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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2022 in Posts

  1. Does anyone else love German autobahn stops for peeing? The combination of frequent parkplatz rest stops every few km, many without toilets, and German cultural openness to peeing is perfect for public peeing and pee watching. The driving culture also means people concentrate on driving fast on the road and pull over to take breaks to rest, eat or drink (and pee). This is unlike the US or other countries where people drive slow, snack and drink while driving and stop less frequently. I’m not sure why but even countries like France and Spain that are otherwise very open to public peeing seem t
    10 points
  2. Hello again, as promised I have another story, this happened about a month ago, I went out with the pee friend I told you about, he invited me to a birthday party of one of his girlfriends and we had been drinking and we had a good time. After that he took me home but first I said I wanted to pee and he said he did too, so we went to the park we always pee in and I told him I wanted to hold his penis, he agreed and I told him to pick a tree, he chose one because he said it was straight, I liked that tree because it had kind of big roots and I thought I should have picked that tree, anyway
    9 points
  3. I have never driven in continental Europe, but it sounds like I really should! I have stopped at a couple of places in the UK which are similar types of rest stops but which do have toilets and I have been there after they closed. People pull off the road expecting to use the toilets, find them closed and then use bushes or similar. The best one was at a large layby with a cafe. The cafe had toilets behind it. I was sat on a bench to one side of the cafe and I saw a BMW pull in to the parking area. A man got out of the drivers seat and stood outside the car to smoke. A woman got
    8 points
  4. The other day as I was walking home I felt the urge to pee. As I got inside I walked to the toilet, but then the naughty thought hit me. therefore, I took off my pants, leaving me only in my underwear, and walked outside. Hoping that none of my neighbors were outside (if they were they certainly got a show) I just stood in the middle of the garden and wet myself on the grass. Standing in front of a big window so I could see the reflection of myself peeing. The warm pee filled my cotton panties, ran down my legs and pooled underneath me. This got me in such a mood, that after I finished empt
    6 points
  5. ... as if we didn't know 😉 in a short interview in this weekend's Guardian newspaper https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/may/14/shirley-manson-greta-thunberg-bird-coalmine-sounding-alarm What is your most unappealing habit? "I like to pee outside in the open air. It drives my husband mad."
    5 points
  6. I really had to peeing while walking on a bike trail the other day, so I whipped out my cock and created a nice wet spot on the underside wall of the bridge...leaving a wet spot on a wall or pavement is so much more fun than pissing into the grass or dirt where it is just absorbed
    5 points
  7. I had an interesting brief exchange with my female boss this morning at work. She walked into the office and said "I had a thought while I was on the toilet - something I need help with" ... and for once I was quick enough to shoot back with a decent response ... "I'm afraid I probably can't help you there." Mild amusement, then she said “I’m afraid it’s just the way my brain works,” to which my instant response was “yes – me too”. More amusement. She’s an interesting character. About my age, and very self-confident and capable. I would expect that there are a fair few who would fin
    4 points
  8. @GWash17 99% of the people peeing are fully dressed or in costume. Its only a small % of the event that are naked. The event also sets a tone where people who would not usually pee in public, break the seal and do it. I've gone with mixed gender groups of friends where I had never seen the girls pee in public in other contexts or parties and they did it multiple times at Bay to Breakers because everyone was doing it and there were no other options. As a matter of fact going with a jovial mixed gender group is one of the best ways to see some amazing pee action. A couple years I went with group
    4 points
  9. I'm Dutch so Germany is pretty much around the corner (even though I live in the Holland-part of The Netherlands so in the west) and I come there often. Especially when I still had a fast car instead of the slow ass Kia Picanto I drive now I went to Germany for fun often and I have had multiple holidays there as well. And as you say, the big rest stops with gas stations are usually 200+ km apart (unless you're driving in densely populated areas like Ruhr obviously) with parking lots without facilities being present in abundance. Sometimes they do have a small toilet block but usually badly mai
    4 points
  10. Oh, it really is! Although there’s also the whole aspect of having to try and not come across as ‘too’ interested in the subject, right? Like a slight paranoia of ‘if express as much enthusiasm as I’d like here, they’re gonna be able to tell what a piss loving pervert I am..’ type thing 🤣🫢
    4 points
  11. I doubt that being fully dressed up and with friends would stop someone peeing in public. If toilets were limited and alcohol was flowing she may have peed outside at least once. If she is someone you know well enough to converse with without seeming odd for contacting her out of the blue, it might be worth asking her about the experience - maybe just start with "I've often thought about going there, but I'm not sure I could cope with the crowds" and then maybe you could ask whether toilet facilities were a problem or whether there were plenty, maybe mention that you would be concerned
    4 points
  12. I have all of my best thoughts on the toilet too! Mostly just, "I should get my homework done before it's too late," and "perhaps I need to hit up Kupar for another good chat again. I'm getting bored" lol. Ty for sharing! Isn't it interesting when pee comes up in daily conversation?
