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  1. This lady is just so beautiful.
    4 points
  2. The time at the train station Here’s a recount from another pure luck sighting. This took place on a Wednesday night, around 11pm. I’m at a CBD underground train station (similar to New York’s subway or Londons tube stations). I’m seated at the back half of the platform which has only maybe 15 other people on it at the moment. It’s a middle-of-the-week night so all the other people on the platform are business type people going home from work. All of which have headphones in and are consumed by whatever they’re doing on their phones or laptops. I too am sitting there pla
    4 points
  3. So today I was out doing some stuff with my sister, we both got large cokes from McDonald's, and we were in a quaint little shop somewhere in the outskirts of the city. The store didn't have a bathroom, so after we were done we were going to go to a nearby price chopper, where she'd stopped for a bathroom break earlier. However, when we tried to get in the car, it was locked. We locked ourselves out. So I had very little options other than holding it or finding somewhere outside. Near the building, there was nowhere secluded enough for me to pee, but across the street there was a warehouse nea
    3 points
  4. I'm currently hold up with my family and snuck away to post this cause its an emergency https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdChwQro/ And now every time I pee I literally imagine myself peeing on my friends' faces disguised as a toilet 🤣🤣🤣 and I laugh so hard.
    3 points
  5. Got up early this morning to drive and after a couple hours I was BURSTING but I kept getting promoted for more rides and didn’t want to miss out. I just kept hoping one of the pick ups would take me to a more secluded area so I could find a place to pee. Unfortunately the opposite happened and I ended up in the middle of a busy area of the city. I dropped a passenger off and could not hold it any longer. I had to go. I pulled into a large parking lot across the street from a factory. This lot was full of cars and backed up to nothing so no reason for people to be going in and out of the lot f
    3 points
  6. Recently I read a topic on Reddit (which of course I forgot to bookmark) on clit sucking vibrators. There were multiple ladies mentioning a strong feeling of having to pee, but one really stood out to me. The lady said she just couldn’t use the toy without uncontrollably pissing herself entirely (she also had experience with squirting, and she was sure that this was absolutely not like that). Anyway; the idea really turned me on so I wanted to try for myself. I own a Womanizer but I rarely use it because even on the lowest setting it tends to get me over the edge way too fast for my
    2 points
  7. As I watched the Yankees game yesterday with my family, I was holding in my pee. I couldn’t leave though. My kids were too busy trying to reenact everything they saw on tv. If I had left to use the bathroom, a ball might have gone through a window, one of them mightve gotten hurt from diving for a ball that clearly didn’t need to be dived for, the list goes on. Plus, I didn’t want to miss anything. My brothers kept teasing me as I was clutching myself as hard as I could. I silently begged for there to finally be 3 outs so I could run to the bathroom, but it took way too long. When it finally h
    2 points
  8. 🙂 just in the process of drying it out with a fan heater 😄
    2 points
  9. Having a lazy Easter Sunday lie in with breakfast in bed, just couldn't leave the comfort of my pit so there was only one solution 😃 https://www.erome.com/a/VnEYBncU
    2 points
  10. My submissive wears my golden shower as a leave-in conditioner for her hair. On the regular. Her hair is shampooed. It has been fully lathered, massaged, and rinsed. Now it's time for conditioner. She turns the water off and gracefully bows to her knees. She pulls her long wet locks forward and rest them across her breasts. She opens her palms, rests them on her legs, and says "I'm ready for my conditioner Daddy!" She closes her eyes and moans softly as my warm urine drenched her head. I make sure every part of her hair receives some flow, rinsing her head thouroughly. When I'm finished,
    2 points
  11. I love using folded up towels to pee on the sofa, I still have a pad underneath but towels are lovely as they soak up so much pee 😄 You did say guys or girls so here's tonights effort. https://www.erome.com/a/0zqNlJhV
    2 points
  12. Sitting watching tv tonight with a few beers🍻, didn't feel like going to the toilet so just peed in my jeans on the sofa, feels so good 😄 https://www.erome.com/a/g78p9NzQ
    2 points
  13. ... and that is precisely what happened. One thing i might add. She texted back thst my text made her pussy tingle.
    2 points
  14. to my love... When I get home I would like you to be wearing a little dress and don’t forget a pair of cute panties. We are going to take the doggies for a walk on the trail. While we’re out I’d like to hear you say “Uh oh I think I peed in my panties a little.” I will slip them off you and test them with my tongue. Hopefully I’ll find a little wet spot I can suck on. You squat a little and finish peeing. When you were done I will dry you off with my hand. Maybe brush my finger against your slit. As soon as we get home I will lift you up on the bed, spread yo
    2 points
  15. At my last job I was often in the office alone and had quite a few naughty pees during my work days. I peed a couple times in the alley between our building and the one next door. Peed into a floor drain in the repair shop. Peed on a floor mat. At one point the roof was leaking so I peed on the floor and let it mix with the rain water. Would also wet at my desk into a heavy feminine pad in my pants. Slowly spurts. After these pee sessions I’d rub myself at my desk to completion. Never got caught.
