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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2022 in Posts

  1. Visited some family for the long weekend, and ran into some troubles on my trip back. There were major floods last year in my region, and they’re still repairing the highways. Combine that construction with long weekend traffic, there was a ~3 hour delay. I had grabbed a large iced coffee before I left. I also had a 1L bottle of water with me. I had been a bit thirstier than usual and drank the majority of my water + my entire iced coffee before I knew it. I started to feel a bit of pressure and realized I would have to stop before I reached my destination (which was still a few hour
    10 points
  2. The naughtiness of it did add a little to the moment 😉 During the long few hours of traffic crawling along I saw at least 10 men and 5 women pissing on the side of the road by their cars, it was exciting to be able to watch some people in the act!
    4 points
  3. One lady's article on the "double standard" that is pointed out a lot in this site (though usually from men who seem to have it backwards). Women are, generally speaking, forgotten about when it comes to toiletting provisions. Oddly enough, learning to urinate standing, or even using a device, doesn't seem to have occurred to her. Though she does touch upon thr fact that women's trousers don't really allow for us to pee standing easily and discreetly. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/opinion/article-women-should-be-peed-off-about-the-sexism-of-public-toilets/
    3 points
  4. I have exactly the same experience as you do. Also bought another slightly larger and more soft/silicon-ish version a couple of years ago and that worked to some degree, but never entirely without leakage, so I never used it outside. I completely forgot about it since I can pee standing up wearing a skirt (either without panties or with open crotch tights and optional underwear pulled to the side :’) ) easily. I like the more ‘free’ feeling of peeing like that too. Plus it’s easier to go entirely unnoticed. Just walk away if there’s people around, pretend to be on the phone (or actually p
    3 points
  5. I have been far too busy with home life recently so having had much fun, so I decided that needed to change, even just a little, so out came my cock and camera and pissed in a lay-by while I had the chance. https://www.erome.com/a/2BFKlmiK
    3 points
  6. The feeling was excellent. Now I don’t care if there’s a crowd 🙂
    3 points
  7. I think that might actually one of the things that would be hard if not impossible to get :’) You can be FTM for example and get a penis of your liking (just because it feels right with your gender identity, one that is also usable for peeing and/or for having sex), or be a male submissive and get a hollow strapon to fit over your own cock and use for sex but assuming that your friend is also male.. having a bigger penis to pee… I have no idea 😜 Seriously though.. I can’t imagine that peeing with a bigger penis is more.. practical.. pleasurable… anything? 🤔 Unless maybe going for a piss m
    2 points
  8. Yes. My husband does not know or engage in my pee fetish but I am still happily married. I don't mind keeping my pee fun to myself and to my friends on here.
    2 points
  9. In addition to that; a good friend of mine told me last week that she also bought.. not a SheWee but it looked very similar. She got it for practical reasons (attending an outdoor even with little or no toilets and not many very secluded area’s either) but afterwards she said it felt pretty awesome, pissing like a guy. We’re always super open about sex and.. well.. everything really so I asked her if she used the ‘extension tube’. I did try it out once with my SheWee but for me it has no additional value at all. I figured that maybe if I ever go hiking in Siberia or so -wearing three pair
    2 points
  10. It's these sort of details that make your accounts so wonderful to read Goose ❤️. And seriously - thanks so much for describing your experiences. I know just what you mean when you say how you enjoy having nothing to aim for - it is a liberating feeling isn't it? Those of us with a penis almost always aim, and it's great when we don't have to. Enjoy the rest of your time in the field later this week 🙂
    2 points
  11. Hi all - figured I should give an update - and keep watching this space, there may be more to come. To save you reading too far back, a quick summary is that I've been involved for a few years now with a bunch of people organising a large outdoor show. I'm going to keep my real life identity and connections separate so let's just say it's a type of country fair. It's taking place in the near future and so all the preparations have upped a gear. Recently I was there supporting a working weekend and had my caravan on the field. As it happened I pitched up on the Friday afternoon kno
    2 points
  12. So, to start i was living in an appartment/flat, as every appartement it was settled in a little building, two appartments one per floor, there was two floors. To access to that building you had to pass a little courtyard. I was living in the first floor and in fact, around the courtyard and the building there were houses with gardens. One house's garden was at the same height as our sort of "balcony" so what i did once, in the middle of the night, when i knew the old couple who were living there were asleep. I got on the "balcony" a sort of border in front of the window so when you pass
    2 points
  13. I got a new SheWee, and at last I can pee standing up, fully clothed, with no leaks. (Apologies to those who prefer leaks and wet clothes!) Any other ladies here use one? I tried a cheap, soft version made of silicone, and I couldn’t use it clothed, or without it slipping or leaking. (Ok, fun, and funny, but not what I want!). This SheWee is solid, with an attachable, slightly flexible tube, which makes using it fully clothed really easy. The business end fits neatly inside the outer lips, over the peehole, and catches everything. No wiping needed. Such a freedom! No more penis envy for
    1 point
  14. We talk often about the evidence of urination, such as tissues left in puddles, splashes of liquid at waist height, etc. But what about less ephemeral evidence: bottles, bags, or cups of piss. Where have you seen them out in public? Abandoned, in the trash, in cars, or actively being filled? I'll start with two recent stories and an old one. This afternoon, I took a bag to my trash can outside, only to find a water bottle half full of dark yellow piss. From my neighbors? From someone walking by on the street? From my landlord? It's a mystery. A month or so ago, I got off my bus
    1 point
  15. My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 years now and I've had my mind blown by her openness to our fetish every day. Two and a half years ago I was shyly telling her how a girl in my neighborhood would pee in front of the boys and kicked off my love of women peeing in naughty places. Today we agreed to a no toilets allowed night and she brought home pizza and beer. We kept to the plan and emptied our bladders into each other's mouths for hours. I'm writing this with the express permission to pee on her as I wish tonight as she has to go to work in the morning.
