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  1. So, despite my pee fetish heavily involving peeing outside, I've only ever peed outside once or twice in my life and that was when I was a kid. I've been wanting to pee outside as an adult, but as I have said in the past I do not live in a place where I can do this, or so I thought. I still live with my mom and have neighbors on all sides, so peeing outside in my own backyard seemed impossible (even though we have a fenced in yard), until I noticed a a part of the yard that is in a position that should obscure me from view of the neighbors. I noticed an opportunity to try out this idea rece
    4 points
  2. I felt like sharing this story because it's made me so happy and I wanna spread some positivity So me and my gf have been together for 2 years now and never did I think I would have a partner that would be big into pee like I'm into. The thought of even telling her scared me. But as we grew more comfortable with each other and time passed we naturally got a little more sexual. One night we started talking about fetishes and possible ones we had. I started off by asking her and she didn't really have any fetishes. So I'm just thinking "okay how do I bring mine up to her". So I told h
    4 points
  3. After a chat the other night, I realised I'd probably forgotten half the fiction I've written. So, not boasting or anything but here's a set of links in order from oldest down to newest. Note that some of the links below contain several chapters contained as further posts under the same heading If you're reading for the first time hope you enjoy... Firstly a whole series written between Jan and April 2019 charting the exploits of Lucy and friends... 4 Jan 2019 https://peefans.com/topic/11397-lucy-learning-to-lose-control (Chapters 1-3) 22 Jan 2019 https:
    3 points
  4. I have not written much fiction for a while, so here is a little story about a couple of eighteen year old twins with a bit of family interaction. Contains women being peed on by a man, and a bit of female wetting. The Sixthformers By Paulypeeps Part 1 "Come on girls! Breakfast time!" Mum called up the stairs. I was still blotting my lippy and my twin sister Erica was twisting and checking her behind in the mirror, carefully adjusting the waist of her tight black school uniform skirt so the hem sat just a fraction below her buttocks. Mum called
    3 points
  5. I love carpet pissing! I recently moved back in to a university dorm and in the middle of the night I’ll go into the common room and just let my bladder go in my pjs. I left a huge puddle which I hope stains and smells
    3 points
  6. For me and my gf, the carpet is always our go to whenever we need to pee. Sometimes we switch it up but we always go on the carpet more often then not. We just love the huge stain it leaves and the smell afterwards. Who here has the carpet as their favorite spot? Do you have a partner who you do it frequently with?
    2 points
  7. I am happy to belong to the forum Hello friends. Thank you for letting me belong to this great family! Many kisses Carla Mila
    2 points
  8. *** Public urination, vandalism, whole nine yards. In this installment (I love that word), the narrator continues the recommencement of her devious acts which were brought to a screeching halt years ago for...reasons the writer herself is still unsure of. She'll get it together eventually. Read the first story for context. Not guaranteeing that will make this make sense. ✨----------✨ I strolled into my office with an unusual pep in my step, some files supported by one arm and two bottles of water sqeezed in the other hand. I was never too crazy about my
    2 points
  9. This is something me and my girlfriend have been talking about and fantasising for a while for when we move out and get a place of our own We plan on having a specific room that is just made for our fetish, we plan on putting cheap furniture in there like a couch, chairs, tables, a bed, everything we could think of, and we would basically use it as our new bathroom. We would piss anywhere and everywhere and there would be no limits. Have any of you thought of something like that? If so please share how you would want your room, things that you would want to piss on either by yoursel
    2 points
  10. 11:15 - Three girls crossed the road from the nightclub towards the park, looking around urgently. They literally walked just into the park space, fully visible from the road and one girl who was very skinny wearing pink trousers and a black crop top with dark shoulder length hair stood on the bath with her back to the flowerbed, dropped her trousers to just above her knees and stuck her bum out towards the flowerbed maintaining a high squat. The other two girls stood just forward of her and one to each side. I approached from the peeing girl's left. She didn't notice until I got quite c
    2 points
  11. Continuing from before: 10:55 - I walked round the path around the fountain and one girl was squatting at the edge of the path, she was a tall girl with long blonde hair, squatted low, spraying the tarmac path. As I approached she looked up and saw me and simply said "oops" I was only aware of this one girl, but then I heard a voice from right up against the fountain between two bushes "Look the other way, I'm peeing". Of course that made me look directly at her and I saw a dimly lit shape of a girl squatted low with her back to the fountain. I couldn't actually make that much out,
    2 points
  12. Alfresco, Thank you for writing about your spottings. I really appreciate when you provide details because I can form a mental picture and learn about some of the ways women pee. Since I cannot ever view women peeing, your detailed descriptions are very helpful.
