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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2023 in Posts

  1. Yes I got to do this not too long ago for the first time.. leading up to it, I sat there with my face right up to her vagina the whole time she was peeing in the toilet.. I also put my fingers and tongue under her stream. When I wiped her vagina she told me it “tickled”.. It was pretty cool moment to say the least..
    5 points
  2. I was working away and the then wife and kids came down to stay for a week. The weather was good so they went to the beach most days, kids were only 5 & 3. I would meet them back at the B&B or on the beach. The wife was a blond slim girl around 5’8”. She was wearing a summer dress and a pair of yellow panties, no bra. I gave her a hug and a kiss as I joined them and shouted to the kids who were busy digging for buried treasure or some such thing. The wife looked edgy so I asked if everything was ok, she said no not really I’ve been wanting a piss this last half hour and these won’t com
    4 points
  3. yes! its so fun. my most recent, after a short but none-the-less excruciating hold, ended up happening in the bushes behind a, i think, dentist office last night. 😇
    4 points
  4. Perfect start to the morning ... for everyone 😍. Thank you @puddyls!
    4 points
  5. I would quite happily wipe someone especially if I got to see the pee that preceded the need to wipe
    4 points
  6. i was already taking pix and stuff. lol. like i said i kinda meant to have a play, just didn't know it would all happen outdoors. 😇
    4 points
  7. During my wanderings I ended up back at the pedestrianised street with a handful of bars and it was quite busy so I spent some time wandering up and down and from that got two simple sightings courtesy of the long queues for the bars. The first one came from a gorgeous curvy blonde milf type in a figure hugging orange dress. She came with a group of friends down the street and they stopped outside one of the bars. They were looking up and down the street at the different bars and debating whether they wanted to go somewhere else or call it a night. As they were debating the blonde starte
    4 points
  8. Yes ! I do it almost every morning after my morning run in some desolate spot in the park
    3 points
  9. This is the next chapter in the Tales of a Furniture Wetter series. It contains female desperation, peeing, wetting, furniture wetting, and masturbation. As the work day ended, I stepped out of my office and debated stopping by the bathroom before making the long trek to my car. I would have considered another trip to the 6th floor, but so many of my coworkers were on the elevator, and I couldn't think of a proper response if they asked why I was getting off on the 5th floor. Instead, I rushed out of the building to the elevator and walked carefully to my car. I was feeling some pre
    2 points
  10. Hi, my biggest fantasy is somoeone wiping for me after i pee. Do yall have any experience or stories on either end of that?
    2 points
  11. Have you ever just whipped it out or popped a squat while other people are around? Lately I can't seem to get this off my mind, and I want to hear your experiences with it (either as the pee-er, or witnessing it). I'm especially enthralled by the thought of doing it in front of the opposite sex, and with friends or colleagues who you've no sexual connection with. Some examples of what I'm imagining are: - Walking in the city at night with a friend, and just peeing against the streetlight while you wait for the light to change. - Relieving yourself into a bottle while sitting bes
    2 points
  12. Sometimes when browsing pictures to post here, i caught myself wondering how babies pass trough such a tiny thing! Truly a wonder of the female body!