    2 points
  16. I find visible crack very sexy.
    2 points
  17. Sorry if these are reposts at all... And of course could easily fit into other categories too.
    2 points
  18. I had a former GF that couldn't go standing in water (oceans/lakes), so she would just sit in the shallow water at the edge of the beach and go through her suit. I always knew what she was doing.
    2 points
  19. Felt like this page needed some more outies so I had to take this
    2 points
  20. After lunch I found myself desperate to pee again. I didn’t want to waste time finding a bathroom (plus what fun is that!) so I kept holding until I found a spot. I dropped a passenger off at a business complex and started looking around thinking this may be the place. I found behind the complex was a small park with walking trails, lots of trees in between the parking lots / buildings and the park. I parked and went for a little walk checking things out. Couldn’t find a hidden spot but I knew I wasn’t making it out of there without unleashing my piss onto something. I finally worked
    2 points
  21. I'd like to share a story that I started to write last summer, but I'd like to give some "context" before. At some point, I had googled some scientific literature about certain medical topics related to our fetish. I got particularly interested in so called "urodynamics" studies, where in some cases the peeing of healthy individuals was studied scientifically (including volume voided, flow rate etc.). A couple of days after I studied these things, I got my second Moderna shot. I did have some of the normal side effects, i.e. some temperature, headache and general dizziness for about 1.5 days.
    1 point
  22. This is going to be a long one, so grab Your snacks and gather round - by popular request, I’m telling the story of when I peed in front of my friends mom, and my friend. I was raised by very Christian and proper parents, as I’ve mentioned before. They enrolled me in a private school from middle school onward, in fact, the private high school I went too was one of the main parts of my peewakening (read the story ‘how my messy pee fetish started’ for more info). I’ve always enjoyed the idea of nudism, just being free to be yourself in a way, my parents always had me dressed in some k
    1 point
  23. I’m Philip, an engineer with a renewable energy firm and I’m going to tell you about a totally unexpected and revealing peeing experience with a new colleague the other day. Bear with me its a bit long. Andrea, an early twenties girl, had recently joined the firm as a trainee engineer. She’d spent the first few weeks office based getting to know the remote systems we used to monitor the wind turbines and equipment we managed. I’d been tasked to take her out round some of the sites to carry out the physical inspections that couldn’t be done remotely. The day before we’d gone through all th
    1 point
  24. This story contains male desperation, female urination, male urination, golden showers, female domination and sex She led him by the shoulder from the shadow of the rock overhang where they had been sitting. Leaving behind the blanket spread on the ground and an almost empty jug of water. Earlier she had instructed him to remove his clothes except for his underwear. She knew how much he enjoyed being naked outdoors and she had denied him that pleasure for the time being. His hands were tied behind his back as she guided him down to the sandy bank of the creek. She stopped h
    1 point
  25. Fantastic, the way your cock decides to twitch and lift whilst pissing, extremely sexy.
    1 point
  26. I did for a while but when I was ready to go again I got undressed and did a towel pee for another post 😃
    1 point
  27. Amazing, did you leave them on?
    1 point
  28. Hi all, This is my first post and I’m here with a pee story. I was in the steam room yesterday and it was very quiet. I had went to go pee before heading in but there was piss on the floor in the toilet so I didn’t want to walk over that. I headed on into the steam room thinking I’ll pee afterwards. So I was lying in the steam room and the need to pee came back over me. It was quiet. There was no one about so as I was lying down I exposed my dick out the top of my swim shorts and let go down near the drain. It felt so good. I had been drinking plenty so it wasn’t strong pee at all. I was
    1 point
  29. Found a video that I made of said incident 🤫 https://www.erome.com/a/60XFyCuZ A waterproof tarp is really worth it for playing indoors 🙈
    1 point
  30. The Jessie Lewis situation - Part 4 It was now 213 minutes into the simulator test. The crew of NGSS-1 had just completed the next successful maneuver on their simulated way to docking the ISS. The flight manager asked Jessie again about the state of her bladder. Flight control: "Jessie, do you feel any urge to urinate?" Jessie: "Negative, right now I can feel that my bladder is filling, but I do not feel the slightest urge to urinate. I am pretty sure that I can hold it for several more hours." Flight control: "OK. Understood. Very good. As before, please for the mo
    1 point
  31. i was reading this thinking “that sounds hella fun, i wanna do that”. and then it just kinda dawned on me that i have! lmao brain is broken. sorry if i ramble, but basically i was staying the night at a long-time friends house maybe a year ago, this friend and i go way back to like 5th grade so wherever she was (however frequently she moved) felt like home. the next morning i woke up on the couch and was feeling really turned on (this wasn’t a common thing due to antidepressants) and was pretty desperate to pee. i was getting a little handsy with myself until i got to the point where i wa
    1 point
  32. I know dance isn't a "sport" so not sure if I can chime in here... but it IS athletic so... I am a lifelong ballet practitioner ( and in the past did some teaching.. ) and before every class I change into a new pamper and after every class I am in need of another change. So I tinkle myself all throughout class. Does that count?? Stay wet, Mia 🤗😘💓💕
    1 point
  33. A sample of girls Hockey uniform in the 70's. My girls skirt was orange with matching pantie covers. This is Australia in the summer. Toilets were often locked, too far away or just gross. So my girl Curls did not use them, and would usually wet her panties during the game. sometimes just a trickle when running around or waiting, Sometimes at half time when she would stay a bit apart from the other girls and just stand there and deliberately wet her panties. Her favorite was when she was goal keeper. She would have a nice long pleasurably pee in her panties. She told me it was convenien
    1 point
  34. I’ve done it twice on a festival. I love going nude in public and at this music festival I was nude all the time. Twice I leaned towards a food truck and pissed as I ordered my food.
