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  1. I’ve been on a night out with friends and we left when the pub closed and walked back via a local takeaway. While queueing in the takeaway I felt my drinks catch up with me. I told my friend I was heading outside for some fresh air and I went outside and along the road, just past the windows of the takeaway. I sat on the kerb facing the road and pulled my knees up, parted my feet slightly and began peeing into the gutter. I was wearing a tight dress and no knickers so I didn’t need to remove any clothing. I was peeing virtually silently and only a faint hissing could be heard as my privates we
    26 points
  2. Alright everyone, this probably doesn’t sound like a big deal- but for me was a pee milestone 🤣. I have finally peed on carpet for my first time! And my god it felt absolutely amazing. That feeling of being naughty mixed with that feeling of relieving a very full bladder makes me feel so good. My initial plan was to only let about half of my bladder onto the carpet since I have fairly large pees, and was a bit apprehensive since my carpet isn’t even a year old yet. But once I started I knew I couldn’t stop myself. My carpet was absolutely soaked, but the way I felt, it was 100% worth it.
    11 points
  3. Im a long time lurker here and I would usually just share these sorts of stories with my now ex-boyfriend who got me into naughty peeing. As thats no longer an option I thought I'd share with you all as I have a fantastic experience which just happened which I never thought I'd be brave enough to do! I had a flight coming up early in the morning. Had my usual coffee and got a taxi to the airport half asleep. Eventually after getting past security I felt hunger strike and settled in for breakfast at one of the cafes with a couple of large glasses of orange juice, a weakness of mine. I actu
    9 points
  4. I thought I was on my own with a love of being desperate on my bike! It was may years ago, so I can't remember all the detail but I recall needing to buy something from the shops which were about a mile away and I always used to cycle there. I bought what I needed, feeling very desperate and nice, and then as I was getting on my bike to cycle home I just lost control. It was quite hopeless, the pee was shooting out of me, my skirt was not helping, and it just kept coming, there was a very visible instant pee trail on the pavement to my embarrassment and I know some people cottoned on to what w
    9 points
  5. Absolutely love that @ukpeegirl86. Very discrete way to pee in a public place. Others would only notice if they were close to you on the road side, i.e. where they would see the pee running in the gutter or could possibly see up your dress. I love the fact that you were wearing a tight dress and no knickers. That is definitely helpful peeing discretely without the faff of having to lift your dress, pull down your knickers and then reassemble everything afterwards. I love the idea of girls not wearing knickers under dresses anyway, but to pee whilst wearing that outfit is super hot.
    5 points
  6. Not generally but I will if I’m in a naughty mood and peeing for fun and want to get a good distance.
    5 points
  7. This story includes female desperation, pee in car This is the first story that I wrote and English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes you might find. Characters: KYLE: male, 20 AMY: female, 19 POV: Kyle My friend Amy, a slim petite blonde, and I were returning from an out of town concert that we went to together. We've been on the road for almost two hours. Amy fell asleep about an hour ago, so it was really quiet in the car since I couldn't even listen to music because my radio was broken, but I didn't mind. I just reach the
    4 points
  8. I too have the impression that dating sites are marketing sites. What actually did work for me (unexpectedly I must say, but A and myself are a couple now) was to find like minded people on an amateur porn site. I was surprised to find that there were actually quite a few women who enjoyed my little videos just as much as I enjoyed theirs. Some wanted to chat a little, maybe exchange videos more privately, and as it turned out, with some of these the chemistry worked as well. Most lived thousands of miles away, of course, but A lived in my little town, and she was the nicest of them all ❤
    4 points
  9. Wrote this in a couple of hours. Finally using a proper desktop computer to type rather than a friggin' phone. There will hopefully be a more substantial story soon. Contains some female semi-public pissing. *** This story takes place a few springs ago. I was in university at the time and had decided to take advantage of some of the first really good weather of the year to do some studying outside of my cramped dorm room. I grab a couple of textbooks and find a spot to read in the shade offered by an old oak tree located just behind one of the campus’s baseball fields. A pair o
