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  1. A few sightings from Saturday to share. I was debating whether to go into town to scope out sightings after work but my decision was made when my workmate came over and said a couple of others were going round to his house after work and asked if I was coming with them. I said I would go and I forgot about town. When we finished we headed round to his house for a few hours and about 2 am my friend said he was heading into town to get a taxi as he had work the following afternoon and I said I would head off with him. We wandered into town and he headed to the taxi office and whilst we wer
    7 points
  2. After the girls had gone back up to the street I wandered up the same way and headed along to check out the small crowd outside the taxi office. Whilst standing there I caught the smells coming from the takeaway next door and realised I was hungry having not eaten since lunch the day before. I figured if I was going to be hanging about a while I should probably eat something. I went in and placed my order and just as I stood off to the side to wait two young girls came in and walked up to the counter. I couldn't help but check them out. Both in their early 20's and both dressed up and loo
    6 points
  3. wow. i do not mean to undermine other comments and appreciations, but this is really an amazing compliment. thank you. 💋🥰
    6 points
  4. i drank 3 big cups of iced tea with my dinner tonight and whenever i drink tea or coffee it always makes me desperate really quickly. by the time i got home i already had to piss pretty badly and i wanted to do it outside so i walked over to the side of my apartment building, unzipped my pants and let go against the wall. it felt so good i went inside and masturbated. after i was starting to feel the need to go again so i drank more water so i would fill up faster. only about an hour after my first piss i was already starting to feel desperate to go again so i walked back to the sam
    5 points
  5. I was desperate tonight so I masturbated while pissing and it felt AMAZING
    5 points
  6. Steaming pee in the middle of a cold night https://www.erome.com/a/gDz0ypuk Last Saturday, I visited some friends, and we enjoyed a nice evening. I drank a few beers, some wine, and some water. Time passed quickly, and soon it was time to head back home. I arrived at home at around 00:15. I felt quite naughty, and toyed with the idea to try to film some outdoor peeing. I had not peed all evening long, and although I was not yet desperate, I felt that some pee had accumulated in my bladder. I decided to drink an additional liter of water, to see if I could efficiently increase
    4 points
  7. @puddylsTbh, I love your captions as much as your pics. Not being a native English speaker, I am not in a good position to judge, but aren't sentences like those cited above carefully crafted little masterpieces? Very concise, minimalistic, spiced with fine humour - your specific, very original style of writing is always a pleasure to read!
    3 points
  8. I had sat myself at the top of the church door steps and was sitting eating my food and watching along the street for any potential sightings coming along. The next sightings took me by surprise, for multiple reasons. As I was sitting watching along the street and up the main road it started getting busier and I realized a couple of the bars must have closed for the night. As I was looking at the people heading up the main road I heard voices and thought it was someone coming up the main steps. However as the voices grew nearer I found they were coming from around the side of the church
    2 points
  9. That latest sighting was superb - especially as you had the preamble to it in the takeaway. Love the fact that she wasn't bothered about flashing her thong and that she gave you a cheeky smile whilst peeing. I take it that it was one of the open sided phone booths rather than one with a door?
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. After reading this thread i learned that the guys in porn who never wear underwear are realistic ? xD I feel like i've been living a lie my whole life. Don't get me wrong i go commando from time to time especially when wearing soft shorts or leggings but i think i couldn't wear jeans all day without underwear. I tried back when i was a teenager because .. well i tried anything that felt naughty but going commando felt like wearing sand paper xD. (Im exaggerating of course) On the pyjama discussion: I was always told that it is bad to sleep in underwear because your body shouldn't b
    2 points
  14. so after trying a few different ones, decided the original black lace briefs i chose was the most subtle pair. i had already decided to forego leggings in lieu of black tights. and like, knowing my panties would show through, didn't want it to be obvious that they were supposed to. 😇 had a bunch of things to do, so after getting gas, stopped for lunch. i had been super nervous about my outfit, and interacting with people. but, before i'd even finished my meal, i wasn't even really aware that i was out in literally my underwear (i mean except that i was taking pix to share) haha. so
    2 points
  15. I feel the same way! But it is great to share with others what you experienced cause it isn’t their mom still great to hear about other peoples experience seeing there mom I woulda gladly let you watch mine lol 😂
    2 points
  16. I don’t like mess so I pee in the shower, bath, sinks, bathroom floor if I’m really wanting to be a little naughtier with easy clean up, peeing in cups/jugs/pots around the house, using a puppy pad under you so you can pee without the clean up, sitting on a load of towels and peeing but then washing them, peeing in dirty laundry before washing, in the garden.
