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  1. I am in college where bathrooms are very inconveniently placed. The women’s is a floor down. I have not once pissed in those toilets, as it’s so inconvenient. I always piss in either the sink, out the window, or while I’m taking a shower. Also, if I am taking out the trash, I piss in the trash before I take it out. If I use the sink, I just sit on the ledge and piss, then run the water. My suitemate has complained about the sink smelling like piss, but I just blamed it on a piping issue. However, when I use the window, I stand on my desk and piss out the window onto the picnic area b
    18 points
  2. Definitely always just step up on my desk and piss through the side of my underwear out the window. Nobody is ever out there at night and I don’t have to leave the privacy of my room.
    8 points
  3. I don’t really care much about girl sightings, though I have seen them (I am straight). But plenty of guy sightings. It is NYC after all. I’ve seen a guy piss directly onto the tracks in the subway. I’ve seen guys piss in road grates, on cars. I see college boys piss in the gardens by the commuter lounge, where seats are very close by. Every time I see this, it brings something out of me. I often compulsively rub my clit through my pocket when I see this.
    7 points
  4. I hooked up with a girl my junior and senior year who loved pissing in naughty places. It was so hot. We dared each other to piss places. She would drop her feet down to the floor in a hotel bed and just casually piss on the rug because she was too lazy to get up
    5 points
  5. My wife used her dorm sink to pee very regularly. Same bathroom situation as you described and she didn’t want to deal with walking that far.
    5 points
  6. "They said there was no charge for this drink, I wonder why."
    5 points
  7. I’ve done this too! Well in my own car - once on an 8 hr road-trip (I was alone; and have a post about it on here somewhere with pics). Brought multiple towels and sheets to sit on and whenever I felt like it I just decided to let it go! It felt so amazing it led to me driving naked and masturbating on the highway - both squirting and pissing 🤭 it was unfortunate my seats were material and I soaked the car so I got the interior detailed afterwards and it helped. Haven’t done it since but damn it’s hot!
    4 points
  8. There a few places I’ll casually piss as long as there are no cops around. A lot of these can be done pretty easily in broad daylight. Wooded areas or remote of parks or cemeteries or sculpture or botanical gardens. Off the curb between parked cars, next to the car in pretty much any parking lot of a reasonable size
    4 points
  9. Same energy. Seeing a woman piss in public or even just knowing she’s doing it is an immediate turn on. Once I was about to walk into the Lorimer stop after a haircut at like 7 pm and two girls were coming out and I heard one mutter I have to piss right now. 20s, New York accent, one was wearing a leather skirt. I found a reason to pause before going into the station. There were dozens of people around. They went into a tiny open parking lot between buildings and stood looking around for a minute. Then both crouched down out of site. A few minutes later they walked off. Another time my w
    4 points
  10. I always jump at the opportunity to piss when drunk after parties. I was once on the way back to the dorms with a boy and we both had to piss. It’s NYC so there are no bathrooms. I told him I know a spot and led him into the subway elevator, which already smelled like piss. I told him to turn around while I squatted and starting pissing out the side of shorts. I heard him start pissing and turned around to see him pissing against the door. Another time, a group of friends and I took turns pissing in the area between the subway carts.
    4 points
  11. In the rare case my roommate is in the common room and there are people outside my window in the daytime, I piss in a cup or bottle or something and dump it out.
    4 points
  12. I often think about how the lengths I go to keep this kink a secret make me more of a “pervert” than if I were just straightforward about it. Asking to piss in somebody’s mouth is one thing. Doing it without warning out of pure sexual need is another. I hope to find the type of man who I would feel comfortable asking one day.
