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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2023 in Posts

  1. sometimes when you know its going to happen despite your efforts its not even worth trying to prevent it. 😇 lol. definitely got at least one guy punched by his girlfriend. oops.
    6 points
  2. Do people piss under tables in dimly lit taverns/pubs/bars? I hate that I love piss vandalism 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I sooo fucking love it. I do not participate, but I fantasize. I would love to play my fingers in a hottie’s hard stream while jerking his cock or rubbing her cunt. Obviously there aren’t videos online (if this is even a thing) since it’s dark under the table. Anyway - is this a thing for others? Is this a thing people do?
    4 points
  3. Evening friends! All week long I've been feeling my pee fetish. I have just random moments where I'll think of my favorite porn videos, cant get them out of my mind, and then decide in the middle of the day I need an orgasm. Also no thanks to my favorite Frenchman @WateryMoose who gets me in the mood the second he appears on my screen lol. Also to @Jjones5285 who has kept me in the loop and involved with his pee adventures as well. Long story short: by the time I made it to this Thursday afternoon I was horny and needed relief, and I thought the best way to get it out of my system was to
    4 points
  4. I'm just utterly beguiled by the lovely Olive Glass.
    4 points
  5. Just after that abundant breakfast consisting almost exclusively of fresh tropical fruits, I felt quite full and my worry was that my tummy seemed to be visibly bloated... But, apparently, neither the two photographs nor my colleagues thought so, and, when we all walked towards the same tiny beach where we had posed the day before, I was moving fast, light as a feather.. At the set, where four Indian guys were already waiting for us to start the session, all of us girls undressed quickly and remained totally naked for a while, but, then, Sandy was asked to try on a few bikinis, while for
    4 points
  6. I started to pee outside at an early age. I had 2 older sisters who were continually in the bathroom. When my Dad or I needed to pee, we both used the backyard. There were big bushes and a hedge to hide behind, so being seen by neighbors wasn't a big issue. Needless to say, my Mother wasn't too happy about where the men urinated, but Dad always said it was easier for us guys to pee outside than the women. I carry on the tradition my Dad started.
    4 points
  7. I was out with a friend seeing a show and we were both pretty hydrated (her champagne and water for me since I can’t start as early as she can) by the time it ended. Since the place was mobbed with people leaving we both sat behind for a little bit and waited even though we both needed to pee fairly urgently. As most people know most venues don’t have enough women’s toilets so even though I was nearing my limit we ended up leaving and looking for a bar so we could both go. By this point I’m feeling warning signals and my friend says she might wet herself, which as hot as that sound
    4 points
  8. teenage boys seem to feel that moms are apt to be offended seeing them pee. It's nothing we haven't seen before guys, no big deal. I can't imagine why teenage boys fear being caught by their parents when what they're doing is quite normal, especially for guys.
    4 points
  9. Dude sell it and buy 5 more cars to pee in. Please don't ruin a gem
    4 points
  10. This has happened to me a couple of times. My favorite memory was when me and a friend on my softball team in college went to a party and we drank a little too much. The line for the bathroom at the party was ridiculous, so we just headed back to her dorm. We were so desperate that we were potty dancing while she tried to unlock her door. When we got inside, it was mad dash for the bathroom. I practically pushed her aside and slammed the door of her own bathroom and let out a huge sigh of relief as I emptied my bladder (sorry not sorry!) She cursed at me from outside the bathroom and kept bang
    3 points
  11. Not under a table. But at a bar. Just go to the bar for order. While i was standing at the bar and waiting, i zip down took my penis out and pissed up at the bar. Nobody sees it. It just look like i standing in the bar and ordering.
