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  1. Got lots of messages about how much you guys love large labia so…figured I’d start a thread. And to start us off, here’s three pictures of me!
    15 points
  2. Was browsing posts and saw that these “How my (insert pee fetish here) Started” posts are quite popular so I figured I’d give it a go. When I was 13, my Labia had started to get quite a bit longer, and my vagina in general was very tight, of course. Now normally this wasn’t an issue, I would just go pee normally, planting my ass down on the toilet seat, and I’d have to do a little extra wiping. If I didn’t want to do extra wiping I would have to spread my lips to get an even stream. One time, in gym class I really had to go pee. Now I usually don’t pee in gym class because thei
    5 points
  3. I hesitate to add some another photo to @KylieRobidoux's own fabulous ones, but I think she would be happy for other large-lipped ladies to be showcased. Tell me if I'm wrong though. So, tentatively, here's a contribution from the Web of a lovely set of lips
    5 points
  4. A couple of (barely) covered slits for a change - haven't had any of those for a long while. Apologies for any reposts.
    5 points
  5. when it happens anyway, even though i'm not trying. teehee. 😇🤷🏻‍♀️ i do kinda love being a little naughty without feeling guilty. yet, still sometimes it's fun to just be like whatevs. ☺️🥰😉
    5 points
  6. After lunch I found myself desperate to pee again. I didn’t want to waste time finding a bathroom (plus what fun is that!) so I kept holding until I found a spot. I dropped a passenger off at a business complex and started looking around thinking this may be the place. I found behind the complex was a small park with walking trails, lots of trees in between the parking lots / buildings and the park. I parked and went for a little walk checking things out. Couldn’t find a hidden spot but I knew I wasn’t making it out of there without unleashing my piss onto something. I finally worked
    5 points
  7. Sometimes, I get to really enjoy a watching a specific model peeing. Then, I watch another pee video and see her smoking, or saying something like "mommy loves you very much" during dirty talk, and it makes me kind of lose interest somewhat in watching that specific model pee anymore... I know these are simply other fetishes and the model in question is just trying to dovetail them together to hopefully gain a wider audience, but can anyone else relate to being driven away from a specific model as soon as in any given video they do something else to distract you from their pee?
    4 points
  8. One day I had pee sex with my boyfriend at the time I can't say how it lead up to it. But this time it was my turn to pee on him. We were in our second bedroom with no bed. He laid on the floor I sat on his face and peed in his mouth. Then I squatted over his neck and peed. Then I peed all over his stomach. Then I grabbed his dick still squating over it aiming my pee stream at his dick hole until my bladder was empty Then I kissed him in the mouth and licked and swallowed my pee off his neck. Sucked my pee off his stomach and his dick. Then he looked at me mesmerized and told me how beautiful
    4 points
  9. Hey! I've been trying to find a pee oriented community for awhile now, and I think I may have found it(: Tell me what you think and I'll stay in touch (;
    4 points
  10. Been there once, myself. My girlfriend at the time was picking up a piece of furniture she had purchased from a friend, and asked if we could use my truck to transport it. Of course, I said yes. On the way there, I noticed I needed to pee, but not bad. I wasn't worried about it at all. Of course, when we got there, her friend was running late and not there yet. No problem. She was supposedly only a minute or two out. So we just waited in the truck, parked in front of the house. Well, a minute or two turned into a little over a half hour overall. The whole time, my bladder situation
    3 points
  11. Got up early this morning to drive and after a couple hours I was BURSTING but I kept getting promoted for more rides and didn’t want to miss out. I just kept hoping one of the pick ups would take me to a more secluded area so I could find a place to pee. Unfortunately the opposite happened and I ended up in the middle of a busy area of the city. I dropped a passenger off and could not hold it any longer. I had to go. I pulled into a large parking lot across the street from a factory. This lot was full of cars and backed up to nothing so no reason for people to be going in and out of the lot f
    3 points
  12. This was a first for me but I am hoping to take advantage of more opportunities soon. I spent most of my morning driving ride share, I peed before I left the house but after eating lunch in my car and having a couple drinks by mid day I was desperate to pee. I was busy with rides and kept telling myself I could hold it a bit longer. I finally reached the point after several hours that I knew I could not hold on much longer. The simple solution would have been to run into a store and use the restroom but I had been hoping to find a more enjoyable solution. I frantically started scanni
    2 points
  13. This happened about twenty minutes ago. I was out shopping with my mom, with an armful of clothes to try on and a VERY full bladder. I thought I could make it back to my dorm until I found myself crossing my legs and bouncing while pretending to look at clothes. I saw two available options: wet myself in my red leggings, very noticeable, or relieve myself at least a little in the dressing room. This is one of my favorite stores and one I come to frequently so I was a little hesitant, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I handed my selections to the employee an
    2 points
  14. https://www.erome.com/a/9l2j1rv7 Went for a couple of beers this evening and badly needed to piss when I left the bar. Visited my favorite parking garage and unleashed on the stairs. Wow did it feel good! Glad nobody came through that door on the lower landing!
