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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2022 in Posts

  1. Time for another story of my ex! I was at work, and my wife at the time was doing a 3 hour drive home from another city. As in the first story, she had just discovered coffee which was making her pee constantly. With that in mind I suggested she come and pick me up from work on her way home, but that I had a meeting and she would need to wait til that was finished. She messaged me about 90min before my meeting was to be finished and told me "I think I'm going to have to go straight home, I need to pee SO bad", but after some negotiations she agreed to wait for me, saying "ok I'll wai
    6 points
  2. I once was in a bus going back from a hockey tournament. The group won, so there was a huge amount of drinking. After half an hour a girl screamed that se had to piss. As the toilet in the bus was closed, the driver was asked to stop. He stopped along the road in a wooded area. The girls and boys went out, Girls to the right, boys to the left, all peeing in a row. The best sighting I ever had.
    5 points
  3. I played in a college sport where the small men's and women's teams travelled together by bus along with coaches and 2 trainers (both female). One tournament with many schools participating, we travelled early in the morning for about 3 hours by coach bus, but in this case the toilet on the bus was broken. The bus made no stops at rest areas and shortly before we arrived a couple people joked about peeing in their water bottles if we didn't stop soon. When we got to the University sports center, we were guided down a basement cooridoor to a training room and told not to leave, while our
    5 points
  4. Hi - hopefully you'll see this as 'adding' to the thread and not hijacking it too much... I just wanted to share a real life experience of yesterday. I'd been in Scotland over the weekend where because of train delays, I'd taken my car at the last minute. Travelling home yesterday I somehow had managed to avoid a hangover and my host cooked a good breakfast to prepare for my journey home. The first part of that journey was a lift into Edinburgh, where I grabbed a sandwich and a 500ml bottle of Sprite, before boarding a train back to Glasgow where we'd been the night before and where my
    4 points
  5. Looks like I've got a pretty good twist in mine. I thought that was only because I have a certain kink. 🤣
    4 points
  6. Brand new here! I told my ex a long time ago that I was into peeing and desperation, she wasnt terribly interested but did indulge me on occasion. There were also times where things just happened spontaneously like this story! We were travelling from one city to another, about a 3 hour drive. My wife had just started drinking coffee more regularly so was figuring out that it made her need to pee really quickly. On our way out of the city we went to visit some friends, so she said that she would have a coffee before leaving because she would be able to pee at the friends place. Saw th
    3 points
  7. It probably surprises nobody that Eliminature is going to say this, since it's well known that I like Eastern and Northern European men, but having looked at Herr Renauer's photograph, I wish I was that post. I'd love a golden shower from him.
    3 points
  8. Just seeing the logo brings back memories, I remember when I was maybe 13/14 we were rummaging around a local derelict industrial site (as boys did at that age) and came across a pile of dumped stuff, in amongst it we struck gold..a bunch of discarded porn mags. Most were more mainstream but when we shared them out I got a copy of Bizarre and a Whitehouse became prized possessions, at least they were until my mum found my stash...then I got a slap and they disappeared ....... happy days 😄
    3 points
  9. I recall her in the post race interview commenting that stomach cramps were hampering her pace - and for that reason I'd also always assumed that it wasn't pee. For an athlete of her experience and commitment to winning, if the issue had been her bladder I cannot imagine for a moment that she wouldn't just have peed in her shorts as she ran - but her instead stopping and squatting over a grid was a conscious 'balancing of need' decision. I can't really think that she'd have prioritised stopping, pulling shorts aside etc as needed for just a simple pee? Lots of lady athletes finish race
    3 points
  10. It was the London Marathon in 2005. Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6I2-YP42rs She pulled over just next to the spectators barrier, dropped into a squat whilst pulling her shorts to the side, she took just a few seconds before she stood up and carried on. She was well ahead of the field and went on to win the race. The cameras were obviously filming her because she was race leader and it was live on the BBC at the time. When they saw her slowing down and pulling over, they thought something was wrong, so zoomed in on her. As I remember, the commentator didn't rea
    3 points
  11. I know some people who would like to do this to me, but I just cannot envision it. I'm so shy and like most of us was taught that pee is dirty growing up, so the thought of someone licking me clean makes me a bit scared. I'd do it but it would take a lot of work to sort of get me in the right mindset first 😅
    3 points
  12. Happy Birthday dear @Scot_Lover & @harry_jones_1975 today - There's a little something special waiting for you at the Peefans bar...
