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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2023 in Posts

  1. Hello Peefamily, Hey everyone it’s Abby here again I’m going to tell you my tell you guys something I keep secret for long time. So many of you who follow and read my content will know I personally like peeing standing. I always use the excuse that my mom potty trained me standing since it more convenient all that was a lie. When I was born I was born with a defect in my urethra first it was shorter than usual, it reached it’s normal length when I was 2 but the first couple of years I struggle UTI’s. Now second and most importantly my urethra has an issue that’s facing up
    14 points
  2. Many moons ago we went camping with family friends. There were 3 families on the trip. One of the moms was a kind of a milf, maybe 35 and blonde. I remember having a bit of a crush on her. Anyway, one afternoon I was exploring the woods near our tents. I was crouched down near some bushes examining rocks when I saw the milf approaching. She didn't see me through the bushes and appeared to be looking around. I was wondering what she was up to so I decided to keep quiet and find out. Lo and behold she was looking for a spot to pee! As luck would have it, she chose to pee right between the b
    8 points
  3. Me pissing along the side of a factory entrance... on the way home
    6 points
  4. One thing that’s taken a long time to sink in - or maybe my most genius discovery - depending if I’m the only one that never realised. You can never judge a book by its cover. And definitely you never know a what fears, worries and issues person is carrying around with them. There are many people I’ve got to know and love who to all around give the impression of being strong, funny, confident and beautiful people. People you and I would consider to be far too perfect and out of our league. But so many with longstanding issues in their lives. Maybe physical medical conditions o
    5 points
  5. First time I can clearly remember is with my cousin. We were both probably around five or six. Our family was really sheltered so left us to discover the differences of our body all on our own. We had been playing outside in his play area (backyard with a whole bunch of trees and had one fo those plastic things that was like a house, we were inside that) and he said he really needed to pee so he pushed his pants down and took out his penis and I was like WHAT because I had never seen one before. He showed me how he could pee standing up and aiming his penis on the wall of his play house and I
    5 points
  6. My answer to this is: probably Maybe some of you remember how in the past I've shared some stories about my coworker "Liza" who quite often needs to pee and is not afraid to tell or show us once the time comes. Which is one of the reasons why I enjoy working with her. Also, she's a person who likes to prank and tease people whenever she can (always in good fun of course). And it happened multiple times that occasionaly I'd reveal something that bothers me and she would then use that as an excuse to piss me of. So, a few months ago, I, being the big brain that I am, had an
    4 points
  7. Yesterday afternoon one of those lovely spontaneous moments happened. K came into the dining room wearing a little strappy vest, spotty white knickers and a pair of Birkenstock sandals and said "Come outside. I need a wee and I just thought I would go outside for you. No talking when we open the door though in case the neighbours hear." This doesn't happen very often! We walked round the corner to the part of the garden that isn't overlooked, and she pulled down her knickers, kicked them behind her, and stood with her legs a little more than shoulder-width apart, then pulled on her pussy
    3 points
  8. Hello! I recorded this video a couple of years ago. After a long day in the office without bathroom break I had a full bladder and took a relieving underwater piss into my bathtub. It created a pretty nice yellow cloud. I hope you like it! Link to video: https://www.erome.com/a/pGUGIWer
    3 points
  9. Hi All, Today I carried out probably the riskiest wetting I've done in quite a long time! It was on a walk that I went on this morning, and it was really rather exciting! 😄 I mapped out a little route that'd take around 40 minutes from my house, round through a local forest, and then back the most discrete route I could think of. I then drank plenty so I had a nice full bladder before I'd even left the house. It's very difficult to pee in public for me unless I'm absolutely bursting, so that's what I did. As soon as my bladder was nice and full, I changed into a nice pair of bla
    3 points
  10. It's been a few weeks since I got knocked off my bike and I finally felt I could manage a ride. So Friday night I got my MTB out of storage (my road bike got trashed in the accident) and got it ready for a ride..... Complete mental block. My heart says go for it, you'll be fine but my head just won't let me get on it. I've tried all weekend but all I do is stare at it. Never ever thought I'd be too nervous to get on a bike but here I am and don't know what to do about it
    3 points
  11. Well, it sounds to me like she is doing what she thinks is right if you told her it makes you uncomfortable when you know people have to pee and can't lol. Sounds like she is being a good friend to me 🤷🏽‍♀️
    3 points
  12. It's a big thing to share something that personal. Thanks for telling us, and I am happy you don't have problems now and can enjoy being special 💗
    3 points
  13. New purchase from Ann Summers 😏😇
    3 points
  14. Hello again, sorry for the long wait, but I finally finalized the third chapter. I hope you enjoy it! 3. The naughty brunette Contains female peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Harry and Monique arrived at the back of the hotel and entered the hotel stairwell. Here they met a horny couple, and the girl was not shy to relieve herself in front of them at the expense of the hotel. ________________________ We walked from where we were dropped off to the hotel and approached it from the back. We were about to walk around the building when I noticed the fire exit wa
    3 points
  15. Maybe just climb aboard. Then get off. Put it away. Just start by getting into the saddle without going anywhere. Baby steps? And you may have found this, but the third example here might be helpful: https://trainright.com/how-to-get-your-confidence-back-after-a-cycling-crash/ Good luck x
    2 points
  16. I think everyone is going to notice with this one! 😍
    2 points
  17. A couple of weekends ago,I was out for a walk in an area near to where I live,which is popular with dog walkers and also not far from houses.It was a warm day,so there was quite a few people out and about.I had set out with a slight need to pee,but as I walked along it became much stronger,so I started to look for somewhere to empty my bladder and get some relief.I was nervous and that added to my need.After nearly 20 minutes,i realised it was now or never,so after quickly checking I stepped off the path just a few metres, in front of some bushes.Quickly unzipping,I wasted no more time.I whipp
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Well I like my dick 🤪
    2 points
  20. https://www.threads.net/t/Cuc72Vfu3Nu/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Quick summary: tiktok style scripted video of a man "peeing" in someone's front yard (moaning really loud) and someone walks up to him telling him to leave. The pee goes further and further up the second man as the video goes on. I thought it was funny 😁
