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  1. I’m glad u decided to stay. Back this summer. I cut out all my online activities for a few weeks. Had a huge falling out with my husband. I went to a really dark place. I was so damned depressed. I need my interaction with you guys. I go in spurts (ha pun intended) where I go without making videos. I just can’t fit them in or I’m not in the mood. But I alway pop in for a some chatting with someone. Between here and a few friends from here in Skype. You guys always lift my spirits. So I completely understand where your coming from. 😘
    5 points
  2. https://www.bustle.com/p/what-to-do-if-your-partner-wants-you-to-pee-on-them-30674
    4 points
  3. Thank you @speedy3471 @Ozabot @Sweets @Adyguy6970 @PeeFan @Pissdrinker @steve25805 @pee01 @gldenwetgoose i've realized that my fetish isin't going away and that the solution is not to cut of all porn. The solution is to not watch it everyday and honestly i can't be away from you guys haha and your kind words means a lot to me❤ so im here to stay
    4 points
  4. another piss in the office. I went to the office after a few beer. The conference room looked like a large toilet... I pissed on the chair, onto the table and over some old screens on the carpeted floor.
    3 points
  5. Everything in moderation, right?
    3 points
  6. Thanks you and bless you. I'm glad to hear that you're not leaving us altogether as you'd be sorely missed.
    3 points
  7. Hi readers. I am Chloe and just found this magazine recently after a fun experience I had working at the mall just two days ago! There's no carpet involved, but I hope you won't be too upset about that. I read a few other stories here (very good!) and see that not all of them have carpets so I hope that means it's not a requirement! I'm a college student working part-time in a small clothing store at the mall. It's pretty boring but it helps pay the bills, and my good friend Sabrina also works there so that does make it a little more fun during the quiet periods when we have shifts togethe
    3 points
  8. I been trying to pee not in a toilet once a day, and avoiding cop outs like peeing in the shower (which I’m assuming is a given). Shouldn’t be a problem once it warms up a bit and I can get outside, running, biking, hiking, at the beach, etc, but need to get creative now. We’ll see how long it lasts...
    2 points
  9. I was on here getting horny but I needed to pee. It took a little awhile for the stream to start flowing with my semi hard cock lol
    2 points
  10. This beauty somehow came up as a "facebook friend"....its probably really the avatar of a 19 stone Bulgarian goat slaughterer or something....nonetheless,who ever she is in reality id sure like to watch her have a wee-wee,or just see where that tattoo goes...
    1 point
  11. inspired by something @greedyneedygirl said about foamy pee, which reminded me of how if you pee in the river sometimes there's a little trail of foam, and, well, here's mine: https://www.erome.com/a/ZgnPhdMs
    1 point
  12. NewMy wife gives me a pee treat almost every morning. She sits on a porta potty and I put my lips tightly around her pussy as she pees in my mouth. For me that's the best way to drink her pee. But yesterday we tried something different, I got my largest beer glass and she sat on the porta potty and peed in the glass. It was very erotic, just the sound of her pee going into the glass, and watching her pee, and watching the glass fill up, and then have her watch me as I drank it all. Just thinking about it is getting me wet. She weighed herself before and after she peed. Her pee weighe
    1 point
  13. when i was around ten years old i was playing in th park on a climbing frame not a modern one of the old metal one i was follwing a girl around my own age when i felt something warm and wet on my hair. I glance up and felt warm liquid splash my cheek and lips i saw the girl's green panties had dark stain around the gusset. obivously the starin of climbing had made her accidently pee herself . I didn't know the girl and we never spoke. i knew what had happen but didn't know how to process it at that age. However when puberty hit around a year or so later the memory of the incident gave me my
    1 point
  14. Headed to one of the local salvage yards again this morning. Drank my water this morning like I do every morning. Didn’t drink much because I knew there would be traffic getting up there in rush hour traffic. On the way up, traffic was horrible. I felt the urge to take a piss. The urge escalated. I was looking forward to finding a car or van to use in the yard but there was no way I was going to make it between traffic, putting on my work gear and checking into the yard. I stopped at a gas station, urgently snatched my penis out of my pants and pissed and pissed a long, clear strea