    3 points
  13. Contains public cis men peeing and public trans and cis women peeing, as well as voyeurism I recently moved into an apartment in a suburb of a major metropolitan area. It's not the best neighborhood, but not the worst. The building are a bit rundown, but not unkempt. The biggest problems (or blessings, in some ways) are the motel, with a rather rough crowd passing through its reasonably priced rooms, and the bar and restaurant underneath it. I don't know how it was before Covid, but during the pandemic, the bar has been offering primarily outdoor service (and seemingly little in
    3 points
  14. For me it is 100% sexual. Basically pre does nothing for me normally, I don’t think about it, I just go to the toilet as normal and feel nothing. However when I am turned on, suddenly I have an urge to do all sorts of Lee related things and it turns me on so much I end up having an orgasm really quickly after I do. However the second I have had an orgasm and am no longer turned on I lose that urge and suddenly I am embarrassed and ashamed at what I’ve just done and annoyed by the mess. Lol it’s a weird conflict but I know I’m not the only one on here who is similar to this. But basically pee d
    3 points
  15. So I have a few pee stories and experiments I have done. Most recent is while kinda drunk I got the ovaries (ladyballs) to piss off my balcony. I put a leg up onto the railing and aimed my pussy out in-between the openings of the rail and peed off with extreme force. Holy crap. Luckily ita 334am no ne saw..I hope
    2 points
  16. So have I, and so has my wife, lol. I like the ‘Lie’ question, could that be pee related too? That pic is amazing, it’s been added to my collection.
    2 points
  17. I've had a major crush on Shirley Manson for 25 years.
    2 points
  18. @Maclir - I'd recommend reading all the sentiments the ladies are expressing and not the boasts the guys are making. Just saying...
    2 points
  19. Over the years I've been to different nights, clubs and meetups that involve various kinks. I've never posted about them before but have talked about them, whilst being very, very sure to maintain my own privacy as well as the the people's who go. At a lot of them nothing really happens and it's a chance to meet likeminded people. Sometimes a few things happen. The conversations happened but of course memory affects things, especially when your head is racing, and I had to keep names out of it! This was just a meet up at a bar but led to some things happening. Everyone was mingling and I
    2 points
  20. Rest areas like this are pretty common in Finland, too. Very few rest stops have actual toilet facilities (the places that have them have usually gotten vandalized pretty badly), but there is trees, bushes etc. for that purpose.
    2 points
  21. I would guess there are multiple times more people into pee in a non-sexual way. I remember (as a male) growing up, including through the end of college, peeing with other guys in a non-sexual manner. Little contests like peeing the highest on a wall, biggest puddle, and even trying to make the biggest hole in mud with our streams. Other guys I've met enjoy public urination way too much and will do it even when toilets are available. Maybe someone else can post about women's experiences with such non-sexual pee activities.
    2 points
  22. Yes I think they meant rogue, also think they meant NSFW. Assume both were typos. Also you have to answer for having free pee options. There should be a no option
    2 points
  23. I know people on both ends of the spectrum. Some that abhor the thought of peeing outside of the toilet and some who enjoy it when they can. Some of those people I cant speak about their fetishes, but there are a small few that have shared. Most of them did not have a pee fetish but still enjoyed peeing outside!
    2 points
  24. There are definitely people who do all kinds of pee-related things simply for the fun of it without it being at all sexual 🙂 And on top of that are partners of those with a fetish, who do pee stuff because they know it turns their partner on.
    2 points
  25. Found the first part of the video mentioned above here: https://dood.so/d/3k4h2kghv30v The YT link still works fine, just remove the two spaces in "ww w" and "?v =".
