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  1. I went into town today with my daughter to get out of the house and do a little shopping but my main goal was to have a wee next to someone in the ladies. I had left the house with a full bladder, I was at the point where I would normally get up and go at home, never mind leave the house! To top it off we stopped at a cafe for a hot chocolate. I must be mental! By the time we had left my body was screaming at me to find a toilet. I didn’t dare stand still out of fear of completely wetting myself. We went to a shopping centre a short walk away and I immediately spotted the sign for the toilets
    10 points
  2. Hello, Have been on here before and love this site. Took a bit of a break from it and then couldn’t remember my password so had to set up a new account! Looking forward to seeing what’s new and catching up with old friends. Always love to chat. x
    4 points
  3. I’d have no issue emptying my bladder around somebody’s house, I have always wanted to pee on someone’s carpet
    4 points
  4. So what a weekend! So in celebration of some great news I decided to give myself a good weekend of piss. I love to piss into absorbent things. Beds, pillow, couches, chairs, carpet, clothes. You name it, I have pissed into it. I only get to piss the bed when I’m in hotels. So to scratch that itch I have been in the habit lately of buying pillows with the sole purpose of ruining them with my piss. So for today I bought a long body pillow which is nice because it will take quite a few pisses to fully drench it. I also came across this beautiful two set of rugs that are are made with soft fur and
    3 points
  5. Well it has been a while since my last tale about me and my gf kate pee fun. We have had a bit of a roller coaster of a holiday, here what happens. Kate had originally planned for us to go to a nudist in France but due to a outbreak of covid we cancel the holiday and went to Portugal instead. The holiday started off fine apart from spending time around the pool, we did explore the area, had a few sneaky pee exploits in alleys, behind some people homes and a few times in public toilets and if it was quiet we would go into the opposite sex. We nearly got caught a few times as there always seemed
    3 points
  6. The second sighting from the pedestrian street came not long after. This time from a much more vocal younger girl. I was standing towards the end of the street watching people coming and going when someone shouted “come on!....tell her to hurry up…I need a piss”. I looked round and located the source of the shouting. Three girls had just come off the main road and the one shouting was a tall leggy brunette in a white top and a teeny tiny black skirt. She stood talking to her friends before once again shouting down the road, clearly waiting on others. Eventually a couple more girls appear
    3 points
  7. Always... and yes, I am that predictable.
    3 points
  8. This is how I pee discreetly when I need to. Just give a simple stream to the side of the wall and piss at a mid pace. You can piss in the middle of a crowd if you just let if go on the side of a wall. Honestly I do think you are missing an opportunity if you are not pissing openly in public. I did have my cock out and I know some people did see it but I was too nervous to completely haul it out. I did piss on the sidewalk after the interview and I know I had my wiener our for medicinal reasons. Really if you are in California or similar you can really just take you're dick out and piss where
    3 points
  9. Yes I've wiped one of my ex girlfriend with paper or sometimes even with my tongue every time she wanted and I was with her. And it was beautiful, erotic, funny and even tasty all at the same time. I recommend, and I would do it again. 👍
    3 points
  10. Couldn't even wait to get it out behind a tree so they had to do it where they were sitting. Must have felt good 😉 Keep this topic up guys, it's super hot.
    3 points
  11. I recently had a hot date with a much younger woman of 22. She kept hitting on me when I saw her st the office down the hall from me. Recently we had some 85 degree days after a long snowy winter. She started wearing mini skirts and tight T shirt tops. This girl is a full B cup so she looks very nice. She is 5 5 115 at my estimate. I took her out to a Thai restaurant and then a movie followed by a walk on the promenade. We were out about 5 hours when she started complaining about her bladder being full. She had no where to fo so she had to hold it. Took he back to my house. She ran t
    2 points
  12. Like many of you on this site I too have a pee fetish and I really like many things about girls peeing. I also am going through many kinds of issues right now from personal to health ones. And they are pretty difficult to go through. And I think people on this site do care for each which is a good thing. It feels good when you can get sympathy and motivation from people that you can relate with. It's also really awesome that people with a pee fetish can openly and proudly talk about our fetish here without feeling guilt and shame. Many people in the real world will call us freaks and weirdos.