    2 points
  17. I'll let you in on a little secret, but you've got to promise not to tell a soul. It's a lot more common than you think. Almost everybody on his site has one.
    2 points
  18. I just saw an episode of series The Expanse on Amazon Prime (Season 5 episode 8 ) . At the 2 minute mark at the start of the episode, the actors Amos and Clarissa have just gotten off their bikes and the next scene shows Clarissa standing up but semi squatting and Amos about 10 feet behind here facing a tree and they are both peeing. What's amazing, is you can see both their streams plain as day (steaming too as it's cold). I was amazed- I've NEVER seen anything like that in ANY program unless it was porn. You do not see pussy or cock but you do see pee streaming for several seconds.
    1 point
  19. Alright everyone, this probably doesn’t sound like a big deal- but for me was a pee milestone 🤣. I have finally peed on carpet for my first time! And my god it felt absolutely amazing. That feeling of being naughty mixed with that feeling of relieving a very full bladder makes me feel so good. My initial plan was to only let about half of my bladder onto the carpet since I have fairly large pees, and was a bit apprehensive since my carpet isn’t even a year old yet. But once I started I knew I couldn’t stop myself. My carpet was absolutely soaked, but the way I felt, it was 100% worth it.
    1 point
  20. The whole day my pussy has been throbbing, but i havent gotten the chance to satisfy myself until now. I decided to drink a few bottles of water to fill my bladdet and treat myself with a naughty pee somewhere in my room. I laid in my bed, pantiless, as a waited for my bladder to fill. 2 hours later and i needed to piss so badly, it was starting to drip out of my pussy and onto my bed. I looked around my room and decided the best place to pee right then was in the back of my closet. My closet is carpeted so i had hoped that my pee wouldnt be too yellow and leave a stain. I pushed my
    1 point
  21. A bunch of years ago, in my early teens, I went hiking together with my mom and other people. We were out the whole day and as our trip got to an end, mom and I walked back to our car ready to drive home. We parked right next to a house we used to live in two/three years before and just as we were putting our backpacks into the trunks we heard the voices of our former neighbours calling us from their garden. They were making a barbecue and invited us over. We hesitated for a moment but then decided to walk over and join them. We had a lovely time. We ate and drank and talked about everyth
    1 point
  22. I have a fantasy I want to fulfil at some point, I want to wet myself in my car but I absolutely love my car, I don't even eat in it so a damaged seat would be disastrous. Does anyone have any advice for protecting the car and seat? I've put a plastic bag down in the past but that was just a barrier for my wet clothes not a full blown wetting. Thank you
    1 point
  23. Wow, love seeing the piss on the wall and the big puddle. Good job
    1 point
  24. I was having a beer and watching TV last night when I felt my bladder saying iam full lol. So I ventured outside and pissed in on a snowbank lol
    1 point
  25. Magnificent! Knocks our sunrise this morning into nowhere! Thanks for sharing this!
    1 point
  26. Thanks guys 😍 I'll let you know when/if I do it!
    1 point
  27. Cups are amazing! Couldn't recommend them enough.
    1 point
  28. Yet another great video!
    1 point
  29. This last one @Bacardi I think you will like as much as me!
    1 point
  30. There is just something so enjoyable about leaving a big puddle somewhere lol.
    1 point
  31. Never. I'll give you an update if i become a wizard in a few years x'D.
    1 point
  32. I find that if a model demands a tip to pee for you on cam, it's because she isn't into watersports herself. The models who genuinely love it do it for whatever their private rate is with no added extras. If you think they did a good job, you can tip.
