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  1. I love small town issues. There is a train that reliably blocks traffic in my town at around 1 for about an hour. Locals know it and avoid it. Or if you're me and are in no hurry we just wait for it. It's usually just a few of us waiting but for the eclipse there were so many cars in line. To set the scene I'll tell you that there were two cars in the line between me and a Jeep. A few minutes into waiting those cars turned around and went to go find another way. (hint, there isn't. not a quick way anyhow) So now there's me in my truck and a gap up to the jeep. 15 minutes into waiting the lady
    5 points
  2. I have a pretty strange fetish, i get excited when something happens that embarrasses me. I don't know, maybe it was due to some humiliating incidents i had in adolescence. Obviously if something embarrassing happens to me, like having an accident, someone seeing me naked, etc... At the moment i feel very ashamed and mortified. But then afterwards i feel excited, i know it's a little strange 😳
    5 points
  3. Hiya just introducing myself, my name is LeatherGrrl but you can call me Lucy x I have been lurking here for some time but I thought I would join and say hey. You shall see me pop up and post from time to time and see my kinky side lol x feel free to ask me anything or ping me a message babes x
    3 points
  4. I thought I might regale you, my lovely friends, on my experiences staying at an island resort. It was a wonderful place, surrounded by a tropical, lush environment made up of clear blue, warm ocean, deep green rainforests, tall coconut palms, white sandy beaches and multi-coloured corals. A natural paradise, just as I imagined it would be. Once I landed at the airport and made my way to the resort, I wasted no time; changing into my bathers to jump in the pool. The pool was large, though fairly shallow, with sparkling, clear, warm water. There was a swim-up bar with s
    3 points
  5. Reminds me of the old Milton Jones joke: "To the guy in the wheelchair who stole my camouflage jacket: You can hide, but you can't run."
    3 points
  6. I found an open locker
    3 points
  7. That's exploitation of vulnerable people
    2 points
  8. God, I hate that they made him pee outside with people close by and her go to a closed bathroom. Way to go on being stereotypical. Would have loved it if they did it the other way around. So for me, that commercial made me want to avoid that product. Didn't want it before either, but now I will actively stay away from it if it shows up in my country/I stumble across it.
    2 points
  9. Describing the pandemic of 2020 to our grandkids’ generation be like : …
    2 points
  10. Sounds like a fun time and this is so well written, i would've loved to be one of the other women there as you did the naughty deeds. I think you should try the hot tub next, as the jets would be an interesting experiment!
    2 points
  11. Pretty sure I found the one you were talking about https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5QbRMjMCha/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    2 points
  12. Ruth here. When were on the boat going out , and hitting the waves my boobs bounce , but I'm not that big . A 34 C but I'm a small bodied person . Now being naked on this beautiful yacht give me a feeling of complete freedom . You can feel the ocean spray and wind on your body and face .It's magical o me . Never be ashamed of what you have , I'm sure you are very lovely 🌹
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Hello! This is my first story I’m posting in here, it’s about a few college girls who have drank too much at a party! I hope you enjoy! At this point Sarah was an experienced partygoer. As a senior in college and a member of a sorority, she’s been to countless parties. She knows which frats are cool and which ones are filled with weirdos, she knows how to mix jungle juice and how to tell if a drink is safe. She’s a hardened veteran of numerous ragers, dages, and theme nights. And if there’s one thing Sarah knows about, it’s breaking the seal. When one is drinking alcohol
    2 points
  15. Couldn’t see any toilets (didn’t look for any), so spraying a nice big piss marking all over the wall and flower bed it is.. 🌝
    2 points
  16. Went to the store alone tonight, so naturally had to take the chance for a little naughty pee. Didn't have to that bad, but enough for it to have crossed my mind twice to go before dinner and then before leaving. When I realised I was going alone I almost (totally) wished it was a bigger need 😅 Anyway, here is the aftermath... Didn't find any fun targets, so the wall had to do..
    1 point
  17. Let out a couple small spurts during lab, now about to take a nap in my piss diaper right next to my roommate who’s none the wiser 😉
    1 point
  18. Yeah I'm not doing that. I don't care if I'm paying them money, it just feels like I'm taking advantage of them.
    1 point
  19. Mr. Owl, thanks as always for your detailed erotic descriptions. My ex was a real MILF, to put it crudely, but really a quite classy and elegant kind of lady. Like your MIL, she liked her jewelry and dressing to the nines. Always perfectly groomed nails on her hands and feet, fond of heels and makeup, etc. Petite, with medium-sized breasts and quite shapely in the hips. I found her so stunning in every way. I’ve been with plenty of women and have never heard a pee stream quite like hers. She peed very slowly, no matter how badly she needed to go, so she took a very long time to empty wh
    1 point
  20. I have seen both. Facing the wall or back to the wall. The drains are near the wall, but the floor of the stalls is sloped to make cleaning easier, so it doesn't really matter where we pee. I haven't seen anybody peeing outside of the stalls, I think it would be considered inappropriate. I usually pee facing the outside of the stall, legs a little spread, while the water is running on my back. But yesterday, after exercising, I had a long chat with another woman who had been working up near me, and when we entered the shower together it was a bit of an emergency for me. I started to pee a
    1 point
  21. Hi everyone! Just wanted to put my first little picture on here, I really had to pee so I decided the floor would be my urinal today. 😅 My first pee post (pp?) so if y'all like I can do more! Think I'll just put it in this thread, it seems appropriate. 😄
    1 point
  22. Not me, but a girl I dated claimed that she was so frustrated once with a clothing store in the mall that she removed some clothes from the rack, took them to the dressing room, and peed all over them. Then she left the store and never returned. Not sure if she was telling the truth, but it's hot to think about it.