    2 points
  13. One of the main perks of my job working in hospitality specifically is the alleyway. Where I work is a busy bar on a popular street so our alley is always being used as a public toilet As a peefan I always volunteer to take the bin out because I know there will always be pee activity. Our kitchen stairs overlook the alley and I always take my smoke breaks there during the weekend to get some good sightings. anybody else have the same experience working in hospitality?
    2 points
  14. Hi all New here but not new in pee. Looking forward to talk and make new friends. Glad to have found this forum
    2 points
  15. Probably my kids and the way they're gonna grow up in this world. Everything I do I do for them. From waking up at six am to make sure they're prepared for school, to helping them with homework when they need it, to taking them to all their birthday parties and playdates, buying them what they want and need (when reasonable), and so on. I had to quit my job to put them and their needs first, and my plans after graduating university include working from home if possible. Not only is it what I want cause I am a hermit lol, but I want to show my kids that no matter what they can follow thei
    2 points
  16. They make it too fun not to. The saddest thing for me is when I'm stuck, forced to use a regular bathroom. I don't know how to normalize pissing in public other than just doing in whenever I can.
    2 points
  17. ...and leave no alley, no bush, no tree, no wall, etc. unpissed. I agree, the only places I want to piss are where I shouldn't piss.
    2 points
  18. We are on holiday now. We are doing a big round trip through Mexico and Guatemala. We are sleeping in a different hotel almost every night. One of those hotels was in the middle of the jungle in Guatemala. It wasn't a hotel with rooms, but they were all seperate wooden lodges amidst the jungle. It was all very basic. We only had a sink in the room and the toilets and showers were outside. As my gf is currently pregnant, she needs to pee more often than usual. She went to one of those toilets first but said they were very dirty and that she would try to avoid them if possible. It was also
    2 points
  19. I get even smaller during my runs. The blood really flows elsewhere when you exercise. It's good that I can even find my dick if I need to pull over for a pee during a run, haha
    2 points
  20. Hi everyone, you might remember my post taking suggestions on what to do pee wise on my day at the waterpark. Im here to write up everything that happened. I took many suggestions from other sources aswell. I have never peed so much in such a condensed time, or drank so much water. For a bit of background, i really like one piece swimsuits, i wear them all the time incorporated in my outfits as tops, etc, but i was challanged to try a bikini. I havent worn one since i was a really young kid. So first I needed to acquire one. I thought i could get it done on the day before the park,
    2 points
  21. @Dr.P I think not just some but perhaps every human girl that can hear knows what girls sound like when they pee. And perhaps quite a lot of girls realize that their pee sounds are very unique and very erotic too. And the female piss desperation along with sighs of relief and a girl saying something like this to herself while in the act of peeing, "Oh man I really had to pee" all of this is very erotic along with it all being embarrassing too. I think many girls who try to hide their very sexy pee sounds or at least make their pee sounds less noisy and sexy by like spreading the lips to stop
    2 points
  22. Chat has broken for me (00:32. 23/09) The main chat at the bottom of the page, and the chat at https://peefans.com/chatbox/room/1-live-chat/ do not work, but the little live chat in the corner does. Windows 11 laptop running Firefox, haven't tried other devices, sorry!
    2 points
  23. How do you open a banana? With a mon-key. I used to run a dating service for chickens, but I was struggling to make hens meet.
    2 points
  24. Just relaxing in the hotel room tonight 😇
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. As long as I knew them, sure lol. Don't know about peeing at my ex's house cause I prefer to pee for leisure rather than revenge. If I could pee anywhere in my own house I'd do it in a heartbeat 🤷🏽‍♀️
    2 points
  27. Do girls pee and guys piss or do girls piss and guys pee? In my humble opinion watching both genders pee I gotta say girls piss since we piss with such force and loudly meanwhile a guy pees is usually quieter.