    2 points
  13. Oh what a shame, guess I'll have to give all my girl characters massive swinging dongs. Oh, the horror!~ 😉 @oliver2Oh there she goes again with her futa obsession
    2 points
  14. Not so much skill as practice. Practice that one doesn't mind doing..😁
    2 points
  15. Camping is great for someone with a pee fetish. I remember going with a few girls and lads. I got to sleep in the tent with one of the girls as we were really good friends (perhaps a little more), but it was wild camping and we were drinking loads. She must have peed like 4 times that evening in the bushes and just drip dried a little (VERY little based on how fast she was at pulling her panties back up). She then cuddled up to me in the tent at the end of the night with her black leggings and probably rather pissy panties still on. I remember the next morning, we all woke up a little hun
    2 points
  16. I like to go camping because you can pee in public and have a good chance of seeing others pee as well. Especially at dusk , many people no longer feel like going to the toilets . My best experience was at a campsite in France, where the toilet was a few hundred meters from the campsite. The tents were all in the woods, so everyone, man and woman, used the bushes to pee. i had some nice sightings there, mainly because the french didn't seem to bother seeing them. Do you have good camping experiences?
    1 point
  17. For me, it was when I was 13 or 14, and my friend’s mom would pick us up from school and I would stay at their house afterwards until my parents got back from work, usually a couple of hours. I had a crush on my friend’s mom, miss Mindy, who usually wore tight jeans. She was in her upper 30’s I’d say, and had a thin body, small breasts, and was a smoker. One day when we were driving back from school, I was sitting in the front seat because my friend had to stay after school for a project and it was just me and her. Well we came to an intersection and I remarked to Mindy that there was
    1 point
  18. I'm Karla, and last New Year's Eve I was out drinking in a pub with my best friend Simone, bringing in the New Year in the traditional way - down the pub getting plastered, haha. Of course drinking resulted in a need to go to the loo quite often, but as the place grew more and more crowded, this became more of a hassle. Eventually, the queue for the ladies' grew very long - quite a problem when we needed to pee again, and badly, because neither of us could stomach that long and boring wait. We noticed that some girls were abandoning the queue and going outside to pee, whilst others were just
    1 point
  19. Do people believe in having bigger beds and have more (crazier) bedwetting ideas from it? At the same time, why not share your bed size? I'll start with mine, I have a super single sized bed for a few years now that has been a true eye opener to bedwetting for me.
    1 point
  20. You're preaching to the choir. One of the hottest and sexiest things that can possibly happen is an attractive woman very desperate to pee while dressed in a jumpsuit, romper, catsuit, leotard, or overalls, and then the struggle to get them off in time.
    1 point
  21. This is really hot ! Though i would never hurt an animal the combination of her destructive and dominant nature is attractive to me ! Thanks for sharing
    1 point
  22. I haven't had that much experience of camping in recent years other than a couple of trips with the kayaking club. I didn't spot any girls peeing by their tents, but in the morning I did find that there was an area just through a gap in the hedge where the path led down to the river. This area had a flat area of dry earth with about half a dozen very obvious wet patches - looked like the girls at that end of the field had decided to go behind the hedge rather than walk down to the portaloos. I was sleeping in a small tent with the zip along the side rather than on the end. When I need
    1 point
  23. I believe I was thinking on the same lines as @oliver2 here - that maybe the girl said "I got out of my tent to go to the portaloo", meaning that she literally just got outside her tent to go to pee in the grass, but she said portaloo to be more politically correct. When someone asked her why she didn't go just outside she didn't react because maybe that is exactly what she had done. If she was drunk enough not to put her boots on, then I'm sure she was probably drunk enough to not waste time/effort stumbling across the field to the portaloos. I guess we'll never know for sure though.
