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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2023 in Posts

  1. It was definitely quiet in town and after the girl in the churchyard there was nothing going on. I was caught in the debate of whether to hang out because something might happen or just give up and head home. Once the street became completely dead I decided to head up to the top side and see what it was like there before getting myself an uber. I walked up the main road and stood outside McDonald’s. There was quite a crowd of people so I stood against the railings checking people out, still debating whether I should head home. There seemed to be an influx of people coming up the main road
    10 points
  2. I have an overactive bladder at night, so I often need to pee 2-3x while I’m sleeping. At home I can just stumble to the bathroom 10 feet away, however when camping it’s often a 2-3 min walk each way to the nearest washroom. There’s lots of different small critters around (racoons and such) and they can be a little vicious if you surprise them, so the walk is always a bit worrisome. instead, a few years ago I started peeing against a tree whenever I had to go at night. Depending on what I’m wearing (and the weather) I sometimes stand, spread my legs and use my fingers to spread my li
    5 points
  3. So I just found out about these female urinals called "Pollee," and they were surprisingly successful and well-recieved by women. Developed by Peebetter and UIWE, They debuted at the 2011 Roskilde music festival in Denmark, where three prototypes were unveiled. These were: Pollee Shy – "for those who appreciate privacy" a fully enclosed open-air variant for those hesitant to bare all in front of possibly hundreds, thousands of people. Pollee Topless – "a good view, yet some discretion" a middle ground between shy and naked, that offers some privacy but still fairly open. Poll
    4 points
  4. I had a chance for my absolute favorite type of piss today; I love a low-squat, high pressure outdoor piss. It’s so satisfying especially when I can see my piss pooling https://www.erome.com/a/wNDqKLSV
    4 points
  5. So after this morning’s pee, I worked online from my car in the lot for a while until things became…pressing again. But by that time it was around lunch and the weather is perfect so people started arriving to walk over their lunch break. I knew the lot would not clear out again for a while, so I grabbed my brand new Pstyle and headed down the trail. It was a beautiful walk and I used that to my advantage to try to look casual while thinking about my options. I paused to watch a blue heron, saw a baby snake, turtles, and about a hundred frogs. So I slowly strolled gauging about how o
    4 points
  6. Hahaha thanks! I know detailing being clumsy isn’t classically “sexy,” but it’s real and I’ve reached an age where I realized a lot of my anxiety when I was a younger adult was because I thought everyone else was perfect. So I like to normalize weaknesses (aka developing skills 😘)
    3 points
  7. These are to me the absolute best type of sightings. First of all she made no attempt to hide other than going down a quiet street, secondly, presumably she saw you coming when she was yet to be undressed but she still proceeded with unzipping and peeing. Thirdly she apologised making it clear that she felt she was the one in the wrong, and was not worried about the fact that you were walking up towards her. Finally, the fact that the conversation and the situation put everything at ease, allowing you to enjoy the view fully and even have a cheerful end to the sighting as she shouted goo
    3 points
  8. haha. outside of just normal talking for the things i did, just one guy cat calling me, and another one who whistled. at least that's all i heard anyone say. to get gas, the bank (atm), a coffee shop, and grocery shopping. i did have shorts with me. but only wore those for the last two stops. 🤭
    3 points
  9. omg! i felt kinda spunky, so totally went out to do stuff in just my underwear. teehee 🤭 and the incredibly thrill i got allowing myself to be so vulnerable made me feel really sexy. 😇
    3 points
  10. This happened some years ago now and somehow the details about everything else than the piss are very hazy. It was summertime and I was in Central Europe. I had taken a regional train, so it was a simple one with soft seats but no carpet on the floor. I was probably sitting in the very last carriage and was alone for most of the journey. Though it wasn't a long journey, I had probably been drinking quite a lot of water, since it was warm and important to keep hydrated. In any case, I was starting to feel the need to go. I genuinely cannot remember if the train had toilets.
    3 points
  11. This is the video: https://www.erome.com/a/k0pRadYR Enjoy 😎
    2 points
  12. Dear, while I can grasp the meaning of this declaration of yours, I'd like to dispute the concept the "clumpsy" and "sexy" cannot co-exist...
