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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2022 in Posts

  1. Not this again. Newbie male wants to meet up with complete strangers - women only, of course - to get his jollies. Change the record. Get this into your heads: this is NOT a dating or hook up site and the limited amount of female members aren't going to meet you in person for pee play and sex. Why? Because you could be anyone! I'm with you, @gldenwetgoose. Thanks for explaining this, yet again.
    5 points
  2. Just to add to what the others have said. We are a community of people who share the same interest, we are more of a family. Would you walk into a bar and immediately start asking the women if they wanted to date? Without interacting with them in any way before? Without even introducing yourself? PeeFans is not a hookup site. You would know that if you read the site rules. https://peefans.com/topic/7910-site-rules/
    4 points
  3. @Eliminature is out here really saying what the majority of women on the site think every time a post like this pops up 🤣 thank you queen! The only reason I even click on these posts is to watch GoldenGoose lay down the law 🥵🥵
    4 points
  4. You will however find a few things working against you - the vast majority of people either don’t give a location in their profile or just keep it really broad, like the whole country or continent. Then there’s the fact that only about 1 in 5 members are ladies, and actually the number of active members is quite small. And many of the ladies are married, in committed relationships or just not interested in mutual pee play. Just as well then that we’re an online community and not a hook up or dating site. If we were we’d suck.
    4 points
  5. As a general rule, I prefer to stand. That said, I didn't hate this particular pee in a squatting position. We'll have to see if the opportunity arises again. If it does, I'll certainly take it! If not, you'll have to be satisfied with my standing pees! 😉
    4 points
  6. Just the one. My wife of nearly 30 years. Love her to bits.
    4 points
  7. I guess that many of us have encountered situations during home-office time when they got stuck in teams meetings and calls. I guess that most of us actually love the situation when there are external factors that make you hold your pee 😉 This is a video of a pee that I took after being stuck in a very enjoyable way, in a call with a very attractive co-worker. I hope you enjoy the video, and if you want to know the detailed story, see below. I am sure you would have done the same, and waited with your pee until after the meeting, am I right? 🙂 Link to video: https://www.erome.com/a/qiNyb3
    3 points
  8. Consensual: four. Three men (including Mr E) and one girl. ☺ Non-consensual: Seven. Three other men. Not nice at all. 😢
    3 points
  9. Seven. That's probably enough for me
    3 points
  10. Three. My husband and two dudes in high school. Most of them bad at sex 😒
    3 points
  11. When it comes to sports I am up for pool, snooker, or darts. Anything more energetic is too much like hard work for my liking.
    3 points
  12. Steaming pee in the middle of a cold night https://www.erome.com/a/gDz0ypuk Last Saturday, I visited some friends, and we enjoyed a nice evening. I drank a few beers, some wine, and some water. Time passed quickly, and soon it was time to head back home. I arrived at home at around 00:15. I felt quite naughty, and toyed with the idea to try to film some outdoor peeing. I had not peed all evening long, and although I was not yet desperate, I felt that some pee had accumulated in my bladder. I decided to drink an additional liter of water, to see if I could efficiently increase
    2 points
  13. Oh Eli! I had no idea 😟. I don't know what to say. Except that you're amazing. And I am sure Mr E knows it. ❤️
    2 points
  14. software engineering
    2 points
  15. 26 countries: everywhere in western europe, us, japan, argentina.
    2 points
  16. Years ago I was dating this girl I will call her T. Well T and I were at a party drinking and we left to go home it was about a half hour ride. Half way home T said I really have to pee how much longer until we get home I said 15 minutes and she just sighed.another 5 minutes went by and I saw T legs going back and forth and she was holding her crotch and she was wearing light blue shorts. She then said to me omg hurry I am going to pee my pants. I continued driving and she kept saying hurry hurry and she was really panicking. She kept saying omg I am gonna pee. We got home and I pulled into th
    2 points
  17. Yeah that sounds good, just increase it a little each time. You might find yourself taking larger jumps as you get on. The most important thing is to not push yourself too hard, if you feel you can't do the extra half mile or whatever that week there is no shame in stopping early. Likewise if you are feeling really fit that week and think you could go a little further? Go for it!
    2 points
  18. Wondering if there may be a map of locals into the same kink. Seems like I saw a geolocator on this site somewhere but now I can't find it. Would love to meet up with any ladies interested in letting it flow, ya know? I'm in the St. Louis, MO area.
