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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2020 in all areas

  1. A few months back during first lockdown i was outside sunbathing an was bursting to go i like to hold it has long as possible, so i decided to go in back garden i pulled up my skirt and noticed that my neighbour who is in his 60s was out but i had to go so i just let it go an he turned to look at me and watched has i was peeing so i spread my lips for him to get a full view. He smiled an watched it all while his wife was inside. I've since had another encounter with him if anyone would like to hear it.
    15 points
  2. My second encounter with my neighbour was much more on purpose from my part for a number of weeks i had fantasised about pissing in front of him again and seeing what he would do. It was bin collection day an i decided that today would be the day to go for it. I hadn't been for a pee all morning and had plenty to drink so i had a full bladder and was quite desperate to go so iwaited for him to take his bin out so i could take mine out at same time. We got to collection point at same time I was wearing a skirt with no panties. I smiled at him an just squtted an started to piss right in front of
    11 points
  3. Thank you all for being so nice I'll be honest im new here and was a bit nervous to share at first. If anything else happens then i will share asap also open to suggestions on what i could do for him next
    7 points
  4. This is a memory from several years back but possibly the most satisfying piss I've ever had. I was seeing a guy and I used to stay over at his once or twice a week. He lived in a very large, old fashioned house and I was shy about him knowing I needed to pee so in the end on my first night there I went to bed without peeing because I couldn't bring myself to ask where the toilet was. I left very early as I had to go home and get ready for work. Not to mention do something about the pressure in my bladder. I considered having a wee behind my car as I left but it was parked a little
    5 points
  5. I love this. I'd love to squat and piss in the knowledge I was being watched.
    5 points
  6. So one of my long time fantasies has been peeing in a parking garage in the middle of the day. Well today i got to do it! I was picking up a friend who had been shopping and he told me to drive to the nice warm inside parking garage that they had at that store in the middle of the city. So ofcourse there i went now i really had to pee so i just taught that theres probably a place to pee somewhere in there but no the toilets were locked courtesy of Corona. Then it hit me i can finally fulfill one of my fantasies since my friend would still be a while so i went behind my car while keeping a look
    4 points
  7. Decided to try something different and give my self a goldenshower hahaha. It was a pleasant experience
    4 points
  8. @Louise87, I bet you made his day. That first time you were pretty much committed to peeing when you saw the neighbour, so you just carried on. I love that you realised he was looking and gave him a better show. He would have gone in afterwards with great memories and thinking that was a one off and he was very lucky to catch you, but then for you to realise that he enjoyed the view and to deliberately engineer another session was brilliant. He will have had absolutely no doubt that one was deliberate and so that was why he felt able to approach and put his hand in your stream. A bit d
    4 points
  9. [M/F naughty peeing, lesbian themes, golden showers, group peeing] I wanted to tell you about something that happened last week at the big engineering trade fair here in London. I have recently started working as an exhibition girl โ€“ you know, the pretty women that encourage businessmen and women to visit the booths. Itโ€™s decent money, but the days are long and your feet are aching by the time you get the chance to kick off the high heels in the evening. To be honest the main qualities you need are long legs, the ability to do your make up well and smile continuously for ten hours. I
    3 points
  10. I haven't had much success standing but I love to squat. It's absolutely unmistakable that you're pissing if anyone were to happen to see you and that feels so naughty.
    3 points
  11. Female here. I have always been a fan of public pissing, watching people pee, and peeing on men (havenโ€™t tried it yet or received it but would like to someday) Iโ€™ve always been ashamed and kept it a secret only telling two partners out of too many but never doing anything with it besides alone when I take videos or the occasionally pit stop pee on the side of the road. I just discovered this community tonight, Iโ€™m not great with technology but Iโ€™m excited to learn about this website and meet other pee enthusiasts!
    3 points
  12. Thanks for sharing this naughty adventure! I'm in my 60s myself and imagined seeing this from my own garden.๐Ÿ˜‰ I would love to hear the other one, if you'd like to tell it.