    1 point
  15. I fortunate to be in a position to have access to vacant houses. Here's a sneak peak. Sorry no action shots today!
    1 point
  16. <iframe width="625" height="400" frameborder="0" src="https://extralunchmoney.com/job_videos/embed/37177"></iframe> was involved in a fire last April. got 60% of body burned and have skin grafts that was harvested from the rest of my body that wasn't burned so pretty much all of my body is disfigured. although have healed a lot not close to the same. as someone that worked in the adult business this has been a bummer. have decided from demand asnd encouragement to go ahead and return to the business. this has always been my personal fav fetish so why not make
    1 point
  17. My name is Franklin. I am a teddy bear who is close friend of a little girl named Julia. Julia used to play with me everyday. However, I have not played with her after she moved out of the house when she was 18. Julia used to visit me a lot but now I stayed alone in my cubby house gathering dust. One fine day, I heard steps approaching my house. I was overjoyed that someone choose to come inside my cubby house. It was my childhood friend, Julia! She held hands with a man that I did not recognize. It is no trouble, really. Julia’s friends are my friends. I remembered how she used to bring sever
    1 point
  18. I HATE doing this post but for my own good i have to. I have decided to stop visiting porn sites completely... they effect me in a bad way. You guys have a great effect on me but it's the porn itself that needs to go and well... if i keep my account in a horny moment i will log in and jerk of and then i will have failed. So for my own good i need to go. You have all been great honestly i've never seen such a great forum before and the people here are amazing everyone of you. The kindness and loyality you all have shown is beatiful and i will miss you all. Take care.
    1 point
  19. So I told another young lady at work about my pee fetish after she admitted to liking me. She wanted to hear more about it. Fast forward. I asked her about her pee experiences. She told me she has pissed places, about 10 years ago and she hasn’t done it more than 5 times. She is currently 38 years old. She has pissed on the pavement, next to her sisters car, on the roadside. She also pissed in the hallway of her sisters building after a night of drinking. On the 4th floor hallway outside of her sisters door, she pulled her jeans down, got into a low squat, and pissed for about 5 mi
    1 point
  20. I am so sorry about what happened to you.... i can't even imagine the horror of that. Well im glad you are alive and hope to see more from you
    1 point
  21. I have pissed outside before in a yard of a company I worked for. Just whipped it out and went behind a parked vehicle. I have also pissed in buses I was driving, when parked up away from the depot. I'd go halfway up the stairs and piss into a bottle or old cup. Sometimes I'd piss on the outside of the vehicle.
    1 point
  22. On average 4 days or 6 times per week. Less if I'm with my other half but more than made up for with something else...
    1 point
  23. You’d get away with it. Lots of people pee in pools
    1 point
  24. M Ladies tend to be a bit uncomfortable acknowledging, much less condoning or advising their sons that they could or even should pee in other places. Yet I think you would be very surprised to know what we're actually thinking. Moms tend to assume that boys will pick up these "bad" habits from their fathers, brothers and friends. Many mom's aren't comfortable with being the ones to encourage bad behavior, but rather the one's whom limit their bad behavior. A mom might be thinking, "why do we have to look for a restroom for a boy," or "why does he need to track into the house." but she'
    1 point
  25. climbing a tree i have done and thats fun too.. winter need to be over so i can go outside more lol thanks for the ideas helps out:)
    1 point
  26. I love dream wees. They can sometimes feel so real that when you wake up a little toy time is necessary, and frequently brief lol. My favourite pee dream was when I was at a festival back in my younger days. Drink and drugs were had and I ended up somehow back in my own tent with my two friends by 2am, more drinking then sleeping bag time. I remember dreaming I was on a ferris wheel and there was a guy peeing off of the side of the car I was in while his mate watched. Then we were on the ground and he was still peeing and his mate started peeing on the floor in front of me. No one around