    1 point
  16. I always see piss bottles at lay-bys, pit stops and side roads of country sides and mostly on motorways. Also seen cans, beer bottles, haven’t seen any unusual piss into something. I do agree why littler.
    1 point
  17. So today I have been working from home. I decided that at lunch time I'd go for a nice 45 minute walk around where I live. I began prepping for a nice desperate walk at around 8am and continued to drink a lot of tea and water throughout the morning. I peed around 10am as I was filling my bladder so fast, and then at 12 I was bursting to pee again. I threw on a pair of black joggers, my socks, a nice t-shirt and a jacket, then head out from my house. Already as I was leaving my bladder was really full. It was at the point at which I'd definitely be going for a pee if I wasn't going to have
    1 point
  18. Thank you Eli - most encouraging. I may just find myself inspired to do a little more yet. 😉 I'll be back living on site again very soon as the whole shebang comes together - and I'll keep you and everyone else in the picture. Perhaps with a few pictures too.
    1 point
  19. Peeing naked from the waist down is very liberating - handsfree is (I imagine) even better. Some very sexy descriptions there. I especially liked reading about the first one. Never be afraid to get your bum out when you pee outside! It feels great! I admit, I'm a bit self conscious about posting photographs of me having a pee in anything other than a dress or modified leggings. I wouldn't want the lowered trousers to put people off. Hopefully that will change. The one where you decided at the last minute not to pee on the seat if the tractor and the farmer came back was quite funny
    1 point
  20. My #1 choice would have to be Rihanna, Lady Gaga, or Emily Ratajkowski
    1 point
  21. I am going on holiday on a cruise ship in a few weeks time. According to information on the internet, the ship has 4 pools, 10 hot tubs and and ankle deep splash area. I am sure I will be contributing to the water in a good few of those over the holiday...... I'll also be on the look out for any girls who are on spending time on sun loungers, not leaving the pool deck and just popping into the pools or hot tubs for a minute or too between drinks. I am sure my wife will also pee in the pools and hot tubs, she normally does so out of convenience.
    1 point
  22. I’m Philip, an engineer with a renewable energy firm and I’m going to tell you about a totally unexpected and revealing peeing experience with a new colleague the other day. Bear with me its a bit long. Andrea, an early twenties girl, had recently joined the firm as a trainee engineer. She’d spent the first few weeks office based getting to know the remote systems we used to monitor the wind turbines and equipment we managed. I’d been tasked to take her out round some of the sites to carry out the physical inspections that couldn’t be done remotely. The day before we’d gone through all th
    1 point
  23. It's a medical setting. Nurses and nursing aids are trained to deal with much worse so I am sure you'll be okay 🙂. I even think hospital beds are outfitted with waterproof sheets for that exact reason. Imagine all the other liquids that could leak into a mattress when you're staying in a hospital!
    1 point
  24. I was walking home from a Eurovision party tonight, and found myself very much needing to piss.. I walked past a block of flats with a stairwell just begging to be used as a toilet - so who was I to say no to using it to piss all over? 😉
    1 point
  25. Thanks for another wonderful review @greedyneedygirl - and there is nothing wrong with fancying a few porn stars of any vintage 😉 Presumably not trainspotters ... but maybe (sorry - couldn't resist 😉) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Platform-Souls-Trainspotter-20th-Century-Hero/dp/1785781057
    1 point
  26. Sex Bizarre Seventeen A curious issue and worth seeking out the accompanying film; ‘Sexy Piss Story’ to compare the photo story in the magazine. In the film, two women seem to be reminiscing about a liaison in a public lavatory and being to arouse themselves by talking about it. We see none of this in the magazine, but the experience itself. It could be compared to an earlier issue of Sex Bizarre (6) where the notion of the glory hole is to be found in a toilet. As mentioned in my review of Issue six, the glory hole was to be used by gay men for sexual pleasure at a time when it was homos
    1 point
  27. Welcome to PeeFans, I'm sure there are some people from Hungary here but why limit yourself to one nationality? Please read the site rules, particularly rule 11 - All posts must be in English. Thank you https://peefans.com/topic/7910-site-rules/
    1 point
  28. I have whipped mine out and started peeing on a girlfriends leg while she was sitting in a chair in the river. There was another couple present and they watched.
