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  1. one of the new pairs i got recently. do you like them? ☺️😇
    9 points
  2. This roadtrip was really to our liking. It was the perfect way for us to kill the lockdown boreness. So much, that we quickly decided to do another one. We searched on the internet and instead of planning our own route, we found a so called guided car puzzle tour. It started about 2 hours drive away from home and it would be a 4 hour themed tour. We printed out a paper which contained all the directions and it also had questions about the villages, sights etc you came across along the way for you to answer. The idea was that you have to get out at some of these sights to walk a little bit, ask
    7 points
  3. after having sex i put these back on and decided to take the pic after i’d also had a wee in them. ☺️
    6 points
  4. Dear Wet Carpet This is a pic my boyfriend just took, me feeling naughty and - though perhaps not obvious in that pic - needing a pee.... Fact is I hadn't been all day, and had also been to the pub, so it was going to be a very long pee. And I was feeling horny. Sometimes I like to pee in places other than the toilet. The naughtier the more erotic. And my boyfriend loves watching me do it. At night I rarely bother using the bathroom if I need to pee. I just get out of bed and pee on the carpet beside it. After a few drinks I can be outrageous, peeing on tables
    4 points
  5. Hope u enjoy https://www.erome.com/i/SBhSbEEN
    3 points
  6. Dear Wet Carpet, I've been an avid reader of your magazine for many years, and look forward to it landing on my slightly damp doormat every month. Writing into magazines isn't really the done thing for a chap like me, but I just wanted to congratulate you, or really I suppose to express my gratitude for the excellent letters in the current edition. The pictures of course help but to read those short letters from ladies with such a passion is a delight. I raise a glass to all of your writers of course, but especially the last few ladies who included their photographs. I shall be
    3 points
  7. I work for a small environmental consulting agency in Oregon as basically a forester. We go out into the Oregon, Idaho and Washington and measure trees. This past summer I had an intern, to maintain privacy I will call her Lizz. Lizz was around 4ft 3 in, was pretty flat chested and had a large bulbous ass, which I would often stare at hiking behind her. She was a blonde, with blue eyes and had fairly high cheek bones, leading a somewhat chubby cheeked look. The first day, she did not realize what she had gotten herself into as I pulled up to pick her up from the meeting place and she was
    2 points
  8. This was the first time I've seen an entire piss from an adult woman in real life. I've got glances of women peeing at the side of the road before, but had to keep driving so those were only a few seconds. So, this ~30 y.o. lady is there at the beach with her group (presumably SO and kids). She looked Indian and I'm pretty sure she was speaking Hindi. She was wearing a skirt that ended several inches above the knee (I guess it's technically a miniskirt but it wasn't provocative). (Also a normal top, while women have been allowed to go topless here for decades, sadly I've never seen that
    2 points
  9. I would just like to briefly announce that I have stepped down as a mod. This decision was wholly mine and is largely due to other life commitments preventing me from being able to devote sufficient time to the role. If anyone has any issues that need resolving, please direct them to the remaining mods or Admin, since I no longer have mod powers. Thanks to everyone for their support over the years.
    2 points
  10. Sounds a good plan - two points to remember…. You’ll need a microphone/ sensor which operates at the higher frequency of bat talk, higher than the normal 20Hz-20kHz spectrum. Also, if sampling digitally remember your sampler programme will need to capture at twice the highest frequency you’re working with - so if 40kHz is your upper cut-off you need to take 80,000 samples per second - or conversely a 12.5uSec programme loop time. May be challenging to do the sampling and analysis in real time. Edit note - looking at the ‘net and it seems bat talk goes from 40kHz - 100kHz…. So sampl