    3 points
  13. Every morning before work I like to go for a swim. This morning I did my 45 minutes in the pool and got out with the first twinges of needing to go but I ignored it and went to a cubicle to dry off and get dressed. In the cubicle it became clear I should have listened to those twinges but I was already undressed. It was freezing cold as well which didn't help. I decided it wasn't such a bad thing to do to pee onto the cubicle floor as it is all hosed down anyhow. I held my wet swimsuit to my private parts to cover any hissing sounds and with my back against the cubicle divider I squatted sligh
    2 points
  14. I have just had one of my happiest afternoons of recent years, expanding pee-play repertoire with K (my wife). Following the mutual shower peeing of a few weeks ago, today we added something very different. With our daughter home we had to be a little cautious โ€“ sheโ€™s 23 but, hey. We did explain that weโ€™d assumed she was going to be out in the afternoon (sheโ€™d said she was going for a long walk with a friend who subsequently cried off) and were going to be โ€˜shutting ourselves away for an hour or so in the bathroom and the bedroomโ€™. I had asked K earlier whether sheโ€™d consider wetting
    2 points
  15. a suggestion for next time......maybe you could wet your knickers in front of him then take em off and put them in his pocket for him to enjoy later?? i know if my neighbour done that for me i would be chuffed to bits ๐Ÿ˜Š
    2 points
  16. Thanks for sharing that, Louise. What a daring young lady! I look forward to reading about your further exploits.
    2 points
  17. Having some fun in the office.
    2 points
  18. I am assuming you are not still holding - or if you are, the water in the tub will be cold by now! - so are you going to update us on how it worked out?
    2 points
  19. Hello all, this is my first post on this site, I love reading all of the other stories so thought Iโ€™d share my rather tame one from the last few days Iโ€™ve started going to the gym in the late evening which is great because usually there is hardly anybody else there. What Iโ€™ve realised is with it being quiet, there are some great opportunities for some fun After finishing in the gym, I head to the changing rooms, have a quick shower and then head to the sauna/spa area for a while. The guys changing room is fairly small, only 2 shower stalls and maybe a 3x3 meter area for changing.
    2 points
  20. Wow! These are very hot encounters - thanks for sharing them with us. I'll be interested to know if anything more happens.
    2 points
  21. Oooh, nice. I love seeing a girl hold her lips open. Sounds like your neighbour liked it too.
    2 points
  22. very nice, carn't wait for the 3rd encounter ๐Ÿ˜‹
    2 points
  23. This was when I was younger, around 15 years back I was travelling with my sister in law who was in her early twenties got married to my brother and it was a hot summer day we were drinking more and more water it was somewhat long journey of around 8 hours and after about three hours she was squirming in her seat and I know the meaning of the squirming to my luck Bus tyre got blast and halted on side of road driver said around 1 hr time for replacement my sister in law got down the bus along with me holding her hand she literally scanned the place for any cover to pee and found one some distan
    2 points
  24. From time to time I find myself answering a post with my 'in a parallel universe response', and this is one of these posts. What I mean is, if we were all in a parallel universe, where I weren't in the same loving married relationship as I am, where natural nervousness at meeting a stranger weren't a sensible precaution, where imagination could become reality. In that universe I'd more than happily be that person for you to explore every aspect with. If only...
    2 points
  25. I secretly peed on a bus seat once out of desperation. I also used to work as a librarian for a few months and on one of my last days I decided to take one of the most unpopular books we had and pee in it. I was alone in the library that day and I just strategically placed some drops of urine onto some pages. It wasn't much but I peed in it nontheless.
    2 points
  26. Welcome to the Peefans Pub - pull up a chair by the bar. Today the Peefans Staff have introduced a clarification on site rule #8, it's an important point around using this site as a gateway to other social media sites. You can read the rule in detail here. Whenever I try and explain the reason for this rule and some of the other undesirable behaviour we as Staff try to deal with, I find myself using the analogy of a cosy local pub / bar... So, good evening and welcome to the Peefans Pub. As a new visitor, picture yourself having just moved into the neighbourhood and visiting y
    1 point
  27. Actually knew? Around when I first started masturbating as an early teen. I was on a regular porn hunt and the urge just came over me to search for "girls peeing," which later led to "girls wetting their pants." Once I got into it I realized it was always there. I can remember being very young and thinking to myself, "I've never wet the bed," after waking up one night and then just did it. As a family for what ever reason we never closed the door when peeing, when it was just us, that probably had a lot to do with it as well. I can also remember, before I knew what sex was but knew the female
    1 point
  28. Can't deny I find it an exciting idea.... that 'just made it' or 'didn't make it' thing.... Not sure if the second clip here is what you had in mind... https://peefans.com/topic/12174-really-desperate-pees/?do=findComment&comment=244514
    1 point
  29. Squat for me is favourite but do occasionally stand
    1 point
  30. Was out working in the corrals with the skid steer, I decided to piss in the bucket lol
    1 point
  31. I decided I wanted to have a bath tonite, I like soaking on our whirlpool tub. I choose not to piss before filling the tub, now here iam sitting in the tub, the water and air jets going needing a piss. I will see how long I can go without pissing lol
    1 point
  32. @Louise87, I would also love to hear the other encounter. I'm 80, but still very interested!
