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  1. Just a quick story to fellow forum folks. Yesterday I was out having a cycle along my normal route by the river when I met a lady I have often seen walking her little dog. I stopped and said hello and walked along with her chatting. Out of the blue she asked me if I would hold her dog as she needed to pee, obviously I said yes expecting her to go and hide up but instead she stepped of the path, undone her coat and pulled down her trousers exposing herself clearly to me, I wasn't sure if I should be looking but in a half squat she let go in a hard torrent, she never batted an eyelid
    8 points
  2. Dear Wet Carpet Your readers are not going to believe what happened to me the other week. I’d got tickets to the Australian Open tennis final between Rafa Nadal and Daniil Medvedev. Wow! What a match! It was incredible to watch Rafa coming back from two sets down to win – how does he do it?! I was almost wetting myself with excitement in the final set – no, really. I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off the tennis and hadn’t left my seat all through the match. By the middle of the last set I was seriously desperate. The combination of adrenaline and a full bladder was torture by the
    6 points
  3. @Alfresco I'm also fascinated by decisions between privacy vs. soiling a public property that might inconvenience others. I've known women that go both ways. Despite what you might think from my earlier post my wife almost always opts for privacy. I can remember a time after clubbing when she peed in a garage with a slanted floor between two cars and left a large stream running under the cars that was almost unavoidable for anyone getting in the cars down the whole row. I had to step over it myself. I asked her why she did not pee in front of the car and she said, "someone might see me." She'
    5 points
  4. Peeing against glass outside - video and stills I had the time, opportunity and motivation to have a bit of pee fun today, so I did 🙂 I peed against a sheet of glass in front of my phone so the viewer gets the PoV of a receiver of a facial golden shower. If you don't like that idea, move along now 🙂 If you do like the idea, let me know! https://www.erome.com/a/pdyLkmGZ
    4 points
  5. I'm just gonna gobble gobble all of this up right away 🤪🤪🤪🤪 Kupar you make peeing so much fun!
    3 points
  6. I realise that I am often creating new threads for fun things that happen with me that I share. I will compile them all into here from now on (as others have done with their threads). That way it'll keep it tidier in the forums. 🙂 16/03/2022 - A Desperate Drive Home I left work today at the usual time. I drank A LOT during the lunch break and in the hour or two following, and then left work with really rather full bladder. (I had actually drank quite a bit more than usual at work). I often do this to add a little excitement to my drive home. Today, however, it nearly caused an accid
    2 points
  7. This is part of two of the story. If you want to get to know the characters, read part one first. Contains females peeing in naughty places and Seinfeld references. My second day in college, the day after we had partied until way to late, I didn't do anything useful at all. When I woke up around noon I had missed the campus tour. But I lost little to no thought on college matters, my mind was occupied by the events of the past evening. More then once I recalled the image Aisha squatting in the alley, her gorgeous body illuminated by the gentle moonlight. In my head I could see her cr
    2 points
  8. She can actually do it pretty damn well. She has a strong stream, so i guess it kinda helps, especially with her range.
    2 points
  9. soooooo muuuch FORESKIN 💗💗💗 also, love the little trickle of pee that didnt come out with the same force as the rest 😻that usually promises stained underwear
    2 points
  10. You don't say whether you squatted or not but as you were not wearing panties I assume you were able to just stand and allow yourself to let go, if that was the case then it's highly unlikely that you were seen . Either way I would be very cautious peeing where children are likely to see you, otherwise keep doing the deed and hopefully we will hear more from you.
    2 points
  11. I didn’t make this but I Stumbled upon this masterpiece hopefully it’s not breaking the rules 😂 https://manganato.com/manga-vu972529
    2 points
  12. This is so familiar! My gf definately prefers to pee in a toilet, so in the situation you're describing she'd probably have walked the 5 minutes back to the toilet as well. But if there's no obvious toilet nearby, she'll have her pants on her ankles before I can suggest it😂 Same goes if there ARE toilets available, but only very dirty and smelly ones. She's raised in the country side, so learned how to pee outside from a very young age and has never done anything different if the need arises. She once told me her ex found it very unattractive and unladylike to pee outdoors, but she still would
    2 points
  13. This topic is definately about what excites me the most by far! I love it when girls just go somewhere outside of a toilet, just because they have to and nothing else. My girlfriend does this all the time when we're out and about. She's peed in parking lots, alleyways, swimming pools and much more (I actually have a topic here about her peeing). She knows I have a thing for it, but she still says she doesn't do it to pleasure me, but just because she needs to pee. She has been doing it before we met, so she does keeps on doing what she has always done. Although her knowing that I like it might
    2 points
  14. I think every drunk girl can relate. We have smaller bladders and longer toilet lines. My friends aren't in to pee but when we are out we will pee on buses, taxis, movie theatres, change rooms ect when we really need to. Not to be naughty but because it's the only option.