    1 point
  33. Washing machines and dishwashers are good for peeing
    1 point
  34. In looking at the Geordie Shore clips, I stumbled onto Floribama Shore, which I assume is a similar show. Here, two girls come in and find another girl already on the toilet, so one of the girls pees in the shower next to the girl on the toilet. A couple of guys also pop by to get a look: https://www.facebook.com/FloribamaShore/videos/311085692806030/ And Kortni used another girls bed as a toilet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7mXvQx8lqw On a night out, she peed in the urinal in a men's room. The shot starts with her saying that she needs to pee, a securi
    1 point
  35. If you have clothes which don't show that they are wet or a skirt, you could also pee while searching for the key of the front door or in front of the trash cans when taking out the trash . Its fun and you don't have to clean it up because its outside. Do it on a rainy day and you have even less to worry about. If you plan to pee somewhere where you can't/won't clean it up like in a big plant or the basement then make sure to drink lots of water beforehand to minimise the smell which might give you away. If you want to go inside, then i would go for the kitchen sink or dishwasher beca
    1 point
  36. This was the way it was all over Europe a few decades ago, while it's not near as common these days in Western Europe, with the exception of large festivals or games, in Eastern Europe it's still like this. While it appears to be crude to some people, most of these guys were actually peeing into the canals, which are the storm sewers anyway, making it rather irrelevant. In Amsterdam they do have some green metal public urinal huts along the canals, but they again drain into the canal anyway. Public nudity isn't an issue there, as the red light district has nude ladies in the shop windows, so t
    1 point
  37. Damn don’t we all im sure you would be a great friend for that lol lucky tho what a hot story to read thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  38. Damn I wish I had friends who had a piss fetish like me Damn I wish I had friends
    1 point
  39. Do people still do that in Amsterdam?
    1 point
  40. Whereever you want! - Just kidding. Sinks, buckets, plants, random containers, cups, glasses, measuring jugs, clothes baskets, towels, the floor, carpet all seem popular. Depends on how much mess you are willing to clean up. Please tell us where you decide to try.
    1 point
  41. Kids can be so cruel and that’s such an old school hype that big cocks are better. I personally find a penis like yours the perfect size, so much more enjoyable than some I’ve had. Also it really is true it’s how you use it that’s important! 😁 you have nothing to be shy about, looks great to me!!
    1 point
  42. 💯 shaved! Lol I’m not a fan of body hair so keep it clean shaved all the time.
    1 point
  43. It was really the best anniversary ever for me. My husband's always been so shy about even peeing in places like locker rooms and group showers where everyone pees, so for him to do so in a nice hotel room was certain never expected. We both looked at one another and asked each other if we understood her right, she was telling us it's alright to pee in the room, just don't soak the mattress or chairs. Before we left to go out I peed from the bed into the carpet and my husband sprayed it randomly around the sitting room. Again when we arrived back that evening I backed up to a wall mirror and w
    1 point
  44. Idk just get in the right position, pull on my labia and let go! Works like a charm every time. Sometimes if my stream is not strong enough it can get messy, so I usually try to make sure I'm pretty full before attempting. The first few times at work was so awkward when I'd come inside with some weird stains on my shoes and had to say someone left a drink in the dump that I accidentally kicked lmao.
    1 point
  45. I can pee standing up too! Took some practice in the shower and at the dumpster at my old job, but now I'm pretty skilled! I too have been into women peeing standing up against walls for some reason, so I share your same sentiments lol. It really is an empowering feeling 👊🏼
    1 point
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