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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2022 in Posts

  1. Sometimes aiming for the toilet is harder than is seems… https://www.erome.com/a/mcw46RB6
    5 points
  2. I’m a server at a restaurant for now, and usually my section is always filled with people so, I don’t get many bathroom breaks but when I get the chance to go I always go straight to my favorite stall which has a floor drain for others and me to nonchalantly pee in 🙂 I’ve came across other girls puddles on the floor, around the drain and even long streams leaving the stall. After a month or so of continuously seeing pee on the drain I finally gave in.
    5 points
  3. I bought a new toy that feels so good on my clit. Whenever I'm laying in bed using it, I naturally let go and piss. It's such a wonderful feeling.
    3 points
  4. from an old magazine
    3 points
  5. The buttrests? Uh, I mean buttresses?
    2 points
  6. o.. My daily bedwetting is really my main hobby .Our hobby,because my boyfriend pissing in his briefs into our bed with me too. I really can say that nobody here is bigger bedwetter then me :P. Only several people in omorashi world do the same thing what i do. I dont know why ? Yes bed is visibly yellow and bedroom smells a little like pee but it is not big problem or not? Much bigger problem is sensitive skin on ass yes it could be big problem,but its not my problem.I am so happy.I can pee every evening and morning into my bed and can feel when warm and yellow puddle is bigger and b
    2 points
  7. @Eliminature if any urophile does catch you (and I would love that to be me), you would make their night as so far, the number of ladies I have caught peeing standing is absolutely zero (maybe I should have said “didily squat”). In the mean time, by taking photos and publishing them here, you have the most guaranteed appreciative audience there is - and some of that audience will feed back how appreciative they are. On that point, for all those who simply view people’s posts - if you like something then show the author by giving it a like, love or hot. It takes no time at all but is a
    2 points
  8. My girlfriend and I did do some topless sunbathing at a beach recently though!
    2 points
  9. At wine festivals ladies are always peeing in the vineyard regularly. Within hours one can observe ladies leaving their tables as they go into the field between the grapevines. From what I understand, it's a common and accepted activity, one that's basically ignored by the organizers. Many a time I have come across a group of ladies squatted and releasing their fluids. The best part is that none feel threatened and nonchalantly go about their business before they join the tables. The facilities are usually far off and always few in numbers so the urgency prevails. The best sighting was a
    2 points
  10. Does this do it for anyone else? Or just me?
    1 point
  11. Includes female holding/desperation/wetting and masturbating Warning: long(ish) story This is my first time writing a pee story so let me know what you think and hope you enjoy! This is a story about Nina. Nina is a 25 year old German with brown eyes and long brown hair. She has a slim athletic body and thanks to her running and yoga habit, she has the most beautiful legs to ever walk this earth. Still studying to become a surgeon, Nina is a busy girl and she never really has time for serious relationships. That being said, it never stopped her from fulfilling her own needs
    1 point
  12. This is a bit of an older story, I was a teenager, and went to a private Christian school (it has since been shut down due to ridiculous rules and such) and there was a very strict policy that you were not allowed to use the restroom during class, with a few exceptions for some disabled students. That resulted in people wetting themselves or pissing somewhere random on several occasions. One in particular stands out though. We had a new girl, she had just moved to town so she wasn't used to some of the policies yet, and she asked to use the restroom in the middle of religion class. She go
    1 point
  13. Thank you 🙂, and yes that was my puddle. I love using the drain as much as I can when I get a chance but when I’m not squatted over the drain I’m standing over the trash can (in the same stall) and quietly peeing on some tissues, we use black trash bags so whoever throws out the trash doesn’t notice it’s full of pee, sometimes I constantly go in 1 trash can to see how much I can fill up before I go home. I’m still looking for places I can easily and quickly go without being bothered by others around
    1 point
  14. Love it - and love the background behind it. When you say ‘finally gave in’ I’m guessing you mean that this time around it’s your puddle there and not just other random strangers. Question is, are you now a convert - is it going to be the drain every time you get your favourite cubicle?
