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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! I had been planning this for a while now and I finally got to have a decent naughty pee! First of all, if I sound too excited its cause this took place just a few minutes before writing it. My heart is racing. Thanks so much to @glad1 for encouraging me and being there with me throughout this entire process! Anyway, on to the show. I was sitting in bed last night mourning the loss of a plant that was very near and dear to my heart. Under circumstances I couldn't control, i just couldn't take care of it and it died on me 😔 I decided then I'd throw it away when
    9 points
  2. Yeah. I used to pee outside the toilet more often and I forgot how addicting it is. *sigh* I need to get out more often.
    3 points
  3. A more acceptable way would be to let it go where you shower.
    3 points
  4. ♀️♀️♀️ here. I do this too, especially at night when I'm trying to be 100 percent sure that my bladder is as empty as it can be. I hate waking up in the middle of the night. I also find if I am sitting on the toilet for an extended amount of time (see: 💩) that my bladder will fill and empty a few times until i get up. Sometimes I sit down to pee and stay an extra few minutes just to get away from the chaos that is my family for a while and it'll happen then too. It's always an extra two or three seconds worth. Nothing too extreme.
    3 points
  5. Love it @Bacardi - Tough isn't it how real life responsibilities, kids etc take over our fun time. Grasp any moment when it comes - sieze the moment (and be hydrated)
    2 points
  6. At least once in their lives? More like at least once every day! 🤣 I had to use a toilet the other day and it was weird!
    2 points
  7. Then the tortoise lit a cigarette.
    2 points
  8. Loved reading your account there of your naughtiness. And would love to hear more. In those situations where you've had a long-standing love of pee, and a boyfriend who isn't aware, I agree it can get harder and harder to confess your kink. In that sort of situation I do wonder if perhaps a 'restart' is needed? What I mean is to place yourselves into a scenario where he witnesses you peeing and getting aroused, but doesn't realise you've done it so many times before? Maybe a touch dishonest, but all for a good reason. Step 1 is to create the real scenario: So for example imagin
    2 points
  9. Another weekend spray in the barn Piss in the barn
    2 points
  10. Try to imagine being in the shoes of the participants in the magazine, male and female. I would have thought that they followed strict hygiene rules at the start of the photo-shoot, but there's no hiding behind the piss flying everywhere from both females and males. As I have observed, no plastic sheeting to protect floors or furniture in the studios. Four of our senses; smell, taste, touch and hearing are obviously negated by looking at these magazines, one can only imagine when all five are fully engaged for the models on the set.
    2 points
  11. Thought I'd try a new style. Can't wait to see how my cute pussy looks with a little hair growing 💦💦
    2 points
  12. My default preference is to use the cubicle/stall, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I like to relax and properly enjoy the release - something more easily achieved in the privacy of a cubicle. Secondly, access to toilet paper to properly dry off with after. Lastly, no risk of back splash from someone using the urinal to the side, if it’s particularly close and without a divider! 😅 The one exception to this, is if on the rare occasion of being in a unisex toilet - where with the potential for women to also be milling around - it becomes a lot more appealing to use the urinals instead! I r
    2 points
  13. For me watching men very naughty peeing like in hotel rooms, changing rooms etc is a huge turn on
    2 points
  14. Morning, more to follow here. I will find some of my videos too.
    1 point
  15. Yes, one night after drinking a little too much liquid at the local Watering Hole. Well, they call it a watering hole ,what do you want? I felt I could treat myself to some tacos at the local fast-food Taco with a big Sombrero chain restaurant. So, I went to the drive-thru. I placed my order and the feeling and sensation and tingling started in my crotch . Yes I had to pee and I knew it was going to be a lot. I thought okay I'll just drive out of line go behind the dumpster no biggie. However, two cop cars pulled in behind me. And that would not have been a problem if there wasn't a giant
    1 point
  16. I won’t be sharing my name at this time but you can call me Deviant ☺️ I’ve been keeping up with this site for about a year and decided today to make an account. I’ve been obsessed with piss since.. well. It’s been long enough, haha. I LOVE to piss on carpets, couches, blankets.. anything soft and soakable, really! My partner and I are both into almost anything to do with pee though. I’m excited to interact with other likeminded individuals, share my experiences and see more of yours 🥰