    2 points
  19. If I'm in the water, I just pee in there through my swimsuit. If I'm out of the water, I like to stand and pull the crotch aside to send one of my signature arcs of pee against a wall or similar. I'm certainly not going to wrestle with it trying to take it off when it's wet. Except when I get changed back into my regular clothes, obviously.
    2 points
  20. Here is a video from a couple of weeks ago. I tried out my new light and that seems to work really well. However, I was not so happy because I did not successfully start my second cam, so I did not record a side view of my pee. Link to video (second video on that site): https://www.erome.com/a/gDz0ypuk I was really surprised to see a small amount of pee-induced steam / fog close to the ground (or is the steam just video/image artifacts?). This was after going to a concert and drinking there about 2.5 liters of beer (it was a pretty hot day and therefore I needed a
    2 points
  21. I felt good. I kept the pace slow at first and managed to ramp up the pace for the last 2 miles. Just gotta keep up the efforts now. How's your training going?
    2 points
  22. Nice! How was it? Yeah, that sounds like a good plan to gradually increase mileage in prep for the half. Mine is on 10th Sept, so a similar time-frame away from the sounds of it!
    2 points
  23. 6 mile run this morning, my 1st for a few weeks. I've now got 12 weeks to get some 6 to a half. I worked it out that if I do an extra half mile each week I will be at 12 miles just before the event. That should be fine shouldn't it? @kupar @Sophie when is your half @James_erased?
    2 points
  24. Dear Wet Carpet My name is Beth, and I live in a nudist household. For as long as I can remember, my parents never made me wear clothes. It was always an option. And, as you might expect, I chose not to. Sex was also not really hidden. God only knows how many times I walked into the living room to see my mom riding my dad on the couch. We also only used the bathroom of we had to poop. That's where piss comes into the story. Bedwettings, couchwettings, floorwettings, there was barely a dry spot in the house. (I was homeschooled, BTW). As a child, I worried what would guests say
    2 points
  25. I sat on the couch, watching tv and enjoying the fact that I had a one-bedroom apartment all for myself. I had drunk 6 bottles of water without using the restroom, but I was prepared for what was about to happen, and I had three towels folded up underneath me to prove it. It had only been a few days since my awakening, but I already knew what feeling I loved the best. My bladder ached and I knew I couldn’t hold it much longer. I licked my lips and, in my mind, thanked Lexi for showing me this incredible fetish. Before I go any further, this is how it all began with Lexi on Saturday. We w
    2 points
  26. It's been a few years since I published a story. This draft has been kicking around awhile... I like for my stories to land around 2000 words but this is about half that. The chapter after this is underway and should land around there, but this one will just be shorter than the others. (Although I consider this a work in progress and may revise or expand it later. Any feedback is welcome!) Contains naughty peeing and pee vandalism. fter brunch. the girls made another stop at the beach to get one final dose of sun and relaxation before heading home. While searching for
    2 points
  27. No no, I'm an exhibitionist and you're a piss fetishist. I like to be watched, so that would be quite alright! (I'd have to draw a line at being touched, though! Unless it was necessary or non-sexual, obviously.)
    2 points
  28. I enjoy watching a woman pee with an arcing stream, no matter what position - standing, sitting, squatting (or something else).