    1 point
  15. Well @bcreed1983 congratuations, since there is no more guesses, i am giving it to you, and you actually came real close: im 6,5" inches and am in fact uncut. You can either follow up the game to bump the thread and see if more ppl are willing to play or let it go Ty for participating!
    1 point
  16. As I returned home from the pub, I was very desperate for a pee but with NO TOILET in my apartment nor any communal men's room in the block, I had to quickly find somewhere else to seek relief. As nobody was near I went to my usual outdoor spot round the back of the bin shed and openly urinated against the wall before going upstairs to my apartment. https://www.erome.com/a/NcMdmWTv
    1 point
  17. As a frequent user of outhouses, I wonder what caused this, likely some missed streams onto the wood. There are specific types of privies you should never pee in (composting toilets) that even have urine catchers at the front of the hole to catch any errant automatic pees when in use that divert to separate containers/pits. As if we all needed an excuse to not use a "proper" toilet.
    1 point
  18. Perfect aim as far as I'm concerned. I've always hated men messing up toilet seats, I'd much rather they spray it out onto the wall or floor behind the toilet as it's not hurting a thing and leaves the toilet and the floor in front of it clean for the ladies. Great example of how men should piss in stalls.
    1 point
  19. I feel like it would still be hot, but it might lose part of its lustre... from what I've read when there wasn't a choice but to pee in public it still turned people on. Victorian women used to squat everywhere, French women used to squat everywhere, yet it still had a pornographic interest.
    1 point
  20. Hi, I’m a content creator from aus/ fellow piss lover. I’ve recently started creating a lot more piss related content if anybody would like to message me 😘
    1 point
  21. For me it wouldn't lose any appeal, as my interest in it never came from it being taboo of any sort. It was the sense of domination that did it. It would be great for me seeing women pop a squat in person (but not "extreme public" scenarios).
    1 point
  22. I've been thinking about writing it for some time. It will happen someday. To give you a hint, it's somewhere they'll have to be quiet.
    1 point
  23. I too am a bisexual girl that leans more toward women for her fetish 😜 welcome! Lots and lots of supportive people here to indulge us haha. You will have fun here.
    1 point
  24. I’m not sure how one would upload them on here, but my wife sends me them occasionally from work.
    1 point
  25. It wouldn’t lose all its appeal. Walking barefoot on a sandy beach isn’t illegal or taboo, but has a similar earthy quality to spraying piss over a tree or a wall. We don’t stop gazing into a loved one’s eyes because eyes aren’t taboo. I find it hard to imagine nudity being less taboo would detract from much, either. Would I appreciate @puddyls’s avatar less, were breasts less taboo? Gazing straight at the camera with one eye, the other hidden by a swish of hair like a wink, one nipple half-visible… 🥰 Um. What was I saying? I lost my train of thought there…
    1 point
  26. Would there be a peeing area in a swimming pool? 🙃
    1 point
  27. I agree with you Sophie. Some aspects of pee that others might find exciting aren't to me because they've become commonplace. For instance K and I have seen each other peeing, with an open door bathroom policy at home, for over 30 years and simply being in the same room as K when she pees does very little for me, unless we make it different or special in some way. But for others where that familiarity doesn't exist it might feel different and fun or arousing
    1 point
  28. Well I think a major aspect of the sexual interest in peeing is the naughtiness of it, due to the fact of so much being taboo. For example, if it were perfectly normal for everyone to just pee on the nearest carpet or floor, and everyone did it, I probably would not be anywhere near as interested as I am in ladies pissing on floors and carpets. It is the very wrongness of it, the total abnegation and defiance of taboos about how and where to pee properly which makes it so erotic. I think there is a similar imput into other aspects of our fetish besides naughty peeing as well. We are
    1 point
  29. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm an attractive woman in my early 40s. I think I still look pretty good for my age.... Yes, that's me.... When very young I used to envy the way males could just pee against walls and suchlike, whilst I had to squat down. Well as I grew up this kind of morphed into sexual fantasies about ladies peeing against walls, and of doing it myself. But I am a respectable woman who was married with kids, though the husband has left recently following an acrimonious divorce. Same old story. Affair with his secretary. Still have the kids but they are teenagers