    4 points
  13. I was working on a time critical job nearing the end of my shift when I needed a pee. Rather than down tools to urinate outside somewhere or go to the men's room in the other building, I decided to just kneel down and relieve myself on the workshop floor to crack on with the job. https://www.erome.com/a/md6h22CP
    4 points
  14. I have lots of stories involving pissing in cars. Strangers cars that are parked in a parking lot, inside my friend's cars. On top of cars. Its one of my many favorite places to piss. One story came to my mind recently I think y'all like. My friend Chris drives this big ass chevrolet pick up. We were driving back to my place. It's like 8 PM or something. I tell him to pull over that I gotta piss really bad. He knows me, that I will piss practically anywhere, just off the main road. He we're almost there, but I'm like dude pull over now, I gotta piss real bad. He's laughing, and
    3 points
  15. Sometimes a sighting can just fall into your lap and it can be delicious! I have been working at a event in the south east this weekend. Part of my job is quite mobile and I cover a large area. This particular event gets people out in the villages to watch as the cars drive past. I was around halfway along the route and my need to piss was getting stronger, so I decided it was time to look for somewhere. 1 village had a large gathering, so I drove through it and noticed quite a long layby. Many people had parked there and walked up to stand on the village green and watch as the cars
    3 points
  16. He threw out the liquid fishing line (I heard pee attracts fish not sure how true that is.)
    3 points
  17. That’s fun, I haven’t pissed between subway cars in years. This summer there were two drunk girls on the car and one of them announced “I’m taking Meghan to piss between cars.” I wanted so bad to be at that end of the car
    3 points
  18. My roommate is actually a suitemate and doesn’t share the same room as me. But yes, I would never stop doing it, caught or not. Walking all the way downstairs to use a bathroom when I don’t need to is ridiculous.
    3 points
  19. I have pissed in my friends’ sinks as well. The only ones that are cool with it are boys because they do it as well. I just make sure I am out of sight
    3 points
  20. No, I spread my vulva and pull up slightly so the stream goes outward. There are videos of this you can find online. It’s not widespread knowledge.
    3 points
  21. I was a prolific public pisser in college. I was at a small liberal arts college in New England with a large wooded campus with lots of old buildings. First of all, I pissed everywhere while out partying. Especially roaming with a large group I’d yell hold up I’m pissing, and turn to the side and piss on a wall or a bush or off a curb. The best times were when other people joined in. I also peed on campus during the daytime. Usually somewhere pretty out of the way but a few times I was pretty visible and enjoyed the rush. Definitely in and on the chapel, on public sculptures, out my
    3 points
  22. I hope you do find a guy you can trust enough to tell him about your desires. I reached the age of 40 before I had the confidence to ask a girlfriend to piss on me. My wish for you is that you will not have to wait so long as that to fulfill your own sexual need. There is nothing wrong with what you want. Piss sex is a beautiful, intimate, friendly thing to do, and nobody anywhere has the right to try and shame you for it.
    3 points
  23. Unfortunately, I think I am too shy to ever admit this fetish in real life. I would love to relieve myself in a man’s mouth while he sucks me, but I fear it would tarnish their image of me. There have been times I was so horned up that I couldn’t help it and did it without their consent. Like the aforementioned time above. Another time, I was riding a boy’s face and just couldn’t help but squirt some into his mouth while he sucked my clit. He was naive, though, and thought I squirted. I let him believe that to avoid the truth. Another time, I was in the shower with a boy an
    3 points
  24. We both have, usually summertime in outdoor venues, Pub Beer Gardens are a favorite. Started when we were going out, we were in a large outdoor grassed area of a large pub. For some silly reason we bet that whoever got up and went to the toilet first, had to pay for the drinks for the rest of the afternoon. I thought that was a bit unfair, Curls is drinking 7oz vodka and orange and I am on 15oz beers, so after about 3 drinks, I unzip, flop it out and start pissing under the table, then lifted it a bit high and peed on her leg, she gave a small startled yelp, after I finished, Curls told
    3 points
  25. Two relevant stories to share: 1.) My wife is a daily shower peer. It's part of her normal routine. One time I asked her where/when the habit began for her. She said "I guess I don't know exactly, but probably in college. The toilets were all the way on the other side of the bathroom. I think I just got up, and went to get in the shower line rather than making a separate stop for the toilet and losing my place in the shower line. I think this is what most people probably did." 2.) When I was in college, in my second year I shared an on-campus apartment with three male roommates. I do
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Perverted fish be like: spawn all over my tail baby
    2 points
  28. I learned my fav way to piss in public in college. It’s stand on the curb facing the street between cars, and pull it out one handed and piss casual as can be. Sometimes I’ll be looking at my phone. 95% of the time people either don’t notice or pretend not to notice