    2 points
  21. I do like peeing in the bath near the end of it. Kind of a reflex to pee in water especially when naked
    2 points
  22. Always wondered how peeing with a peehole streched is for males? Here is the answer!
    2 points
  23. I’ve been home alone all weekend and i’ve been enjoying having free rein of the house to piss where I want. I’ve walked around the house diapered up and wet myself multiple times throughout the day. I’ve also gone out on my deck naked and just freely pissed even though my neighbors might be looking. Today was the last day I was going to be home alone and I wanted to piss somewhere really naughty. I chugged lots of water and touched myself while I scrolled through this site. I was sooo wet at the thought of releasing my bladder somewhere extra naughty. When the desperation really set
    1 point
  24. I haven't done pee play in literally years, the last time I did I think I Peed down the stairwell four years ago. Today I power pissed off of the island in my kitchen onto the floor into a bowl that lasted about 45 seconds and it was such a huge, messy puddle. The second time it was over my toilet and it splattered all over my legs, the toilet seat and the floor. The third time was outside when I was going for a walk in the park and I've been by a tree took off my shorts squatted down and power pissed all over the grass . It felt really fucking good and I want to piss one more time. Where shou
    1 point
  25. As we stumbled out of the restaurant, giggling and feeling a little tipsy, I glanced over at my older sister, Ilsa. Her mischievous smile matched mine as we made our way to the car. It had been a fun evening so far, catching up and enjoying some drinks together. However, as we merged into the evening traffic, a familiar urge began to gnaw at both of us. We exchanged nervous glances, silently acknowledging the growing urgency in our bladders. We desperately needed a restroom, but the endless stretch of cars and concrete offered no respite. The minutes ticked by agonizing
    1 point
  26. I had a similar experience when I had a minor incident involving a hedge. I was a little cut and bruised but okay and my bike was fine but I had lost all of my confidence on that first ride. I was more cautious than ever. I knew it was a freak accident but it was so hard getting over that initial mental hurdle. It's really, really difficult but the best thing to do is just get back on the horse, and I understand that is easier said than done. I'm sorry that my reply isn't more helpful.
    1 point
  27. I'm happy it has worked out well for you, no matter how it happened. In any case, you always have the best stories.
    1 point
  28. I need someone to encourage me to hold it until I burst. I've never done it before and I always give up before that point. Anyone want to help?
    1 point
  29. That is flippin unbelievable!! You must’ve been pretty hidden for her to be that close to you while facing you and not even see you!.. how old were you at the time?
    1 point
  30. The desperation is like foreplay to me. It makes the experience better, but if it isn’t done right, or I can tell it’s phoned in, it kind of kills the vibe.
    1 point
  31. Never been interested in pee drinking, but now? Hmmm.....
    1 point
  32. I’m so happy that your chemo is going so well I’ve now we’ve never talked but I will keep you in mind and send well wishes to you. You can beat this kick that cancers ass.
    1 point
  33. So my local gym has a room that they show movies in as you work out it’s pitch dark in there except for the movie screen I was the only one in there since it was 4 am. So I was using the bicycle I was wearing loose fitting shorts no panties I move the side a bit and begin peeing I aim away from the bike I finish wipe and go to the entrance to let the employee know someone spilled their drink in the movie room
    1 point
  34. 6 JULY 2023 I'm in my native country and today I had free time. I was alone in my house, so I did something I want since months ago, pissing in the parking lot of my neighborhood. I wake up early and drank a Ceylon tea, then I decided to wear my favorite pair of jean shorts and a stylish long sleeve blouse, my jean shorts covered less than half of my thighs and it's light colored. I drank two glasses of water in a row without stopping, I waited for despair to come, I was sitting in order to press my belly to make myself want to urinate. Then seeing that the urge
    1 point
  35. Hey there! I'm a trans man as well. Nice to meet you and enjoy the site! Ps. I've posted a number of videos on here of my hotel piss adventures.
    1 point
  36. Fantastic picture. Love the panties❤️
    1 point
  37. A very good cock to suck. Does anyone want?
    1 point
  38. There were fireworks for Canada Day, I really needed to pee. We went to the park to watch the fireworks and me and my friends sat on the grass and drank some drinks while we waited. After a bit I had to pee super bad, but there were no washrooms. I got up and walked around to see if I could go behind something but there were no hiding spots because there were too many people. So I just went back to sit on the grass with my friends. When the fireworks started, I couldn’t hold it anymore so I decided to pee through my swim shorts into the grass. The grass absorbed it so quickly, and Nobody notic
    1 point
  39. Oh I totally have some. I'll have to remember to post them here!
    1 point
  40. I really love urbex photography and I’ve been to quite a few places, both recently abandoned and quite decayed. I remember I went urbexing for a whole weekend once, me and my bf slept in a hotel nearby overnight but we spent both days going through the deserted village/former hospital complex looking for pretty scenes. We mostly peed on balconies that were subjected to the weather anyway, but we also pissed all over the walls of one backroom that already had broken windows and rain coming in☺️ In the more recently abandoned places it somehow felt more offensive to pee inside (even in one build
    1 point
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