    2 points
  29. I just recently started wanting to write short story erotica. Under guidance and topic suggestions from a friend I wrote this. This is a story I wrote for a friend. At that time i made it a fun personal story the friend. But to post on here I have changed the names. 🙂 I would love to know what your thoughts are. 🙂 (This is a story about a girl who is in band. She has a very full bladder, contains desperation, wetting, sex, and male peeing) She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was beautifully curvy with amazing breasts. She was a band girl. She played the flute in a band and she wa
    2 points
  30. Contains male/female peeing, male/female wetting, golden showers, group sex, wet sex, self-pleasuring and carpet pissing. As a reporter for a music magazine, one of my jobs is reviewing the most unique venues in town to view live music. I had heard about a new nightclub called “Freedom” where apparently club members were free to do whatever they wanted to follow their desires, as long as nobody was hurt. I had heard the entry charge was steep, but this was to cover the high cleaning and maintenance costs of this unusual club. The welcoming, open minded and generous nature of the owner w
    1 point
  31. I found this funny at first because I know so many people with similar feelings. I switched to a hug because no one should have to cry over these things. Some people are bad at maths ... it's just a fact. We need to stop punishing and/or stigmatising them for a perfectly ordinary situation. For me, skydiving tops my anti-bucket list. My friends think this is funny because I'm perfectly happy 200' off the ground, clinging to a vertical rock face. They think rock climbing is terrifying. It's all about a sense of control. In climbing, I control everything. What I hold onto, where I s
    1 point
  32. This one happened a little while after seeing the girl between the cars and definitely caught me by surprise. It was certainly the true definition of a girl without a care. I'd been checking out the nightclub queue and two girls who had left the queue and headed down the back street opposite had obviously piqued my interest. However after following them they just walked down to where the church was and crossed over and headed along the street. There were a bunch of people moving around and I realised it was nearing closing time for some of the bars so decided to stay down where I was
    1 point
  33. I just pee through my one piece if I’m at the beach or at the pool, or pull aside the crotch. One time though I made the mistake of wearing a one piece that didn’t allow me to just pull it aside and pee. I was super desperate and I wasn’t thinking straight, so when I realized I wore my one piece under my regular clothes, I panicked and was desperate trying to get it off while leaking, withiutbrealize I was going to be swimming in a little while anyway and that I could have just sat and pews through it.
    1 point
  34. I must admit I prefer when you stand, too! Not that I would ever wish to encourage you. 😉
    1 point
  35. Yeah. Several times. In school, in the car, in church, on the bus. Again, it's when I was younger and didn't actually know what i was doing was masturbating, only that it felt good. If I really wanted to I could do it now but I don't lol.
    1 point
  36. My favorite videos are ones that feel natural. I tend to not be interested in people using extreme poses, getting completely naked, or just in general doing anything out of the ordinary. I say “tend to” because sometimes those videos can also be very fun, but in general I’m way more interested in a video where it feels like someone is genuinely desperate for a piss and goes somewhere in a way that most people would. I also like to see the puddle being made, so POV videos are always fun to see as well.
    1 point
  37. I peed in the sink for the first time tonight and it was great fun. I'm female and my sink is quite high up. I'd never dare sit on it as I'd be frightened of the whole thing coming away from the wall. Thankfully, with the help of a stand to pee device I got to join all you other sink pissers, although I did have to stand on tiptoes and ended up with quite the puddle on the floor. I'll definitely do it again for a thrill but the toilet or bath are much easier to reach. I always pee in the shower whenever I have one, sometimes with the water on and sometimes before it starts. Good fun
    1 point
  38. Quick pee on the living room floor on hols https://www.erome.com/a/lGmph3Ha
    1 point
  39. So for some unknown reason I've just had and old childhood memory resurface completely out of the blue. When I was a small kid (probably around 2003-ish?), we used to have this Win 98 family computer in your living room that I played games on, given to us by whatever family acquaintance giving out cheap pirated games. Out of probably hundreds of games, I remember playing a really stupid one back than, which looking back might have been one of the things that brought me here. I was able to track it down today and apparently it's called Tarzan: Guardian of Earth. As the name suggets, you pl
    1 point
  40. This is the third chapter in the Mike and Lexi series. We had decided to make our lists in private and keep them a secret. It was mostly Lexi’s idea, she said that we should create a list of the top places or ways we would like to watch the other go pee. Once we we’re bursting to go, she said, we tell the other that we can’t hold and they would then tell us where-and how-they would like us to let go. It was quite simple and harmless enough, and I was more than intrigued by her rules. “Let’s keep our lists a secret from one another,” Lexi had told me as she winked “I love surprises.”
    1 point
  41. ((SORRY it's short and not so detailed, I've been very busy- part 3 will be better)) Those first couple of weeks with Lexi were a thrilling balance between my moral compass saying, “I want to piss everywhere because I’m horny,” and, “What would my aunt think if she came home and saw me with my dick out pissing freely while her daughter watched?” …yes, it was the most exhilarating form of torture. Lexi knew how to get me going. It was as if she was inside of my mind, sitting behind the wheel that controlled my urges, steering my horny brain in the direction she wanted me to piss. God,
    1 point
  42. Wow, you have sure spread your wildoats hahaha. I wouldn't say that your bad or shallow, your adventurous I would say
    1 point
  43. I am a very bad and shallow person, I used to go to swinger clubs all over north UK and maybe have sex with two or three a night. So into the hundreds I would guess.
    1 point
  44. Just my wife. I wasn't that popular as a young man
    1 point
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