    2 points
  11. Hello and welcome . You'll love the site it's great!
    2 points
  12. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a 40 year old lesbian but think I still look good. And following the recent trend for accompanying pics, this is me. The pic was taken last summer on the beach by a lady I was seeing at the time.... Anyway, I am known for a certain pissy reputation in some cirlcles on the gay and lesbian scene. Basically, I'll just pee anywhere. I go to fetish clubs sometimes where people are happy to have me pee all over the floor or something. I am like the martini girl of pee - for those old enough to remember the advert - anytime, any place, anywhere. Well yesterda
    2 points
  13. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a young and glamorous model. This is me.... And I guess it goes without saying since I obviously read this magazine, that I am into pissing and things like that. Not really the whole being pissed all over thing, though I was once seeing this guy who liked to have me piss all over him. Was kind of fun in a way. It made me feel quite diminant just standing over a guy and pissing on him. But it's the whole naughty peeing thing I am really into.. My main thing is to squat and piss on the kitchen floor. Doing it in the kitchen on the floor like that just feels s
    2 points
  14. I’ve not heard of this being guided/enforced. It seems a bad thing to insist your sons do because when they grow up a bit, urinals haven’t got any toilet paper, or anywhere to put it. I’ve occasionally wiped myself after peeing if I wasn’t wearing any underwear, but I don’t make a habit of it, and I’d never bother outdoors.
    2 points
  15. My mother let me and encouraged me to pee outside. I remember one occasion I must have been around 10 camping at a Girl Scout retreat. I had to pee so badly in the middle of the night. My mother walked me outside the tent about 12 feet away in the dark, and told me to pee on the ground because she didn’t want to walk me all the way to the bathrooms lol. I didn’t care since by that time I was already playing pee games with friends but I was a little shy to go with her standing there. But eventually I made a puddle in the gravel
    2 points
  16. I always wipe, at least if I have toilet paper available. I usually pee through my foreskin so definitely need to wipe, and even if I retract my foreskin to pee there's usually a bit that's run under the glans or some still left in the tubes to blot out. There may be people who can pee and leave no trace on their skin, if so lucky them!
    2 points
  17. I am guessing here that she knows her body and that she chose the angle that would mean her stream would miss her skirt hems if it came out quicker than she expected. Just a theory 🙂 Excellent sighting!
    2 points
  18. Dear Wet Carpet. I am 50 years old but look good for my age. This is me.... And I have a naughty pleasure. You see, I like to pee on the floor because I get a kick out of doing it. I always have. Not only do I squat and pee in the kitchen and bathroom whose floors are tiled. I also like to pee on the carpet - in my bedroom, in the living room, in the hallway. I get such a buzz out of the sight and sound of my golden hissy piss splashing down onto the carpet and soaking in. I've been doing it since I was a teenager and it has always seemed normal for me. You see, I kne
    2 points
  19. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm an attractive barmaid and popular with the male customers. This is me. It was taken when I agreed to work my shift in my underwear for charity. The guys loved it.... As you can tell I'm the kind of girl who is game for anything. Anyway, I've been seeing one of the regulars on and off, kind of a casual thing. And whenever I am spending the night at his, when we are about to get into bed for the night he has this thing he likes to have me do. Basically he likes to watch me pee on the floor beside his bed, right there on the carpet. His side of the bed na
    2 points
  20. Hi everyone, this is the next episode in my Kaymala series. You can read this series out of order, but you might get more out of this one if you've read the introduction of some of these characters, especially part 7 which introduces Layla and part 8 which introduces Freya. You might also like the previous part. This story contains nonchalent peeing and casual sex in public. ##################### Layla, Freya, Simon, and Olivia entered the sports centre’s open-plan changing area together and found a bench to share. They were on their way to the spa, which shared a changing area with