    2 points
  13. I would definitely love to get licked after pissing.
    2 points
  14. The time the door wouldn’t close A brief but nice sighting today. This happened last week so it’s still fresh in my mind. It was last Thursday afternoon and I had just parked my car in the relatively empty council parking lot behind the supermarket, ready to go and do my shopping. I notice a pale, early-20s, dark haired girl in jeans and a crop top making her way over to the “Exeloo” automated public toilet on the edge of the carpark. She’s walking at a fairly brisk pace - a sign of desperation perhaps. As she arrives at the toilets, the electric sliding door is already
    2 points
  15. because i like math problems like this: per google, an average amount of pee per piss is 250-400mls. we will say 400. an average amount of times to pee a day is 6-7. with this: 2.5 million L / 400 l = 6,250,000 pees 6250000 pees/6 pees a day=1041666.6 days = 2853.8 years for one person peeing to fill a olympic pool if there was help: no idea how many active members there are on the site, but I'd say maybe 150 give or take? so: 2853.8/150=19 years if everyone pees in the pool to fill it up. still a long time! HOWEVER, if we are talking residential/hotel sized pool which is a
    2 points
  16. New to the site, but not the fetish. Average height, brown-skinned, curvy girl who happens to be a pee enthusiast. If I recall correctly, the fascination began as an accident. From what I can gather this seems like a nice little community, bound together by a rather taboo interest. Hoping to have an interesting time here, share my experiences, and hear those of others! ❤️
    1 point
  17. It's November now, and summer's long past (at least for those of us in the northern half of the world), which means for most people, swimming season is over. But that makes now a great time to look back and see what everyone did during it! Before I say anything else, I just gotta point it out: Swimming pools are a special sort of thing to pee in. Within the sorta niche of naughty peeing, they're both really normal and yet extremely thrilling to use. On one hand, all kinds of people do their business while swimming, merely out of convenience, yet on the other, where else can you pee and gu
    1 point
  18. Part One I'm going to break this story up into multiple comments for ease of reading! Links to videos will be in larger font. After spending the morning of my day off running errands, I resolved to have a lazy afternoon... Naturally, this eventually resulted in soaked gray sweatpants. Let me tell you what happened in between. This happened to be the rare occasion where I have the day off and my husband doesn't. He's cool with this kink and even indulges in it with me pretty regularly, but my appetite for wetting exceeds his by enough that I won't pass up the chance for some sol
    1 point
  19. Pompous, overblown late-80s fey-folk-goth-rock. I *love it*! A glorious guitar solo playout starting at 5:48
    1 point
  20. Wow! A great experience! Thanks for describing it so beautifully. I could sense the relief!
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Seanie, I feel the same way, I also joined this site few days ago and am really enjoying it
    1 point
  23. Someone had suggested to me putting an ad on Reddit, which I did in late December. The ad clearly stated that I was looking for real life only, not an internet fantasy relationship. On New Year's Eve, a woman near me (an hour away) contacted me. About 2 weeks ago, a woman about 10 minutes away contacted me. In both cases, as soon as I used the word "meet", they ghosted me. I offered to do everything possible to make the initial meeting comfortable for them, including meeting during the day, meeting for dinner not for sex, and even sending a scan of my driver's license so they could do a b
    1 point
  24. Just Googling the driver - and he's German, so I wonder if cultural practices and the German openness for nudity, pee and the like have a little to do with it. But of course, the practises of the country must be respected. Not only that, but this took place during a period of race stoppage and right in the vicinity of the grid, so there could easily have been many families watching. For those not familiar with the 'Red flag' reference, it means that an incident has occurred and the race director has temporarily halted the race. Perhaps an accident which needs a recovery vehicle or mar
    1 point
  25. Hi @Seanie - thanks for shouting up. Welcome to the site, and glad you're enjoying it.
    1 point
  26. I'll post the new edited video later
    1 point
  27. A few women I've hiked with have carried a rag to wipe themselves dry.
    1 point
  28. Swimming and Pissing On one occasion we decided that we were going to go for a swim while we were visiting family in another city. We had been having a lot of peeing fun since that first night behind the bus shelter and today it was going to continue at the swimming pool, it wasn’t something we had planned to do, well it wasn’t something I had planned to do anyway. To keep it brief we were in the pool, which was a kind of fun pool with a few flumes, wave machine etc etc. We were Down at the deep end, leaning up against the side having a chat when my ex decided she was going to stradd