    2 points
  15. As I know you like videos of me urinating on the carpet at home because I have NO TOILET provisions in my apartment... here is one I made earlier when I woke up this morning desperate for a wee.. https://www.erome.com/a/nzQvXaTJ
    1 point
  16. Ages and ages ago! I was young though. If I have "Accidents" now it's because they're self inflicted and kind of on purpose.
    1 point
  17. It’s a great thought, but I suspect you would have managed to keep holding, if you didn’t want your seat ruined- it would have just got excruciatingly painful??
    1 point
  18. Definitely not! If it had been 10-20 minutes longer I'd have probably ended up soaked! I was pretty desperate when I left work anyway!
    1 point
  19. Felt almost real, excellent work
    1 point
  20. We often speak when we see each other but I never thought that anything like this would happen. I consider myself extremely lucky and I think I may take gldenwetgoose advice and use it as a way of opening the conversation but with my usual luck it will be ages before I see her again then I will be to tongue tied to say anything.
    1 point
  21. i can still remember the look of my father-in-law's face when my wife told him she was expecting. It was sort of 'you did WHAT to my daughter' (even though we were married).
    1 point
  22. I was debating what adjective to use. I don't know the physics of it all, but I'm sure she could relieve herself without being visibly soaked or exposing herself. And since the posture isn't associated with peeing, if she's caught she can just say "oops, I had an accident". As for the adjective... Modest? Nonchalant? Classy?
    1 point
  23. I must be in the right place, cos when I see good looking women strolling past I do tend to imagine them naked and also squatting down and peeing. I almost always imagine them peeing. I am now well into my 50s but can still recognisxe the sexiness of an 18 year old. But the great thing about being my age is that women in their teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s can all look sexy. When I was 18 anyone over 25 was way too lod, lol.
    1 point
  24. I love this topic - to me this is one of the hottest aspects of the pee kink - the nonchalant pee out of convenience. My ex-wife was not "into" pee the way we are, but would often pee whenever/wherever simply out of convenience. I've made several posts about this, so won't repeat myself. But she was a drinker, and often had several beers, so always needed to pee. She peed in hot tubs, pools, outdoors, etc. She occasionally even peed during sex out of comfort/convenience (which I've posted about previously). She kept a plastic tub (a dish tub) under her side of the bed, and would occ
    1 point
  25. Playing around with the phone this morning and thought I'd try a slow motion pee, I think it works quite well 😃 Feel free to add your own super slow mo pees 👍 https://www.erome.com/a/LjYfFqKF
    1 point
  26. @JDG, I agree with your thoughts on this and my wife seems to be similar to yours although not as willing to pee outside as yours is. She has peed outside a good few times, but each time it is because she needs to pee and there are no other options. Apart from in our own garden, I think there are only two times where she has peed outside when there was a possibility of getting to a toilet in a short timeframe. Like you, I'd love to see my wife pee in many other places, but I'm a bit reluctant to suggest them as I know she wouldn't appreciate some of them. I have sometimes tried to sw
    1 point
  27. Sounds like your GF has mastered the standing pees pretty well. What kind of range can she achieve?
    1 point
  28. Peeing in inappropriate places out of convenience is something I find really attractive in girls. I love that they would disregard public conventions or concerns of soiling a place to satisfy their own personal needs and desires. Their is a certain selfishness I find attractive. I’ve had multiple girlfriends that did this. I dated a girl who was rather selfish and indulged in many things for pleasure. When we were out partying she often peed in parking lots, garages or at house parties in yards, sinks, showers etc. We were once at a house party with an amazing modern house in the Hollywoo
    1 point
  29. Well, I was in the vicinity of the place mentioned above for work yesterday and I made a point of stopping there again. I had my own need to take care of and I thought it would be a suitable place as well as wanting to check out the place again to see whether it was still the same and whether it showed signs of recent use. I was not disappointed. Link to my own peeing account and video is at the bottom of this post. I am going to apologise for the quality of the photos as I have had to do several times recently. I've not found out that the camera on my phone is damaged and won't focus pr
    1 point
  30. So I met on Thursday with a new pee buddy. It was both our first time exploring with another person. She had a go holding me whilst I pee'd which was great experience. She was unfortunately a little pee shy whilst peeing for me, but she let me wipe which was very intimate. We have scheduled another meeting.
    1 point
  31. I'm not one to push people to do anything, so I much prefer for others to just do as they feel okay with in a way that they feel is normal. For me, making a mess on a floor that I have to then clean isn't fun, but perhaps on a locker room floor, a store dressing room, hotel room or even a basement or parking garage floor would be normal to me.