    1 point
  24. I certainly did. Cracking set of stories there! Unfortunately, I'd already found all of them so no new ones for me, but still nice to go back and revisit some old friends.
    1 point
  25. 11:45 - I saw a slightly curvy girl with a mid thigh length blue skirt and a white blouse and good sized breasts go into the area with the small hilly rise at the end of the park. I was a bit of a distance away, but headed in the general direction. She squatted down with her back to a tree. I walked up to her from her left side but lower down the hill. She had her bum close to the ground, feet apart, knees raised up and also separated. She had pulled her skirt up at the back, but it hid part of her bum from the side. She was texting on her phone as she sat there. I passed by a littl
    1 point
  26. A good and exciting story. Love it. Thanks for sharing Greetings Carla Mila
    1 point
  27. Me accusing anyone of being futa-obsessed is firmly in lobbing rocks in a glasshouse territory
    1 point
  28. Try getting really desperate to piss. If you premeditate the idea you may get a hard dick etc, this will make it worse.
    1 point
  29. Yes! I have a t4t couple in my game - a girl with a massive penis and a guy with a vagina.
    1 point
  30. I don't think I'll ever go camping. Hiking however is something I've done a lot before, and have had the opportunity to pee outside on said hikes!
    1 point
  31. Here is an example of it in the sims - a few people having a pee party
    1 point
  32. I recommend getting a smoking room or a room that allows pets. These rooms probably already smell and have pee stains.
    1 point
  33. A solution to every problem (whereas my wife tells me I have a 'problem for every solution'). We're involved in a vintage fair type event in a nearby village and through the summer have a couple of working weekends, as well as the main show event. At the first working weekend we were in a borrowed tent, there was one portaloo set up 100 yards across the field (it was a sort of small cabin on a trailer). The nearest to any excitement was my wife telling me of sharing with another lady - simply so they could hold a torch light for one another. Before the next weekend I'd inherited a s
    1 point
  34. Woohoo that sounds like great fun! Preemptively build it so the carpet absorbs and the walls don't stain and it sounds like you have it made! I would love that but will probably never have the space or the privacy lol.
    1 point
  35. Naturally, as we have no toilet provisions here, we all find it neutral when we see each other having to pee openly in the apartment. So my mum urinating in the sink with her jeans pulled down is quite normal, it is just somewhere to pee (I often use the sink as a urinal too if I am in the kitchen). We have been doing it for so long that it doesn't phase me. Despite doing so for many years, I still get a buzz out any of us going toilet on the carpet and making large puddles.
    1 point
  36. 10:45 a mixed group of 6 students from the bus entered the park. One of the girls was saying "I need a wee". The three males went towards the fountain to pee. Across the path that goes around the fountain were some low bushes/shrubs. The three girls went around the shrubs so that they were slightly hidden from the males. However, this put them on the side where there was open grass and I approached from that side. The first girl was a tall girl with blonde hair and had on a short skirt. She stopped on the grass in front of the flower bed, took hitched up her skirt and sort of lunged
    1 point
  37. 10:33, I was walking up the pavement and spotted two girls who were waiting at a bus stop leave the queue and head down a side alley. I hovered near the alley. The first girl squatted by the side of a communication box (junction box for phone lines). She had red hair and tight light coloured trousers. I walked into the alley towards them and could see the girl squatted with her back to the fence, a clear view of the side of her bum and I saw that she had tattoos on her legs. I could make out the stream and as I got closer I could hear the hiss and splatter. I walked past them, about 1.5m
    1 point
  38. 3,4,5 yes 1,2 no Everything related to the demonstration of a dominant position. Piss on someone's things or piss yourself on your own to show that you can do this in public. Piss on your own house to show how little it matters compared to you Ideal scenarios are when someone cannot resist you and you destroy what is dear to him/her As always, reading this forum I got excited. Better to do than read ...