    2 points
  13. I am on a business trip today, having a short pee break by the roadside. I relief myself on a hiking trail next to a river. Just as I was unpacking my cock and starting to pee, a couple with a dog passed by. I stopped peeing and hid my hose again, letting some drips into my pants. As I was alone again, I continued peeing in the middle of the path, turning myself 180° so that my puddle showes a half circle. That's fun 😎. On the otjer side of the river, there were some bicycles passing by, but I didn't mind as they are too far avay and can't catch me because of the water, haha. Video to fol
    2 points
  14. I really want to see the Pollee Naked in action. I agree exhibitionists would love it, because even popping a squat would be more discreet.
    2 points
  15. Hi! Im trans masc-ish nonbinary. Great to see other trans folks here!
    2 points
  16. I was taking a walk in the woods near my place earlier today. I had to pee and there wasn't anyone around so I stepped off the path around some bushes to be discrete if anyone were to come by. Well as I'm half way done, I notice a homeless woman who I've seen several times before just staring at my dick. I just finished up, shook it and zipped up. I've seen her before, she's nice she asks to pet my dog. I don't know if she enjoyed it, but I did
    2 points
  17. Lovely happy eyes and beatiful Soul... Even if you come fully naked into shop people will feel that at first...
    2 points
  18. If you feel unsure about this, I recommend you to try out what you want at a swimming pool not too close to where you live or usually go to. If you, for example, head for the other side of the town, you at least lower the risk to be caught by anyone you know
    2 points
  19. Really love this video of two guys stopping for a piss in some sort of indoor mall. Naturally they don't look around for bathrooms, but just hose down a storefront. I love when men exercise their right to whip it out and go wherever they want! https://thisvid.com/videos/guys-caught-pissing-on-store-display/
    2 points
  20. Hey there. So, I actually work as a coat check girl in a strip club. That might sound odd, but we have been in operation for over 80 years and they are leaning on "tradition." Anyway, I have short story to tell. The other day we had a group of fellows come in, we get lots of high-end business men in suit jackets, which means I do serve a purpose other than eye-candy at the entrance. To give you an idea, I'm required to be topless, and must be wearing a thong. Otherwise, I have complete freedom. I often put on a cup-less bra or garters. They even allow me crotchless thongs once a month or whe
    2 points
  21. A lovely solo piss off the side of the bed for you guys! And a pic standing over her impressive puddle afterwards https://drive.proton.me/urls/GRDYFNRFKR#jg2ILocNE2Vm Password is the same as our username on this website.
    2 points
  22. Hey, this is my first story and i'm not a native english speakter. So grammar and times are kinda picked randomly in some cases. I hope you enjoy it! Also made a little generated graphic for the characters that fits to the point i surrendered trying 😄 This story contains content like pee vandalism, property damage, female despeartionm female peeing. All characters and events are works of fiction. Act I The blurry noise of people around her filled the air, as Sam, a determined businesswoman, settled into her seat in the train compartment. Dressed in a sleek charcoal skirt
    2 points
  23. Maybe not weird so much as naughty, but I have peed on the floor in a train. It felt so good but I did feel guilty afterwards.
    2 points
  24. This story contains extreme vandalism which may not be for everyone's taste, all fictional events with piss vandalism and hard sex. In the wealthy neighborhood of Beverly Hills lived Amelia, a spoiled entitled girl who's stepdad was worth billions of dollars. Being the stepdaughter of a billionaire meant that Amelia could get anything she wanted, and lived in a beautiful mansion worth over 100 million dollars. The home was filled with expensive artwork, finishings, and prestigious items. But Amelia had a naughty desire, she loved nothing more then piss porn, and watched it everyday ru
    1 point
  25. I'm into photography myself and did this a while ago. Guess it belongs more into the food section, but the composition took long enough to concider it artsy? 😄 Always wash your veggies before cooking!