    1 point
  17. A great way to give the deceased plant its final watering. Lucky plant!
    1 point
  18. My favorite videos are real genuine desperation and then a real pee accident.
    1 point
  19. Lovely views once again. 😝 But, you've got to stop using those toilets!
    1 point
  20. google search removing tobacco stains from shell
    1 point
  21. What does one do when waking up immensly thirsty? 😋🍌💦💦💦💦👄👅 https://www.erome.com/a/TL3PylGD
    1 point
  22. Thanks 👍 @gldenwetgoose .. Yeah I will snoop around a bit and see 😅 I just waiting for admin to send me an invoice for Gold Membership , if there´s one thing I hate the most online .. It´s ADS !!!
    1 point
  23. @Bacardi yup if I sit a while then I can always get another trickle or spurt out!
    1 point
  24. As, I was standing at the urinal today finishing a nice long pee, I noticed that I commonly push (with my bladder, not my hands) out a couple spurts after the initial flow ends, before I wrap up and put my cock away. This is different from the shake to make sure the "pipe is clear". This is (I am guess where the habit started) to ensure that my bladder is empty. I always get 2-3 quick squirts (almost blasts) of pee. I don't HAVE to do it, and the tiny amount of pee that is left over in my bladder probably isn't a problem. Anyone elsedo this? Is this a guy thing, or do women do it too
    1 point
  25. I don’t think you use a pan laying down
    1 point
  26. Nothing at all wrong with that at all. Remember who came first (!) between the hare and the tortoise.
    1 point
  27. Everything in the story is 100% real. A woman and I had communicated our desires before we met. Everyone involved was 18+ and everything we did was consensual and planned. We both had a huge pee fetish and she was also heavily into ageplay. I’ve done role play in the past but not ageplay, so I thought “why not?” She came over one day and things got very wet, very fast. She changed into her cute little outfit (a tight blue skirt with overalls, high socks and tied her hair up in pigtails). She also made it very clear that she likes to call her pussy, “bunny”. I thought it was very cute!
    1 point
  28. I need ideas on where I can pee in public with some risk but not crazy. Where can I pee or wet in a public area or building that doesn’t have cameras or lots of foot traffic. Thought of some things like under a booth but most restaurants have a lot of people or a lot of cameras.
    1 point
  29. Actually I was too shy to mention why I was enjoying it so much, and she didn't mention that she had been peeing, but of course I knew that she had, because I had waited for her outside the toilet and heard her piss splashing into the water. I was 17 and she was 19, but she seemed quite pleased that a younger, inexperienced guy wanted to go down on her, even though I wasn't very good at it back then. I really don't know if she knew that she still had pee on her labia, or just how totally gorgeous her smell was. Apologies to @greedyneedygirl, I didn't mean to hijack your thread. I
    1 point
  30. Quite. I always feel strangely empty in my bladder when I exit the cinema.
    1 point
  31. Yesterday, Mr Eliminature and I were at an 'alternative' pub where there was also a record fayre. We sourced quite a few vinyls for our collection. After two beers (albeit the second one was non-alcoholic), I was actually fidgeting in my chair - don't ask, this doesn't usually happen. It was because Mr E was still sourcing records and I had been left to guard the recently acquired ones; but I knew if I didn't go soon, the beer would make a reappearance on the pub floor and I would be walking home wet from the waist down. I quickly made my way to the ladies' lavatory (they were both
    1 point
  32. More carpet pissing videos. I always see the same ones on every site and I just want more of them.
    1 point
  33. I'm totally with you on this WendyMarty - it's a huge turn on. I also love to see videos of men peeing while in swimming pools.
    1 point
  34. Having worked in customer service, I think it's horrible, but I adore videos where a person pees all over like clothes on a rack in a store, or all over packaged items. So disgusting but so hot. Hard to find because of how risky it is tho! I wish there were more videos of trans people doing pee vandalism or public peeing. I dream of a world where it is just as safe for trans women to whip out their dicks and piss anywhere they want as it is for cis men.
    1 point
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