    1 point
  32. I was in a long online meeting this afternoon while I was working from home, and about an hour in I suddenly wished I hadn't had that pint of water at lunchtime and a mug of tea just before the meeting started. Fortunately the empty pint glass was still on my desk / dining table. I wasn't on camera, so I muted the microphone and just peed out half of what I'd drunk earlier ... and 20 minutes later, needed to go again and filled up the glass. Immense relief, and my colleagues were none the wiser. It felt lovely! No photos or videos this time - it was a spur-of-the-moment thing.
    1 point
  33. Spraying down the bathroom for fun I haven't updated this thread recently, partly because I am not sure people find it, or find it interesting, and partly because I haven't been motivated to enjoy any solo pee playtime (the season of the year has an impact on that). But today I had the house to myself, and one of my chores was to clean the bathroom, and I was feeling naughty so I thought 'What the hell! Let's make a mess first. After all, I'll be cleaning it up in a few minutes." So that's what I did. the bathroom got a particularly careful clean afterwards 🙂 It felt very, very
    1 point
  34. Needed to go pee quite urgently. I wonder if this wall will end up with obvious pee smell if I keep using it in this way…?
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Sometimes you see a corner that just needs to be pissed in. The beginning …
    1 point
  37. Nonchalant pee break while pruning a vine up a ladder. It made a nice splashing sound falling on to the paving slabs from about 2m up. This was quite risky. While if I were at ground level I would not have been overlooked, up on the ladder people passing by on the road beyond my garden fence would have been able to see. I don't think anyone was passing by, but since I had my back to the fence I couldn't tell for certain. There was a lovely sense of naughtiness about peeing nonchalantly like this while working in the garden 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/PYVrSHyD
    1 point
  38. Had a cycle this morning by the river, after a while needed to piss but decided to carry on but my bladder thought differently. I could feel myself getting wetter so pulled up by some bushes to have a piss. Got the old boy out and started pissing but with the cool breeze began to get a hard on so began wanking while pissing, had a great finish.
    1 point
  39. Oh yes, I was desperate and could barely hold it in! However with my apartment having no access to a toilet at all, the carpets in my home are often used as a urinal especially when I am in the nude.
    1 point
  40. involves naughty peeing, peeing outside, and peeing with my boyfriend in public so yesterday i went to the beach with my boyfriend and his family and the beach is one of my favourite places to pee, so of course i was ready for a day of fun ive only met my boyfriend’s family a few times (my boyfriend and i have been together for a year but due to covid it’s been hard to organise to meet up with his family often) so i was a bit nervous about peeing in front of them, so my first pee i took i decided to go to the toilets. the toilets at this particular beach are individual unisex
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. I took a salvage yard trip yesterday. The yard is 2 hours and change away. Along the route to get there are two rest areas off the interstate. I stop at the rest area closest to the yard which is no more than 30 minutes. I get on the yard and as usual I have to take a leak. I grab my parts and start looking at vehicles out there. I came across this decent looking Kia SUV(Pictured below). The inside was decent, no parts thrown all over. That was a perfect candidate for a urinal. I locked the rear driver side door and had closed the back hatch. I then put my wheelbarrow to block the
    1 point
  43. I used to do it going home from late nights out. On my way home I would stop to piss on random cars. I would save as much as I could and let the flow wash random cars. I found it exhilarating! On another occasion I was "roaming" (just walking around leisurely) town and needed to go. This was next to one of the most visited pedestrian streets. I looked around and found there would be ample time for me to let the water go before anyone had the chance to pass by, so I went between two cars and let the flow out all over this random car. I was turned on by this public pee. As I was more than h
    1 point
  44. It's been awhile, so I figured I would literally pop a squirt here LOL http://www.xvideos.com/video60435613/laundry_piss
    1 point
  45. There are NO toilets in my apartment, so every time I get desperate to relieve myself I have to improvise and use something else within my home as a "toilet." As my apartment is carpeted in most rooms, I frequently use the carpets for such a purpose. My bladder was quite full when the postman came, so as I went downstairs to collect the letters, I could not hold it much longer and sat down at the bottom of the stairs to openly urinate onto the hallway carpet. https://www.erome.com/a/QzsdHGJy
    1 point
  46. Ran up to one of the local salvage yards this morning with a friend of mine. I drank my normal water in the morning and had been drinking a cup of coffee before I left home and on the ride up. I made sure I pissed before I left so I wouldn’t have to piss while I was out on the yard. Though I enjoy pulling my penis out and relieving myself places, it would be odd doing it while out there with someone. We get out there, I feel the urge, though it wasn’t urgent, it could escalate. I am quickly trying to get the parts I need, my friend has the same vehicle so he’s grabbing stuff too. W
    1 point
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