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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2022 in Posts

  1. after not too long the sensations my imagination were conjuring up had spread through my body. i couldn't help but slip the makeshift toy into the wetness of my muffin. the motions of it down there felt so satisfying.
    8 points
  2. The following week I headed back up to the nightclub when the street became quiet and found once again there was a queue forming as the club had become busy. I stood for a while checking out the people coming to join the queue waiting for a sighting to present itself. With each new group who came and joined, the queue got gradually longer and slowly moved forward as people were let in. Along the main road came a group of girls who joined the small queue for the cash machine outside the convenience store. One of the group, a slim cute blonde girl in her early 20’s, stood gently jiggling an
    5 points
  3. I am a bit of an oddity as I have never met another woman or another person that knows a woman who masturbates like me. It started when I was obscenely young. So young I did not even know what I was doing was masturbating. It started after I got my pee kink and I just knew it felt good when I thought about pee. I would squeeze my thighs together real tight. I couldn't tell you the logistics or what exactly gets squeezed. My best guess is it's my clit lol. But I am not certain. All I know is I cross my knees and squeeeeeeeze until I have an orgasm and that is good enough for me.
    3 points
  4. This happened not too long ago. My brother and i were playing monopoly and drinking beer, as we do, and of course after a few hours i needed a piss. So i took a break from the game and went upatairs to my bedroom (it has a private bathroom). I sat on the toilet and turned on my phone, not a very clean habit i know but i cant help it. I was scrolling through insta when i felt my thighs wet... I was sitting with my legs spread apart too much so my pee angled up and sprayed off the edge of the toilet! I said fuck it and just finished my long pee spraying like that. Didnt bother to
    2 points
  5. Thank you. For the moment I am sober. I will not be ending the day this way, lol. So might not be around too much today.
    2 points
  6. When making love we would usually put towels down as Curls when she gets super excited in an orgasm will often pee. But have purchased a new bed, couple of weeks off delivery yet. So having fun destroying the old mattress. This morning, i rolled on top of her and was slowly making love and she said. Stop its sore i have to wee, my answer , well just wee, took a few minutes but she did, running out while still making love. That really got things moving.
    2 points
  7. Two days with no mentions ??? That's because we only flag up the regularly contributing current members who are still active. Today though we celebrate again and huge celebrations this time including one of the most longstanding and surely the highest contributor to the site - the legend that is @steve25805, and not just Steve but also @JimmyJones345 @Poldore @Iantreloar7
    2 points
  8. Yeah. Several times. In school, in the car, in church, on the bus. Again, it's when I was younger and didn't actually know what i was doing was masturbating, only that it felt good. If I really wanted to I could do it now but I don't lol.
    2 points
  9. Bumping this series, as well, because we have new members who haven't read it yet (and because I personally feel it is @Alfresco at his best).
    2 points
  10. Last night I decided I felt like having some fun, so I sat outside with lots of wine and water and let myself get filled up so I could pee outside. Unfortunately, it was raining a bit last night so I couldn’t get any good pics but I’m hoping to change that tonight! For now I thought I’d maybe share the story of my manufactured desperation. 😅 The place I’m staying at right now has a pretty large backyard, most of it grassy, so it’s often excellent to have an outdoor pee in when I’m under circumstances where I don’t want others to know. Sometimes this will happen if I’m sitting out back wit
    2 points
  11. Woke up in a sharing mood, got my phone out and managed to get a decent pic for a change. Doesn't happen very often
    1 point
  12. I usually masturbate once every few days at the moment but when I have time off work and have more me time it's a daily thing.
    1 point
  13. It is a new year, so I thought it was time to write a new story. I'm hoping this one will become several chapters, but here is the first one. Chapter 1 – First Training Session I was very excited. I had always been a bit of a Tom Boy and following try outs last week I was waiting for a letter from the local Ladies Rugby Team to let me know whether I had qualified for a place. I was just arriving home from work on Friday evening and pushed the door open to find a letter waiting for me. I tore it open and read “We would like to thank you for your interest in joining the Caverton Ladies R
    1 point
  14. Hello all! I haven’t posted on or visited this site in years. There is no real reason, maybe because I used to work a lot, and maybe I didn’t really have much to say on the subject of peeing. But I am back because I feel like I need to address something I am having issues with: being ashamed of this fetish. To start, I have been into watching girls pee since I was in 6th grade and I am 34 this July. I just feel like there is not many more things as intimate and arousing as watching something that can be very private and intimate, along with the relief that comes with it. There are gi
    1 point
  15. Hi everyone, newby here. I have a weird fantasy, we’re I’m having sex with a girl, (thats not the weird bit! Lol) I’m wearing a condom and as I am read to cum I start to fill the condom with piss while still inside her. Has anyone come across this before?
    1 point
  16. @LovesToWet excellent, two of my all time favourites on one track
    1 point
  17. I once was in my parents garden, as a teenager, on a hot summer day. I wore nothing more than a pair of shorts, no underpants though. Sitting alone at a garden table and studying for a school exam, I peed just by pulling the crotch aside, taking my dick out, and letting it flow onto the grass. Until somebody might have come and noticed, it would have soaked into the dry ground
    1 point
  18. Well ladies. Today we shall continue our lessons on decorum. Today, we shall go over how to pee with decorum. If you are in your chair, then simply lean forward slightly, keep your back straight, shoulders down and simply wet the chair. If you are standing, remain standing up straight, and simply let go where you are. If you are walking, maintain your pace as you pee. remembering to keep your back straight and shoulders down. Now I gather that last one might be a bit trickier, so I hope you've drank all your tea, because I want you to walk with decorum and practice peeing w
    1 point
  19. I use the sink a lot, certainly a lot more often than I ever use the toilet, also like the feel of the cold porcelain against my balls.