    3 points
  12. What I wouldn’t do to be the one holding those sexy titties...
    3 points
  13. “I have to pee” my girlfriend said quietly from the passenger seat while holding herself. I look over at her, feeling my own need. “I know, I do too” I said, unable to say more. We were hopelessly lost on what was basically a dirt trail at this point. We had decided to go on a trip to the cabin my parents owned in the mountains and I had taken a wrong turn. The GPS at this point was beyond useless, placing us in the middle of a forest with no roads in sight. ”I think we’re going to have to find a place to turn around” I say as we came up to a deep stream “I’m not g
    2 points
  14. 2 choices. The first is a see through bikini. Once it becomes wet it hides nothing. The second is as suggested already is have the buttons "accidentally" move to the side and as you lay on the beach you can have your pussy completely visible without it seeming on purpose. I attached a photo of me at a hotel swimming pool, i spent the whole day swimming and sunbathing with the bikini bottoms to the side. Was extremely thrilling and after a while i forgot i even had it like that until i noticed someone stare 😅
    2 points
  15. I generally prefer to just wet the seat I am sitting on, but I have sat on the edge of the seat and peed on to the carpet when I did not want to get my skirt wet, and I have also just stood at the bar and peed down my legs. It is an easy thing to do.
    2 points
  16. Oops indeed. But he should have picked a girlfriend more understanding of his needs. Anyway, is there really any harm in looking? (I really hope not). Fabulous pictures as always - huge thanks for letting us catch a glimpse.
    2 points
  17. I did it while my friends girlfriend stood next to me. She didnt care. Her boyfrien, her and i have pissed all over another friends car toghetere.
    2 points
  18. I was with a workmate once and he did this right next to me... but at a Chinese takeaway counter 🤪
    2 points
  19. I assure you that as far as I can tell, there's no limit to people's initiatives and actions.. in my case, pissing under a restaurant or bar table doesn't even seem especially imaginative, to be honest...
    2 points
  20. Back in the mid 2000s I used to hit this neighborhood bar after work, followed by a nearby late night pizza place after closing time. One night, a little after three, I was at the pizza place, sitting alone, eating my post bar slices, when I heard this whispering and giggling from another booth. It was just across the aisle, and one up, from mine. I worked near a college campus so there were usually drunk students around on the weekends. And on that night there were four of them within earshot. Three girls and one guy, whispering among themselves (but still loud enough for me to hear) about ho
    2 points
  21. There aren't any nude beaches near me, unfortunately. Aside from that, something about doing it where it isn't allowed turns me on a little more, ya know?
    2 points
  22. Iv had a similar situation and really wasn’t a big deal nothing was ever said after and was never awkward
    2 points
  23. It seems we were all out n about yesterday. I managed a few hours on my bike which was much needed for both stress relief as well as fitness.
    2 points
  24. I have so many times! Even when they discreetly pop off somewhere to piss, I can’t because I feel like somehow they’ll know I’m into it and a total perv. Kinks are weird.
    2 points
  25. Before my mom bought her house we used to live with my Aunt and her daughter my cousin she and me are practically the same age I’m older by two weeks. So one morning we were both getting ready for Highschool but plumbing system was out so the toilets and showers didn’t work so for my morning pisses I used to piss in the driveway once my cousin join she squatted next to me a release a large gush
    2 points
  26. Sell the Camaro to someone who will appreciate it and buy a beater to trash like @Pee_punk said!
    2 points
  27. Once we got back to her house, we spent some time catching up, since we hadn’t seen each other in awhile, but had a lengthy conversation about what had happened that day. She mentioned that her parents were pretty open with them about peeing outside when they had to as kids, which turned to her peeing in other places that weren’t a toilet. The long conversation about it is what ended our night. The next day, we decided to go to a local pool that was in the middle of town. Being that her town was super small, it was a very small pool with a couple of slides. The main building had men
    2 points
  28. There is some pee fun in this account, so I am putting it here rather than in the "when did you last have sex" thread. Hope that's OK. Last night was particularly happy, real-people’s sex with a wet start. It was fun enough to tell you about I think. It was a Friday, so that means gins at 5:30pm followed by sexy time before a late tea. Things usually start off with a bath and a chance to decompress from the stresses of the working week (for K anyway). But yesterday she said “I can’t run the bath yet, because I thought you might like to see me do a standing-up wee in it first”. So that got
    2 points
  29. After that quick, straightforward, dawn-piss, so undisturbed and natural, I felt so light and relaxed, quite ready to face anything! I stayed squatting for a long while more, without wiping or patting, just waiting to regain total control of the territory which resides between my legs, and I was imagining to feel the wetness evaporating quickly, as when we are exposed to a warm breeze... Then, I got rid of the pareo and went straight into the waters. where I dived and swam for at least twenty minutes. I would have liked to spend the rest of the whole day there, soaked and caress
    2 points
  30. So my grandfather is willing me a 1969 Camaro and I'm not a fan of old cars. Destruction is a huge fetish of mine and I'm wondering what you guys would want me to do with it. I'm open to anything and everything. What would you do with it?