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Brad, thanks for the feedback. I had the two girls and others over for younger sister birthday party as she just turned 20. When all the folks left the most pee fun began. I will not get into details on my gf who is a power pisser on the porcelain but rather give you another glimpse on her racy sister. Young girl is 5 7 115 and wore three inch heels, black short sleeveless sequin dress with black bra and lacy black panties. I am lucky I can observe her bc my gf and her sister ar3 both into pee and voyeuristic behavior but with just me. Your girl of interest can hold up to 4 hours whi
    2 points
  15. my jill session this morning wasn't exactly impromptu, though i also didn't exactly plan to masturbate outside. it was just the longer i sat out casually caressing my muffin in between sips of coffee the harder it was to refrain. and before i knew it i'd given myself a mild orgasm. but what was even less planned was that it felt so good that i kept going despite maybe having an audience. 🤭
    2 points
  16. I’ve had my fair share of time in the ladies’ bathrooms. I’ll be happy to share my stories in detail to anyone interested through my personal messenger. In the meantime I will share one here, which happens to be my first time doing this. I was in a hotel and was bored and had time to kill, and clearly must’ve been feeling kinda horny. I went to the lobby and sat down somewhere I was facing the corridor to the bathrooms. After a few minutes without seeing any women walking in or out, I was sure enough the ladies room was vacant, so I walked straight in and went right into a stall. There w
    2 points
  17. As I mentioned in the post above I had two sightings in that Tesco spot. This one happened later in the night after a couple of other sightings but I will post about it first. I was wandering around a stretch of main road towards the centre of the city which had 5 big bars/clubs along it so there were concentrated crowds of people all along the road. I was wandering up and down the road checking out the bar queues and people milling around when I came across my next fun encounter of the evening. As I was wandering around there was a constant stream of taxis and Uber picking people up and
    2 points
  18. Around seven years ago I decided for the first time to try a more open area whilst being nonchalant. I was bursting since I had been looking for an area that seemed like a good spot to try out. I stopped at a busy rest stop and sat on a bench. I pulled my dress up a little, sans panties, scooted forward and watered the sidewalk. Three people were making a beeline to the bench next to me so I tried to stop but couldn’t so I just pushed it out faster and left. I’m pretty sure they figured it out but I was already halfway to my car.
    2 points
  19. I love the idea of nonchalant peeing. I find it really hot when someone is just completely unbothered about what others might think. I wish I was that open myself! There have only been a few times I've been around nonchalant peeing. Once was during college when I was walking with a group of friends to a party. We were cutting through a lawn between two apartment complexes and as we passed by a particularly shadowy part near a tree, one of the guys in the group just said "give me a minute," turned around, and started peeing on the tree. He must have really had to go, because it ended up be
    2 points
  20. Do girls pee and guys piss or do girls piss and guys pee? In my humble opinion watching both genders pee I gotta say girls piss since we piss with such force and loudly meanwhile a guy pees is usually quieter.
    1 point
  21. I have a pretty large capacity, which is great, except it takes forever to fill up. That also means when I let go, the process is long too. I need a balance between not going for eight hours and then peeing for eight minites. I was taking a walk in the neighborhood park the other day. The time was early morning and I had made sure not to go when I got up. The place was fairly deserted, so I thought it would be fun to see how long I could go in one place before I had to move to stay hidden. I found a nice secluded bench and sat down with my legs spread and just let loose. My stream is aver
    1 point
  22. Today, before shopping in a local food market. A friend and I decided we should piss outside before going into the store. I pissed behind a large dumpster behind the market. I always try to piss outside every day.
    1 point
  23. I haven't done pee play in literally years, the last time I did I think I Peed down the stairwell four years ago. Today I power pissed off of the island in my kitchen onto the floor into a bowl that lasted about 45 seconds and it was such a huge, messy puddle. The second time it was over my toilet and it splattered all over my legs, the toilet seat and the floor. The third time was outside when I was going for a walk in the park and I've been by a tree took off my shorts squatted down and power pissed all over the grass . It felt really fucking good and I want to piss one more time. Where shou
    1 point
  24. Unrelated but @Bacardi I drank a cup and a half of watermelon lemonade that I made and now I'm pissing like crazy. Just pissed behind the nightstand too. Hoping no one finds the wet spot lol.
    1 point
  25. @737DK737 This story is absolutely perfect I wonder what his mom reaction would be if she saw him pissing in his room.
    1 point
  26. Imo women are less vulgar when men are present. If they think nobody can hear the gloves come off.
    1 point
  27. A mix of having a large bladder and being able to hold it for a long time. After an hour of drinking I had to go quiet bad, but held it for an additional 3 hours and around 7-10 beers caused me to take the longest piss I've ever had.