    1 point
  39. I remember camping down in the south of France, the campers forged a pissing area in the brush and trees behind my tent. The casual approach was amazing, ladies and gents queing to piss and in front of eack other, had to join in, had me hard standing in front of folks piss in full view of my stream, never drank so much water in my life.
    1 point
  40. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm an 18 year old student now who has just left home and moved into my own flat. This is me.... I had a slightly unconventional upbringing, since my parents used to attend fetish clubs and had a thing about peeing. They never took me obviously since it was adults only. But sometimes they'd host parties at home during which they and their adult guests would frequently pee on the kitchen floor for fun. Mum would mop it all up in the morning. A couple of times I walked in on mum squatting and peeing on the bathroom floor right in front of the toilet - apparently
    1 point
  41. I'd say my range of enjoyment is "Sheepish but consoleable" to "malicious and intentional". I especially love confident and casual pissing. Just the idea of someone not giving a damn and letting go wherever, or being proud of the fact that they aren't afraid to piss where and when they want. That right there is the dream. Life would be much more convenient (and much hotter) if people were more open about pissing. I also like the idea of someone who had a weak bladder who has just come to accept it. They might be a bit embarrassed by pissing themselves, or about the places they have to p
    1 point
  42. so it really wasn’t impromptu. though the pix kinda weren’t planned haha. 🤭but i don’t know where else to share, so here. 😳 mid jill, i switched from my fingering my muffin to rubbing my clit. i was so close to an orgasm and as my body began tensing up in preparation for its sensual release, the speed and pressure of my hand brushing across my mound increased until finally my eyes rolled back and my breaths came in shorter bursts until my body shuddered in shear pleasure. i even squirted a little haha.
    1 point
  43. I've always (ever since I recognized my pee fetish) wondered what it would have been like to grow up in a family that had an "open door policy" in the bathroom. Though I wonder if it's actually less likely for people like that to have the fetish, as (like you describe) it becomes very mundane and also has associations with unappealing moments (like using the restroom during/after arguments, when sick/ill, etc.). I could see where it's something that sounds more exciting as a fantasy than it is in practice.
    1 point
  44. Yes, definitely. Although I do think that people should actually clear up after themselves and not leave plastic rubbish in the countryside. I don't mind tissues as they will soon rot, but plastic wrappers and applicators will be there for a long time - unless of course someone else cleans up. Whilst I like seeing the evidence because I know what has occurred there, I would still rather that people took it away with them. It is a general bug bear of mine that people so often go to beauty spots expecting them to be clean and tidy so that they can enjoy themselves and then they leave all
    1 point
  45. https://www.manyvids.com/Video/2759496/Piss-On-Dress-in-Dressing-Room/ https://www.manyvids.com/Video/383265/Almost-Caught-Pissing-the-Mens-Room/ https://www.manyvids.com/Video/416100/hotel-room-gets-wet/ https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1530356/Ruined-my-roommates-bed-w-pee-4K-60fps/ https://www.manyvids.com/Video/2619130/Another-Toilet-Pee-Compilation/ https://www.manyvids.com/Video/2619439/Pissing-in-the-Mens-room/
    1 point
  46. [Story based loosely on a true anecdote - desperation / wetting / golden shower / lesbian themes] “Are you sure this is ok Tricia?” Asked Sally, her voice wavering slightly and giving away her anxiety. “Of course” replied Tricia, stopping and turning to face her best friend “You’ll be perfect at this, have a bit of faith in yourself” “Ha, now your asking the impossible” said Sally with a weak smile. Tricia gave her a hug before turning and pushing open the door into the changing rooms. “Hey everyone, this is my bestie Sally. Remember I said she was going to try
    1 point
  47. I always pee in the bath. I just lay back and relax. If the feeling arises I just let go I usually like to rub my pussy while doing it.
    1 point
  48. Yes, I agree that this is an exciting idea. When I see a girl in a jumper/romper, I always ask myself: Will she be able to get out of it quick enough when she has to pee? Or: Shouldn't she be wearing a diaper underneath, so she can pee without taking the whole thing of each time?
    1 point
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