    1 point
  29. Thank you @whiskey35 a brilliant story
    1 point
  30. I forgot all about this one:)
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. You should join me next time on the nude beach. I’m peeing very openly:)
    1 point
  33. Late to this thread so I apologize if some of these have already been said. aubrey plaza. I’d love to watch her just squat down and piss in public, like in a alleyway after a few drinks not fully on display but not necessarily hiding either. Evanah Lynch. More specifically I’d want her to wet herself in full Luna lovegood character from Harry Potter. Had a crush on her as a boy reading the books and she portrayed the part perfectly in the movies. Daisy Ridley. Her simply just on a toilet, I imagine a nice hissy pee’er. She seems so prim and proper, would love to s
    1 point
  34. This is my account of the first time I saw someone pee in front of me, in my adult life. It is a much shorter and simpler story, than the one above, from my childhood. She was my fiancee, soon to be my wife. When we were dating, we often talked, drinking endless cups of Chinese jasmine tea, for hours on end, sitting together on a couch in the living room of the house where she lived, with a room mate, and a land lady, who was often away on business. Obviously, the tea made both of us pee, a lot. But at that time, we hadn't slept together, yet, so I couldn't even ask if I could follow her
    1 point
  35. Although my family was by no means nudist, my early experiences were very similar to those of Riley, lengajesytec, and PeeBurach. My first time seeing someone pee in front of me was literally at my mother's knee! For the first 5 years of my life, I was an only child, until my sister was born. During that early time, starting when I was 2 or 3 years old, my mother never closed the bathroom door, when she peed. So as a little boy, I followed her into the bathroom, and watched as much as I could. I can't remember the first time I did this, or exactly how old I was, probably 2 and 1/2 or 3. I
    1 point
  36. With a girl, I'm pretty sure it was my first 'girlfriend' (who was basically a girl who lived a few doors up the road. Her name was Carly and we were playing in my house on afternoon. She decided to go and use the toilet and she let me come in and watch her go. It was the first time I'd seen a girls bits and was naturally curious about how she peed without a penis! In return, after she had done I did a wee with her watching me. I think she mistakenly told her mum about seeing my penis and we were kept apart for a bit after that. We would only have been about 4-5 at the time. The first tim
    1 point
  37. As Jenny awoke it took her a good few moments to work out where she was. Something was strange, the morning light from the wrong side, the pillow different that she was used to in her own bed. She became aware too of shallow breathing next to her and opening her eyes suddenly realised she’d spent the night asleep in Lucy’s double bed. As her brain awoke a little more she became aware too of her dull headache, caused no doubt by at least the quarter of a bottle of Sambuca she’d downed. That wasn’t the only ache - her bladder was also insisting that she should get up and take care of it.
    1 point
  38. This is really sweet. One of my favorite things about a peeing bond with someone is the trust and candor of it. Not too long ago, I admitted to my gf that I was really into peeing, and that it always turned me on whenever I heard her pee, especially after we had sex (which made her realize how exactly I was so quick to get hard again.) I was sheepish about admitting it, but she was very understanding and willing to indulge what I am into, though I still feel kinda awkward about trailing her into the bathroom to watch her pee for my own pleasure. But once when I was peeing I noticed her watchin
    1 point
  39. I also once peed in the bath while HE was on the toilet lol! He was taking too long to finish and I really needed a pee so I came in, pulled my things down, hovered my bum over the bathtub and let it rip! He was quite shocked at how much came out of me xP
    1 point
  40. I may have posted this elsewhere.I was very young,about 6 or 7 and was playing in the woods with a girl of about the same age who must have needed to go quite a lot.There was an old shed and she would pull her trousers and pants down in there and pee into an old metal saucepan.This started my interest in peeing.I would empty the saucepan for her outside.I probably saw other boys peeing in front of me (other than in toilets),but can't remember the first time.
    1 point
  41. Hotel. I’m in the bathtub with the bathroom door open, my gf at the time walks in, squats over the toilet and pisses into it so I can see her stream. (many years later, I take my gf’s hand in a park and lead her into the bushes so she can watch me pissing on the ground).
    1 point
  42. Mine was super young as well.... On the first day of primary school I was marched out of the school gates arm in arm with Jane, who'd decided on day one I was her boyfriend. The friendship stuck and our mums must have come to some arrangement, as I remember spending after school afternoon's at her house. I'm sure it was pretty early on in that first term of school we were in her bedroom and she disappeared out of the room. I followed and found her sitting on the toilet with the door wide open. That was the first time I saw a girl's slit (and I've been in awe of them ever since) and pr
    1 point
  43. the first time some one pee in front of me i was at a friends home i was 10 or 9 years old can't fully reamber my age i just finish using the toilet and his bit yonger sister walk in and use the toilet she just did not care about me being there 😀
    1 point
  44. Chapter Three The next morning Steve woke early. He hadn’t really slept deeply at all, his mind playing back all the events of the previous evening. He played over Lucy’s request for him to help her with her riding skills - was that really the case or just an excuse. It seemed like she didn’t actually need that assessment, did she just want an excuse to see him? Then that final moment in the parking spaces opposite the school, it had seemed like she wanted to be kissed, but it didn’t really make sense to him. She was very attractive, to him at least. Probably not one of the most popu
    1 point
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