    1 point
  28. My longest was roughly around 5 minutes. A few friends and I were at another friend's house having a small "party", there were only 6 of us so I don't know if we can really call that a party. We spent the night drinking and fucking around playing drinking games which caused me to need to pee quite quickly but I decided to just hold it and go later (I'm really good at holding my piss in for long periods of time, even when drunk). After a few hours I figured I would finally go piss, because even though I didn't feel like I was bursting, I was getting quite drunk and have pissed myself befor
    1 point
  29. Chapter One - AA Meeting “I am Radha, and I am an alcoholic” introduced a nervous woman, while 15 people seated around her echoed “Hey Radha!” cheerfully. Convincing herself to share at a meeting felt extremely challenging. Plagued by intrusive thoughts - “Maybe the next meeting”, “No one will be interested to hear you”, “what if you stammer, and go blank”, played like a negative campaign in her mind, as she boiled in her own misery. But somehow Radha found that courage, a tiny ray of motivation that stopped the madness in her head, and drove things into action. A 35 year old woman,
    1 point
  30. I live alone so I can pee anywhere I want. But actually I only pee where I don't need to clean like backyard or potted plants.
    1 point
  31. That's a good thought. I hadn't really thought about it and it doesn't really make sense. Stories will be more realistic if I include this. Thanks for the tip, I'll use it next time 😉
    1 point
  32. Id love to hear more stories. Maybe one about the daughters having a yellow morning pee on the carpet 😉
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Here I peed the bed. I put a blanket on the bed so as not to wet the mattress, I looked in the laundry basket and took my wife's panties
    1 point
  35. Here I was dressed in my wife's panties and peeing in a shed
    1 point
  36. Hello again, thank you all for the kind comments. It's nice to see people enjoying what I made. Here is the next chapter; it's a bit short, but more is coming. Enjoy! 2. The Uber Contains female peeing, car peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Monique arrived at the train station in Berlin, desperate to relieve herself. This came at the expense of an unsuspecting Uber driver who drove the couple to the hotel. —————————————————— We were now in Berlin and only had to go from the station to the hotel where my sister was waiting for us. I knew my wife was bursti
    1 point
  37. When I see the lines for bathroom, I usually go somewhere else. I don't say "the other bathroom" though...lol
    1 point
  38. The reasons why I pee on the plants are 1, 2 and 4. And why I believe peeing on them is a good thing is I never kill them with my pee. I've never seen the plants withered even though I've peed on the plants outdoor and indoor many times . I'm not sure my pee is good for the plants but at least I can say my pee is harmless to them.
    1 point
  39. I would rather pee in pubic because it's much more fun for me. If no bathroom is available something must be surved as my toilet anyway.
    1 point
  40. I peed in the flowerbed right next to our classroom with my friends in high school days.
    1 point
  41. Where has she pissed? When shopping, she always pisses in the changing room or in the elevator / stairwell, sometimes even behind a clothes rack in the shop. In the furniture store, she often pisses in hidden corners. In general, she likes to piss in stairwells and elevators. And the classic places like parking lots,in the sauna on the bench or hidden corners in side streets. Pissing off your seat in the cinema might be something special. But meanwhile i piss in these places also just not so obviously.
    1 point
  42. I love this. How casual everybody are with just pissing in his room, marvelous. Hope too see more in this series.
    1 point
  43. My Room used as Toilet 2 My sister, let's call her Linda, was starting to get used to seeing my room as a toilet.She often said to her friends that she was going to the bathroom and went straight to my room. Then pissed himself off, wiped dry and left. One of her friends must find out where Linda goes to the toilet.Her friend, Sina with brown hair and slightly curvy, asked her about it.I heard Linda say I'll show you my toilet up here later. When I was cooking in the kitchen that evening, I heard both girls go into my room, giggling. I then went up the stairs quietly and stood at my d
    1 point
  44. This sighting happened many years ago and sticks in my memory as it was the first time I witnessed someone peeing so openly in public. As a kid I saw family and family friends peeing outside a lot but this was the first time I had seen a complete stranger doing it. I was around 12/13 at the time and had been out at the pub with my Dad. I was spending the night at his house so when we came out of the pub we walked across the road to get a taxi home. Across the Town square was another pub and there were a few people standing outside. As we were stood waiting my Dad's friend
    1 point
  45. My girlfriend peeing I guess that I got interested in females peeing when out and about with my girlfriend. If we needed to pee we would go to a public toilet, I would go into the gents and if it was empty she would come in too, I would use the urinal while she would go into one of the cubicles. I could some times hear her pee hitting the water in the toilet pan as she peed. At the toilets at our local park she would ask me in with her as the only cubicle in the gents did not lock so I had to keep the door closed for her. On these times she would quickly drop her jeans and pants and si
    1 point
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