    1 point
  26. Welcome! I'm a trans woman and an advocate for piss equality for all.
    1 point
  27. This morning, I pulled into a lot near an infrequently used nature path. I’m practicing peeing in the outdoors since I do have a shy bladder and it can be miserable on hikes. I’ve backed into the same parking spot a few times now, in the far back corner of the little lot so I can see others as quickly as they see me. The first day I did this, I used a funnel to pee in a cup in the car with a sweatshirt further blocking the view just in case someone pulled in. I’ve worked my way up to this morning when I squatted out my car door! It felt so liberating more than sexual or naughty. I hope to work
    1 point
  28. Going to be getting the house to myself from Thursday through Sunday. Will definitely be peeing a lot wherever I feel like in that time! Couches, my bed, floors, kitchen, I’ll be sure to pee on everything I can and update!
    1 point
  29. After the sighting of the desperate blonde peeing it put me in the mood for sightings, however the town didn’t seem overly busy so I figured I would go check it out and if it was dead I would head home. As I walked along the main road the queue for the club was minimal and when I headed down to the churchyard the main street was quiet too. I headed up and sat on the bench at the top of the main steps to eat my food and whilst I was I checked out the people going by. There were a couple of moments I thought something might develop but ultimately nothing happened. Once I had finished my fo
    1 point
  30. I think he just didn’t see enough to be able to comment. He and I are pretty open and tease each other when we catch one another. Then again, sometimes he’s very tactful. A few months ago he got off of work a few hours early. I had been extremely horny for days but unable to cum and the few times I did weren’t satisfying it for me. I was in the shower with the detachable shower head on the hard stream setting watching videos of men pissing and imagining it was their piss on my clit instead of the shower. It took a while but I squeezed muscles to feel any little drop of my own piss and make the
    1 point
  31. I don't think I've ever peed in a pool, not as an adult anyways. Since reading all your stories, however, I decided to try something that is not just the toilet. My friend and I were at an indoor pool. I wasn't at all desperate and decided to just see how I felt later. So I didn't deliberately set out to pee but also figured I might try to go somewhere nice if the need arose. I didn't feel like peeing in the pool, but as I was swimming, I was looking at the floor being cleaned. It seemed like this big machine was wiping the floor almost all the time, maybe every 30 minutes or
    1 point
  32. Hello, I'm genderfluid! Welcome to the community. I know of a couple other trans community members here but I'll wait for them to introduce themselves if they wish. Rest assured you're not alone, wishing you the best! ❤️
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Does anyone else have experiences with pee breaks outdoors or in unconventional places during sports or sports practice? Playing soccer (or football outside the US) was never my favorite sport, but I did notice early on that it often led to outdoor peeing. In the EU pee breaks at the side of the field seemed common. In the US the clubs in my area often played at schools that were closed on the weekends (and thus no bathroom access). This meant lots of improvised peeing. Boys would often just go to a fence line and girls would go/be taken to somewhere a bit more out sight. California schoo
    1 point
  35. Hey there, It's Emma again. https://peefans.com/topic/2779-wet-carpet-magazine/?do=findComment&comment=350010 Remember when I said this? This is that story. A crucial part of being an account executive is the ability to navigate unforeseen circumstances. In my case, this skill extends beyond professional situations. Here's that very memorable story that unfolded during a long drive one morning to a client meeting. Navigating the meandering roads, I felt my bladder's plea for release grow more urgent. Having had a coffee as I left and sipped on water whilst driv
    1 point
  36. probably this specific thing: https://thisvid.com/videos/girl-pees-on-guy-in-bathtub/ having a desperate girl relieve herself on me, or even in my mouth (not really into drinking pee, but I would have no problem doing it for someone who was truly desperate), especially at the prompting of another girl? unimaginably hot. Although I would prefer that they not be drunk, I think, so we could both enjoy the experience better. I guess this is probably cringy... oh well
    1 point
  37. It was a female lifeguard. She was not on the tall chair though, she had been walking around and sort of patrolling the pool area and carrying a flutterboard clipboard. She stopped and sat at the edge of the pool with her legs in the water for a minute or so and placed the flutterboard on her lap and looked at a piece of laminated paper that was clipped to it and circled things on it a couple of times. When she stood up, I saw that the crotch area of her swimsuit between her legs was darkened. It was barely noticeable though, as it was dark navy blue. And once she was walking away, the darker
    1 point
  38. Really, what's the harm and why shouldn't a guy feel comfortable doing so.
    1 point
  39. Amazing photo. Have done this quite a few times.
    1 point
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