    1 point
  29. Nothing better than hearing a strong hissy pee especially when they cant hold it any longer!
    1 point
  30. Note to self to do some more towel content then 😉
    1 point
  31. I’ve been lucky enough to build a few very close friendships from here (and another site that I was part of before) which in turn has led to me talking to some absolutely incredible people over the last ten years. They are extremely special and I hold them very close to my heart, none more so than one special girl here who I’ve had the pleasure of being friends with for nearly 14 years and while never actually meeting in person we’ve spoken both on and offline over that time. None of these friendships were built over night and in reality took at least a year to build trust. As @gldenwetgo
    1 point
  32. It's a point I seem to find myself answering every few days - usually when a brand new member is asking 'anyone live in ... and want some fun?' And it's very much about trust. Take an imaginary new member, let's call them 'Alice'. When they join, we know a username they they have chosen - in this case 'Alice20', so what else do we know? They have a profile page of course, but often people will leave big parts blank. It may have a date of birth and a gender that may tie in with our assumption from the username alone... a female born in 2001 or so? That's what they are telling u
    1 point
  33. Hey i’m new here. looking for someone to hopefully have some fun with sending videos and possibly video chatting showing each other peeing
    1 point
  34. I peed in the entrance area to some flats today. You could try that? It was somewhere that I've peed before and is an excellent location for a naughty pee as it has carpet, but it is open to the elements on one side, so the carpet is used to getting wet from windblown rain and wet shoes. I had a long coat on, so I took my dick out of my fly, still covered by my coat, then walked into the area. Stopped, checked nobody was around and released the hold allowing my pee to fall down just in front of me. It made a nice splattering sound as it hit the rough carpet (more like a commercia
    1 point
  35. the first time my family and i went to a water park we were in the change rooms and i had to pee i did not have my bikini bottoms on yet and my mum told me to just go on the floor not knowing my bikini bottoms were not on so i stood in the middle of the change room and peed right were i was standing other people were there and looked but we didnt care, while i was waiting for the rest of my family i had to pee again so i i peed throiuogh my bikini bottoms onto the floor
    1 point
  36. Like others said, you should run a fan facing your bed when you wake up, after the last time you pee. You probably should wash the sheets every time. Just wash them daily and then your constant bedwetting won’t be a big deal. I also love your one week with no toilet challenge, it should be great fun! If you pee on a carpet, get a pet urine enzyme cleaner spray and use it on your pee puddles. Good luck and happy pissing!
    1 point
  37. well, maybe i knew i wasn't doing it accidentally, but hopefully, it looked like maybe i wasn't aware of what was showing 😇☺️. after several weeks of rain and cold, even though it was still a little chilly, it was at least warm enough to wear a dress, and it felt so nice not being constrained by pants again.
    1 point
  38. Part two After my bladder froze up on me, I sat on the now-damp rug and drank even more water until I finally felt the next wave of pressure and was able to relax again. I managed to pee for another 20 seconds, truly saturating the rug and the seat of my pants. (The seat had mostly escaped damage before, as most of my earlier pee had run down my legs from my crotch.) I got a video of that, too, though I was interrupted by my cat. Here's that second wetting video! The rug and my socks, pants, and underwear went straight into the wash! I didn't start the machine right away, though
    1 point
  39. I pee alone in my backyard sometimes, mostly on grass or wildflowers. I haven’t been caught so far.
    1 point
  40. I stayed at a holiday park a few years ago that has couples steam rooms, go in, get muddy, steam in a small sauna then the showers come on. Me and my then boyfriend tried it out. It was fun getting caked in mud then sitting like a statue as the steam was turned on. After 15 minutes the operator came back, they dont go in the steam room, they just work valves from outside and shout. As soon as the steam was off and i heard the door close my boyfriend was in front of me naked, covered in mud and asking for sex. I told him to just watch and pulled my bikini bottoms aside and peed the mud of
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Maybe 4 or 5. Possibly earlier. I used to like to pee in naughty places, like inside the wardrobe. And I always peed in the bath: I’d get into the bath and the pleasure of the warm water stimulated the pee desire (you know the feeling!) and I just let go. Every time. Even if I was in the bath with one of my brothers. I’m pretty sure they peed in the bath too. My older brother peed on my face once, while we were in the bath together, when he lifted himself up above the water line while peeing. At the time I reacted with disgust, because “pee was dirty”. (We were taught that.) I remember wh
    1 point
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