    1 point
  23. One of my favorite discreet pee places has been between couch cushions, have done it before in small amounts with my own couch. Gets soaked up by the couch and the carpet underneath. Has anyone else done this, or possibly do this regularly?
    1 point
  24. 400 years old house means 400 years of people peeing on it 😄 So it proves pee does no harm to the walls. She cant change habits of people so easily.
    1 point
  25. Being told not to pee in the pool makes peeing in the pool fun for me more than being encouraged to do it. I sometimes like watching this YouTube video: Before going to the pool to pee in it as much as possible.
    1 point
  26. MIL flaunts her body and is an open door pisser around me. She is hot as hell also!!
    1 point
  27. This happened a few years ago, it was snowing that morning, but mom still sent me to school because public transport was working. During the morning, however, it had started snowing again, so when we returned home there were several centimeters of snow. However, the buses were still circulating because they had put chains on them. My best friend and i got on to go home, i didn't have much to worry about at the time, i had done pee it about an hour earlier, and the trip would only take 20 minutes. But on the mountain road it had snowed much more and, about halfway, the bus skidded on
    1 point
  28. Yeah, my wife is hot but my MIL looks pretty darn good at 56. I love hearing her long hissy splats followed by forever tinkling. She does not even bother to close the door when I am around. Just the other day this 5.7 140 lb woman with a full "C" cup and lots of bling with blonde highlights in her wavy shoulder length brown hair was wearing a tight slinky black dress with a slit and 3 inch heels when she stopped over for a visit. Of course, she said she had not taken a piss since lunch or about 4 hours so she was very full. Before I could probably greet her she ran to the toilet and pulled her
    1 point
  29. I was driving to work one morning around 2 am so it was dark out. When ever I’m driving I’m always looking to catch people peeing. This one morning I was driving by this pull off on the side of a busy road and I noticed a car pulled over and the lights were on. I slowed down and I noticed a girl squatting down behind the vehicle with the driver still in the drivers seat(I’m guessing she was hiding from him). As I was slowing down she stood up and pulled her pants back up. I turned into the pull off to get a closer look and she went to the rear passenger side door and opened it and preten
    1 point
  30. What a fun weekend that was. Every night I went to bed diapered. If i woke up needing to pee I would just wet myself and in the morning I would release my morning pee before getting out of bed. The one night I woke up needing to pee, simply wet myself and went back to bed. When I woke up in the morning all I could smell was pee and I loved it. If i could I would wear diapers more often for lounging around the house and sleeping in bed at night. For me, wearing and wetting diapers combines elements of golden showers and naughty peeing while minimizing the mess. I love the feeling of releasing p
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. A new fun thing I like to is to pee as I shake and dance my cock around in the showers. It’s so fun. I caught it here.
    1 point
  33. Nothing to care about, from what I can tell, most of the older men (seniors) do so, as there are always puddles all over the men's room after senior swim. I know of many men here who are terrified of doing so, but my boys have done so openly for years and never heard anything about it. You've done so many times now, have you ever been seen, has anyone ever commented or has management ever commented about you doing so?
    1 point
  34. Now I really don’t care when I’m in the gym. I just piss on the floor when I need to. I don’t really care if there’s a drain right there... I just go.
    1 point
  35. This is not my story. Just one I found a few years ago. I’ll post the link and the story. The original website it was on had quite a few good stories in the comments as well. Hope you guys enjoy. https://medium.com/@jordinjames/the-single-most-embarrassing-thing-ive-done-in-my-entire-adult-life-aa7082f3bf25 Last week I did something that will haunt me for years to come. It’s one of those things I reeeeally hope my future kids never find out about, because they’ll never let me live it down. This embarrassing incident left me asking two questions: Am I even an adult ri
    1 point
  36. So my boyfriend was playing in a soccer tournament last weekend, usually I just stay home but this time I decided to go along. It was really really chilly all 3 days so I only went to the finals tournament and stayed at the hotel and went shopping the other two. We stayed at a Hilton Garden inn with a really nice Indoor pool facility with two Jacuzzi’s and one really nicely sized pool. Peeing in the pool is a really really big kink of mine so I had an exciting two days ahead of me. The first night we got there, I didn’t pee right before I went to bed and didn’t pee in the morning either so I’d
    1 point
  37. The "computer room" I'm usually hanging out in is right next to the bathroom so I can always hear the wonderful sounds of my wife peeing when she does. I quite like it, but in the same vein it can almost be a bit unnerving as someone who's really into the concept of drinking or at least seeing my wife's pee. It's sort of like watching someone just pour out a bottle of some rare fine wine you really wanted to try. My wife totally knows what I'm into, and she has no problem with me coming in while she's peeing and will on the rare occasion late me drink it. Whether it be her peeing in a cu
    1 point
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