    1 point
  35. Funnily enough I did this yesterday and it felt great. I had been playing with myself watching videos off this site and hadn’t realised how full I was. I got up and between being desperate to pee, horny, and full of ideas off this site I didn’t want to use the bathroom. I have a large thick bath sheet towel which I grabbed off the towel rail, scrunched it up, put it between my legs and started peeing. I was enjoying it too much to stop so just kept going. It felt so good to get that relief and feel the warmth of the towel against my clit etc. I was worried it was going to overflow as I just k
    1 point
  36. Dear Wet Carpet. This is me and a couple of colleagues, all well into middle age by now. We all work as teachers down the local comprehensive.... I'm Sue, the one in the middle, and I teach biology. Anabel on the right is the girls' PE teacher, whilst Amanda on the left teaches English literature. We are all married with kids, and mine have now left home and are at uni a couple of hundred miles away. My husband and I have decided to take advantage of their absence by doing some redecorating and refurnishing, replacing the living room and dining room carpets, buying a new three
    1 point
  37. Dear Wet Carpet This is a bit of a weird one really. I share a rented house in London with another two guys and a girl, each with our own bedrooms but shared living room, bathroom and kitchen. We are all in our mid 20s and up and coming in the legal profession. The girl, Samantha, is pretty hot actually as I think you might agree... Anyway, I'd been having a bit of a problem for a while. It only happened occasionally but from time to time I kept noticing damp patches on my bedrrom carpet, usually in a corner, but sometimes in the middle of the room or even beside my bed. And wh
    1 point
  38. Dear Wet Carpet, In my last letter to you, I told about how Shannon and I (well, mostly Shannon) managed to convince a cute plus-size waitress at the steakhouse to go out with us, and then we seduced her and convinced her to wet with us, which ended in a very erotic experience at the movie theater. Shannon suggested we catch the bus to the train station and then to her place. Shannon told us her car was parked in one of the parking garages at the other end of the plaza, and she would be willing to drive. “You girls are welcome to stay overnight if that’s okay with you or you can cat
    1 point
  39. This evening, as a fun prelude to sex, K and I peed in a bucket in the kitchen! We’ve done it before and it was great fun, so why not! It was another opportunity to cross streams, and for K to practice her standing wee technique. Bucket positioned, and both of us stripped off (it’s been a warm afternoon here), we stood facing each other and she started. Even pulling upwards on her labia it always starts with a trickle that runs down her legs before she hits her stride and can push the pee out with enough force that it shoots forward. With a bent-knee position, she can readily get the stre
    1 point
  40. First time that I've seen this site, perhaps fellow enthusiasts have posted links from and to it before, but it's new to me and seems to cover all angles of the scene. http://videos.apornstories.com/piss/
    1 point
  41. I had a busy weekend full of some crazy fun pissing sessions. This morning after work I was tired and just wanted a laid back, relaxing piss. I held my bladder at work, got out desperate and fought to hold it on the drive home. Made it home, and went to my carpeted closet with one of my toys, where I masturbated while pissing. I love the feel of the warm piss pooling around my clit in my panties while the toy is vibrating there. I squirted out more piss as I came, then I finished emptying my bladder onto the carpet. It was a great session to relax me before bed. Here's a gif of the piss squir
    1 point
  42. he pulled out as he finished. it ended up on my tummy. about a half hour after he had fallen asleep i still hadn’t cleaned it off of me. and needed a glass of wine.
    1 point
  43. is on me a naughty place? ? i woke up to my muffin being played with. which led to some much needed morning sex. i don't always let him, but i was still kinda sleepy; it would be refreshing, right? lol. so after sucking and licking all my juices off his tool, he rewarded me with a load to my face. ☺️ after several spasms of his cock, this is what happened. so after he collapsed and fell back to sleep, i snuck a couple of pix, made coffee , sat outside and watched the sun rise while his cum dripped and dried on me. i had to run in when i noticed, a tad late, an elderly lady walking her dog down
    1 point
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