    2 points
  26. This morning I got caught short in the car outside a busy train station and I had to pee in a McDonald’s cup as there was nowhere else to go. I couldn’t leave the car as I was waiting to pick someone up and there was nowhere I could squat discreetly outside. I took advantage of my car’s dark tinted windows and headed into the back of the car, sat right on the edge of the seat, pulled my knickers down and let loose into the cup. I think I’m very lucky I didn’t pee more or I’d have ended peeing on myself and flooding the car! I put the lid back on the cup and placed it in my drivers door cup hol
    2 points
  27. I just got myself and my full bladder all horny and worked up until I went outside and pissed my red lacy panties. As I pissed I rubbed my clit and came hard. If anyone were to walk by they would’ve totally seen me, no one did though. tell me about you’re experiences or something you want me to try!
    2 points
  28. :wee:One day I was home alone, my husband was at work. Since he was gone until late, I decided to have a little fun. I sat around all day and drank as much water as I could. After a while, I really had the urge to pee. So I took off all my clothes, and squatted right there in the living room! It felt so good, the sound of my warm stream flowing on the carpet. Well worth the cleanup!!
    1 point
  29. I have selected urinal as that is what I would generally do if using a public toilet, but I would point out that if I am not with other people then I often avoid public toilets and prefer to pee outside.
    1 point
  30. I've been desperate several times. I do drink quite a lot - tea and water mainly - and as a result I probably pee more often than most. If I don't drink much, then I can hold for hours, but when I'm drinking a pint an hour or thereabouts, I end up needing to pee every hour too (PIPO - Pint In, Pint Out as we used to say at university). If I'm at home, or going out on my own then it isn't a problem, but if I forget to restrict my intake when I'm going somewhere with others then it can be an issue. What I tend to find if I'm drinking a lot is that the desperation level rises very quick
    1 point
  31. If you've seen any of my pictures you'll see I'm uncut and that's fine by me. I like it this way and have no medical reason for it to be cut so I'm all natural lol
    1 point
  32. Puppy pads aren't that absorbent on their own, they would just stop the pee reaching the seat. Whilst towels are you can't guarantee the pee wouldn't still get through to the seat. I would suggest towels with a puppy pad underneath so all risks are covered. Would be fun to be there at the time 😀
    1 point
  33. Sure did, I don’t spill a drop unless I want to! 😆
    1 point
  34. Must admit when I've been stuck in three lanes of traffic on a motorway, my mind has often wandered to wonder how many people within a 100 yard range of me are wishing they could pee.
    1 point
  35. I'd pulled over at a layby yesterday to join a Zoom call yesterday afternoon after driving to meet a client. After saying hello and introducing myself to the group I quickly went on mute to let the presentation begin. Nature had also called me so I took my phone off the mount and got out of the car. With the odd car driving past I walked down the short embankment very carefully in my flats (I was driving) which led to some woodlands and trees. Continuing to listen to the call I walked over to a fallen tree. It was perfect to be used as a toilet! I unzipped my navy pencil skirt and lowered my p
    1 point
  36. I wasn’t going to respond - but after seeing all the lengthy / extensive / broad responses, I decide I should extend my experience. I’ve had the tape measure and the micrometer out and I’ve got a result to report. In absolute scientific terms, the size of my penis is officially <drum roll>…. Unspecified. That’s right - I haven’t taken a measurement. And to be honest the results if I did would differ quite drastically as to whether I’d been out in the cold, or summer warmth, whether I’d just had a warm bath. And of course then the additional stimulus of morning wood or
    1 point
  37. I've done that a few times
    1 point
  38. That back room is too cluttered anyway! She was well within her right to 😍 in my little heart eyes at least lol.
    1 point
  39. Fetlife is worth trying. Luckily I found my wife in a chat site (it’s gone now) and she was also into WS
    1 point
  40. After long day of hiking through the Plitvice Lakes, we returned to the car. The climate was quite humid, so I was happy to see that the puddle my gf created was actually still visible. She immediately said "we have a long drive ahead to our next destination, so I'm gonna take the opportunity to add some more liquid to it". She dropped her pants and squatted in the exact same spot as in the morning. She peed quite a strong stream, damaging the grass underneath her and turning it into even more muddy mulch. The force of the stream created a lot of froth on top of the puddle. After about 30
    1 point
  41. Imo it's so sad when men get desperate to piss. They should just go right where they are. On the other hand, nothing better than a man desperately trying to hold his piss in. Best story regarding this is an ex boyfriend who had a habit if pissing wherever convenient if outside. We got caught in an ice storm in the middle of the city and couldn't catch a bus home. He'd been holding it for hours and finally turned around and melted some ice on a snow bank. There were people around, but theyq'd all been stuck at the station for hours, so folks either understood or had already melte
    1 point
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