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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2023 in all areas

  1. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, If this was a feature article, I guess there'd be a headline 'How Pee saved my relationship'. I'm writing to share exactly that, and hopefully it may help some of your readers. My boyfriend and I have been seeing each other for a few years, but had sort of grown apart a little. It's not like we were splitting up, but we both have work pressures, we'd settled into a routine and things were just, well boring. But then something happened to change all that. One Friday night we'd been out in town to a few pubs and were on the late bus home. There was ju
    4 points
  2. @pissmary @puddyls, so lovely to see your slits here on the thread!! Ty so much for sharing!
    3 points
  3. I’ma bit stiff at the moment. Who’s coming to lend a hand?
    3 points
  4. Ladies! Congratulations again on being chosen as the company's QC team. You've done exceptional work product testing our toilets, each of you four urinating five to seven times an hour to make sure these items are ready for the rigors of the most densely packed sport arenas, night clubs, and amusement parks. Today you will start a new battery of tests on a prototype urinal. It is designed for unisex SIMULTANEOUS use. SO, that means instead of taking turns, you'll be doubling and tripling up on one receptacle. This also means holding until you are desperately BURSTING to release. We need to mak
    3 points
  5. Dear Wet Carpet I am a female Tory MP in the House of Commons so for obvious reasons I must remain totally anonymous. I cannot afford to be seen or talked about doing anything outrageous. My constituency association is full of elderly old men and blue rinse old ladies whose attitudes are often prudish in the extreme. A few of them still haven't left the 19th century let alone the 20th, and still believe a woman's place is in the home and all that crap. I had to pretend I was in favour of corporal punishment to even scrape in as the Tory candidate with their approval. Though one or two of
    3 points
  6. This instance of me pissing wherever I want happened to be.. on myself 😈💦
    3 points
  7. Today a made a year long dream come reality. I was completely by myself in carriage on a long train ride so I drank a lot of water and then walked to a seat in a hidden corner and emptied my full bladder onto the seat. It felt amazing!
    2 points
  8. I often wake up in the morning with a pressing need to pee however with me being in the nude and with no toilet in my apartment nor any communal lavatory facilities within the building itself, I simply use the carpet in my room as a urinal to relieve myself as there is little else I can do! https://www.erome.com/a/8kftBTLe
    2 points
  9. I'm a nudist who can't practice the lifestyle with my current living situation.
    2 points
  10. Personally I'd congratulate her on a lovely puddle, (scroll down towards the end of the article) - looks like she really needed to go: https://www.lincolnshirelive.co.uk/news/local-news/lincoln-business-owners-dismayed-cctv-5340401 And in other news: https://metro.co.uk/2015/06/19/woman-caught-urinating-on-busy-street-in-broad-daylight-5253710/
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Went out for a bit found a handy stairwell. There were plenty of dried puddles and the smell of piss was clearly present. Things seemed a bit dry so I gave my cock some exercise and pissed on the wall and floor. https://thisvid.com/videos/cock-out-pissing-on-parking-garage-stairs/ https://thisvid.com/videos/casually-pissing-in-the-stairwell/
    2 points
  13. Its so great that hotel peeing is becoming mainstream now!
    2 points
  14. Decided to start a thread of places I have pissed. Starting with this locker at the gym.
    1 point
  15. I couldnt believe it. Not only had Anabel suggested that we all just piss on her living room carpet for fun but it seemed like she was preparing to lead the way, unfastening and then lowering her jeans and panties, dropping down into a squat. Sara laughed, "Oh my God Anabel, you are not going to actually do it are you?" "Why not? It's fun." Then suddenly she was doing it, a soft hissing and the patter of pee hitting carpet as her golden shower rained down. And she was clearly loving it, and enjoying our reactions of disbelief. We all laughed in amazement at what she was doing.
    1 point
  16. Love uppies, especially candid ones, and most especially candid ones in public. Obviously in most of those girls are wearing panties, which I also love. Have taken many, many over the years. Will be posting some of my favs. To begin:
    1 point
  17. Here we go! I was at work all day yesterday and when I was driving home I was really wanting to relieve the desperation I had but there wasn't any toilets for miles and when I did eventually get to service station I forgot to pull over and use the toilets because I was thinking of maybe having some naughty fun in them and pissing everywhere like I did a couple of days ago, long behold I was still 15 minutes from home and I knew I wasn't going to make and I had nowhere else to pull over take a piss as it was all main roads so I came up with the idea why don't piss in the empty can I have i
    1 point
  18. My boyfriend and I got in the door, both desperate for a pee. We raced each other up to the bathroom, me unfastening my jeans as I ran, him unzipping. I managed to have my jeans and panties down and beat him to the toilet, sitting down and enjoying the relief of pissing. He already had his dick out. I told him to piss in the sink. But he said with a grin that he was going to use the toilet anyway and that it was my fault for being in the way. And he started pissing on me, all over the tops of my legs, between my legs, and all over my belly and breasts, utterly soaking my T shirt. I chuck
    1 point
  19. Thank you! Hope you don't mind me messing with the code a little bit. This works on mobile browsers should you enable the desktop mode and paste it into the URL bar. Or you can make a bookmarklet to make things simple. If everything works correctly, the download button below the video becomes green and redirects to the downloadable video. javascript:(function(){let a=document.getElementsByClassName('la-download')[0].parentElement;a.onclick='';a.setAttribute('href',$('.pageContentLeftWide source').get()[0].src);a.setAttribute('style','filter:invert(100%)')})()
    1 point
  20. Look Ma, no bra. https://reddit.com/r/GonewildGBUK/s/Xi2bXB22eA
    1 point
  21. I love it if they hiss when they piss. Would be even more arousing if I am underneath at the time.
    1 point
  22. I forgot to put on a bra but I bet nobody noticed ...
    1 point
  23. I'm waiting for local elections. They all suck and it will be a prime time to piss on some walls and halls. Plus I am paying for everything anyway, so it is mine to piss in.