    1 point
  31. I wish your tasty champane to make people love it passionately...from distinctive shapes...
    1 point
  32. Well I much respect you preference and taste... No I meant a real drinks served high class. Though I rather meant you play with your own extention drinks a lot to make them smoothy and adorable... Surprised if you are not offering for freinds...
    1 point
  33. Your early morning pee on the beach sounds idyllic. Just you alone attuned with nature. I have done similar when I have woken early and gone out for a cycle ride. With nobody around I have openly peed next to the lake in places where that would be impossible in the day because there would be too many people. On a calm quiet morning it is so natural and relaxing.
    1 point
  34. I thought I'd quickly share the pee I just had before I go back to work. I hadn't been to the toilet in a couple of hours and I had consumed a couple of coffees along the way and while I wasn't bursting, I definitely didn't want to leave the house without sitting on the toilet first. I probably could have made it to work but it wouldn't have been a fun commute and any delays would be agony. I went upstairs and walked across the landing to my bathroom. I closed the door behind me, not locking it and walked over to the toilet, lifting the lid before turning around, smiling to myself in the
    1 point
  35. Went to Cardiff for a couple of days with my wife to celebrate our wedding anniversary last week. We decided to eat at a steakhouse that was recommended by a co-worker. The urinals in there were illuminated, and cycled through different colours as you used them. Though that was pretty cool.
    1 point
  36. One time I drove across the desert from San Diego to Phoenix. I stopped at a rest stop for a pee. When I got inside, no one else was there. There was a drain in the middle of the floor, so I decided to make it my urinal. As soon as I started to piss, I laughed my ass off.
    1 point
  37. I used to wet myself when I was doing long-distance bicycle riding. I wore bikini underpants, black spandex biker shorts on top of them, and black gym shorts on top of them. It was such an exhilarating feeling just letting go, and feeling that warm, wetness spreading inside my spandex biker shorts and soaking my bikini underpants. Since I wore black gym shorts, the wetness did not show thru, so nobody knew I was peeing as I passed them on the bike trail! Very erotic!!! Also, sometimes, my mutual-masturbation buddy will wet my bikini underpants for me, and I'll wear them underneath my clot
    1 point
  38. If I'm at home, I'm an I5 kind of guy. In public? E15 or Z1.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Thanks, I was peeing against the wall so it didn't make too much sound - If I had been peeing out over the steps or directly onto the floor with a lot of echoing noise then I reckon I would have had to stop, but as it was, I was on the fourth floor and I guessed the people were entering the stairwell below me and going downwards, so I thought I'd be OK. I have been caught before with dick in hand by a lady who came out of the door on the landing above me. It was totally obvious what I was doing and she wasn't impressed. She went back into the door she had just come out of and went out a
    1 point
  41. So this is another true story from my time with Ashley. For those who missed the first one, see it here: http://watchgirlspeeing.com/threads/true-winter-story.723/#post-5201 When Ashley and I were in college we attended the same school and had some pee adventures during our time there. This one happened at the end of our freshman year in her dorm room. Her dorm room was the standard room, 2 lofted beds, 2 dressers, 2 desks, and typical college girl décor. Also in her room were 2 teal blue rugs, some chairs, a futon, and a TV. One night we went to the Union to see a movie and had the typica
    1 point
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