    1 point
  21. Saw another member do this and thought I would give a try, so go ahead and, as the title says, ask me anything.
    1 point
  22. These two channels exist solely for these guys to show videos of them pissing in strange places. Because it's YouTube you can only see the streams but I still think it's pretty good. deNATURE views (this guy sometimes has another friend pee with him) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVszUXIN6zNuzvhNP_pPpMw Pee World https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC147F1v7TQ0KmhCwKWXA9_g
    1 point
  23. This was many years ago in a crowded pub on New Year's Eve. The queue for the ladiues was long. I happened to notice this young couple sat in the corner. He had a pint of what looked like lager which was less than a quarter full. Much to my surprise he handed the glass to his girlfriend who immediately took it under the table. Then I saw the bottom half of the glass between her legs. And I could see the lager frothing and the level of the glass rising. She was quite obviously pissing in her boyfriend's beer glass. When she was done she lifted the glass up from under the table and it was now at
    1 point
  24. Love the undies, only one thing missing I could add to those😉😉
    1 point
  25. I woke up in my birthday suit desperate for a wee this morning but as I have NO TOILET in my apartment I looked round for something I could use as a substitute. Thankfully on my bedside table was an empty bottle... https://www.erome.com/a/Lc19VKDX
    1 point
  26. I have occasionally voluntarily done this. Generally when wearing light colored pants and knowing I had a presentation that day, I learned the hard way that sometimes the drip is more than the underwear can absorb.
    1 point
  27. Semi hard jerk and pee at the same time. 💦
    1 point
  28. So I finally ran a 10k race again last weekend - worrying all the way round whether my troublesome knee (and, friends, I faithfully promise this is the last time I will mention it) would hold up. It did! And after a 'de-stress' sports massage for an hour later in the day, my legs felt OK the day after. So ... no excuse not to get back training properly to try and return to the speeds and distances of earlier in the year. For the record, my time was 54mins (ish) - but that wasn't the point ... I can still run 🙂 (and actually I was the quickest, amazingly, of the nine men in my age ca
    1 point
  29. You were playing pee games with friends at 10?! I'm impressed! What were you and your friends doing? Males or females?
    1 point
  30. Golden showers - 3. I'm not into receiving golden showers, but I would be willing to give my partner one if he wanted it. Pissing in naughty indoor locations - 3. Depends on how you define "naughty"? If it is things like peeing in a sink or the shower, yeah I sometimes get into that, but not a lot. Or if it's in an abandoned building my opinion is who cares, the place is abandoned and is probably already in rough shape anyway who cares if you pee on the walls or the floor? I've never peed in an abandoned building, but that's my thoughts on the matter. As far as places that are not a
    1 point
  31. For sure housekeeping doesn’t go out of their way to find all the “messes.” Besides the pee, I’ve accidentally spilled things like juice on the carpet and I’ve never been in trouble or noticed. I’m sure that if there is a urine smell they spray some febreeze and call it day and move onto the next room I know what you’re talking about! Extra absorbent carpet that is probably made for hotels so it doesn’t show various, uh, messes. When that carpet is there then everywhere is free game lol
    1 point
  32. I've never been told to do it but I occasionally do. Those pesky drops of pee that creep out after you tuck your bits away are kind of annoying. But, as @Kuparsays, catching the drips is a basic function of underwear.
    1 point
  33. @Sophie, a fictional story featuring you doing what you do best. In my imagination anyway, lol. ---------------------------------------------------- My name is Sophie and I am a teacher in a comprehensive school. I am also a moderator on a pee fetish forum. You see, I am into naughty peeing. The former mod Steve has written accounts of some of my visits to his flat whenever I have been in his vicinity. Like the time I peed on his living room carpet and on his kitchen floor. Mind you, I have been known to pee on my own kitchen floor, filmed by my hubby. I guess I like doing things lik
    1 point
  34. I second this. It's the same thing I look for in erotica (realistic storylines). That sense of "trueness" or originality is unbeatable and adds significantly to the excitation. If it's staged there's only a few circumstances when I find it really good.