    2 points
  29. Totally understandable. Just tell her to chill, hand her a Gatorade bottle, and tell her to join the club haha.
    2 points
  30. I did have a tiny sink in the corner of my bedroom when I studied abroad in Rome and I always pissed in it when I had a girl over and a few of them pissed in it too
    2 points
  31. Luckily her roommate would do it also, so they didn’t have to hide the fact. It does take skill to go in a bottle though, so props for that.
    2 points
  32. Better link:- https://videos.eroprofile.com//media/videos/m/1354/13538846.m4v
    2 points
  33. On a small boat with a guy I was with at the time, I once turned away and pulled my shorts aside and pissed into a cup while sitting across from him. He couldn't see my pussy, but could definitely hear everything. When I was done, I emptied it into the water. I have done the same in the car: pull my shorts aside and piss into a cup and dump it out the window. Another time, I went behind a scaffolding wall and pissed against it, where my friends could hear and see the piss trail coming from under the wall and onto the sidewalk. Strangers were walking through my piss stream as I was pi
    2 points
  34. Carol and I were going to one of the valley wineries a couple of years ago, it was called A Day on the Green for lunch and entertainment with live bands was on for about 5 hours. She was dressed nicely, pleated skirt just a bit above the knee. She asked “Do you think this looks good, because I’m not wearing anything underneath it, I am not queuing for the toilet either. I am going to have a bit to drink today, I think it is your turn to drive home Sitting there having lunch, individual tables well-spaced in the expensive area, just two of us at ours Carol had a soda or two, it w
    2 points
  35. During the summers Kim volunteered to teach a college prep course offered by the high school she taught at. The course was open to all ages and was free, funded by the county, but mostly high schoolers and people in their early twenties took the course since it was during the day and on weekdays. This summer was no different and she even had a former student and swimmer in her class, Melissa. She had graduated three years prior, Kim estimated that she must be 21 by now and remarked how Melissa has kept her sleek swimmer's body. Melissa was quite tall and her long legs had given her ample advan
    2 points
  36. I did this again today. Haven't done it in a while. I had a can of Perrier before the movie and a large drink. I wasn't alone in the theatre, there was a couple behind me but nobody in my row. Part way through the movie I started to prepare myself, unbuttoning my pants, pulling my boxers down, I had already taken my sweater off so I slid it over my lap. I gently rested my cock over the lip of the empty cup, waiting for a louder moment, and I let it out. It wasn't a gush, not a lot of piss and I let it out in quick bursts but it was fun. I slowly reset myself and took a few drinks but it
    2 points
  37. Sometimes i go to a porno-cinema and masturbate in the urinal. Occasionally I pee on guys dicks and guys pee on my dick. A female friend of mine with whom I sometimes go on hikes with likes to stand up and pee with one of those pee-devices. When we stop to pee we always cross streams but most of the time I make sure I have my dick in her pee-stream and I always get so hard and she laughs her ass of and says I’m so crazy
    2 points
  38. I managed to have a cheeky wee on a night out some time ago while remaining in a conversation with a bystander. I had been stood near a wall by a pub which was part of the beer garden on his side and an alley way on mine, although there was no exit from the pub to the alley. I was on my way home and had nipped into the alley to pee and he was collecting glasses from the now closed pub. We knew each other from nights out in that pub and he sidled over and we chatted for a bit over the wall, which was just high enough to cover my chest. There was a flower bed on his side so he couldnt come
    2 points
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