    1 point
  33. Thanks Wetwulf. As I worked through this series I began to find the perspective a bit limiting - I'd definitely consider returning to tell stories about these characters from the perspectives of the women.
    1 point
  34. Unfortunately no video, maybe I will have to make one soon๐Ÿ˜‰
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. I pissed on my towels today before putting them in the wash
    1 point
  37. Like many people,i have been spending more time at home than normal in these Covid times.It has given me more time to explore the holding side of the fetish.Personally,I love the gradual build up.As it intensifies,I feel,somehow a pleasure in being uncomfortable and close to having an accident. Then there is the anticipation of letting go Releasing that pressure.The initial release is something I love.Especially if I've been holding for a while.Afterwards the feeling of relief is amazing.Depending on my mood thIs may lead to masturbation.
    1 point
  38. Thanks. Yes, she does! And, err, ideas for her Christmas present remain elusive. But I will give it some serious thought very soon!
    1 point
  39. As a teen I found that masturbating helped me hold my pee longer, and that a full-bladder orgasm is very intense. As noted above, if your bladder is full and you cum, you'll need to pee twice as bad a few minutes later!
    1 point
  40. When we moved into the house I live in now it took a while to meet the neighbors. They were a strange bunch from way out in the woods. Two sons and a daughter. I got along with the dad well enough we would chat in the driveway and drink a beer a couple times a week. The summer she turned 18, I had some friends over. We were all in the backyard grilling, drinking, summertime stuff. I smoke when I drink but never in front of my kids. I excused myself to the woods behind the house for a piss and a cigarette. I walked out behind the neighbors massive chicken coupes to not be seen. I lit m
    1 point
  41. Oh so wet! And not with pee!
    1 point
  42. How many streams can cross at the same time lol? May I join you 2 lol?
    1 point
  43. I love this. I find myself wanting to cross streams with you! Really appreciate you sharing the photographs and experiences. ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸปAnd yes, I'm wet! ๐Ÿ˜†
    1 point
  44. I second this ... and not just because of a mild exhibitionist tendency! It really is good to know that the community is a broad enough church to cater for a very wide range of interests, and great to hear about yours. It's one of the things that makes it such a nice place to visit.
    1 point
  45. This contains male and female pissing in various forms and nude pissing. Hope you enjoy! A week ago, I told my friends that I was having a party. I invited each member of our friend group which came out to 4 girls and 3 guys. The girls were Christina, Sarah Abby and Shannon and the guys were John and Tyler. I told them I had a game for us to play, but I wanted it to be a surprise. We were sitting by a bonfire outside in my backyard and having a camping party. We were having loads of drinks, listening to music and having fun. We had tents set up because we planned on sleeping there.
    1 point
  46. Some of you may be familiar with my stories from over at peesearch. Ive decided to start sharing them here. This is the first one, written about 5 years ago Look over there, a rest area!" julie exclaimed!! "Thank god," replied Grace "30 more seconds and I would have pissed my pants" The two girls were on their way home after spending the day at a Bridal shower in a large city about 4 hours from where they lived. It had been a fun filled day seeing old friends, having a bit of light hearted dirty fun, and of course enjoying refreshments, which included soft drinks, tea, and of c
    1 point
  47. This is my first time writing a story of any kind since high school so hopefully I don't run too long winded. This is inspired by all the posters in Wet Carpet Magazine, Wetwulf and of course the great leaky_one. I hope everyone enjoys. Jack and Kimberly had been married for just over a year now. Jack was a tall, slim young man with an athletic build. He had been working as an arborist at a local tree company and as a result kept not an ounce of fat on him. He looked the part of a lumberjack with a meticulously groomed short beard and golden brown short hair, parted on the left. Kim was near
    1 point
  48. You EXACTLY caught the spirit of the effect I want to have on Others... ...and the effect it has on ME I fingered to this story A kiss...
    1 point
  49. The following story happened about a week ago. I was taking night classes at a local university and class had just let out. I was talking with a cute red-headed girl i had been partnered up with for a group project. We decided to go to the library and finish up our project. We were in the library for about an hour before i noticed that my partner was squirming. I asked if she was okay and she told me that she needed a bathroom break. She left to go find the bathroom, and came back a few minutes later and we continued working on the project. Another fifteen minutes passed before i notice
    1 point
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