    1 point
  28. Welcome to the site. English pissers seem to dominate the game (sorry if I am calling you by the wrong term Yank school is great for teaching people who can't read) I hope you can do you're park to make sure stairwells and parking garages remain wet and full of piss.
    1 point
  29. @Remi Yeah some girls definitely try to completely hide their pee sounds or at least make their pee sounds less audible. But other girls are exact opposite and don't care about exactly who hears them pee even when they get those really sexy gushing and hissing sounds while peeing. And some girls will try to be discreet sometimes but other times the same girls won't try to be discreet with their pee sounds. Human females are such fascinating creatures. And their behavior regarding many things can be very fascinating too, especially when their peeing is involved. But I say girls are truly doing
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I was at home and needed a pee. It wasn't urgent yet, so I decided to drink some more water first. It being summer, I wanted to go and GO outside again, so I put on a dress and sneakers, no panties. It rained slightly, so pretty much everything outside was wet, which must mean free reign to go anywhere, right? This time I left our yard to go to a tiny wooded area nearby. It is a kind of strip of woods between two larger roads, nice for a small walk and quite popular with dog owners. Because of the rain, however, there were very few people around. Not wanting to waste my pee j
    1 point
  32. That's hot as fuck. Some times I'll wait for another guy to get to the urinal next to me and I'll deliberately drench the wall ( I'm tall and I piss over the urinal on the wall or just let it it the floor. Got some weird looks but nobody has said anything. I think I need to start strait up pissing on the wall.
    1 point
  33. After the work day, I went to the indoor swimming center with a friend. It had been a warm day and I had been drinking a fair amount of water. We got ready and got in the pool where we swam and chatted for around 30 minutes. Towards the end I was starting to feel a need, but I didn't want to go in the water. As it was a warm day outside, it was fairly empty at the center, but we were by no means the only ones there. We got out and started walking past the other lanes and a booth where the personnel sits, towards the showers. I had peed during this walk last time, but the floor
    1 point
  34. Silently slipped out onto the deck again. This time I deliberately chose an area that was still dry but close to where the rain will reach. It will be hard to tell which part is wet from the rain and which from piss. I decided to try and take a few pictures. So I tucked my dress up my sweater and lifted one foot on a stair. My bladder was now very eager. The pee was already flowing when I managed to get the camera in the right place. The flow kept going. I managed to take about ten pictures before just allowing myself to enjoy the rest of the pee. Once I was done, I sat down in
    1 point
  35. When I got back down to the street I walked back over to the shop and leant on the wall, scoping out the queue for the bar and checking out the new people who had joined. I was happy to see when I looked down the queue that the three girls who had got the cans of lager were still there, now 3rd in line. I was even happier to see the blonde girl in the green jumpsuit dancing on the spot. At first it just looked like her and one of her friends were just dancing but then she showed the tell tale signs of needing to pee. She kept doing little bobs on the spot and couldn’t keep her legs still. I sm
    1 point
  36. The second sighting of the night came from a really cute short girl with dirty blonde hair. My attention was drawn initially as I heard giggling and laughing up at the top of the road by McDonald's and soon saw it was a group of four people walking down the road, acting stupid and having fun. At first I just enjoyed their antics as they slowly made their way down but then one of the group, the little blonde girl stopped, bent over and moaned "stop it, your going to make me piss myself". As they continued down the girl kept laughing at the two guys and each time she started laughing she s
    1 point
  37. I had not long since left my friends and was sat on the bench at the top of the steps watching the people coming and going and waiting for it to get a little busier. Once it gets busier queues start to form to get into bars and more people want the ATM and this is when it is more likely to witness/overhear desperation and scope out potential sightings. It gradually started to get busier and I was thinking about moving down onto the street to see if I could scope out my first sighting of the evening. As I was debating where to head to first a group of guys came across and up the steps and
    1 point
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