    3 points
  10. Christine Baranski was describing her role and elaborate costuming in "The Gilded Age," which takes place in the late 19th Century, in New York, on Colbert's talk show, this past week. After she described the dresses and corsetry, making up the costumes, including the time required to put it all on, Colbert asked her, "Well, what if,...uh...nature calls, when you're in costume?" "Oh, there were no provisions made for that!" She replied. "You just made your way to the bathroom, and did what you had to do." She stood up from her guest chair, at that point, and demonstrated how she
    3 points
  11. A great account of a naughty but necessary pee in public, very well written! Seems that with a tight (probably very short) dress and no knickers you were well prepared for such a situation..... 😉
    3 points
  12. While I wouldn’t go out of my way to revenge piss or anything like that I have been known (semi-regularly) to use the doormat of a former boss who I hated with a passion as a toilet in the dead of night coming back from a night out. It’s a recessed doorway on a corner which isn’t overlooked directly by another house or cameras. The doormat silences any splashing and while it’s undoubtedly a convenient spot for a wee (and I know I’m not the only person as I’ve witnessed a random guy actually weeing up the front door) I do get satisfaction over the fact I’m using a really vile person’s doormat t
    3 points
  13. Peeing on a country walk turns into unexpected public wetting I went for a long walk today, because I had the opportunity. I took something to eat with me, but planned to stop at a pub half way round the 10 or so miles for a pint or two, and then on the second part of the walk, to let that beer out somewhere in the great outdoors. The first part of the plan worked well, and after a couple of pints of Abbot Ale (the best thing to come out of Bury St Edmunds since, well, Bob Hoskins and John Le Mesurier) I set off for the second half of the walk feeling delightfully full and slightly m
    2 points
  14. A while back I was living in a hotel and a lovely girl who'd just moved in knocked on my door, asking if I wanted to fuck. She's 29 and I'm 51. Naturally I said yes. When she was on top of me I asked "Will you pee for me", she promptly said "Yes", and in the sweetest tone said "I don't have to pee". Clearly she'd never peed for anyone before. I didn't want to push her so didn't ask again. After the following 2 weeks of fucking every day, always initiated by her. We were at a party and she wanted to fuck. On our way to my room she said she needed to pee so I asked if I could watch. She said yes
    2 points
  15. @Transpeerant lovely! Well done and thanks for sharing with us 🙂
    2 points
  16. Haha! This sentence made me laugh out loud. Which is awkward because I'm sitting on my own in a pub at the moment! But seriously, a great account thanks @riverflood7 ❤️. Very, very lovely.
    2 points
  17. I had a great experience a few years ago. I was hesitant to post this earlier out concern for the party involved. But, I think enough time has passed that this can now be seen as an anonymous encounter. I was on vacation overseas and booked a day-long trip into the jungle. It was my good fortune the only other passenger in my truck was a woman in her early-mid 40s and who spoke English fluently. We struck up a conversation almost immediately and, as the day wore on, got to learn almost as much about each other as we did the local flora and fauna. Being the rainy season, the dirt
    2 points
  18. @ShyPeeMan I'm straight but appreciate a good picture of a nice looking cock peeing, well done, and a perfectly normal size imo 👍
    2 points
  19. You're welcome, as a bi male I have to agree with Lennys_wet_now, I also don't want to offend but would like to just say please never put yourself down your size truly doesn't matter. My size has never held me back and this community doesn't judge. Best of luck for the future.
    2 points
  20. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful pee and congratulations on reaching a milestone.
    2 points
  21. A wonderful vid, a great view. Thanks for sharing. Now you know how many of us feel.
    2 points
  22. Yep, as a guy, I have witnessed this too. The woman I observed did not spread her labia, but quickly swiped a finger between them before starting peeing. I laugingly asked if that was some sort of quick, single swipe masturbation and she told me it was to make sure that they weren't stuck together before peeing.