    2 points
  15. @MaxWasTaken I can’t pee laying down either!
    2 points
  16. I'm with you there. But K and I did find that a bit of 'hostage' type role play worked surprisingly well for both of us not that long ago. You're 100% right on the communication (including safe word) and agreement - it's a must for any kind of BDSM to be enjoyable. At least for us. We've abandoned previous things before - sometimes before they've even got going - because it became clear that one or other of us was uncomfortable, and that was an instant turn off.
    2 points
  17. I don't think there is anything wrong with liking it. Many things can be fun as long as all parties have given consent. Personally i don't enjoy roleplay of that sort because i want others to enjoy themselves. Which means that the roleplay of someone else not liking what im doing, is actually a turn off for me. But as always in life and especially with fetishes: If someone would talk to me and explain that this is what they like, then we could work something out. TLDR: Don't feel wrong for liking something and never forget proper communication :D.
    2 points
  18. I’ve not posted a lot for a while, not written anything for even longer but I have to share this. M and I were out shopping, nothing special, just local stupidmarket, when M started to get a little stressed. One of her medications creates a far bit of pee, and the urge to go comes out of nowhere. We had to leave and make a dash for home. We made it inside, in a tangled fashion, and I expected M to make a beeline for the potty, but she dragged me in with her. She pushed me down to the floor, hitched up her long skirt, eased her barely there knickers aside and went a gusher. Her
    2 points
  19. Very pretty lips. 🥰 I hope you find some lucky girl to kiss them for you.
    2 points
  20. So I have really small boobs so I don’t, I also wear sweaters a lot - another reason - also I live on university so lots of people wear revealing clothing
    2 points
  21. Hi @SpaceVixin - and a huge welcome to the community - hope you're finding your way around and enjoying what you find. I'm going to stick my neck out a little here and wonder when you use terms like 'chat and share' and 'tell me what you think' that you're more used to chats based on one-to-one communication? We do have that, but fundamentally we're a forum and a community - so we expect communication to be out in the open in the forums. The way you've done it here - of posting in a thread and letting people comment on that thread really is what we're about.
    2 points
  22. It's just as well I had some whites to go in the laundry this evening. I wet these clean white pants earlier.
    2 points
  23. A perfect scenario for me: Returning the fluid I have drunk back into the parched earth, watering a tree and grass and helping them to grow and produce more oxygen for our overheated planet. Meanwhile, my husband snaps a photo which I upload to this website. A male urophile masturbates to it and the resulting ejaculation makes him happy and his prostate healthy. A female urophile frigs to it and orgasms. Her blood pressure is lowered, she is full of happy feel-good brain chemicals and her quality of life od improved. Both she and the male urophile live longer as a result. All t
    2 points
  24. This story contains naughty pissing, sex, kissing, and a slightly long start. Chapter 1 A knock on the bedroom door woke her from her sleep. Cracking open her eyes, she took in the mess that was her room. Half the draws on the dresser hung open, clothes lay in piles around her room, her sheets in the course of the night had been thrown off the bed and now lay on the floor in a crumpled heap. A young girl laid sprawled on the bed taking in all this mess. “I really need to clean my room,” she thought. Her groggy mind, barely able to make sense of anything else
    1 point
  25. I wrote a fair portion of this on a phone - by no means the optimal method - so there might be some typos and such. I'll probably fix and update when I get a chance. ... This story takes place a few months after the US Army posted me to Paris. I was working at something called the Office of Defence Cooperation, which is basically the US military’s portion of the American embassy in France, and I had just started dating this American girl named Emily. A civilian at the embassy whom I’m friends with had set me up with her – said she was like her third cousin or step-cousi
    1 point
  26. I've never given this issue a second thought, but I've often been surprised at how much toilet paper women use to wipe themselves after a pee. I'm basing my observations on two experiences; listening to the sheets unrolling in the cubicle next door to me in a public loo. Secondly, observing women in candid hidden toilet films and professional pee porn where women are filmed peeing on the loo. I've seen women literally wrap reams of paper around their hands before wiping, Me? I average three to four sheets for a dab...(to dab, or to wipe...?). I've also viewed hidden camera films, where women u
    1 point
  27. Ok so I’ve been told I’m gross or weird on other sites. A friend told me I may want to come here - so here I am. I’m a 18 year old, lesbian (female obv) and I enjoy peeing in public, specifically making messes in public bathrooms. if anyone shares this kink, I’d like to talk. I honestly haven’t met anyone who is like me yet haha. Thanks -Kylie
    1 point
  28. Wetting running tights Inspired (or re-inspired perhaps) by @MaxWasTaken's comment on this post https://peefans.com/topic/22736-challenge-day/?do=findComment&comment=311622 I went for a run this morning without first having a pee. In the past I haven't liked the feeling of running with a full bladder, but it was worth another try. I'd had a mug of coffee and a glass of water but didn't feel in the least uncomfortable when I set out. My plan was to run a couple of miles out over the fen path, stop and do a few upper-body exercises (press-ups and the like) then run back. The run ou
    1 point
  29. Thank you, I'll try and keep it interesting the way yall like it(:
    1 point
  30. Most of all I love the scent of a woman's pee, especially if it's on her skin. It's one of the great delights that come from kissing her pussy, but if we have been playing watersports games it can be on other parts of her too. When her breasts are scented with her own urine it is just magical to kiss them.
