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About WendyMarty

  • Rank
    Loyal Member
  • Birthday 11/30/1955

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  • About Me
    I’ve always had a huge interest in anything peeing related especially outside watching men pee
    I love reading peeing stories and I’m very lucky as my hubby shares my passion for piss play.
    He also loves medical play which goes hand in hand

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Everything peeing related
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    A huge motorway traffic jam with lots of me. Just peeing by their cars

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  1. I’m over 60 and still love it. Unfortunately my hubby who is nearly 70 doesn’t share my passion for naughty peeing
  2. That’s really hot. I’ve seen a very drunk man standing at a pub bar just unzip take it out and start pissing the landlord went mental at him and kicked him out.
  3. The naughtier the better for me I would love to see men doing this so I can enjoy myself
  4. My ideal pee partner would be a man that enjoys naughty pissing in places that they could be caught. Shops, furniture stores, hotel rooms, lifts etc also they would have to like me pissing when we are having sex especially when I’m about to cum. my hubby doesn’t want any type of sex now. We have been together 30 years.
  5. Yes this has happened to me on a couple of occasions even though I carry a card saying I have a medical condition and can’t wait. a few months ago I was in Boots the chemist and suddenly felt the urge to pee. I asked a member of staff if I could use their staff toilet and she refused saying I would need to walk down the road to the pub. I knew there was no way I would make it so I just opened my legs slightly and peed all over their floor. they weren’t impressed.
  6. I can relate to this with my hubby we have been together for 28 years and he doesn’t share my kink. I’ve tried all sorts of ways to get him involved but nothing works. he is reluctant to even let me watch him pee. this group helps as it’s a safe space to know we are not on our own with this. Xx
  7. I live in Devon and would love to see you naughty pissing anywhere but especially in DIY stores or similar
  8. Wonderful Beltane sex unfortunately both Marty and I have a virus so the only action I got was with a box of tissues and cough medication lol xxx
  9. Has anyone else watched the new BBC series called Rain Dogs? (UK) I especially liked it when her friend pissed in the bath while she was in it
  10. Glad you both had a good time catch up soon xxx
  11. I wear Tena pull up nappies every day as I have incontinance issues. I often deliberately wet myself as I like the feeling. if you pee slowly the nappy absorbs it better especially if you empty a full bladder into them. make sure they are put in correctly as they can also leak from the leg holes or up your back when laying on your back. Enjoy the feeling of the padding between your legs xx
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