    1 point
  24. I sort of feel a bit of a fraud if I describe myself as a cyclist now... I sort of was, but then a medical diagnosis gave me a very compelling reason to not exert myself too much - to maintain a low heart rate and not to elevate blood pressure. It's sort of under control and I could cycle, but when I do my focus is on those two things and it feels a bit limiting, which has taken the edge off it a bit. Still, as I say it is a very compelling reason to follow the advice. Cycling started maybe 6-7 years ago when my wife decided she wanted to get fitter and I decided to help by
    1 point
  25. For the ones that haven't seen the story from previous year. Here it is: Xmas Tree As the title says; I did it again. And what did I do? I've got another Xmas tree and used it to piss. But this time a bit different. After the tree got potted it needed some water and I've used my very own hose to do it. After that I also gave some extra water with a watering can because it's a pretty big tub. And to be honest I just wanted to pee in the sand just one time. No more peeing in that tub because I've done it already and didn't want a pissy smell in my room when I'm having visit
    1 point
  26. I was sitting on my friend's sofa chatting one day. When she went upstairs to pee in the toilet I decided to pee too, but I just peed between the cushions of her sofa instead. It was much more convenient.
    1 point
  27. First of all, I would like to apologize for not telling you this before, but for some reason I didn't, anyway, here it goes, even though it sounds like a fantasy it was not and it did happen. About two months ago I went out with a guy (friend) who knows about my fetish, occasionally we would hang out, go for dinner and afterwards he would take me to a park to pee while he covers and sometimes he will pee too. Anyway, I told him I had to pee and we walked to the park, first he chose a tree that was a bit skinny, I chose not to help him because I didn't want to make him nervous and he
    1 point
  28. I went back to scoping out potential sightings but none of them that I saw turned into anything and I find the people density on the street tends to go up and down with it going from busy to really quiet back to busy as the night goes on. As I sat I kept seeing people going up to the top side of town and kept debating whether to go up and see if anything was going on around McDonald’s. The only thing that kept stopping me was seeing girls coming to use the ATM and waiting to see if they showed any signs of needing to pee. I was starting to think heading up to Mcdonalds was a good idea wh
    1 point
  29. I haven’t been out the past few weekends hence the lack of updates. The first weekend there were thunderstorms and torrential rain so I decided against heading out and getting soaked and the following week I went on holiday so wasn’t around. This weekend I was back to it and have got a few sightings to report. The first one came pretty early on which surprised me. I had just walked into town from work and walked across the town square towards Mcdonalds. There were a few people around which boded well for how busy it could potentially become and when I reached the crossroads I leant on th
    1 point
  30. Another fun desperation encounter from work that happened last week. As I said most of these sightings come from customers at the weekend and those ones are expected so when they happen you aren’t shocked. However sometimes they come when you least expect them and take you by surprise. We get a bunch of people coming in from time to time asking to use the toilets that aren’t customers. Obviously because of the membership system I can’t let them in and most of these are people just asking and they leave once you explain you can’t let them in. However occasionally you will get some of thes
    1 point
  31. After the young couple had gone I walked around to the top of the church steps and sat down on the bench. There were a few people coming along the street from the bars at the bottom of town and they would be closing up in ten minutes time so I decided I would hang around and see if there was anything to see before heading home. Sure enough just after 4 am groups of people started coming up the side street and walking along the street. Some heading straight through and up the main road, some heading to the ATM and some heading to the takeaway. I kept an eye on the groups stopping off at t
    1 point
  32. The following Saturday night I was at the front desk and we had just had a bit of a rush of people and I was just having a quiet moment dealing with a customer when 5 young girls came in, all dressed up for a night out and from the sounds of it already a little tipsy. They came up to the desk and one of them told me that she had been before but none of the others had and a couple of them had just turned 18 during lockdown and wanted to know what they needed to do. I asked if they all had ID and they said yes so I told them I could get them signed up here and now and put 4 forms on the de
    1 point
  33. After our holiday, it was time to drive home again. Like first, we were going to switch every 2,5 hours. In this instance we were driving for about 3 hours. We were planning on stopping on the next possible rest stop, as we were hungry and a small urge to pee was coming. However, right in front of us the traffic started slowing down and came to a hold. We were in Germany, which means you have a create a special lane so emergency services can drive through the traffic. This was a two lane highway, so the left lane was all the way to the left and the right lane (were we also were) was in f
    1 point
  34. This weekend I had a great experience. There is this "secret-app" which every teenager has on it's phone at the moment in our country. It can be used to post sexual stuff anonymous. Nobody can see your number or your name. So everyone posts nude pictures or some short messages. I have used this app since a few weeks now and never had much success with pee-related stuff. It seems like it's still a fetish which is seen as unusual. But last friday, I started to text with a girl called "Miri" and she asked me a few questions about my piss fetish. I told her a bit about my fetish for naughty pissin
    1 point
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