    1 point
  27. Public toilet floors are a good go-to.
    1 point
  28. Fun story. I like the different perspective
    1 point
  29. For some reason I like it and think it can be cute. But I do love when a man stands, something very primitive about it
    1 point
  30. Pissed into a bucket this morning after I got home from work https://www.erome.com/i/VYTNBVio
    1 point
  31. There's an alleyway that leads to a car park that only has one way in and barely any windows. I've gone there three times now. Last time I went there it had been used a lot probably by both men and women because there was piss on the wall and also some puddles on the floor with tissues in. I've told two of my stories from there. I want to go there when someone else is there. Another is behind the hedges of a layby, theres two trees behind the bushes I squat under. Can't be seen from the busy road and it leads on to an empty field. I don't know if people use the layby but the place behind
    1 point
  32. I've had a lot of different jobs in the last 3 years. Worked in a supermarket, was cleaner in a hospital, was a deck hand on a ship, build up festival areas, and worked as a bartender. But now my job is building electricity panels since only two weeks.
    1 point
  33. Very cool. Up until Christmas the snowplows weren't busy here lol. Finally got some snow to keep them a little busy lol
    1 point
  34. One time out drinking, I waited outside my buddy's van for him. Then this chick comes out from nowhere and asked if I had a smoke. I don't smoke. Then she goes to the right rear of the van, pulls down her leggings, (nice ass 😏) and squats and sprays all over the car behind the van. My jaw dropped and when she was done, she walked off smiling with relief. Lol.
    1 point
  35. Do guys peeing sitting down interest you particularly? (I end up doing that if I pee in the night and don't want to turn the lights on in order to aim. I've also done it on the beach where I was hidden by a dip, needed to pee, and didn't want to swim).
    1 point
  36. Hi, I'm Lily and a recent event made me go back about 15 years in my memory and one thing led to another and here I am with a story or two I think might be of interest to some of you. Well, I'm a woman just about in my mid 30s. Won't be posting a photo as I've seen some other contributors do, so you'll have to make do with a short description. I'm a brunette, long straight hair, slim figure and about average height. Anyway... About 15 years ago while I was at uni, I shared a flat with two good friends of mine, Claire and Tracy, whom I often went out with. Nothing like getting
    1 point
  37. Some of mine from when I was younger: - a drain outdoors. Very public, got told off for that one, though I’d have been six years old or so - bath/shower, unsurprisingly (though parents weren’t and aren’t shower-peers), or the bathroom sink - various containers All the more interesting places were away from home: - on the floor in changing rooms - in the woods - back streets, underpasses (though I usually don’t pee where the rain won’t get to) - rivers, streams, the sea - swimming pools
    1 point
  38. Boys don't need to run into the bathroom just to pee. We've lived in several different places over the years, but our boys have always peed anyplace they convenient. When we had a house it was of course in the yard, off the deck, in showers, basement, garage drains. Their university dorms were for boys only and I know they peed in the halls, stairs and out windows. Now that they've grown and I'm in an apartment it's seldom I see them peeing elsewhere, but they do piss in the pool and pool dressing area and occasionally in a sink when the restroom is occupied.
    1 point
  39. I do. One of my favorite spots in an old barn. It has absorbed a lot of pee over the years!
    1 point
  40. Oh no, going inside a women's public restroom is not a risk I'd ever take where I work, or probably any women's room for that matter. I already feel like a pervert for listening so I won't go any further. I'd love to be able to assess the area of many women I've heard but life just isn't that good. As for if she was hovering, I'd say so for certain. Most women do hover in public, at least in the US, and given that Lynn doesn't mind leaving the toilet without flushing, I can't imagine she'd care to sit down.
    1 point
  41. Brutus, Thanks for sharing. Well did you brave going in the Women’s room to assess the area? Do you think she probably hovered when pissing?
    1 point
  42. Decided to pee in the sink again. Why is it so much fun! Lol
    1 point
  43. That was in the office as well
    1 point
  44. Decided to pee outside the shower lol
    1 point
  45. I needed to go so I pissed up the wall in the shower, I’m sure Contra will like this lol
    1 point
  46. I like facebook!Another "friend" request...
    1 point
  47. I know this is just a headshot I thought I would share🙂
    1 point
  48. 🙂 This girl is pretty!
    1 point
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