    1 point
  31. The taste when I eat my wife out after pissing.
    1 point
  32. Hi! Welcome to the site. Looks like you'll fit in perfectly here. That's a stunning photo as well! 😊😊 Thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  33. Dear Sue, Bless you for sharing more with us. I hope you will be happy to share the rest of the weekend's fun with us, as well. I know our readers will agree that your story is one of the hottest to ever be told here.
    1 point
  34. What I like the most about pee is how it is free, feels good, hurts nobody (generally) and I can do it multiple times a day.
    1 point
  35. I'm fascinated by cultural differences in peeing and had similar experiences with the US vs. EU growing up. I posted this in another thread but its appropriate here also. I grew up splitting time between the US and the EU growing up. Most of the time I lived and went to school in the US (CT, TX and CA) but I had extended family and my parents did work in the EU (Germany, France and Spain). The differences in the places I was encouraged and allowed to pee varied by location. In general I don’t remember my parents encouraging me to pee places very often but they were definitely
    1 point
  36. I like watching the puddle form up and the sounds when the pee hits the ground or into a water. The warmth of the flowing pee.
    1 point
  37. 11:15 - Three girls crossed the road from the nightclub towards the park, looking around urgently. They literally walked just into the park space, fully visible from the road and one girl who was very skinny wearing pink trousers and a black crop top with dark shoulder length hair stood on the bath with her back to the flowerbed, dropped her trousers to just above her knees and stuck her bum out towards the flowerbed maintaining a high squat. The other two girls stood just forward of her and one to each side. I approached from the peeing girl's left. She didn't notice until I got quite c
    1 point
  38. You lucky duck! Good tip, I wouldn’t have thought of that myself. Fair price to pay for some golden nectar!
    1 point
  39. I have a stripper friend who lets me drink her pee in the friction room. We've been doing it for 5 or 6 years. $50 - And worth it. :) BTW, one hint: Don't ask one of the 18 or 19 year old strippers. I almost got kicked out for that, she was shocked and was telling everyone. Find a nice 30 something girl who's heard it all before. Worked for me. :)
    1 point
  40. Sighting 6 was by far the best of the night. A group of six people - 2 male, 4 female - had visited a kebab shop. The walked down the road and 2 girls went to go in a late night store to buy something. The other four stood on the corner and waited for them. When they returned, they all headed down a short pedestrianised street. which is seen below (taken from the web during daylight hours). They got about half way down and several of them were shouting to each other about who had the keys. About two thirds of the way down, the two at the back stopped and crouched down in the
    1 point
  41. Continued from above.... Sighting 1: I walked through a small park in the middle of Brighton. There were three groups of people in the grassy area in the middle. One group was quite large - maybe 12 people, some sat on the grass, some stood nearby. They were talking and laughing. Across from them was a group of four girls sat on the grass just away from the bushes. Then across the other side were a couple sat on a bench with two more stood by talking. I walked around the perimeter path in the hope that someone might leave one of the groups. Two girls left the bigger group and
    1 point
  42. After a very long dry spell, I had the opportunity to go out in Brighton again on Thursday night last week. I didn't really know what to expect as it was a Thursday, which is quieter than Friday/Saturday and I didn't know what would be open in the way of bars with outdoor drinking - with indoor drinking still not being allowed. I was only able to get there at 11pm, by which time the normal sighting grounds are people waiting in lines for nightclubs, but those are still closed. Anyway, despite all the factors being against the normal levels of sightings, I thought I'd go and have a look.
    1 point
  43. I didn’t look at my cunt until I was 14, and when I did, it was purely because my friend and I had planned to lose our virginities to each other. I remember calling up another of my best friends at the time and telling her what was about to happen. The guy in question was well on his way over, and my friend advised me to shave everything, immediately. This would have been the first time I had seen my cunt in all her glory. As we were about to have sex, I remember him commenting on me having something “hanging down” there. I don’t think he meant it as an insult, but I suppose what he had s
    1 point
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