    1 point
  35. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a high class escort who earns a lot of money because I look good and take care of myself. Looks will fade as I get older so I need to make as much as I can whilst still young. This is me... Am not really into the whole pleasure and pain scene but have always had a thing about pissing, so will do most things watersports related if the price is right. I grew up pissing on the carpet in the corner of my bedroom after all. I still do it now sometimes. I'm often paid to piss on somebody or get pissed on. It is very empowering to be squatting over some guy's
    1 point
  36. On the chair cushion topic: I tend to flip the cushion over, pee on the underside, then flip it right back. From experience, pee will soak through the cushion. I've left the cushion to dry before flipping it back only to find the other side is now the wet side. If I flip it over immediately, the pee will drain into the body of the chair rather than through the pillow. Of course, the body may be more porous and the pee can then drain onto the floor, but it is generally at least somewhat absorbed. I now test the cushion to see how much fluid it can handle. I do love to find a chair that I
    1 point
  37. Excellent sighting and well done for realising what she was doing and managing to get a look. As to why she did it the way that she did - some ladies would not want their families to see them peeing, but are less bothered about strangers as they will most likely never see the stranger again. She wasn't exposing any private parts - just the pee itself, so she probably thought she was being discrete and the vast majority of people wouldn't even have noticed - it is only the likes of us who are interested in pee and keep our eyes peeled that would have noticed. It is like the one that I
    1 point
  38. I haven't had anything to report recently, but saw two tame sightings yesterday. I was driving on a dual carriageway and at the side of the road on my carriageway, there was a broken down vehicle with a recovery company in attendance. I'm guessing they had been there a while as it usually takes some time for the recovery companies to arrive. There was a young woman in her 20s crouched down in the grass about 30 or 40 feet behind the broken down car. As I was approaching, she was just standing up and I saw the briefest of flashes of her bum as she simultaneously pulled up her knickers u
    1 point
  39. Didn't get chance to post this yesterday - Happy Birthday Freddie.
    1 point
  40. I've never gotten in the habit of wiping after peeing, and certainly never been asked to. It seems like a rather pointless idea, too. Firstly, if the penis is really wet (from pee or just water) and a piece of toilet paper is dabbed against it to dry it, toilet paper can disintegrate into pieces that stick to the dry parts of the head/foreskin and make a bigger mess. And, the biggest problem with underwear drips (which DO happen) is pee that is trapped inside the body and squeezed out as walking or other movements shifts the pressure around--and a tissue can at best wick away moisture that is
    1 point
  41. It's been a while, but I will update! The question from my last post is still very much open for answers and idead, as only 1 extra "special occasion" has occured since. I will describe 2 pees in this post, as they happened on the same day and technically aren't really seperate events. Therefore there's 3 occasions left after this post (with again 2 of them happening on the same day, so again not different events). Hope you guys will enjoy as always! So corona. It's an endless story. After the summer of 2020 cases quickly went up in our country and at the end of december, our government c
    1 point
  42. I would love to hear about you using more fitting rooms as it’s something I would really like to do. another thing would be to have a very full bladder and ask a shop to use their staff toilet. if they refuse just stand there and go all over the floor and blame them lol
    1 point
  43. A couple more of Hellga. she is just so cute and sexy.
    1 point
  44. Like pauly I’d pee on a bench. Also what I’ve done and would do again is sitting in the grass and peeing there (either moving my clothes out of the way or just pissing through them). While peeing in sand is fun, I would not possibly expose children to my kink.
    1 point
  45. Hi everyone! I'm Hailey and I was reading through letters here and some of Elaine's letters from last year stuck out for me (the librarian working at a prestigious university who found that some students would rather pee in the library than walk all the way to the bathrooms...). You see, I am also a student at a university and I'll be honest... I do that too... Have popped a squat and released my stream in the odd place around campus several times! Sometimes a girl just gotta go! It almost feels normal to me at this point... I honestly don't think it's that uncommon with older building
    1 point
  46. I sometimes pee in my boyfriend's car but he is not very happy that he has to wash it
    1 point
  47. After our holiday, it was time to drive home again. Like first, we were going to switch every 2,5 hours. In this instance we were driving for about 3 hours. We were planning on stopping on the next possible rest stop, as we were hungry and a small urge to pee was coming. However, right in front of us the traffic started slowing down and came to a hold. We were in Germany, which means you have a create a special lane so emergency services can drive through the traffic. This was a two lane highway, so the left lane was all the way to the left and the right lane (were we also were) was in f
    1 point
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