    1 point
  30. Kind of think this game could be fun, if it gets too easy maybe add in pubic hair style as well. Anyway my guess is uncut and 6” assuming we are talking about hard not flaccid
    1 point
  31. How I dressed while working today (I work from home). I wonder how people would feel if they knew this was how their Tech Support was dressed? ;)
    1 point
  32. Another sighting as I walked home from work today. I took a different bus home that took me through an area with more office buildings, which were all closed when I passed by around 9pm. On the same side of the street as me, in the well-lit entryway to a like bank or something, I saw a person unzip their pants, fish around, and pull something out. I did not have a clear view of what they were holding, but a second later I saw a stream hit the wall in front of them and heard a loud splashing sound, followed by a big sigh of relief. It was very loud! I could hear their piss splashing f
    1 point
  33. When I add somebody to my ignore list, it is almost always because I would like the fact that this person exists to be removed from my screen as much as possible. However, I have noticed the following things that I would like to no longer see: - Topics created by those persons still show up in the respective forum region, as well as in "Recently Active Topics". - They can still follow you and you still get a notification that they follow you (only an issue with one). - Their posts might not be visible, but there's the placeholder text of "You've chosen to ignore content by ..."
    1 point
  34. … and I guess the other thing I didn’t say (which @ukpeegirl86 has reminded me of) is the role of ‘fantasy’ in our thinking. That difference between loving the idea of doing something, but for whatever reason not actually going though with it.
    1 point
  35. Yes I agree that if you are having a hard time with someone to report them. The admins care a lot about the person doing the reporting but take everything seriously because it could be being done to other members too. However, I also agree with that you've said lol. The ignore function can only do so much and I'd feel so much better if it were an actual block function. I would much rather some people not see my posts at all but as far as I can tell they still can.
    1 point
  36. Part One I'm going to break this story up into multiple comments for ease of reading! Links to videos will be in larger font. After spending the morning of my day off running errands, I resolved to have a lazy afternoon... Naturally, this eventually resulted in soaked gray sweatpants. Let me tell you what happened in between. This happened to be the rare occasion where I have the day off and my husband doesn't. He's cool with this kink and even indulges in it with me pretty regularly, but my appetite for wetting exceeds his by enough that I won't pass up the chance for some sol
    1 point
  37. Some naughty pees at work. I hope you all enjoy 😊 https://thisvid.com/videos/pissing-in-the-laundry-barrel-at-work-last-night/ https://thisvid.com/videos/soaking-a-chair-at-work/
    1 point
  38. Uploaded this vid last night. It's an old one of me walking around pissing in the dining room in a place I used to live. My "roommate" at the time was in the kitchen the whole time. If you watch with the volume up you can hear her making some noise. Then at the end she starts talking to me. https://thisvid.com/videos/pissing-in-the-dining-room-of-my-old-house/
    1 point
  39. Just added this video to my page. I brought a bed pad home from work and decided to give it and the walls a good soaking 🙂 https://thisvid.com/videos/soaking-my-new-pad/
    1 point
  40. Reviving this ppst to tell yall about some sightings I've had in the past couple months. I walk to work some days, a good thirty minute walk through downtown, early in the morning. Well early enough that folks aren't too worried about being seen emptying their morning piss onto the street. I've had several great sightings, but here are some of the best. I saw a guy standing against a clear plastic tarp which protected an outdoor dining area. He was not shielded at all except for directly in front of him, and even that was see through. It honestly seemed more like he just wa
    1 point
  41. Check out "pee-k" - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.social.peek A app dedicated (apparently) to pee fetish dating.. Just found this a few moments ago... So Still trying to figure out all the details on how it works.. But it might be worth a shot (looks like only the first 30 days are free though)
    1 point
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