    1 point
  20. {Bum Bing Bon Bo} "This is a test of the Emergency Bathroom Break System." "This is only a test." "If you feel the need to urinate please advise those around you and check for the appropriate non-standard relief locations in your area." "This is only a test." "Had this been an actual emergency, the tones you heard would be followed by a list of volunteer names to assist you."
    1 point
  21. I think the best orgasms happen first thing in the morning when you're groggy and your buddies send you really arousing content that you were not anticipating. Thank you, anonymous pee fans user, for helping me start my day sticky and wet. I would not have it any other way!
    1 point
  22. My longest pee was 2.43 minutes and I have video of it. I pee outside a bar years ago and I took a long pee.
    1 point
  23. Oh, I think we can come up with some new ideas ... lol I love a naughty pee, too, so glad to have you here. I look forward to seeing what you have to say and hearing about your adventures (if you feel like sharing, of course). Whatever else you do here, have fun and enjoy yourself.
    1 point
  24. Today I decided to go to a beach that’s on a lake. It’s been a bit since I’ve been to a beach, and the last time I went to one I wasn’t really able to pee in the water because I felt a sort of mental block (I think the reverse water pressure had something to do with it). This time I tried to relax as much as possible since I really needed to pee at one point but didn’t want to leave the water. I was finally able to pee, and damn, you guys weren’t lying at all, it feels AMAZING to pee in the water. I ended up peeing twice more in the water and it was so fun knowing I was peeing into my bikini w
    1 point
  25. Okay, here goes: I was visiting this weekend. I was in the living room on the couch; she was in the kitchen doing some small chores (washing dishes, putting the laundry on, etc.). From her laundry room, I hear her ask if I would like to pee in the laundry before she throws it in the machine. I decline saying that I have spurted on the floor and couch recently, and did not have the urge. I was getting really horny sitting on the now damp sofa cushion and thinking about the events of the day....I had spurted a little bit of pee frequently in front of my mom without warning instead of a ful
    1 point
  26. I’m recently moving into a new flat with my partner, and we have had a really bad time with our ex-roommate who made me and him feel really unsafe. Now she’s moved out, we think is coming back to get some new stuff at a later date. But I’ve been home alone…which means I was able to have some fun one last time in this place 😈 The past couple of days I pissed on the carpet while walking around my bedroom, and then stood up and hosed into my cupboard/closet. I also used my rubbish bin as a morning toilet when I woke up, it felt amazing. The real fun was going into her empty room, flipping th
    1 point
  27. It turns out the keys to the apartment were in the Porsche glove box that my friend pissed on so thoroughly. She didn't bother to see what was inside before that. There were still some papers lying there, but it is no longer clear what it was. The car smelled like urine. For some reason I thought it was evaporating, but no. There was a small lake in the back seat. I sat in my own puddle, opened the windows (maybe this will help evaporation) and drove to the address from the SMS. When I was standing at the red light, a couple of times people from neighboring cars looked into my open win
    1 point
  28. Donna:"I need to go toilet. Haven't been all day. Going to be a long wee. Boring, innit?" Then she smirked, "Mind you, going toilet can be fun sometimes. I was seeing this guy and he wanted me to piss on his bedroom floor." Me: "Oh wow, did you do it?" Donna: "Well it wasn't my fucking carpet was it, so I thought "so fucking what" and just pissed right there on his carpet. Good fun though, haha." She grinned. "Pity I'm not in his flat now." Me: "Do you want to do that?" Donna: "I will if you want." Me: "Go on then." Donna: "Where to?" Me: "Anywhere
    1 point
  29. "So there's this girl." "Yeah?" "And she's naked. "Okay!" "Then she starts peeing on the floor..." "Then What??" "It goes everywhere and makes a huge mess." "Oh Yeah and after that?" "That's it." "Seriously!? I can see why you are flunking your Literature Class......"
    1 point
  30. Here’s a story that I wrote to fulfill certain niches I like, everything is fiction. Cecel had invited over some friends to hang out at her and her boyfriends house, it was a girls night so her boyfriend went to bed early. The Story is told From the perspective of the boyfriend, being told the recounting of the events from the night before. ”good morning” said cecel, overly exited and enthusiastic for it being 7 AM “How did last night go, have fun with the girls?” I said ”yeah we had such a good time! sorry you couldn’t be their babe” said cecel. “It’s alri
    1 point
  31. When I go out to scope out sightings the time I go home depends on a number of factors. How busy the town is. How many sightings I have been getting. What the weather is like. The most important one being do I need to get up the next day and if so what time. If the answer to that question is I don’t need to get up as I’m not working, or I am working but I’m working the following evening then I can stay out as long as I want and if the other factors are all good I tend to stay the whole night and wait around to get the first bus home rather than getting a cab as its cheaper. A few weeks back I
    1 point
  32. I honestly did not think my post would be this well-received! I am so glad you all are into it! Peeing while there are lips on my nipples is almost reflexive at this point....it has been years since we started this, so now when I feel the warmth on my nipples, my bladder automatically releases.
    1 point
  33. For me its touch, because i love feeling my stream on my hand as my piss flows and feeling my puddles!
    1 point
  34. (Jenny finds the perfect way to release tension and more... Girl on Girl action and bedwetting.) Jenny breathed in deeply, eyes closed, half listening to the soft sound of oriental music wafting through the air. Half listening, as her thoughts gradually mellowed and her heart rate slowed back down. Finally she was beginning to relax and actually starting to feel a little calmer. The day hadn't started brilliantly. She was tired, she knew that much after a long weekend of their youngest child being sick. Maybe it was tiredness that had led to the argument, was she over-re
    1 point
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