to do.
    1 point
  37. I've had to have ~5 uterine ultrasounds for various reasons over the past 3 years... the need to pee is torture! I have a pretty strong bladder (I often go 8-12 hours without peeing without even thinking about it) and thought I would be okay. I've never had issues with stress incontinence or any spurts coming out because of an overfull bladder. They told me to drink 1L of water 1 hour before the appointment. Within 20 minutes, I needed to pee pretty good. I still had 40 minutes until I would even be seen! I was pacing the waiting room and sitting in a chair bouncing my leg. A few other wo
    1 point
  38. It doesn't take too long for me to be ready, maybe 10-15 minutes? but I almost always have an orgasm before I'm penetrated unless I'm really worked up and need him inside me now! To be honest I enjoy oral sex more than penetrative, don't get me wrong I absolutely love both but I could receive oral for hours and be a very satisfied lady. Once I get into it the orgasms just keep coming one after another. I could spend the whole night with my husband kissing, cuddling and giving each other oral and you wouldn't hear a single complaint from me.
    1 point
  39. In pre-school, my mom was frequently called because me and other kids were peeing outside on the playground. My mom was cool about peeing, so she did not care. At home, my mom and I were usually naked. We lived out in the country, so no one could really see us, and both of us hated wearing clothes. My mom would let me pee in the house in sinks and tubs. I ventured on my own and peed on the couch, the corner of the living room, and in my closet multiple times. I made half-assed attempts to cover it up, so I am sure my mom noticed, but she did not say anything. At my dad's house, he
    1 point
  40. I vary it quite a lot. I love the feeling of just letting go out in the open without caring where it lands, but equally I love peeing onto things as well. Some examples - - If there are tissues that indicate a woman may have peed there, I would sometimes pee on the tissues (my excuse is that it helps to degrade them), - I sometimes pee on tree trunks - often aiming as high as I can to leave a larger mark running down the tree. - In a town, I would generally pee on a wall, but as others have said, I tend to turn sideways slightly so that any pee that bounces off doesn't hit me.
    1 point
  41. Good idea. Might even show it off if I like it
    1 point
  42. OMG guys FINALLY!!!!!!!! It had been since november I hadn’t had sex with a girl, and last night had been one of the hottest since a LOT!!! You cannot even imagine… Let me tell you in detail, it was great… Ok, control breath… During the last days I had been messaging (innocently at all) with a black-skinned girl I had met in the past And last night Alex, me and her went out. The original plan was to roam city center, avoiding the cctvs, drink and piss everywhere, but it went MUCH better! We found a spot in a c
    1 point
  43. I told my step daughter back win I got with her mother to not where any clothes on her waste down so if she need to piss she could anytime anywhere in the car now my step daughter is naked at home she always pee on the floor or on furniture
    1 point
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