    2 points
  23. Forgive me if I'm jumping to conclusions - it sounds like a very open and forthright relationship, the sort of thing many will be jealous of (in a nice way of course). On bonus could be the attitude of 'easy come, easy go' - and what I mean by that with a relationship that has started so suddenly, if it were to stop just as suddenly you'd have happy memories but it would hopefully be easy to deal with. That's all compared of course to a long term relationship where both partners have invested a great deal of love, trust, time and commitment. Such a relationship may hurt an awful lot mor
    2 points
  24. Last night I went to a house party which, having many guests and only one bathroom, led to inevitable peeing outside from both male and female guests including myself. I stepped outside when nobody was around and peed at the side of the house, quickly readjusted my clothing and went back inside. At the end of the party in the early hours I got the train home, a journey of around 20 minutes. I noticed another guest from the party got on the train and came to sit opposite me. We were the only people in the carriage and we got talking about the night. He was an attractive guy, a little youn
    2 points
  25. How my Bedwetting started My first experience with purposely peeing in bed was on vacation with my family. It was in the morning, I felt that I had to gush alot. But I heard Dad was in the shower and so i was waiting. After a few minutes, I asked Mom how long it would take.Then She asked me what's going on. I told her that I have to pee urgently and can't hold it much longer. Mom: Just let it go in bed. I asked if I could really do that. Mom: Don't worry, it's just a little pee. So I stay in bed lying on my stomach and start pissing. You could hear the hiss (which I've c
    1 point
  26. @Bacardi it truly is! I’ve been fantasizing about doing it for so long, I finally needed to give in to it. Looking forward to the next time I do it :)
    1 point
  27. Yay! Isn't it so fun and so freeing? There is just no feeling like your first carpet pee! Hope you have some more soon and that you'll share with us when you do 🙂🙃🙂🙃
    1 point
  28. Good question. I do love to be able to see my mark if I pee on dry concrete or similar and it is definitely the case that I like to see my puddle form and spread and I know that people are going to see it for however long it takes until it dries. I don't get quite the same feeling of results or naughtiness in peeing on a wet pavement where nobody is going to notice. However, a wet place gives me that much extra freedom about not being caught. e.g. when it is raining, I sometimes open the back door and pee onto the patio, knowing that pee won't be seen. If I peed there on a dry day
    1 point
  29. Please excuse me and not to offend, please take this as a compliment. As a bi male I have to say you have one of the most amazing pissing cocks ever. Anyone else agree?
    1 point
  30. I've been watching the netball. And wow! Helen Housby! Legs for ever. Six foot of sexiness.
    1 point
  31. Perfect. Just perfect.
    1 point
  32. I have. If I wanna take a nice, long relaxing bath, I have to wait until late at night when my kids are asleep. I have one of those mini tables that you can put over the bathtub so you can eat, drink, watch something while you take a bath. Throw in a bath bomb, have a bottle of wine just for me, and prop up my tablet and watch Netflix. Laying down in the warm water, combined with the couple glasses of wine, makes me need to pee quite badly after an hour or two, but I like to hold it as long as possible. Then, when the bathwater is losing its warmth, I pee and feel the warmth again. It’s such a
    1 point
  33. Ahhh Sophie. With just two little sentences you create an image that makes my heart skip a beat on the far side of the world. Such power you have. 🥰
    1 point
  34. Off a high rise balcony on to people below on the street. I tried once but it was too windy it didn't work. One day...
    1 point
  35. I have a video of it that some guys on here have seen. I was at an all you can eat buffet and it had a dessert table with bowls of jello. I took one of the bowls back to my table then put it in my handbag and went to the toilet. I then peed on it and rubbed it in to my pussy using another piece of jello to catch the last drip of pee from my pussy. I then went back to the dessert table and put it back and watched someone eat it. But i cant say who because I'll get in trouble 🤫
    1 point
  36. I love to pee in pants or leggings, which are shiny like wetlook, leather or spandex. And I love peeing in swimwear, no matter if bikinis, pants or suits.
    1 point
  37. Very good! I love to see another guy walk around naked and hands-free piss on the carpet. I hope you leave it to dry and don't bother cleaning it up.
    1 point
  38. honestly love all of those! Glad you liked my photos 🙂
    1 point
  39. Guess who had yo pee again! 😈😈😈
    1 point
  40. I woke up this morning with a very full bladder and within minutes I was desperate to pee however I couldn't simply dash to the loo and urinate as my apartment has NO TOILET provisions at all. Therefore I quickly had to improvise and use something else within my apartment in order to relieve myself. As I couldn't hold on any longer, I just knelt down where I was and made quite a puddle on the carpet... https://www.erome.com/a/O8bSOBRj
    1 point
  41. My apartment is provided with NO TOILET facility, so I normally kneel down and simply use the carpet as a urinal when I am at home, naked and badly need a wee.
    1 point
  42. There are NO toilets in my apartment, so every time I get desperate to relieve myself I have to improvise and use something else within my home as a "toilet." As my apartment is carpeted in most rooms, I frequently use the carpets for such a purpose. My bladder was quite full when the postman came, so as I went downstairs to collect the letters, I could not hold it much longer and sat down at the bottom of the stairs to openly urinate onto the hallway carpet. https://www.erome.com/a/QzsdHGJy
    1 point
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